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Metal Man

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Posts posted by Metal Man

  1. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    Not buying this. Trump doesn't do anything for the right reason. If this wasn't woking Trump would care nothing about it. Just another example of cooperation with our democratic allies being shredded. Divide the democratic nations so the autocrats can have more room to operate. 

    Well political leaning is all about belief...

    To me though the idea that every single thing Trump did was bad is as laughable as saying every single thing he did was good.



    1 hour ago, DrDawkinstein said:


    I like that explanation, and thanks for the insider insight, but this reads to me as if we are no longer surveilling Russia, but they will continue to surveil us. No?

    The Open Skies treaty was about allowing each other to surveil openly. In other words we would allow Russia to fly their spy planes over any place in our country they liked and in return they were supposed to allow us the same but in reality it wasn't evening out. Pulling out only means if they want to surveil us now they will have to do it covertly and/or by satellite and that would be the same for us.


    As far as decommissioning the old cameras all that says to me is that if Biden decides to get back into the treaty then at least we will have better technology if Russia ever lets our planes get off the ground from their airfields, which like I said they rarely did.



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  2. Love or hate Trump the spin that him opting out of Open Skies was a bad thing is 100% BS. I work in defense and I promise you this was the best move for America.


    The treaty was great in theory but in practice we showed them ours but they fought against us every step of the way to show us theirs so it really made no sense to continue along in a situation where we weren't getting an equal share in return.


    Plus to be honest we don't really need the extra surveillance anyway.

  3. On 11/3/2020 at 8:36 AM, Greg S said:

    Will it be just for this year because of the virus or will this be a permanent change? I personally would prefer they keep the playoffs the same. 12 teams 6 from each conference. I am also not a fan of a 17 game regular season that they want next year. How does that even work with who gets the extra home game? Just keep it a 16 game season in my meaningless opinion.


    On 11/3/2020 at 8:57 AM, PromoTheRobot said:


    It's only in case the season gets cut short.


    I get the 8th team per conference is only if they have to add a week 18 or cut games completely but I thought the 7th team per conference was being added this year regardless of the pandemic and would be the norm going forward?

  4. This is a monumental shift for Fox as far as Bills respect goes.


    I have lived in the CNY area for a little over 15 years and during that time the Bills and Giants were on Fox in the same time slot many times and in every single instance Fox decided to show the Giants instead. Two years ago Fox even decided to show Cowboys/Colts instead of Bills/Lions.


    I guess the Bills finally have some marketability to the rest of the NFL world.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    Well stated. McD is no better and may be a bit worse than Rex with regard to time management, game decisions, and challenges. But Rex destroyed a great defense even while building a top 10 scoring offense


    And that was the irony of Rex's tenure seeing he was supposed to be a defensive genius.


    Though I would think a lot of people would be more likely to give Roman the credit for the Bills offense before he somehow got fired as the scapegoat for a terrible defensive performance. Especially seeing the success he is having with the Ravens offense now.


    In my opinion the mistake was made by Brandon and the Pegula's for even bringing Rex in. The defense was already elite so why hire a defensive coach HC especially considering the O was horrid? Imagine if they could have brought in an offensive mind like Frank Reich or Kyle Shanahan and then kept Schwartz on as DC?


    To me that would have been the smarter direction to go at the time but can't complain now as things are trending up.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

    It's funny how McD is the savior these days, and Rex was a joke show.


    Rex was 1 game under .500 for his Bills career; McD is 2 games above.


    Both live/lived right in the middle of the league where almost all teams reside.


    But 1 is horrible and 1 is great.




    Rex took an amazing defense and turned it into a pile of crap.


    McD took Rex's mess of a D and brought it back to elite status.


