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Posts posted by billykaykay

  1. It's amazing the blind support Flynn still gets because of his one fluke game, despite nothing but failure since then. In all likelihood Flynn is on the roster only until EJ is healthy again unless he impresses in practice. Chances are that will not happen, since reports out of both Seattle and Oakland were that Flynn looked terrible in camp and practice, which is why he was supplanted in each situation despite being given every chance to with the job.


    I'm not sure Tuel deserves to be on the active roster either, but since they have kept him this long, I'd be surprised if they cut him now.

    Two(2) fluke games. Or does that mean they weren't flukes. I think the other game was @ NE. Played lights out QB for a first timer. Don't know what happened to him lately.
  2. If Boomer Esiason were in charge of our 4th down calls we would've had 3 more points. Wait no, actually we would've kicked on 4th&8 instead of throwing a TD to Chandler, and then we would've needed a 2pt conversion to tie at the end (which we probably don't get if the 4th&1 is any indication).

    It was hard to listen to his uber-conservative verbal diarrhea all game long. There he is cherry-picking examples of 4th downs not working but conveniently he doesn't mention that the FREAKING BENGALS (the team that's playing in the game he's announcing) beat the Patriots just last week largely because they went for it on the goaline and Belichick didn't.

    Hopefully that's the last time that mouth-breathing Simms clone is in the booth.

    Agree. Marv Levy said it best - " if it works it was a good call, if not , then ......."


    I agree with you on Marrone, he has the potential to be a really good head coach. The special teams coach should be gone at the end of the season. He was a bum with Detroit and he's a bum now, just not a good ST coach and it's showing. Hackett is the one I am most worried about. I don't mind the decision to go for it on 4th and goal, but the play call was horrible, just horrible! And there are many other "well it worked at Syracuse" calls that are just head scratchers. I don't see them getting rid of Hackett, due to the relationship with Marrone. So let's hope he can improve on his play calling....

    I can't remember a time when the fans agreed with the play calling - ever.
  3. For all the obvious reason of going from the practice squad to the starting Qb in a week (scheme, playbook, all the communication he needs to learn). There is zero upside to having Thad Lewis run a no-huddle offense.


    Also Hacketts scheme doesn't fit the bill for a no huddle offense. Hackett through 5 games has shown his offense is run based. Its one of the most run heavy schemes in the league. Take your time, try to control the clock. The worst thing we can do against Cincy is a hurry up 3 and out. We can't gas the defense.


    If we see Marrone and Hackett running no huddle with Thad Lewis they should fired on the spot. So far I haven't been impressed with either of them.

    They should huddle. At times, they should go into hurry up mode as a change of pace.
  4. He was open a lot last week and EJ didn't see him or hit him. He had an easy TD one play. He did drop the ball that was EJs INT which was terrible but his hustle recovery of EJ's second fumble saved the game, which made up for it. The Ravens tried to take him out of the game and it worked.

    He was wide open in the end zone & the QB threw it OB.

    He was open on 2 slants & the QB threw it behind him.

    He caught a slant but the team took a PI penalty instead.

    He has a great knack for getting open. The QB is still a little hesitant. The QB will get better each game as he gains confidence.

  5. Offensive linemen's hands should be taped up tight before every game so that there will never, ever be a chance of them being called for holding! I'm half serious. Maybe the people who created muzzles for animals' mouths can design something for linemen's hands. LOL Although I guess we'd still have some "Hands to the Face" penalties, but that's OK. At least we'd stop the cheaters from getting away with holding.

    All Guards & Tackles could wear a type of boxing glove. That would stop some of the holding.
  6. This thread is the same thread that repeatedly occurs. The general tenor of the responses is the same. It rarely changes. The basis for the majority of responses is childish jealousy. It's fans from a historically losing fanbase knowing that they have little chance to succeed throwing stones at the franchise that is a historically winning franchise.


    If you believe that cheating was a major factor in the Pats winning SBs that is your prerogative. I don't accept that notion.


    There is no doubt that the Pats will eventually have to contend with the down cycle of their successful run. The trajectory is moving downwards as Brady gets older. That is the nature of the cap and parity system. No franchise is immune from escaping the cyclical nature of the system. What is remarkable about the Pats is that they expanded the time frame of the cycle and remained near the top for so long. They are a good organization that when faced with the inevitability of the downcycle won't stay there long like the generationally bad Bills.


    Sometimes the broad brush accidently covers the small detailed section of the wall. The military calls it collatoral damage. Unintended consequences. As I have repeatedly stated in this thread I find the responses in general to be the same type of loser-minded responses against a successful franchise that knows how to run a high quality operation. I find it not only embarrassing but also very sad.

