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'64 Bills

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Posts posted by '64 Bills

  1. As I wade through the flotsam and jetsam of another flood of mediocrity by the Bills, I feel compelled to (again) remind everyone of Ralph Wilson's track record as Bills owner:


    In 49 seasons, the Bills have had only 17 winning seasons. That roughly means that out of every three seasons, we have a winning record in only one.


    The Bills all-time winning percentage is a paltry .475. Only 8 of the 32 teams in the NFL have a lower winning percentage.


    Only four coaches in Bills history have been able to post a winning percentage during their tenure here, Lou Saban, Chuck Knox, Marv Levy, and Wade Phillips. Those four coaches have accounted for 16 of our 17 winning seasons. Aside from those four, Mike Mularkey is the only other Bills coach with a winning season. Marv retired. The others were fired.


    Our greatest coach, Lou Saban, died never having been recognized/rewarded by Ralph Wilson for our two AFL Championships.


    The player that many longtime Bills fans consider the greatest Bill ever, Cookie Gilchrist, has never been recognized/rewarded by Ralph Wilson for his great contributions to the team's early success (the two championships).


    Our greatest general manager, Bill Polian, was fired by Ralph.


    Our second greatest general manager, John Butler, was fired by Ralph.


    Ralph Wilson is in the Hall of Fame for his contributions towards founding and building the AFL and his role in the merger, etc.


    But as the owner of the Bills, he's done a horrible job. Yes, he's kept the team here but the end result of that is that we, the greatest football fans in the world, continue to endure season after season of Ralph Wilson's clueless bumbling.


    I live locally and know Lou's daughter who never left the area when her Dad did in '76. She says the Bills have not told her anything about a day to honor Lou after his passing. She doubts Ralph will ever do that. He doesn't like anyone who challenges him - - and then does the ultimate by quitting.

  2. Sucker fans? More like snookered fans. What choice do Bills fans have? Boycott the team in protest? Yeah, that'll hurry up change.......the Bills' address, that is. As things are, the only real choice Bills fans have is to accept what we have for as long as we have it....however long that turns out to be.




    and, many of the Bills season ticket sales go to Travel Agents and ticket sellers out of town. It's a cheap ticket and groups from all over who are following a VERY GOOD team will travel to see the game because they can't get tickets for the Jets, Browns, Giants, PATS etc.

  3. Saban and Butler both quit because Ralph was a jerk

    add in Knox - -he asked for an improved practice facility ( they used to go to Chestnut Ridge Park to work when it had rained when they wanted to work on grass) and more control of players personnel - -when Ralph didn't he get back to him with an answer he walked.

  4. After the game last night local station '97 Rock (which broadcasts the Bills game and are usually pretty team friendly) interviewed Dominic Rhodes. He stated "we were outplayed in every phase of the game including intensity".


    I give him high marks for being so honest. I also wonder if he wouldn't mind being cut by the Bills so he could play with a play-off contender. Obviously he sees what is wrong in Buffalo. Some professionals will take a cut in pay to be part of a talented roster and well coached team. He might be one ?



  5. the signing of Dockery tells it all. He didn't even want to come to Buffalo for a "courtesy" visit. When the Bills put that crazy offer in front of him his agent said "sign it - we'll work things out for you later". That came from the Washington Post the day after he signed with the Bills. Well, they did "work things out". He stunk so bad the Bills had to let him go. And, now he's back in Washington - - surprise???

  6. todd collins

    billy-joe hobert

    doug flutie

    kelly holcomb

    rob johnson

    alex van pelt (to add insult to injury we gave him a coaching job, ha.)

    j.p. losman

    drew bledsoe


    i know i'm missing someone?

    maybe Craig Nall? He was back and forth here several times in one season. He was supposed to get a shot but never really did.

  7. I agree but we got what we got

    you're right - - like it or not - - somebody's got to go from the roster. I really don't know anymore who judges talent for the Bills. I imagine it's a "group" effort and that means it becomes political - -everyone likes their own picks. GO BILLS!

  8. 1. Right now, our o-line may be the worst in the NFL. Losing Peters (even the fat, out of shape and unmotivated Peters) has hurt the team significantly.


    2. Turk is in over his head. He was never an OC before becoming the OC in Buffalo, and it shows. The offense is inept, and the inability to game plan against 3-4 defenses is telling.


    3. The defense is average, and not good enough to win games on their own.


    4. The so-called experts are right more than our front office. Whitner was a reach, it will be hard to replace Peters, and McCargo was not a first round talent.


