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Posts posted by CodeMonkey

  1. 2 hours ago, MAJBobby said:

    OK I will tell you why.


    How many drives did the Ravens stop the Bills in the second half?  One..  


    4:15 on the clock ad a FG puts Bills in 4 down mode as well.  You know same Bills that the entire second half Ravens D had no answer for.


    They dont score Allen would have had 4 min to go 98 yards or 50 for FG.



    Now fast forward because we have the ability of hindsight.  Bills got to the 1 yard line with 1:01 left in the game, and a RB that would have scored the TD but fell down on purpose.  A FG there and Harbaugh is giving up, he knew it everyone knows it except the old school people that dont want to accept Math can guide you.

    I agree with how the Bills handled the clock at the end.  Superb actually.  

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 33 minutes ago, MAJBobby said:

    Yeah and they would be completely inaccurate. 

    Harbaugh was 100% correct going for it. And you know what it was 7 if Lamar wasn’t SO LATE LATE LATE with the ball. 

    Duverney was WIDE OPEN from jump they never covered him. 

    I completely disagree. His teams offense had done exactly squat in the 2nd half, nothing, zilch.  Zero points, zero anything.  What made him (or you then) think his team was going to magically get it together on that one play?  Take the 3 and force the Bills to score or lose.  As it was, if things looked bad during that last drive all the Bills had to do is let it go to overtime.  Big mindset difference than needing to score or lose the game.  But I will say it was nice to have the opposing coach make game losing mistakes. And yes, the receiver was open early, but like the rest of the 2nd half the Ravens F'd it up.

    • Disagree 1
  3. 14 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    I swear there are 15 different rules on what constitutes going out of bounds and where a ball is spotted.  For example:


    1) Today Lamar extends the ball before stepping out of bounds. Where he lands out of bounds is well past the line of gain. But he's deemed short because (I'm guessing here) the ball broke the plane of the sideline behind the line of gain?




    2) A wide receiver is considered catching a ball inbounds as long as two feet are inbounds, even if the ball is obviously thrown out of bounds.


    3) Someone can score a TD, even if the ball is held out of bounds outside the pylon, as long as they cross goal line extended.


    The NFL can't even agree what inbounds and out of bounds are.

    Yeah its horrifically inconsistent.  Soccer for example, when the ball is completely over the line it is out of bounds ... period.

    Just one of the ways the NFL has overcomplicated the rules.

  4. 6 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:


    Who has ESPN+ and can find the rumor Thad is referring to?

    First, I live in Roch and Thad is the head sports guy for our CBS affiliate here, and a major Fing Dbag,  Don't put any faith in his inside sources.

    Second, I have ESPN+, but it's mainly 200ish channels of  D1 college, soccer, and other things that the networks don't show.  What would I be looking for?

  5. On 2/23/2022 at 10:23 AM, BuffaloBillies said:

    How about...


    Tax payer help = NO PSL and cheaper tickets

    No tax payer help = PSL and more expensive tickets


    Either way they'd get theirs.


    But, tax payer help AND PSL AND more expensive tickets = not cool

    Bolded means the people (Bills fans) that use the stadium, fund the stadium.  The billionaire owners should fund it themselves, but if they are too smart for that, the fans who actually use it should.

    On 2/24/2022 at 9:23 PM, noacls said:

    Of course they don't generate significant revenue.  How could they only being used 8 - 10 times a year.  That article is spot on.

  6. On 2/15/2022 at 1:26 AM, Big Turk said:

    Apparently many think the investigation will find Flores claims are true that he offered him $100K per loss.






    Plan in place to cede control to Bruce Beal if he has too...



    Cancel culture what it is in the US these days, the claims might not even need to be true.

  7. On 2/17/2022 at 5:08 PM, Albany,n.y. said:

    Every taxpayer pays for stuff that they don't care about & will never use.


    In the real world, not some fantasy world, teams move if the government doesn't kick in some of the stadium costs because there will always be somewhere else where the politicians will pay to get a team to move there.  


