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Posts posted by transient

  1. I have to agree. We would LOVE him if he were the Bills coach. Players want to play hard for him and he sticks up for them. Frankly he may have indirectly caused the Revis problem for heaping so much praise on him at the end of the year last year. If Sanchez improves they are a legit SB contender with that defense and running game.


    Therein lies the part that all of Ryan's horn-blowing can't fix:

    - Sanchez looked awful last season

    - that running game you reference left town

    - that defense relies on Revis on an island


    This is the captain speaking, please stay in your seats as we attempt an emergency water landing...


    SPLOOSH!!! :thumbsup:

  2. I'm cool with the Spiller pick for several reasons:


    - This is not the same old FO. If it was, they would have done what so many are clamoring for and picked a need position at 9, inevitably passing over clearly better players who would turn out to be difference makers. All of the players that are being used to make the point of the FO's previous mistakes (Maybin, Whitner, etc.) clearly fit that description, and were widely regarded as reaches when the pick was made by most media, reputable or not. Spiller is being criticized because he doesn't fill a percieved need, not because he doesn't have exceptional talent. If we'd have taken exceptional talent in the first round when it was available the last ten years, regardless of need, we'd be a much better team today.


    - Our offense has been atrocious, and Chan, who has a way with offense, publicly stated he wanted a scat back. I'll trust his instincts on this.


    - Our O-line is young, and was in no way put in a position to succeed last year. The likelihood of finding a LT who was NFL ready after the first two were off the board was low, so why not see what you have when a legitimate NFL offense is installed on this team. Besides, trading down to select a tackle that you're not certain will be your cornerstone and passing on what you believe to be elite talent in the process makes no sense. It would show a lack of conviction/direction, which is what plagued the FO for years. I like the fact that Nix and Gailey are already showing they are willing to do what they think is right, not what they think is popular. Does that mean they're right... of course not, but it's a different vibe in my opinion.


    - Finally, opponents of the Bills last year stated on several occasions that they were running a pitiful, predictable offense. I don't imagine it's too hard as an NFL defense to make offensive lineman look bad when you know what's coming. A legitimate offensive mind will fix that aspect. Spiller, by his versatility, is a big part of that, methinks. You can overcome a lineman's limitations to some degree by getting a defense on their heels, something we've been utterly incapable of for years.


    I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Really, what's the point in not? I can't see enjoying the season more by declaring it a failure from the start. I don't expect them to make the playoffs, but I do expect them to be better by the end of the season. I expect them to start heading in the right direction, and if they do this has the makings of a fun season. I certainly don't think that the players on this team are as bad as the coaching staff has made them look that last four years. Hell, Fewell, despite being completely overmatched, was an improvement over Jauron, so it's not unreasonable to think a beefed up staff might be able to squeeze even more out of them. Ultimately, I think part of the draft strategy this year was aimed at filling known holes (aside from Spiller) and using the season to determine whether or not certain players already on the roster are/can be the answer or if it is time to turn the page once and for all.

  3. There is something unavoidable about following a team through thick and thin when you are a fan that is inexplicable. I've seen friends who grew up in Buffalo who were 'phins fans from childhood in order to root against their fathers in the spirit of competition who stuck with them thus far lifelong. I have friends from Cleveland whom I empathise with who share my passion for futility. The fact is if you are a true fan you make a commitment the likes of which you don't comprehend until wallowing through a decade or more of futility. To all the Bills, Lions, Browns, Pirates, Sabres, etc fans out there who understand true fandom, kudos to your noble futility. As a fan of the Yankees from the early '90s (pre dynasty) I can say it isn't the same to celebrate a championship for a team that is not truly yours.

  4. "Draftniks" are painfully short sighted, and cannot/will not take the long term plan of a franchise into consideration. Even if our stable of QBs fail and Clausen succeeds, in the long term all will be well if Troup and Spiller pan out, and we select a QB early next year with more potential than Clausen. If the FO didn't like him they had their reasons, and it would have been a mistake to take him to appease the masses.

  5. My recollection of Flutie was he was done as soon as the rest of the NFL had the book on him. Defenders stopped biting on his "pixie hop" move when he passed and it was all over.




    IIRC (which has already been called in to question this evening, so take it for what it's worth) that book was authored by Belichick* as DC of the Jets on a Monday night. As soon as defenses stopped chasing him and started sitting on short and intermediate routes the so-called magic died.

  6. Actually, our current ST coach, Bruce Dehaven, was fired for the Music City Disaster. Ronnie Jones was his replacement. He had never coached ST before then and was brutally awful. You did get the part right about Wade being fired because he refused to dump Jones. Though, you might consider getting your facts completely right before bashing somebody for not having their facts right.


    Reread my post. I said he was fired for not firing Ronnie Jones the season after the music city miracle, not following the music city miracle itself, essentially the same as what you said when you were incorrect to correct me. As far as bashing, it was in agreement with the post I referenced that the article was pretty poor. Despite your historical accuracy, your comments about getting facts straight are somewhat ironic.