    I imagine that is where most of the animosity towards Rex comes from in our fan base.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Bill from NYC said:

    Great player, great pick. Remember, we went into that draft with the #8,  2 early 2nds and an early 3rd. We actually traded up for a horrible DE John McCargo.  So, from those 4 picks we came away with:

    Donte Whitner (S) - So-so player at #8

    John McCargo (DE) - Awful DE at #26

    Ashton Youboty (DB) - Horrible player 6th pick of round 3


    Then, we followed up this mess with Ko Simpson  (DB) - Another terrible player with the 8th pick of round 4.


    Not good.



    Awful draft for sure. 


    Just couldn't be worst ever for me with a Bills legend like Kyle in it. Even if you believe he was slightly overrated he was one of the only consistent positives on a lot of terrible teams.

  8. 57 minutes ago, Bill from NYC said:

    3) The 2006 Draft destroyed this team. I said it would immediately after it, and think that taking into account the talent that was available, it was the worst draft ever for the Bills. To this day there are some who say it wasn't that bad because "Whitner was good."  I get a knot in my stomach when I hear this LOL.



     Kyle Williams?

  9. I wouldn't think the schedule has much to do with that as all but two of their opponents are exactly the same.


    Unless they think facing the Titans and Steelers is a lot tougher than facing the Browns and the Colts but to me that doesn't seem like a big advantage as the Browns and Colts are looking much improved over last year right now.

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  10. Bar Bill is top notch for sure but sometimes it is hard to get in there since it is so small, or at least the East Aurora location.


    Tried this place on a recommendation a couple years ago:


    ...and now it is my go-to every time I am back in WNY.


    It meets all the criteria the article in the OP listed. They also have a wing flavor they call Bradford Style. It is a dry wing, which I usually am not a fan of, but these are delicious. So much so that now each visit includes at least ten of these to go along with the hots or hot bbq.

  11. 49 minutes ago, May Day 10 said:


    I get it, but when I watched, I didnt really like The Rock.  


    Some of it was writing too I guess, but his character was so  repetitive, predictable, and boring.  He just had his shtick, and did the same thing over and over.  None of his story-lines were good or interesting at all.  His matches were also just 'standard'


    There is no doubt that guys don't resonate with every fan. I never cared for Hogan. I respect how much he brought to and changed the industry but I felt the same way about him just being that same tired guy for so long until he finally switched it up a bit with his NWO time in WCW. I never thought he was a great performer either. Basically just had the big boot and a leg drop.


    Also probably the biggest thing for me is I never understood how Hogan was the good guy for Mega Powers Explode match at Wrestlemania 5. I mean he was messing around with Macho Man's girl and somehow Macho Man was the jerk in that situation?  ; )

  12. 13 minutes ago, Giuseppe Tognarelli said:

    That was before Sunday Night Football was the primary game of the week and on NBC. It wasn't as much of a thing back then.



    Guess I missed the distinction in this thread between ESPN SNF and now.

  13. For me a professional wrestler has three main attributes.

    -Promo/mic skills


    -Wrestling ability


    Based on that I am surprised I only saw The Rock mentioned once. No one could cut promos and come up with legendary catch phrases like him off the cuff and his in-ring skills were top notch. I don't think I've ever seen someone sell a DDT like he can.


    My list would be:

    The Rock

    Macho Man

    Rick Flair

    Chris Jericho

    The Undertaker


    Honorable mention to Kenny Omega. He never got the main stream attention that you get from the WWF but to me he is one of the best going right now.

  14. 18 hours ago, ExWNYer said:


    I think they'll get at least three...Thursday Night and Monday Night for sure and probably their first ever scheduled Sunday Night game.



    I am pretty sure I attended a home Sunday Night game against the Titans the year after the playoff loss and a Sunday night game against the Jets the year before. Both were the home opener too I believe.


    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 1 minute ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:


    TBH   Indoors Hauschka should have been able to kick that. It would have been a far better outcome then the disaster of a play that happened. 


    Are we sure this rookie can hit these?   Maybe I misread the Bills story


    Bass finished his four-year career with a 79 percent field goal percentage with a long of 50 yards.




