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Posts posted by billykaykay

  1. I will not read the article, but if he is blasting Whaley for apparently undermining Rex...and most likely Marrone ....then I regretfully have to agree with him.


    How bad is it in Buffalo sports when i have to agree with Sully :sick:

    Who says that Whaley undermined amyone ? Is there any evidence of this or is it just conjecture on the part of a reporter ? Whaley has done a pretty good job. He has whiffed on some draft picks, but what GM hasn't, including the ones with the golden reputations. On balance, he is IMO someone who has earned another few years as GM.

    Do you all realize that the self-important tool who writes that uninformed garbage has virtually no idea what is actually happening on a football field? I have literally coached middle school kids who have a superior understanding of this game than that guy does.

    In addition he also has no real idea what is going on in the front office because nobody there has any respect for him as a writer or as a person.

    This board will likely have 100+ posts written this week that are more knowledgeable and insightful than anything you'll ever read from that clueless self-promoting blowhard.

    Has he ever played any sport? He still has trouble breaking 100 on the golf course.

  2. The biggest issue is scheme. Our safeties suck, possibly the worst in the league but when Rex blitzes and leaves guys 1 on 1 it really puts us in a bad spot and people are getting beat. Teams know we have crap safeties and they are killing us with TE's and jump balls deep

    Blitz ?? When & how often has he blitzed? It seems like our D is very vanilla.


    Partially correct. The scheme is bad. But the lack of talent at safety would cripple most schemes. Corey Graham is a corpse. There were viable alternatives in free agency that Whaley passed up. This is just a poorly-constructed team.

    What do you really think of Whaley ?


    The Defense does mostly suck...The secondary is terrible (kinda like what happened with the Jets after Revis left...Coincidence?)...


    But the QB position is the #1 problem with the Bills...Don't kid yourself... B-)

    Even with Revis. Both with the Jets & with the Bills, Rex always seems to go into a shell & play a soft D especially at the end of the half or the game. He loves the 3 man rush/drop8 into coverage. What ever happened to his so called exotic zone blitzing? The 3 man rush in the Red Zone against a good QB doesn't seem to me to be a good strategy. He coaches not to lose. What the heck is he afraid of?

    I know that we could use better QB play, but poor Defensive scheming goes directly to coaching & has been more responsible than the O for our poor record.

    Also, perhaps those, who are complaining that the D was tired because the Offense had 3 & outs, could tell me why they are so damn tired. The Bills had a couple of clock eating drives where the D was sitting on their butts resting. Or doesn't that count because they only occurred during the 1st 3 quarters?

    I agree with those who say we need better QB play, but the genius & his D leave a lot to be desired. All imho.

  4. Who knows. Some hope > No hope.


    Romo can deal and iirc he was 12-4 last time he played full season.


    From 2011 to 2014 he threw 134 Td's and had a 4900 yard season.


    Everyone that naysays Romo on here makes me chuckle in disbelief. He reads defenses with ease to find open men and is a boss.

    What's his W/L record compared to TT ?


    Is there a QB standard I've missed somewhere that asserts a QB may only be properly measured as a "true passer?" The QB is the leader of the offense; if he is generating points and not turning the ball over he's doing his job. Get out of the old school mindset that a QB is only good if he's throwing the ball all over the field.


    The only area in which I'm "on the fence" about Tyrod is his ability to lead a 4th Q comeback (although technically he did it Sunday). Finishing off the Seattle game would have been huge.


    A lot can happen over the next five games, obviously, but right now I'd put my own money down that the Bills will not opt out of Tyrod's deal after the season.

    I agree Eball that the Bills will stick with TT.

    1. He isn't great but he is pretty good.

    2. At the moment, they don't have anything better.

    3. Anyone in college that might turn out to be better is probably a year or two away from being actually better than TT.

    4. Although he has been in the league for six years, he has still not completed two full seasons. IMO he will keep getting better.

    We shall see what the rest of the season brings. My prediction is that they win 3 out of 5 & probably miss the playoffs, but we will get a good read on TT.