    Now there may be exceptions in rare cases, but even the biggest cities have experienced franchise relocations.  The Giants & Jets moved to a different state even within the same metropolitan area & the Bears are threatening to move out of the city of Chicago to the 'burbs.  


    The Giants and Jets did the right thing and got their stadium without government funding I believe.  Blackmail does seem to run rampant in the NFL, I agree.  And politicians in fear for their jobs don't want to be blamed for teams relocating out of a city so in many cases it works.

  8. On 2/17/2022 at 4:10 PM, Estro said:

    Yet nobody wanted to go to games this past season. Outside of the Steelers game, demand for tickets was as bad as I can ever remember.  

    I have never tried to sell a Bills ticket.  But the stadium sure looked full during the "fair weather" games.  Even in the Kelly/Thurman years the winter weather games were a bit of a hard sell.  Didn't look like "nobody wanted to go" to me from my couch watching on my HD TV (technology I'm sure did have a impact on ticket sales). 

  9. On 2/17/2022 at 6:41 PM, BUFFALOBART said:

    WE can start a 'Go Fund Me' page, to buy you a one way ticket, to Nunavut.

    A GoFundme page for a new Bills stadium is a good idea though.  Allow the hardworking people that want to, contribute to the billionaires stadium that the millionaires play 8 regular season games in a year. I wonder how embarrassed the Pegulas would be to have a GoFundMe page setup for them.


    On 2/17/2022 at 6:28 PM, Mr. WEO said:

    It won't happen because the Giants/Jets stadium was privately funded.

    This fact seems to  elude far too many people. They all should be funded that way IMO.

    • Agree 1
  10. 2 hours ago, WotAGuy said:

    If you are selling off many games on the secondary market and bitching about the low return, just buy tickets on the secondary market and ditch the seasons. If you aren’t going to every game, maybe the economics will work out. 

    He might be trying to pay for his Bills habit that way.  I used to do the same with the Sabres, you know, waaaaaay back when they looked like a NHL team.  Living 1+ hours from the stadium I'd sell a lot of weekday games and go with friends or my kids on weekends and the occasional weekday game.  I'd always sell for more than my cost, particularly habs and leafs games.  Selling those games paid for the games I went to.  Granted with only 8 home games, its much harder to do that for the NFL. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Albany,n.y. said:

    So you want the Bills to move out of Buffalo.  Got it.  

    Nonsensical leap there.  I want the NFL and the billionaire owners to pay for their stadiums. If they feel the need, stick it to fans with PSL's.  But what I don't want is people who could not care less about a team, Bills or otherwise, to pay for a billionaires stadium that multimillionaires play 8 games a year in.

    • Vomit 1
  12. On 2/15/2022 at 1:53 PM, Albany,n.y. said:

    The state took in over $70 million the 1st 30 days of mobile sports betting.  Since without the sports leagues there are no games to bet on, should the state be taking some of the gambling revenues to help build the Bills new stadium and also support future stadium and arena renovations and upgrades to the state's major league sports teams.


    One of the biggest complaints from the non sports fans is they don't want their tax dollars spent on stadiums they'll never go to.  The money from gambling comes almost exclusively from the fans most interested in the teams, blunting the non sports fans argument.


    I say use some of the gambling profits to build our new stadium.  Yes, I'm aware this would require some political maneuvering.  

    Absolutely not. NFL betting is a small fraction of bets.  Particularly when you look at a year, not just NFL playoffs and superbowl time.  The NFL, it's teams, and it's fans should fund stadiums, full stop.  The NFL and teams in particular certainly can afford it.

    21 hours ago, drumizen said:

    The stadium being built generates money and fuels the economy of the area. Not just for football fans, for all of the taxpayers in that area. It helps Hotels, small businesses, attracts more people to the area Etc. The idea that taxpayers are paying for the City to own a stadium and not getting benefit is flawed.