    It is highly probable that if you flipped QB's with us getting Brady & NE receiving our QB's over the past decade that the W-L records would be flipped also. The NE franchise is no better than any other. The coach is a good coach but please look up his record with Brady & his record without Brady. It is ALL about Tom Brady, one of the best ever.
  7. Seneca Wallace has been a functional backup,


    David Carr in a backup roll, IMO neither are no worse then Kolb...



    Seneca can at least make things happen with his feet.

    I noticed that M. Scott was cut by Jax. At the time of the draft, I thought that he would have been a good late round pickup at QB. He is a good read option QB. I'd prefer for the 3rd QB that he be able to " make things happen with his feet ".
  8. all 3 Rookies will make team before brad smith:


    Robert Woods

    Marquise Goodwin

    Da'Rick Rogers


    Stevie Johnson

    T. J. Graham

    I think the Bills will keep 2 QB's - EJM & either Kolb Or Jax. BS will be their disaster QB & the undrafted free agent will be on the pracice squad.
  9. He has the speed, that's not the problem...He needs to learn how to deal with contact with defenders, which was one of his biggest problems IMO last year, only eclipsed by his obviously terrible hands. I just believe those are things that come naturally to a player, and can't simply be taught.


    He also ran poor routes, but I believe that is something that CAN be learned. The inability to deal with physical contact and his poor hands will concern me to say the least until I see proof that he can actually improve in those areas though.




    Absolutely agree with this ^




    But guess what...The same guy that wasted Larry Fitzgerald last year, is projected to be the guy throwing the ball to TJ this year...



    I bet that 1/2 his drops occured in the last game against the Jets. How many drops did he have in the first 15 games ?
  10. I would like the 1st 3 rounds there. I think we better draft a LB at some point.

    I would be happier with Austin over Patterson. I'm concerned about 1 season wonders drafted high. Just sayin.

    Austin will be a star. He is simply the best WR in the draft. However, because of his size, many teams will make the mistake of passing on him. If he drops, NE will probably grab him.

  11. I've been very impressed with what I've seen of Murray. Reminds me of Brees. Taj Boyd's another prospect.


    Edit: Some guys are high on AJ McCarron, but I can't say I'm one of them, but I may change my tune next year.


    Mc Carron reminds me of a young Brady. For some reason he has "IT", whatever IT is. When the chips are down, McC rises to the occasion. He is an end of game QB. He has the same look in his eye that Kelly & Brady have. He will be much, much better than any stats you may uncover that paint him lower than the other QB's coming out next year. To put it very simply, he is a winner.

  12. The logic: people assume we would have win the Titans game if Flutie started but ignore that Flutie cost us a playoff win one year earlier by fumbling the ball on the Dolphins one yard line.


    It just goes to show you how strong the cult of Flutie is here. Considering how much we replay bitter loses from our history that game is all but forgotten. Why is that?



    If my memory is correct, the play that Flutie fumbled was a 4th & goal. He couldn't get to the end zone, so it would have turned the ball over anyway on downs. Stats meant nothing with Flutie. He won games despite bad stats. Most of the Flutie haters probably were avid listeners to "the coach" Dickerson, who attached his credibility to RJ even when it became obvious that he couldn't cut it.
  13. Man I don't get the Nassib love- Geno Smith, Matt Barkley, Tyler Wilson are all way better- maybe there's a debate when you throw Nassib in against Mike Glennon, Landry Jones, Tyler Bray, Zac Dysert, or E.J Manuel but these are all guys with major flaws in there game.

    What major flaws are you talking about with E.J.Manuel. He seems to have it all - reminds me a lot of Cam Newton. He will probably be available in the second .

  14. IIRC, market size generally only takes US figures into consideration. If the US-Canada border were only a state border, then the Bills would be close to top 5 in market size.


    Why? Toronto gets the NFL with all the advertising etc.. They also get CBS, NBC, & FOX on their cable system.

  15. When the NFL talks about a small market, they are talking TV market. I can never understand why Toronto is not considered part of our TV market. If you stay in a hotel in Toronto, the Buffalo stations CBS & FOX are carried on their cable system. These are the stations that carry the NFL. If they counted this as our market, we would be one of the bigger markets.

    The turnstile money, while important, is incidental money compared to the TV money.

  16. Go to college rules for the last 3 minutes where the clock stops after a first down. This would make for more "fantastic finishes".

    Get rid of the rule where you have to make a "football move" in order for a catch to become, er, a catch. Possession with 2 feet down used to work fine.

    Pass interference penalties are way too loose where teams are able to move half the field just because the ref thought he saw something. Penalties ought to be either 10 or 20 yards depending on the length of the pass.

  17. I too was at that game!

    My Dad would take me to the Holiday Inn the Jets, and other teams, stayed for autographs and I remember a few team mates of Broadway Joe mentioning that Namath had been out all night and was nursing a pretty epic hangover.

    Explains the 5 INT's :P


    I heard that Joe was out most of the night at Brunners with Marty Schottenheimer.

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