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Posts posted by Pete

  1. Barlow is gonna be a fantasy monster. I dont know why the hell he wasnt starting 3 years ago. Him and Hearst rotated in the backfield and Barlow always looked better. He is built like a bowling ball and deceptively fast. He can catch the ball and he kicked ass pure and simple in the last 5 games last year. Barlow is a top 7 back IMO

  2. Hey politics is an ugly game and it was the Kerry daughters who chose to subject themselves to it. I particularily thought that photo of the Kerry daughters was hilarious. Its like they were so perplexed that someone could not like them or their father. MTV tried to show people clapping but I watched the awards and could clearly hear the boos by the majority. Kind of like when VH1 redid the concert for New York and edited out the boos for Hillary Clinton. Like I said if the Kerry girls were upset they got booed its their own damn fault for putting themselves on the front line. Oh yeah one more thing- please keep your shirt on Alexandra. You flashing your breasts is not gonna help your Daddy cause

  3. I cant beleive Shawn Alexander and Deuce slipped to #7 overall. Those are two top 5 backs. Trent Green will put up huge numbers, Mason is steady and a solid #1, Koren is gonna bust out this year as Seattles offense explodes. Gonzales is by far the best TE. Andre Johnson is gonna be ridiculous this year. Very solid team but with only 8 teams I am sure there are some kick ass teams. I do question the ability of your fellow players for letting Alexander and Deuce to slide

  4. First they should never ever review a match after the fact. Second if they did review the whole South Korean routine he would of been deducted .2 points for having 4 hold positions. Add the .1 he was mistaskenly cost and subtract the .2 he should be deducted and he does not even get a bronze. What a crybaby. Give Roy Jones his medal if your so honorable South Korea. Rules go both ways- not just when its good for you.

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