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Everything posted by Bart

  1. " You seem to be fond of the word "idiot." You must have been known as one for quite some time. If you had any brains you would not be so concerned with a single posting but then again you don't because you are an IDIOT!
  2. Don't forget there is no freedom of speech and they think they own the board. Isn't that the reason that google is leaving China?
  4. I usually like reading your articles. Your current article lacks facts and comes to an erroneous conclusion. Your statement that the Bills will have to settle for a second tier coach is nonsense. Perhaps you are a Jets or Fish fan writing for the Bills. There is simply no reason to believe that the Bills can not attract a top tier coach. Yes the organization has problems, but it is not unreasonable for a coach to wait to the end of the season especially when he is already under contract. I suggest that you find another calling in life or write for your real team in the future rather that continually posting your garbage for Bills fans to read.
  5. TE has some talent but: He can't read a D and holds the ball too long. His arm is not built for the long pass. While he is a big guy, he is fragile and injury prone. Some may be due to the lousy inept OL, but much of it is on him. Yes, DJ is a disaster but if he had a more aggressive offense, Trent would have been worse. The fact that he can't throw to some of the best WRs in the league is squarely on him.
  6. Good obsveration. Given Trents injury history, he may have been a little gun shy on Sunday after he thought that the game was out of reach. Clearly, he lacks the nerve to be a QB in this league.
  7. Perception is reality. How many more does Fitz complete than Trent? Anyone can throw the ball but accuracy is what counts. Do the math.
  8. Forget poor taste. This is football and the team is a disgrace. Drastic times require drastic measures. If not now then when?
  9. Mediocrity? You wish. The Bills are at rock bottom! In order to achieve mediocrity they would have to reach .500 which will not happen in the next few seasons.
  10. Its only a game to provide some entertainment. When it becomes a depressing experience year after year, it is time to move on. Remember its for the entertainment of the fans.
  11. According to another post on this board you will soon get your wish. The change will be a move of the team to LA.
  12. Edwards is a weak armed version of JP. Jauron is a poor excuse for a coward pretending to be a football coach!
  13. Its probably because you have never seen the team this bad. We had high expectations with TO and Edwards coming of age. The harsh reality is that Trent is JP with no arm and Dick is still a conservative coach with no ideas.
  14. Don't forget that in each of the three games he won the toss and kicked off. What message does this send to the players and the fans, not to mention the opponents?
  15. Very good picks but they all gave me that terrible feeling in the pit of the stomach as I recalled each terrible disaster.
  16. It will become evident as the season progresses that Trent is our problem on offense. He is scared and seems to have a weak arm. He will not throw downfield and as a result we will not win.
  17. Edwards was lucky to stand on the same field with Brady. The difference showed in the 4th quarter on how to win and lose a game.
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