  7. Besides the fact that it is completely biased, that article looks like it was written by a third grader.


    And I was a Flutie fan fwiw


    That would explain the inaccuracies, such as Wade Philips being fired for the QB decision, when any Bills fan who was past the point of sentient development could have told you it was for not firing that dolt Ronnie Jones the season after the music city miracle. Doh!!

  8. and yet, using the same logic, Trent Edwards' has a better completion percentage and thrown fewer interceptions in his first three years in Buffalo than, say, Doug Flutie did in his three seasons in Buffalo. Flute does have the edge in the fact he played more games over that span and threw more touchdowns.




    Logic?!?! Logic?!?! We're lucky if we can string a few words together to form a sentence, and you're talking about LOGIC?!?! If you're going to enter a QB discussion, please follow convention and use the word suck... often. Trent Edwards sucked, Doug Flutie sucked, JP Losman sucked, Drew Bledsoe couldn't do diddly pooh!!! Also, insulting the OP goes a long way toward validating your point. Just trying to help out with a few tips I've learned in my short time here. :lol:

  9. Did the writer screw up, or did Chan Gailey?


    The writer has this quotation about Bell: "He went in and played as rookie. He started as a rookie. You don't know how hard that is especially at offensive line. And quarterback and offensive line may be the hardest places to start in this league as a rookie. And he went in and did that and held his own. Now, he made some mistakes and you hope the second year he doesn't make those mistakes. But he is really a very good athlete."


    But of course, we all know that Bell wasn't a rookie last year. He was a second-year man. Maybe that's why Gailey thought Bell might have a future ... he looked at the film and thought "Geez, that's not good, but hey, for a rookie, not so horrible, now if he were a second-year man, this would be unacceptable, but maybe for a rookie it's possibly understandable. Somebody needed to tell Gailey before the draft that Bell wasn't a rookie!!


    This was discussed in a different thread a while back. More a case of semantics. Bell was inactive his entire rookie season (If I'm not mistaken was on practice squad for the majority of the year, and was elevated to roster but not active for last game, or something like that). Last year was not his rookie season, but he was technically a first year player having never been on the active roster before, making him a second year player this year. Regardless, prior to the cap we would routinely "season" OL players for 3-5 years before starting them, so suggesting a player can't develop further because he is now three years out from being drafted is kinda silly.

  10. Tonight at 9 I will announce whether I will sign with the Buffalo Bills, Chicago Bears, or the Tampa Bay Bucc's as their teams water boy. Tune in on ESPN 8 "the Ocho". My decision will not be affected by contract pay, aera/weather, or people around me, only by whether or not I can get a promotion to towel boy.


    It better not pre-empt dodgeball. Mooseknuckles are facing the She-Mullets for the right to play the MILFS in the championship. They're also having an amateur wrench throwing contest in honor of Patches O'Hoolihan. Better get Cotton a clean pair of shorts.

  11. Well, as a transient shouldn't you make the jump on principle alone?


    You make a compelling point... and the fact that I missed that insight the first go round may indicate that there is still a lot of room for growth.


    I wish I knew what Chan Gailey's thoughts were on this whole conundrum. Of course, if I ask him he might use the word "hop" or "skip," thereby adding a whole new level of complexity to over-interpret. :thumbsup:

  12. You know, you're alright, Byrd Bath.


    Mpl, I was just out in the yard squirting some delighted, squealing six year-old girls this afternoon. The Dakota Fanning icon is coming back.


    I would block this tapeworm, but making fun of him is more fun. This turd doesnt even star the world pats*.


    I can't figure out whether to laugh and hate myself or call the authorities. :devil:


    It's like I said before, it's not your pessimism that turns people off, it's your pompous attitude and self appointed position as the Leonard Maltin of the message board.


    IMO, it seems more like Bill O'Reilly.

  13. :devil::lol::wallbash:


    Thank you nucci, I was beginning to think I was the only Bills fan left on this board who actually watched every single play Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas and Andree Reed ran in their Hall of Fame careers with the Buffalo Bills together! (at least I hope Reed gets voted in soon)!


    Two other reasons the K-Gun were special: the great offensive line, plus Jim Kelly's play calling at the line of scrimmage. Now the K-Gun was not always the best offense to run, especially in those SB's where the Bills defense had trouble stopping the Giants', Redskins' and Cowboys' offenses. For those 4 games, the Bills should have slowed it down and tried to use more clock and protect the ball better.


    But compared to what we fans are trying to be "optimistic" about these days, complaining about the game plans of four consecutive SB appearances does seem pretty stupid, doesn' it?? :wallbash:


    So hey, I'm hoping Gailey and his creative ballsy offensive play calling and schemes will take advantage of Spiller and Evans and Jackson/Lynch and Stevie-J and Roscoe and Nelson and anybody else lining up in the skill positions for the Bills O this coming season.