    Also who knows if the rookie will ever have the mental toughness to perform in a spot like that regardless of his athletic ability?


    I agree about Hauschka likely being able to make that kick in Houston and being given the chance.


    I was just thinking that the fact the coaches second guessed letting him kick in that scenario led to the thinking that they needed to find a new kicker.

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. On 4/6/2020 at 2:13 PM, Augie said:


    We drove to Florida at Christmas with a young lady who coughed for 9 straight hours. I spent all of January (and much of February) with a dry cough, a fever and I was totally exhausted! I coughed so much and so hard my back and stomach felt like I had done a thousand (OK, maybe five for me) sit-ups!


    If I had gotten that these days I’d be freaking out! Heck, I still get a little cough in the morning sometimes and try my best to control it at grocery store or any other time another human is in sight lest they lose their minds! 




    Had this almost exactly during the exact same time frame. All of January and some of February with an awful dry cough and eventually after coughing so hard for so long my chest and stomach were aching terribly.


    Only difference was I didn't seem to have a fever, though I never checked so I suppose it could have been a mild one.


    Not sure if it was Covid but I suppose it easily could have been. I don't know anyone who has been confirmed but I know a lot of people in the "was very sick in January" category and some of those did test negative for the flu. Would be nice if they can get an antibody test widely available so people like us who might have had it could know and maybe have some anxiety about getting it again relieved.

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. Just now, LeGOATski said:

    The issue was that Frank wanted the casino to be unionized. Essentially, he didn't want Marty moving on with the cartel business without having a hand in the profits, so blowing up the office was a threat.


    I assume this was resolved by keeping Frank (and the schmuck Frank Jr.) involved, which we saw play out in season 3.


    Right, Frank wanted the work done for the land piece of the casino to be union workers but Marty had to agree to use non union after promising the union work to Frank to close the deal with the gaming commission IIRC.

    Frank found out and firebombed the office as payback on that.


    The season starts with the casino up and running and their offices repaired with some deal already cut with Frank and the mob so we can assume they worked it out in some way.


    Just thought it odd that they didn't mention it at all even if just as a passing comment or something between characters. I was thinking maybe I missed something since that was a big piece of the finale but based on some comments in the thread I guess it was glossed over by their writers.


    Still an excellent season though like others have stated.

    • Like (+1) 1
  18. Quick question for those who finished season 2 and at least started 3....



    Did the show address at all the fact that the Byrde's office was fire bombed by Frank and the KC mob the end of season 2?

    Maybe I am mis-remembering how that went down in season 2 but it seemed kind of odd to me that season 3 just starts with them working with Frank and the KC mob without any mention of how things had unfolded in season 2. I feel like there is some resolution/negotiation piece missing that would have connected the dots better between the two seasons.



  19. For hot dog joints Ted's is pretty good but I am a Zorbas guy myself. That is my "must-visit" when back in the Buffalo area.


    As for hot dog brands I have been converted into a Hofmann guy since moving to the Syracuse area. Nothing like a Hofmann coney with some spicy mustard fresh off the grill.

  20. 13 hours ago, The Poojer said:


    I was in Nashville this weekend and had 100% intent to go to Hattie B's.  Then someone said "No, to to princes".  then i read things online and wound up a bit north of the city at a place called Moores Spicy Chicken in a very non-descript strip plaza.  Without a frame of reference, i was very happy with my decision



    I guess there is the possibility that Haddie B's to the Nashville locals is how most WNY folks view Anchor Bar.


    If I make it to Nashville again this season I might have to venture out to some local suggestions for hot chicken to put that to the test.


    Haddie B's was great though. I can usually handle things on the hot side but for my visit there I only chose "Hot" for my heat level which was still two levels from the hottest, just below "Damn Hot" and "Shut the Cluck Up". I think I made the right choice as it was extremely spicy but not quite too hot too eat and enjoy. Definitely a different hot than wing sauce. I believe it was cayenne pepper based. In any case it was very good stuff.

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