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Everything posted by MARCELL DAREUS POWER

  1. so if labor gets !@#$ed over by the system, they should just !@#$ others over with the system? basically you just said, if you dont like that i stole from you, then go steal from someone else ok... so take land/farming materials... say the value is worth 10,000$... at the end of the year, with your labor, you produced a crop worth 100,000.... did the farm magically produce surplus by itself?
  2. of course, people must work, and labor through capital control cannot get the full fruit of their work...
  3. The market/consumer determines the value of a given product... your innovation is fine, but still does not produce " use value" . the same would be true if it was just you by yourself... this is partly why democratic negotiation makes more sense... some people are smarter than others, and markets would filter that out... yes, labor has value in a market, in the work they provide... supply and demand etc. we are not talking about that, but rather the extraction of surplus value... this has nothing to do with markets but rather power/state enforcement where labor cannot recapture their production... this is really a matter of common logical sense. if it was not profitable to loan capital( while doing no work), then capitalists wouldnt do it... lol "According to Marx's theory of exploitation, living labour at an adequate level of productivity is able to create and conserve more value than it costs the employer to buy; which is exactly the economic reason why the employer buys it, i.e. to preserve and augment the value of the capital at his command." - wiki
  4. If I want to pay an assembler $7.50 and the first applicant wants $8 but the guy behind him will do the same quality of work for the $7.50 the second guy gets the job. The end product value does not drive the pay of the worker. the value of labor is what he produced minus capital on a market... you are referring to the idea that its ok to rent oneself, which has nothing to do with markets, but state action and hierarchy... thats what the 100$ is a metaphor for... you are confusing free markets and what the state deems private property... think about it, why would that single person not keep the extra 300$ to himself? imagine if there was some other random person and he took part of that 300 that his labor produced. thats called theft... its the whole reason capitalists would rather hire someone. you get a reward for doing nothing, except give permission...
  5. except that there was in the 1930s and hitler did invade to help the nationalists... take a single person... say he has a 100$... and then buys **** to build a bike. when the bike is complete its worth say 400$... the capital is obviously worth 100, the use value or labor is worth 300...
  6. little info man, jets have been a top 5 d and been to the afc champ game 2 out of 3 years... pats have been to the sb in 96-01-03-04-07-011 the bills have done nothing since 1999( clinton was president...)
  7. so hitler sent troops and aid to help defeat the anarchist uprising... ok, yes you proved im right... wow, just wow... . You heard it here first. Economies of scale are a repudiation of capitalism. yes walmart can outcompete others with access to cheap labor and capital leverage... see small business getting wiped out by walmart all over country you stupid !@#$... Among my other favorites are his theory that the marginal productivity curve proves that profit is stealing. And in the event of default, well, fiat is imaginary anyway. no, risk does not justify profits... yes there is risk, for capital and labor, but mostly labor, and only labor after a certain point... see surplus value
  8. i cant in any rational way defend abortion after the 1st tri-mester... its pretty much equivalent to murder. yes ive heard the argument that a mother shouldnt be forced to give up an organ to save her child outside the womb but the mother or state wouldnt directly kill the child. that seems like a pretty big distinction. ( not to mention, i dont know any mom or any parent or stranger for that matter who wouldnt give up their organ to save a child)... not to mention, the baby in the womb is not really taking anything away from the mother by her giving birth... i mean, one could argue that a mother shouldnt be forced to give up her time, money, and effort to help her child, but would you then say its ok to kill the child? i understand its her body, but christ, its the babies body/mind/life too... i simply cannot justfiy killing a baby who has no real reason to die...
  9. no ****, it started in 1930 and was working very well until hitler invaded along with the nationalist forces. he sent troops, tanks, and killed thousands, to create an alliance... yes, it was practially an ivansion against the anarchist group... look up 1936 elections...lol other philosophies of social democracy in the economy has worked very well in south america among a myriad of other places.... and capitalism, in its current form is failing and incredibly corrupt along with being a welfare system for the elite rich... as far as capital ownership with no state protection in a laissez faire market, thats has not existed. there are various reasons why including state interest in keeping business afloat... the anarchist revolution became official in 1936, subsequently the nationalist uprising... !@#$tard...
  10. ummm, yes tom... the nationalists were on his side and also provided great strategic posiiton... lol so you were wrong lol... the nazis sent troops to help the nationalists...
  11. you do realize hitler sent aid and military help to the nationalists to defeat the anarchist uprising...
  12. nigel bradham... man those fl kids can play... bradham was the number 1 recruit according to rivals i think when he came out... hes been timed as fast as 4.4
  13. im not for obama...lol making a comment that something is clearly vapid, is not in return vapid lol...
  14. leninism, yes... workers councils and labor ownership has worked fine in parts of europe, especially germany. it was also working great during the spanish revolution in 1936 until hitler invaded. other philosophies of social democracy in the economy has worked very well in south america among a myriad of other places.... and capitalism, in its current form is failing and incredibly corrupt along with being a welfare system for the elite rich... as far as capital ownership with no state protection in a laissez faire market, thats has not existed. there are various reasons why including state interest in keeping business afloat...
  15. this guy is a big time up and coming run stopper... hes 6-5 340ish and has great great power and leverage. will be a tough battle! those hampton boys are no joke, used to live in that area and play down there... good luck and kick some ass eric wood!
  16. yeah, dont we have 5 healthy corners right now, and smith is a little banged up with the groin... also, since its harder to play wr from a playbook standpoint, isnt it easier to bring in a cb, so therefore we would add the extra inactive wr? it would really suck if someone take geathers off our ps... dude is talented...
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