    But please stop making these idiotic comparisons to Bills great coaches, players and offenses of the past, at least until we see if the "Air Gailey" Bills can score maybe, possibly two offensive touchdowns against the Dolphins this coming September?? Please?? Because after last year, two touchdowns by the Bills' offense in one game will be a great improvement for me!


    While he never would have gotten it done without the cast around him, that was the K-gun in a nutshell. Marchibroda's "genius" was in seeing that he had one of the few true field generals in the game and some of the best talent in the game surrounding him. Give Kelly a handful of basic plays that he could run out of any formation and let him call them at the line based on the defensive alignment and his absolutely unparalleled feel for the game. Kelly's go for the throat style was perfect for keeping defenses on their heels. Put Marino in that offense and he'd have wasted it by throwing 60 times per game with his ego, but Kelly kept things balanced cuz all he wanted to do was win, and if you didn't want it as badly as he did, you'd better get used to his teeth in your ass. Give Marchibroda credit for recognizing what he had.


    Personally, I have always felt that beloved Marv is largely to blame for those SB losses. While the Bills were clearly the class of the AFC those years, the NFC was churning out some monsters. Levy always stuck by the mantra that the teams that execute best win games, which really missed the point that they were up against comparable if not better teams; meanwhile Parcells, Gibbs, and Johnson were putting together something new cuz they realized they were up against a comparable team talent and execution-wise. Not the best idea to go up against big game coaches without anything new up your sleeve.


    Sorry... I'm not much on letting old wounds heal. :wallbash:

  14. We need to keep this post for the hall of fame. It shows where we are as a fan base! Quite funny, though!


    As a side note, I heard a joke about why they filmed Transformers in Detroit; that it already looked like it had been destroyed in a humans vs. mega giant machine war... That place is a dump, but I do love the "swagger" of Kwame Kilpatrick...


    Kilpatrick was ousted from office two years ago (at least) in a sex/misappropriation of funds scandal. IIRC he did prison time for it. Just Wiki'd him, and he's back in prison for violating his parole, and has federal charges against him stemming from his time in office. The truth is, he ran the city like a mob boss, and his whole administration reeked of corruption.

  15. There really isn't a power struggle between the GM Allen and HC Shanahan. Shanahan has most of the authority with respect to player personnel decisions. Allen isn't the type of person who jealously guards his authority. He is more than willing to work with Shanahan and support him.


    From what I understand they have an excellent working relationship. Shanahan is really the most important football operative within the organization and Allen is more of an administrative executive.


    I'll admit I don't know much about Allen, so I'll take your word for it. This situation or a combined GM/HC roll is the only way coaches like Shanahan or Cowher would agree to coach an organization at this point in their careers IMO.


    Personally, I have no ill will against Shanahan, and actually don't think he would have been a good fit. From a personnel perspective he seemed to bring in players by the truckload in FA, and if they didn't pan out he'd take the cap hit and find another, something I don't see playing well with Ralph (however, fits right in with Washington's MO under Snyder).

  16. Buddy Nix was someone the owner knew and felt comfortable with. It was a typical Ralph Wilson hire. The irony is that although the exploratory hiring process was limited I believe he was an excellent hire for this organization. Nix, being familiar with the established organizational culture, gives him the advantage in having to deal with it.


    I agree. The Bills may have stumbled on the right person in spite of themselves, similar to promoting Polian to GM from the scouting ranks. The thing that could be really beneficial is if Whaley turns out to be legit, cuz he's essentailly a GM in training, which smacks of Nix wanting to stick with this as long as it takes to turn it around and achieve his goals (SB hopefully) and turn the reigns over to a handpicked successor. Tell me that wouldn't be a legacy. And while it may not have been the sexiest pick, the early signs philosophically are that Gailey may have been the right person to coach this team (though the season will obviously be much more telling.) IMO as soon as a GM was hired it was an indication that we would not get one of the big names, especially if the GM had a pair of stones and a vision for the team. We'll see how the power struggle develops in DC between Allen and Shanahan.

  17. Ha, I laughed. Then I wondered how this got overlooked in favor of the gay joke fight. :)


    Did you then feel bad about yourself... like after watching Bad Santa? Or did you laugh some more, and then work on your kid's reaction time? :unsure:


    I'm actually surprised that no one has pointed out that Trent's actually very adept at keying in on a single target with heightened anticipation, and therefore it's not surprising that he was good at this gimmick.

  18. And my bad on all the caps bills nation, but thanks to those who answer the question before ignorance set in! Thanks for the correction tho! Lol GO BILLS!!!


    Didn't you get the point? No shouting... especially that. I mean, there was a thread aimed at banning "Shout" the song the other day. Take the hint. If you want to be demonstrative about something insult another poster's intelligence, or manhood, or mother, or something... add fifty or sixty swearing icons or head bashes, cuz they're not nearly the punch in the eye that capital letters are. Anyway, welcome aboard and go bills!

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