    Good post. Here's my answer. The stat MOST correlated with winning and losing in the NFL over the decades is passer rating differential. The Bills this year have an 87.3 collective rating (sack yards are factored in, btw), and our opponents have an 87.2 rating. I think our secondary has been the weak link this year, and the loss of Aaron Williams probably cost us the Seattle game. Plus darby has been underperforming while Gilmore has only been pretty decent. I don't know about you, but I don't have much faith in our defense when it's in obvious passing situations and the qb is decent (and/or AJ Green or his equivalent is actually on the field). They really, really struggle against big receivers.

    It seems that in 3rd & long situations, Rex, the supposedly crazy zone blitzer, resorts to the 3 man rush. Especially, at the end of the half.

  6. Not a problem. I guess your attitidue (amd mine) comes with age. There's more to it that just wins and losses. Sure, winning is what its all about. But, at some point its about the whole journey as well. The memories. The cheering and hoping with family. The pride of being a Bills fan. Its why we're all here.


    Maybe the Bills will win out, maybe they'll lose out. But, honestly, after week 2...who would have thought we'd be in December still with a shot? I, for one, thought the season was done and was looking at potential new coaches. It's been a crazy season... And we got at least 5 more games to go!

    The NYG's owner said that if the Giants' last game of the regular season means something, then he considers the season successful. Yes, I agree that it is about the journey.

  7. He is very hesitant and plays not to loss rather than to win. On noticed on one third down he had Goodwin open running back to him and instead of throwing it he run out of bounds short of the first down, I'm sure with all 22 there are more examples of this. Also, they should do more straight QB draws right up the middle. He needs to run with aggression because lets admit he will never be a Russell Wilson pocket QB, if he gets hurt so be it, get hurt trying to win and then lets see what Jones has to offer.

    Did you watch Wilson last night against Tampa ?

  8. Great use of challenge flag on the first down pass to Robinson. That was a pivotal 3rd and long and we needed to have that one come back. There wasn't much time to throw it. Rex done good.


    (No comment on the first challenge flag... :lol: )

    Would someone please explain the "challenge" rule. I thought that if you win a challenge, you get another one. We lost one & won one but the announcers said that we were out of challenges for the rest of the game.


    If you threw the ball 3 feet in the air, wouldn't your completion percentage be high, too? It's all about scoring points when we need them.


    I see TT being a Flutie type. Disruptive. He thinks he's better than he is. He really thinks he's an NFL starter .. like Flutie did. Flutie ruined the Bills during his little stint (yes, I used little on purpose). We don't need that kind of mess again. That's why getting rid of Fitz was necessary. People like Fitz, Flutie and Tyrod need to know their place ... on the sidelines with a clipboard. Problem is, they don't.

    You sound like you know a lot about QBing. Do you? What is your experience?

  10. Mathmatically, based on the sample sizes available, teams would score more points annually if they go for 2 rather than 1.


    The 2pt attempt current success rate average is above 50% meaning they average more than 1 additional point per TD when going for 2.


    The current success rate of an XP attempt is below 1 additional point per TD because the NFL average success rate is below 100%.


    So mathematically, teams should always go for 2 based on statistical averages. Now the one disclaimer is that there are a lot more XP kicked than 2 pt conversion attempts, so there isn't an equal sample size. However, there is enough 2 pt attempts to assume there would not be a massive drop in success on a bigger sample size. Plus, the league average could dip below .500 success rate and still mathematically a 2pt attempt every time would equate to more total points as long as the success rate of a 2pt attempt is just .01 better than the XP success rate divided by 2. So if the XP success rate is 90%, then as long as the 2pt conversion was even .01 better than 45% it would statistically be the correct choice.

    If I had Brady or Ben as my QB, I would go for 2 all the time. With a poor QB, the rate of sucess will go down.

    I think that the ball should be set at the 1 yd line. That would encourage more 2's. Isn't that exactly what the NFL is looking for ?


    They did close out the game. They scored more points than they Bengals so it turned out that was good enough for the win. It was in all the papers.


    How did the Bengals get in FG range (from their own 15) so fast with no timeouts and despite 2 offensive penalties?

