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Posts posted by billykaykay

  1. I do not want the Bills to draft Mosely, Ebron, or Evans. Man- the 9th slot is a tease. The players I want-Mack, Watkins, Clowney, Mathews, Robinson- will all be gone. To me there is no difference between pick 9 and pick 20. I would like to trade back and target Aaron Donald and Su a-Filo. If we must select at 9, Donald or Llewan

    The 9th pick will be in demand because the top 10 picks can be signed for 5 rather than 4 years.
  2. Yeah well, not to burst anyone's bubble here, but let's be honest scheme or no scheme (As if to suggest AW can't learn Byrd's position and that somehow Byrd is a better pass defender) I admit I think the Bills FO and Whaley made the right call here. The price tag was too high for the relative difference the Bills would receive having AW take over Byrd's position. Searcy had another year under his belt, and Meeks watched and learned. I think we're not nearly as bad as the doom and gloomer out there.



    Will we get a compensatory pick ? If so, in which draft - 2014 or 2015 ?
  3. As we get closer to the draft we all know O-line is a big need at lg and rt. Has anybody heard any updates on Chris Hairston, his medical condition, or his availability for this upcoming season? Although we def need depth it would be great to have an in house option to relieve Pears of his duty. I know he's not a blue chip talent but he did show flashes and if memory serves right he had extremely long arms. This would allow us to take a true big time weapon for ej in round 1.

    What's the big secret on his injury ? What exactly is his injury ?
  4. The time to trade CJ was last year when he had two years left on his rookie deal.


    I would love to see Buffalo trade #9 and their second for Graham - then make him highest paid TE in the league. Resign Byrd. Find a middle of the road LG FA. Then draft a couple LB's, a RT, another TE, and a tall WR. Maybe a project QB on day .

    Or just draft Ebron at #9 and keep our 2nd.
  5. Actually, he said he was ready to play in a Week 5 in Cleveland. So, he was ready to play after missing 4 games and Marrone preferred he be a full go in practice all week with the mindset that he would play in week 6.


    The one thing the Bills have to weigh is whether they want Byrd even if he does not want to be here (at least on a one year franchise deal). Based on Marrone's comments about letting the D coaches go, they may choose to let him go.


    I think they should do all they can to sign him in advance of the franchise deadline and if they can't reach a deal try to get Parker to agree to sign the Franchise deal so they can workout a trade way before August.

    If Byrd walks, don't we get a compensatory pick ?
  6. John Mackey had the build of a RB in today's NFL, that's the difference. Gronkowski, Graham, Davis, Cameron, Gates etc. are all taller, bigger, and yet just as fast. They're a complete matchup nightmare.


    In 2011, 5 of the 15 players in the NFL with the most receptions were TE's. That never happened before in the history of the NFL. In 2012, that figure was 3 TE's, and this year that figure was back down to only 1. However, a large part of the decline has been a result of Gronkowski being constantly injured, Hernandez getting arrested and Tony Gonzalez aging.


    Mackey was ahead of the curve in his day, but the evolution of the TE position in the passing game is certainly becoming more prominent in the NFL.


    This year there are a very good crop of TE's coming out of college and rest assured that they will be playing an important role in offenses around the league.




    I dunno. Reason I brought it up was b/c I don't remember Hackett using a TE much at all at Syracuse. Chandler led our team with receptions but our WR corps blew chunks this season.

    Many of the real good TE's today are former basketball players. I think that our scouts should be searching for these players who may have a football background in high school. Perhaps we could find a worthy TE prospect as a free agent after the draft.
  7. Do you mean that based on available cap room, or based on the Bills' history of spending under the cap?


    If the Bills decide to tag him again, my question to the front office is, what exactly are you trying to build here? Surely you don't think you're going to the Super Bowl next year so what's the point other than keeping Byrd for another year for "entertainment purposes" for the fans?

    If they tag him, they can trade him.
  8. unless you are ready to write EJ off AND think that McCarron is a franchise QB, it would be insane to draft him.


    Teams like the patriots can afford to drop mid round picks on back up QBs. Teams like the bills have about a million holes, and spending a 3rd rounder on a backup QB would be very unwise

    Except for the QB position, we have no more holes than N.E..
  9. I didn't think this was a rebuilding team this year. They had talent set in many spots. It's that people got caught up with "changes" in the staff and Marrone's babble.


