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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. what was the point of this thread, again? jw
  2. which would be a good move, since they've never lost a game on a friday, to an nfc or afc team, since i got here in 2000. jw
  3. don't know if crayonz implied that in presenting his theory, but i'll have to go back and check. ...
  4. funny thing, re-reading that post i realize that crayonz' logic was faulty. he/she suggested that bills fans root for the team to lose against arizona because that would somehow help them in the playoff picture. well, lo and behold, the bills did in fact lose that game, and look where that got them. they missed the playoffs. in retrospect, crayonz was mistaken on that point. jw
  5. a certain doctor forwarded me a link to that thread, which is the one i was referring to earlier. it was epic. good times. good times. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=73019&hl= jw
  6. and so it begins, crayonz leaps in with some off the wall post, linking in sex and school, dedication and john mccargo, and we all get drawn in, fascinated by this car-wreck logic unable to look away. it is like a song that lures us to post and post and post, reply and reply and reply, in many cases writing and re-writing the same things over again, and yet to no avail. crayonz will not let up, able to withstand one thrust after another, scrambling like fran tarkenton or steve young ... but not like kelly holcomb. and as page after page fills with unease and failed atttempts at reaching a conclusion or achieving an level of satisfaction, we sit back -- unable to mount one more reply -- and say, whew, what was that all about? jw. ADD: hey, page 3.
  7. dude? very well played, go for the bills are inept angle and that byrd is merely taking advantage of some arcane rule to snag a little free time. why didn't maybin et al think of that one. perhaps, then, to your point, byrd has made much of his education by figuring out how to work the system. as you have difficulty with reading and comprehension skills, though, i'd suggest that it's been noted that the reason for the rule is the exam schedule and not classes that are holding things up. ohio state also falls under this category, as does portland state. and how do you know he doesn't live in a gulag. have you, sir, thoroughly checked that potential lead? jw
  8. oh, no. i'm well aware of the reputation crayonz carries on this board and recall reading one truly amusing thread a year or so ago. i couldn't stop laughing (see, i've been monitoring this site for quite some time.) with that in mind, i had time to kill this morning and felt like indulging myself and sharpening my debating skills. i think i've scored a point or two, though, it's not really much of a test. jw
  9. why? because you're suggesting he's no longer a virgin? how silly. but to your other point. byrd is not the only player who's followed these rules, and yet suddenly you're questioning his dedication and fearing he'll be the "next mccargo." and without speaking to byrd, or knowing his motivations, you're making a sudden and dramatic leap in logic in suggesting what he should and shouldn't do. you are basing your point on the premise that byrd should eat, sleep and breath football 24/7. well, there's also something to be said about getting an education while you have that opportunity. and you're making the case that, by comparing byrd to gates and dell and james, that byrd already has hall-of-fame skills. thing is, too, gates, dell, lebron are the exceptions, and yet you make the case that they should instead be the rule. jw
  10. i'll give you that. there is a pure naivety to it. however, had byrd did in fact quit school, what would have been the ramifications to his family, himself and the reaction from this board. and, had he quit school prior to the draft, would his character suddenly come into question? i insist, however, that by following crayonz' "argument" to its true end, byrd's dedication should be in question because he had the opportunity to quit school far sooner and already been playing attending minicamps two and three years ago. jw
  11. very good post, though, it's become historically apparent that logic does not work against "crayonisian" arguments. ergo, i chose to fight illogic with illogic to see if that might crack some kind of code. but good try, though. jw
  12. dude? yes, you're absolutely right. give up the free education he's received for the right to attend 18 spring practice sessions. what the hell was i thinking? never mind the fact that i'm not entirely sure he could quit school at this point and still be allowed to attend the minicamps. though there might be a loophole, i'd imagine he would have had to quit school prior to the draft. and then, where would that really get him? but no, you're absolutely correct. he likely had that option and squandered it. though you can't question his dedication to school, you can question his dedication to football, and we can all wonder why he didn't begin attending bills minicamps two and three years ago because, after all, he had that opportunity to do so and squandered it as well. bust. jw
  13. it's an nfl-mandated rule. he can't tell anyone to stick anything. it's a rule. jw
  14. place-kickers during mandatory and voluntary minicamps generally practice away from the rest of the team. it's mostly a function of time and space. the practices are limited to 90 minutes and, though special teams take up a portion of all practices, they're mostly limited to -- at this point at least -- to going over coverage and return schemes. it's not until training camp where we usually see the place-kickers work on their game. that said, urrego, was unable to attend many of the minicamp sessions because of portland state's late exam schedule. he has been here this week. jw NOTE: i generally refer to them as minicamps (voluntary or mandatory) and not the awkward "organized team activities." in my book, anything -- a team luncheon, a team-sponsored bowling tournament, a barbecue at lee evans' house -- could literally fall under ota as the event is organized, it involves the team and it's an activity.
  15. a sad but true telling line from The AP piece linked below: McIntyre to be cleared and these two specific grafs: Police acknowledged the only similarities between McIntyre and the latest suspect arrested is that they are both black and have dreadlocks. “They are significantly different in physical shape,” Nichols said. The new suspect weighs about 150 pounds, while McIntyre is nearly 260 pounds, he said. and from what i have read, numerous publications, including TCPalm, The Buffalo News and The Associated Press have written as much, if not more, of the charges to be dropped than as they did when initial charges were filed. it's the right thing to do. jw
  16. but that goes against what the original poster is contending. you, my friend, are wasting your time. though, once the inevitable happens, and Palmer is cut, you, evidently, will have a chance to meet him soon at a wal-mart near you ... really, 99.94 percent? i'd say the OP is overestimating by at least .01 percent, maybe more. jw
  17. my problem with posts that open with questions like these is that the answer usually comes up as: maybe. and since we're dealing with the preseason, then the answer is most certainly ... um ... perhaps. jw ADD: but if you folks can knock out 3-4 pages out of this topic, as i'm sure the potential is there, then go for it.
  18. generally the full-contact pads sessions don't begin until the third or fourth day of training camp. jw
  19. who, or where, is "Frane"? is that where the Ifel Towwer is, perhaps? sorry, couldn't resist. ... proceed. jw
  20. me and my big computer, always getting me in trouble. ... i'll try -- what's the opposite of harder? -- softer(?) in the future. jw
  21. wow, the power of this board never ceases to impress nor amaze me. thanks, Lori. and thanks John Di Sciullo, though, let me stress i had nothing to do with it. i suddenly have supporters. jw
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