    Prevent defense ???

  11. I think the confidence in his abilities make him a liability

    If Cam doesn't run, he is just another guy playing QB. He is inaccurate as a passer, but when he puts the two together, he is top 10. This year, he seems disinterested. Carolina isn't as good as the Bills when Cam plays like he has been playing. IMHO.

  12. What type of players do you think we have on this 2016 Buffalo Bills roster.

    Is this roster loaded with players who will rise to the occasion at Gut Check Time

    and surprise the naysayers by getting this team into the playoffs. Or are there

    too many "Pay Checkers" on this roster that will make the naysayers gloat.


    The way that the AFC has played out so far, probably means that we will have to run the table. The Bills are a pretty good team but pretty good doesn't run the table. Hope I'm wrong.

  13. The Browns will have 10 picks in rounds 1-5 and 11 total in 2017. Two 1sts, two 2nds, one 3rd, two 4ths, and three 5ths. This has the potential to be a draft that turns around a franchise. The question will be how good is their scouting department now? Kizer looks like the #1 pick if they go QB. The OL and DL need an overhaul. A lot of needs on both sides really. It will come down to hitting on those draft picks though and developing that talent.

    What am I missing with Kizer. He looks very average in the 2 games I saw him play.

  14. Having a hard time making my survivor pick. A lot of tight matchups this week. A few games featuring terrible teams. I just don't have a strong feeling on any of them. Thinking about the Redskins at home. I haven't used N.E. yet, but Seattle has a pretty good defense and I think the Pats are due for a letdown. I can't use the teams in lowercase. No point spread involved. Suggestions (with analysis) would be appreciated.

    hou @ JAX

    L.A. @ JETS

    G.B. @ TEN

    MIN @ WASH

    atl @ PHIL

    den @ N.O.

    K.C. @ CAR.

    CHI @ T.B.

    mia @ S.D.

    dal @ PITT

    S.F. @ ariz

    SEA. @ N.E.

    cin @ NYG

    It's an $880 dollar pot and 7 people left. Two already won on Thursday night.

    Pitt coming off 2 losses, has Ben back, playing at home & are going to come out smoking & bust the Dallas bubble.

  15. the injury was something of the mysterious "lower body" type. He might be near healed now. Here are his last game highlights that show him limping a bit at the end:




    Lots of others on Youtube put there by his agent, I suspect. I am with you Promo. I think he is a free agent soon and some of us amateur scouts who saw him @UB and followed his NFL stops think he has elite hands and body control. He was never a roster priority in the NFL but always showed well with his opportunities. Not elite size or speed but an elite pass catcher.

    He would be a good slot receiver. Not a lot of speed but has quickness - kinda like you know who with NE.

  16. :sick:


    TT makes too much for a neutral player (won't win a game or lose a game for you). Can save $6 million when AW retires, Kyle at $8.3 million sticks out (with Washington taking his spot next year), as does Corey Graham at $5.4 million, and Clay at $9 million for what we use him for is a waste. It would be nice to dump these contracts, but then you have to fill all of the holes we create in the draft and in FA (overpaying most likely) - perpetual 8-8.


    We will only have 2 WRs under contract and we will need at least 1 Safety. I don't see an easy way to make this team better to win more games in the short term. How sad...

    IMO I think that the Bills will renegotiate TT's recent deal. He is too good to let go But he is not good enough for the big bucks.


    Really? I just don't get the impression he's very bright. His show is pretty painful to listen to...I only do so if I'm hoping for a practice tidbit about a player's health.


    Last week they had Dan Fouts on by phone and Murph completely missed a Fouts joke. There was an awkward pause and you could tell Fouts was thinking, "who is this moron?"

    He is bright !


    I actually figured all these hamstring issues was due to these guys being so jacked up now. I don't remember OJ ever being out with a hamstring. I'm not sure if they had them back in the 70s!


    I remember Keith Lincoln, great RB for the Chargers, having Hamstring problems. Trainers, at that time, were saying the cause was too much weight training & not enough stretching.I don't know if that has ever been substantiated.

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