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Posts posted by CodeMonkey

  1. 1 hour ago, frostbitmic said:

    If the NFL wanted to make sure the games were officiated correctly and honestly, they'd have done something about it years ago. The fact that nothing has been done about it speaks loudly.


    Sports entertainment baby.

    Why should they change?  Stadiums are full, TV revenue is great.  Merch revenue is great.  No reason to change.

    Follow the money baby.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, QB Bills said:

    Like many others here, I'm still seething about that game for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which was that awful showing by the referees.


    This isn't a novel concept, I don't believe. If I remember correctly, Bill Belichick floated the idea years ago. To fix the reffing issue, make every play/infraction challengeable with the caveat that you get two wrong challenges per game (punishable by yardage and/or losing a timeout).


    The big pushback on this would be that it would seriously slow the game down (especially if you're of the thought that there is holding on every play) but I think if you give more manpower and authority to off-field officials who are reviewing plays as they happen, this would minimize the delay. The way it is now, 90% of the time the tv viewer knows whether a challenge is going to be successful way earlier than the on-field refs receive the message and announce it. The process is incredibly ridiculous if you think about it.


    Make the rules significantly less anal.  If it didn't interrupt the game for a false start every time a lineman has a muscle spasm or farted they could afford more challenges.  Or if one of the offensive players was 6 inches back off the line more than the rules allow and all the other worthless rules they have now. Defensive or offensive holding away from the play and has no involvement in the outcome of the play, the list is nearly endless.


    PI's and things are judgement calls. You would need to alter the rules to take the judgement out of it. Way easier said than done.  


    Ultimately as long as humans are involved, there will be errors.  Computer vision and other technology is strong enough now a lot could be done that way if the NFL wanted to.  For example, soccer now has a chip in the ball so they can review if the ball crossed the line and is a goal or not.  One could certainly be put in a football so a accurate spot could be made on every play (in conjunction with computers looking at video to determine at what precise time the player was down, or change the rule of when a player is down) or if it breached the goal line.  I mean just think about how that is done now.  On every play, a ref estimates where the ball was when the knee hit.  Then they bring out chains sometimes ... CHAINS! :)  ... to measure to see if after all the estimates, its a first down.  I chuckle when I see them bring the chains out and say its short of a first down by one chain link :) The NFL is still in the 1950's :)

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. Serious question to all people who think the NFL games are rigged by officials being told to, "push to an outcome", keep it close, make one team win, and all of the other thoughts expressed in this thread.  If you truly believe this is going on week in and week out, why in the world would you continue to watch and be a fan of a team or the sport?  For example, when I was a little kid I used to watch WWE (called I think WWF at the time).  As soon as I figured out it was all acting, I stopped watching and haven't watched since.  Why would you continue to watch or care about the NFL in this case?

  4. 1 hour ago, The Red King said:


    And?  I already said the refs nudge games.  It's not scripted.  For example, Bills/Jags I believe refs were told to keep it close, then let the Bills win.  Bad calls kept it close, then the bad calls stopped.  Bufallo had ample chance to win, and blew it.


    OK, so lets say this is what happened.  What was the purpose of it?  What perceived benefit was there to keeping the game close, then letting the Bills win?
    Also, who "tells" the refs to do things like this?  The NFL? Vegas?  Assuming you think this has been going on for many seasons, do you believe that in all that time in all those games there wouldn't be 1 disgruntled NFL-employee/Vegas-employee/Ref that would blow the whistle?

    I mean no offense, but I see zero logic at all in your statement.

    • Vomit 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, KeLLy1278 said:

    I have no problem with players arguing against bad or questionable calls.  As a matter of fact, I wish that the Bills did more of it.. and that includes Sean. It’s virtually always in vain so this is where the mental toughness comes in. If they can use the frustration as a precursor to focus in on the next play then great.  If it takes them out of their element then it’s useless.

    The problem is when McCoach does it, and he has in several games this season, he gets so distracted with it that he loses site of what is happening during the game as he is arguing.  

  6. 15 hours ago, Pabstblueribbon said:

    Anyone got the still shot of diggs jersey growing 3 sizes being yanked from behind? I can't remember such inconsistent calling of PI in a long time.. and that says alot

    And conveniently forgetting Diggs hold on the defenders jersey collar as well. It was a correct no-call IMO.