    I keep hearing this nonsense.  8 days a year in general you are talking about. Maybe a few concerts if it was domed.  "fuels the economy", for gods sake.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  13. 1 hour ago, GunnerBill said:

    What is really interesting is a lot of the way you guys describe you reduced interest with the NFL is similar to how I describe my reduced interest in soccer:


    - too much on TV it takes over the whole week;

    - watch Arsenal and other big games but often don't even bother with other live games;

    - the over officiating and replay drives me mad, preferred when the refs were crap and we all knew they were crap but we got on with it;

    - the game has driven out the fans that made it in many ways with ticket pricing etc

    - over commercialisation;


    But in contrast I consume as much football as ever. I watch the 8 to 10 NFL games in full most weeks of the season. 

    So in your opinion, soccer ticket prices are too high and it is over commercialized to the point you have reduced interest in the game.  But those things are not true for tackle football???

  14. 9 minutes ago, Estro said:

    Is anybody else prepared to walk away if the Bills want 5-10k just for the right to keep your seats?  

    There won't be many.  And for those that do, there will be others to buy them up.  Particularly seats like yours.  The team playing well after a long suck period, and the border open.  Bills fans in general will pay whatever is asked.  Look at how many kept paying even during the decade of suck to "support their team".  


    It pisses a lot of people off that the state will throw money at it, myself included.  It should all be paid for by the team, the NFL, and the fans that go to the games.

    • Agree 5
  15. 2 minutes ago, Mij yllek said:

    Since they went far left, anti-American politically, I stopped watching altogether. I PVR Bills games and watch them in less than an hour and only if they win. So many better things to do with the 3+ hours I save.

    Political opinions aside, that is really at the heart of the matter IMO.  A 4 hour TV broadcast for about 20 minutes of actual action.  Even with my solution of no commercials and skipping halftime, I still have all the dead time between plays, clock stoppages and so on which brings my time per game up to 90 - 120 minutes. 

  16. 1 hour ago, stuvian said:

    I still love it but giving up 4 hours per game I am having an increasingly difficult time justifying

    I watch only the Bills, conference championships and the superbowl.  And even the Bills games I record and have my system automatically skip commercials on playback to reduce the time spent watching significantly.  I have been steadily losing interest in the NFL for years.  I think a combination of having a family and therefore better things to do, and the over commercialization and over saturation of the NFL.  Sunday, sunday monday and thursday nights, really?   Maybe I'm actually finally growing up <gasp> ;) 

  17. 20 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:
    20 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:




    Look at Vic suddenly with his finger on the pulse of the entire NFL.  Or ball washing his golden goose, you make the call :)

    Either way, only time will tell.  Josh is likely happy, so there's that! McCoach is a defensive guy who makes questionable in game decisions so Dorsey will need to be able to stand on his own two feet.

  18. 20 hours ago, dave mcbride said:

    My theory is that the coin toss doesn't matter so much in a Jax-vs.-Carolina or WFT-vs.-Giants OT regular season game. The offenses just aren't good and struggle to move the ball via the air. In the NFL playoffs, practically all the teams are good, and most have excellent QBs who can surgically dissect tired defenses. There's just a huge quality gap between run of the mill teams and a much narrower field heavily populated by the likes of Mahomes, Brady, Allen, Rodgers, Russell Wilson, etc. 

    Yeah that could be I suppose.  But at the same time you would think better defenses as well (sundays game notwithstanding ;) )

  19. 57 minutes ago, dave mcbride said:

    67 percent won on the opening drive. Of the other three games, the team that got the ball first (Houston vs. Buffalo and the Giants vs. SF) won in OT. Basically, they had one extra possession than the other team. So 8 out of 9 -- 89 percent -- benefitted from winning the coin toss. 


    How people posting on this thread who support the current rules can look past this is beyond me.

    It's not about just this game, although if we were the beneficiaries we'd thank our lucky stars for a lucky coin toss. It's the fact that 2/3 of of playoff games over the past decade plus have ended with only one team getting the ball and with the coin flip winner winning 89 percent of the time.

    I wonder why the percentages of playoff teams who win the coin toss winning the game are so different than regular season (19.4% opening drive, 52.7% win).  Maybe just as simple as a significantly smaller sample size?   If it truly was 89% overall with the entire sample size I would have expected teams and fans would have been up in arms already.  For me 89% is a epic fail and would require a change to the rule. But a small sample size producing that result wouldn't lead me to a rule change.

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