    On defense, they lacked any sort of MLB, a pass rusher beside Mario, and CB2 was arguable. Kiko was a great pick, the secondary performed amazingly well (except when depth got so bad that Justin Rogers had to play), the pass rusher still needs to be found. And they've got a great mind with Pettine, please stay here.


    Offense was set besides the QB and WR depth. Jury remains out on EJ, which is obviously the most important thing. Woods and Goodwin at least appear to be useful deserving roster players, which is an upgrade. Countered by completely ignoring the LG position and Kraig Urbik's play has really dropped this year, along with Erik Pears being done. OL has become more of an issue.

    The offensive line has been schizophrenic. They are giving EJ lots of time but the run blocking seems to have suffered. I think that CJ has yet to prove that he can find holes & hit them when they are there. His success last year came mostly in spread formations. I have my reservations about him more than about the OL.. Oh well, the staff has access to all the film & I trust that they will see what is needed at draft time.


    There are three keys to emerging from rebuilding if that is the mode you believe the Bills are in this year:


    - The most critical is that EJ needs to keep trending and performing as he is "the guy." If he can string together some wins at the end of this season the Bills may be on the way.

    - The Bills really need a solid draft and smart FA period in 2014. If EJ plays well the remainder of the season (a big if) they will have the opportunity for the first time in a long time to focus on BPA's against their needs. First round is BPA in any position other than QB or RB with a CB or LB being a likely pick. I think RD 2 is a big WR if one is available. I believe they will look at LG in 3rd or 4th round unless some FA pickup makes sense. Other than that your guess is better than mine.

    - The final one is that the Bills need to coach to avoid the sophomore slump. players Like EJ, Woods and Alonso need to improve in their second years.


    The Bills could be a vey good team if EJ is the guy.

    You forgot TE.

    There are lots of small school basketball players that are 6'4"/245 with good hands. Find the ones who played HS football & give them a shot in the day after draft signings. It seems like the basketball players are taking over that position lately.

  10. They over charge and under train. If you are selling $9 beer you can pay and staff in ways that are far more responsible than your average stadium.

    Does anyone know how many $9 beers are sold at a Bill's game?

    I think that it would be a nice gesture if the Bill's charged $13/beer & dedicated the extra monies received to a fund to buy tix to ensure sellouts.

    BTW, I went to an Oakland baseball game about 5 years ago & paid $13 for a beer. They're probably more now.

  11. This is funny. I just finished reading Klosterman's new book "I Wear the Black Hat Grappling with Villains (Real and Imagined)" which I would recommend to everyone here (there's a section on OJ). The whole book is about the reasons why we perceive some people in the public sphere to be villains and not others. As I was reading it, I thought about how it compared with NFL players, specifically RGIII (I live in DC), and how perception has turned on him, some reasons his own fault and others media/fans, etc.


    There was a great section in there about Taylor Swift's perception from her first album to her second that I think sums it up perfectly (yeah I know, I'm comparing RGIII to Taylor Swift, but bear with me): “What really happened is this: People who liked Taylor Swift’s music reverse-engineered a scenario in which they could appreciate her for nonmusical reasons; two years later, different people who loathed that construction had to find a way to pre-explain why they weren’t going to enjoy her material (so they infused their prefab distaste of her persona back into her work).”


    That being said, I do think last year's instant success got to RGIII and he did get a big head, and hasn't been able to shut his trap enough with the media. Whether a full year removed from surgery and humbling, disappointing second season will change that is still to be seen.

    Who does Taylor Swift play for ?
  12. Well if Greg Cosell says it, it must be true. :rolleyes:


    7 games. I both love and hate the sports media. IT's amazing how much coverage we get but the overreaction to everything is insane. I'm pretty sure Ryan Leaf started like 4-0 or something. So probably after 7 games, there was a Cosell saying he was better than Peyton.




    I feel bad but I totally agree. He is a goofy mofo. I struggled to ever see him being an elite guy who does commercials. EJ at least looks like he could do an endorsement.

    Leaf beat the Bills. The Bills fell far behind with RJ playing QB. Flutie came in & almost rallied them to victory except for our K missing a chip shot .

    I think that was the beginning of Flutie being the starter.