    5. Edwards will not thrive in Buffalo. Maybe it is the o-line or Turk's offense, but his unwillingness to throw down field exacerbates the problems.


    6. The no-huddle will not work for the Bills because of the o-line and the play of Edwards. Also good strategy to announce the no huddle offense in preseason so that all of the teams that you play will prepare for it.


    7. The Bills needed more than TO and Hangartner as free agent acquisitions. Having said that, I have no confidence in the front office's ability to identify talent, and I am concerned that Hangartner will not be an improvement over Fowler/Preston.

    Turk was fired from the last 3 NFL jobs as a QB coach - how can that happen. He spent a year out of football as a radio DJ. Now - he's the head man running an offense. Please - - it's embarrassing.

  9. Ok everyone, first rd of cuts are closing in. Who is the first 15 to go. Your list does not need to be in any particular order. I just think it will be fun to reflect in a few days and see how many we are right on and how many we are wrong. I will post my 15 a little later.

    I'll look for your post - but - right now I don't even think it matters. We have 2nd stringers on NFL Play-Off caliber teams starting for the Bills - it's sad.

  10. I wrote a thread on the BBMB last night and just as I expected, it was quickly moved.


    Somebody from OBD had it moved, THEN DELETED, not a mod! I complained, and they said "its out of our hands!"


    Chris Brown is interviewing Aaron Maybin on 97 Rock and you can clearly hear the players laughing in the background, this went on through the next 2 interviews. Continuous laughter...


    Sounded like several, I say several ( more then 5 ) making jokes, or just plain old kidding around. Its was loud and ongoing.


    How long do you think Bill Parcells or Bill Billechick would put up with that garbage?


    We lose 17-0 and the players are having a great old time at their lockers, while Buffalo fans are frustrated, aggravated, and down!


    I still can't believe it!


    Several fans heard the same thing, wrote threads and they were deleted within seconds.....I am telling you guys, IT WAS A REAL DISGRACE....


    Obviously somebody at OBD realized this was totally inappropriate behavior by the players after a SHUT OUT and quickly tried to cover it up!


    But its too late, everyone listening was outraged!


    If I was Chris Brown, my very next question to Dick Jauron would be...."How can a team, just shut out in an embarrassing loss, be heard laughing in YOUR LOCKER ROOM!


    You be the judge.....Now you know why I predicted Ralph will fire Jauron by Monday!!!


    -Die Hard 1967


    I heard that also - I also heard Rhodes say "we got beat in every aspect of the game - including intensity". When a veteran new to the team with some play-off wins background says that it tells it all.

  11. This is going to be a painfully long season. The only thing I am left wondering right now is who is going to get fired for Jouron or Shoenert? The O-Line is so bad - keeping Peter's for the extra $5 Mill seems like a bargain right now.


    Sorry - this is a B-A-D team right now....

    IF DJ doesn't get canned after this performance he'll be the coach all year. The team is unprepared to play!

  12. Why is this joker still on the team?!?! He must have naked pictures of someone in the FO. I was watching him exclusively on passing downs and I am beginning to think that if the OT that usually blocks him, just stood there and actually let Kelsay run around, he would run 15 looping yards around to the QB out of habit. There is NO WAY he expects to get to the QB on passing downs and I can see it in his effort. CUT HIM TOMORROW!! Biggest waste of money this side of Mike Williams!!

    he's white, has a motor and does commercials on local Buffalo TV stations - - got it?

  13. If you see everything as Rosey in Bills Land right now, you must have been pleasuring yourself during the early 90's when they were actually a good team. So by reading your post, you enjoy following a team that puts forth a half-assed effort, even though they have some of the most loyal fans in the NFL who spend their hard earned money on tickets, jerseys, hats, yearbooks, etc. If you don't wanna hear or read people excersing their god given right to complain, maybe you should find something else to do with your time.

    When most NFL players are treated as hero's and get the rewards - they also have to accept the critiicism - that's life - winners and losers.

  14. that was a magical year - -back to the play-offs after 5 years - - just 5 years? Doesn't that sound wonderful now? Knox and Cribbs would be gone in 2 years and the tumble started again with the usual cheap, poor coaching that you can only buy at the dollar store!

  15. More likely: Tens of thousands of alcohol-feuled fans leaving the stadium early, utterly bored, looking to resume their Baggo for Beer in the parking lot rather than sit through watching the bums on the field.

    that's it - I do it - a lot of people do - - even the not drunk at all.

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