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Everything posted by BucksNBills

  1. Don't mean to sound lame but its tough to cast judgment on an entire fan base because of a few fans. Its all localized. I went and had some great back and forths during the entirety of the game with it ending in mutual respect.
  2. In my opinion, it has been years since 3rd down and longs and redzone attempts have been greeted with confidence. The concern of converting 3rd downs and redzone touchdowns became such an afterthought in the ineptitude of the lost decade, that it materialized into an expectation (the norm) and no longer a flaw. We became used to Moorman coming out after 2 stuffed run attempts while looking down what seemed to be the impossibility of 3rd and 9. I was very pessimistic in the parking lot before going into yesterday's game (as I'm sure a majority of Buffalo fans were and will be until week 17), but I walked away from this game as confident as any this year. What rose above the obvious defensive deficiencies and the awfully timed underthrows by Fitz, was the consistent drives and completion of drives via 6 from the offense. We might be missing a few cogs on the defensive side of the ball, but the offensive playcalling and execution is reason to believe this season will be different from the years prior.
  3. Kelsay is starting because he is our only LB that can contain the running game. He actually had a really good year last year (for him) as he was in the backfield on a consistent basis. The only problem was he continually got juked by the likes of Eli Manning.
  4. I moved on quickly because I really don't care about your armchair analysis on the waterboy situation, let alone the LB moves, and because I felt real information would be appreciated on this board.
  5. You don't get it because you're not an NFL coach. They really like what they have on the O-line. Feel Rhinehart and Urbik will both make the team and they are trying to sign D. Bell to an extension as they feel he will take off this season. Don't expect any more moves along the O-line. Obviously, don't agree with this assessment, but since they have been doing this their whole lives, I will hold my judgement until game time.
  6. On the Aaron Williams train. Big, physical corner.
  7. The heat that came on Coy was for his comical inability to read a play action. Nobody doubted his tackling ability nor heart. It's on the coaches for altering his natural skill set fit for linebackers. You almost never see a successful switch of positions in the NFL, other than a few CBs to S.
  8. Don't understand the love affair with the very unimpressive Carrington. If we take Dareus at 3, you better hope he starts on that end.
  9. Golisano is a selfish bastard who only makes investments if its sure to pay out, whether in capital or self-glorification. Football in Buffalo is a lose-money prospect. He will NEVER buy the Bills and I wouldn't want his tight pockets to in the first place. Keep your hopes rooted in reality please.
  10. You express the prose of a 6 year old. After despight, I was laughing. At the end, I was shaking my head in disgust. Please tell me you're in 7th grade.
  11. -1, dead on, so funny to read people are actually excited after today, like we found our answer, thought after 12 years of the same exact script people would be a little more realistic, but it seems you and I are in the minority here, refreshing to see there is some sanity left on this board
  12. Sorry guys, maybe idiot was a bit strong. Considering Einstein's definition of insane is to continually repeat the same thing again and again while expecting different results, I'll go with absolutely deranged. I'm not trying to take away from a very good performance today, but come on guys. It's been over a decade. You have to have learned by now to not claim a guy who's been on 3 teams in 5 years, who was drafted from the ivy league in the 7th round, who never had more TDs than picks, is the savior we've been waiting so patiently for. Haha, the Manning comparison is insane, you have to at least say that. Keep perspective, this guy is not the answer, hopefully we'll get our guy number one overall next year. The beautiful thing about the NFL is a team can turn it around in a one year span. I'd kill to be the Rams, and hopefully we'll start the process next year.
  13. My God it's like you guys will never learn. It's to a point now where you are literally handicapped if you try and uncover something positive about this team. "Looking forward to next year" "Looks like we finally found our guy" or my favorite "THIS IS LIKE THE COLTS IN PEYTON MANNINGS FIRST YEAR" ARE YOU SERIOUS? WAKE UP IDIOTS
  14. Christ, are you kidding me? Its opinions that make any board great. And its condescending asses like you that make this board borderline unreadable. You signed up before other people. Congrats, get over it. This is as refreshing and realistic of post as I've seen in a long while. Bowery4, I can not imagine what kind of human being you are. If you are stupid enough to be spoon fed fluff stories and have unwarranted hope in a team that has not improved over the last 10 years, then you are the one that should be ignored. This post is REALITY.
  15. This board continues to amaze me. The guy had ONE decent game and now "hes a different man" and you're "very confident with him as our starter." Why do you guys do this to yourselves? STOP GETTING YOUR HOPES UP. Reality: Trent is an average QB with the ability to be very subpar on any given Sunday. Our defense is going to struggle mightily as it is apparent we don't have the personnel for the 3-4. Our o tackles are no better than the previous two years. Wake up, you guys are acting like a bunch of children.
  16. Only now have we reached a point of immaturity. Leonidas, I'm gradually losing respect for you with each response to jw. And my respect was at an all time high after your initial reply.
  17. I thought Leonidas' spew was near genius and if bringing to light the interminable reporting and monopolistic tendencies of Tim's employer is what drove him away, then good riddance. Don't be so sensitive, and have the ability to separate yourself from your network on boards like this. That being said, maybe it wasn't a good idea to preach this on a Tim Graham answer forum.
  18. Yes exactly. Because a couple people compare Brees to McCoy, we can only deduce that Spiller is the next LT.
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