  13. They aren't trading him and he was just frustrated. As big of a beast as Johnson is, it's a mistake to trade a high pick for a 30+ yo old receiver who has a giant contract. Get a dominant TE and keep our receiving core.

    Agree 100%. Andre is terrific but he is a hamstring waiting to happen.
  14. The TD pass, which was really nice, actually went 39 yards in the air. He threw the pass from the Bills 35 and MGoodwin caught it at the Chiefs 26.


    I wouldn't call inflating a statistic by almost 50%, facts. (for the mathematically challenged, going from 40 to 60 is a 50% increase).


    Speaking of 50%, I would bet that about 50% of the people on this board could throw a ball 39 yards.

    You are correct. My math stinks.

    There are very few throws of 40 or more yards that is required of an NFL QB during the course of a season.

    For those wondering if they were capable of throwing a football 40 yards, think of a catcher's throw to 2nd base.

  15. Same here, I do respect your opinion, but do believe differently.


    Here's my argument in a nutshell. Tuel had very little success in college. He wasn't highly thought of coming out of school. He plays the highest profile position, a position that every team is consistently trying to find an answer for (now and in the future), yet he didn't even get drafted. He didn't get drafted in a draft that the consensus said was one of the weakest QB drafts in a very long time. In other words, Tuel was a player that was signed to the PS to try and develop into a future backup (as was stated on this board numerous times).


    Then comes the eye test. Positives: He displays some confidence. He makes pretty quick decisions. He's fairly athletic. Negatives: He has a very weak arm. While he makes quick decisions, they aren't necessarily the right ones. He has a difficult time hitting intermediate routes because of his arm strength shortcomings.


    Even on that 3rd and 1 play, Marrone said the ball was supposed to go to Stevie, but the snap was low so Tuel went to Graham. Seriously?


    So while I really don't mind signing him and stashing him on the PS, I don't see any history or evidence that he could be counted on to win games NOW. That's the operative word. While other guys out there via Free Agency weren't Tom Brady or Drew Brees, they have experience, physical tools, and have had some level of success. At the very least many of them have won big games in college and some in the NFL. It's obviously not a good situation, but I'd rather have a guy back there that's demonstrated some success and tools that rolling out a complete unknown.


    The argument that feel is incorrect is when some posters are confusing potential with ability to play now. People are correct in saying that most of these Vets have shown their ceiling and it's not that sweet. But at least you know what you are getting and you are not signing Brady Quinn to be the savior of the franchise. You are signing him because he's been in the league for years, started games, has a pretty good arm, knows how to read a defense better than a rookie who has never taken an NFL snap, and can step in and hopefully manage the game for a couple weeks. Tuel played in a single-read spread offense in college. That's night and day compared to the NFL.


    The reason why it's frustrating is because I do believe that is the minute Kolb went down the FO went out and picked up someone as a backup, he would have been prepared to step in during the Cleveland game.

    Weak arm ? I don't know. The TD pass went approximately 60 yards in the air & on the money.
  16. When you are trying to master a skill you have to actually do the work in order to really get better. Don’t you?


    Think about it.


    If you are trying to learn to play guitar, are you better off watching someone else play it or are you better off practicing it yourself.


    If you want to become a better auto mechanic, are you better off watching someone else change brakes every day or are you better off changing the brakes yourself?


    If you want to become a better sports coach, are you better off watching someone else coach for two months or are you better of getting out there and coaching your own team?


    Yes there are certain “mental” aspects of the game he can continue learning from the sideline. But, the mechanics of how you react in the pocket when facing a live opponent can only really be learned through practice.


    He needs a lot more practice (in my opinion) in live fire situations.


    I am sure with the amount of time EJ has spent on this team he is very much up to speed mentally on what is supposed to happen on the offensive side of the ball. If he isn't, then the dude has a brick for brains. What he needs is more practice against live opponents where your mistakes and successes are amplified. That is when you really learn.


    There is little doubt in my mind that this injury has caused him to “not progress” as fast as he could have without the injury. And like other fans, by the end of this season I want to know without a doubt, whether EJ is going to be an above average QB or not.

    What EJ needs most of all is confidence. He has the physical tools to play QB in this league. How best to obtain that confidence - I'm not sure. We will just have to wait and see.
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