    Look, the Bills lost another heartbreaker (if they didn't break your heart, they wouldn't be the Bills after all).  And people here LOVE to blame the zebras every time they lose.  But the fact of the matter is, there is no anti-Bills bias in the officiating.  That happening every single game of every single season for the past 50 years as people here suggest week in and week out is completely asinine.  The Bills lose primarily for two reasons:

    1. Lack of execution. 
    2. In game coaching (clock management, play calling, halftime adjustments).  Though as Bills games go, this game was better than most in this regard.

    The rules in the NFL are so anal that so long as humans are involved in making calls, there will be mistakes.  Die hard fans of any team will tend to see/remember only the ones against "their team", it's human nature.  But the every week whining and crying about officiating here is tiresome.  The answer is simple, the Bills need to play better, players and coaches. And not rely on Josh to be 90% of their offense when playing competent opponents.

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    • Vomit 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    I had a thread locked saying how depressed the weather forecast had me when I saw it last week and lo & behold it ruined the game yesterday.


    It was not fun to watch (win or lose) and please no platitudes to BB, it was a lousy game.  


    Cold weather, while unpleasant can still be handled.  Some rain too you can work around.  A snow game when your team is playing for little can be fun to watch.


    But a crucial Monday night game where the wind is howling just sucked the life out of last night.


    Oh and Daboll's play calling and red zone offense has been terrible all year.  How about one play that you've been working on all year when you need it?  

    I agree, boring as hell game to watch.  It's going to happen in the northeast so long as they play outdoors.  Some enjoy that and think it's a good thing.  I just find it boring to watch and almost turned it off a few times last night.

  8. 21 hours ago, pigpen65 said:

    Do unvaxed players still get paid while they are out for extended periods? 


    21 hours ago, freddyjj said:

    Yes they do this year.  Last years opt outs got a minimal payout and had their contract $$ moved to next year.  It is why Star will still be under contract next year and 2023 now.  

    Complete and total stupidity on the part of the NFL. Every other profession, if you choose to not get vaccinated and cannot do your job because of it, you do not get paid.  Should be no different for the NFL.  IMO players can choose if they want to get vaccinated or not, so long as they are honest about it (yeah, you Aaron Rogers) and accept the consequences of their decision.  Not playing due to covid after not getting vaccinated should, IMO, mean you don't get paid.


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  9. 6 hours ago, SCBills said:

    I honestly don’t think we know… we’re legitimately figuring out a few things… 

    How to play as the hunted. 

    How to play against the defense deployed to stop, specifically, Buffalo and KC.  

    I think our Defense is what it is… (with Tre or without).   Elite against average or below Offenses.   Inconsistent against balanced/good Offenses.  

    It’s up to our Offense to get back to the point where they’re putting 30+ on the board and allowing our Defense to play against teams trying to keep up.  

    I agree with you, but that's not clarity.  That's stating where the Bills need to improve. You are very clear on where they are or else you would not have been spot on with your statements :)

  10. 15 minutes ago, SCBills said:

    The Saints game was never going to give us any clarity on this team.  


    Agreed, 2nd string (at best) QB, and top 2 RBs out and the Aint's had no chance to score at all.  Even if just Kamara was healthy he is such a beast they would have had at least a chance.  That game was little more than a formality (albeit a costly one depending upon White's diagnosis).


    But they are 11 games into their season.  How much more clarity are you looking for? :)  We know by now (barring injuries/covid) what they are, and what they are not.  

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. On 11/24/2021 at 7:17 PM, Draconator said:

    I think it comes down to a personal choice in terms of how you spend your money. Those who tailgate choose to spend their money on the RV's and necessary things to have a great tailgate. For people like my wife and I, we like to travel so we'll forgo the tailgating and take a Caribbean Cruise. Some may have something totally different that they choose to spend their money on. It's all a personal choice. 


    And I sooooo much wanted to say "Cocaine and hookers" as something others may choose to spend their money on, but I held back...

    Welllllllll ... actually did you? ;)

    14 hours ago, davefan66 said:

    Would love to RV.  Maybe a game or two a year.  Don’t have a RV currently but looking.  Sold our old one a few years back, would love another one.


    What do they cost to rent I wonder?

    On 11/25/2021 at 7:08 AM, Not at the table Karlos said:

    None of that stuff sounds appealing while standing in a cold parking lot.

    I hear that, I prefer to tailgate in my family room ;) 

  12. On 11/11/2021 at 3:36 PM, streetkings01 said:

    In the off-season when the focus was KC KC KC it was talked about how we’d need the #1 so we don’t have travel to KC, but since KC has taken a step back and there really isn’t a dominant AFC Team is the #1 seed really that big of a deal anymore?

    Home field, bye ... uh yeah it is a big deal.  Come on man.

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