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Posts posted by Wacka

  1. They had a great show last season.

    In the town next to mine there wasa family with 8 kids. I think 6 were from previous marriages. They ranged from about 20 down to I think 13. 7 girls and one boy. The parents had died in their 40s within several months of each other. the mother from cancer and the father from a heart attack. The two oldest kids were basically raising and supporting the others. The boy was living in the garage. They totally redid the house andded about 50% of floor space, put a pool in and paid off the mortage. When one of the sponsors backed out a day before the project, the townspeople raised the money. They had at least a thousand people on the street when the kids came home.

  2. The list of succession in the cabinet is based on the date the Department they head was founded.

    At the State of the Union speech, at least one cabinet member stays away so that if something happens (like in Tom Clancy's Debt of Honor- a plane crashing into the Capitol) and everyone there is killed, they would be president.

  3. I'll tell you what's effective:


    Swift Boat Liars, the Michael Moores of the right,  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  You got your madness for 4 years, so now you can just GO AWAY, for you are no longer newsworthy.



    Show me one lie- let's see how Kerry's records compare to their statements and records-Oh, wait we couldn't . Kerry never signed his Form 180 releasing ALL his military records!


    Maybe Kerry could have won if he had releasewd them. :unsure:

  4. They, as a whole, dislike arrogant Americans.  Going to McD's in France may cause some to roll their eyes, but they certainly aren't going to say anything.  If one goes over there acting like some sort of cocky prick, then there's potential for trouble - same as a cocky prick at any bar or pub in the States has the potential for meeting up with trouble.


    Europeans may dislike the actions of our government at various degrees from time to time, but they are capable of seperating the actions of the government from the individuals.  A lesson that many Americans could learn. Case in point: The way some of the cavemen here treated "Olivier in France" was downright embarassing.


    Bottom line: If you're another nation's guest, at least have the decency to behave accordingly.



    Back in 98 I went to Basel, Switzerland for work (located where France, Germany and Switzerland all meet). Flew 10 hours to Paris, had to sit there for 6 hours for a plane. I got to the hotel about 6 PM. I was famished, had only about 3 hrs sleep in 24 and was too tired to try to translate the menu. I went to McD's and asked for the #3 in German while holding up 2 fingers. the girl said in English "What do you want- #2 or #3?"

    In the week I was there, I only met one person who didn't speak English. I tried some German, but when they knew I was American who was using the phrasebook, they switched to English. All the menus had English translations and the the ATMs had a choice of French, German or English.

    Got a sore throat on the last day and went to a drugstore. I asked for a cough drop or lozenge and the druggist didn't understand what I meant. Then the commercial popped into my head -Ricchola! I said that and she got them for me. I explained that I remembered it because of the alpenhorns in the commercial. She laughed about it.

    Had a fine time there. No problems at all.

  5. People, especiallly republicans, are sick and tired of the press trying to find out info on them. Why the hell should I tell them about me and what my SECRET vote was.


    They have been using that info for years to make hemselves look good- Ooh, we can determine the way the state will go 30 seconds after the polls close. Trying to pander to the HP crowd. Wait for the votes to be counted. Always thought of them as total stevestojan anyways.

  6. I read an article that said radio people are usually fired with no notice. The bosses don't want the guy badmouthing the station on the air for several days/weeks.


    Larry Norton was fired from 97 rock when they changed formats in the late 70s/early 80s. He said they called the entire on-air staff into the lunchroom at 10 AM and told them of the format change then He also heard of a DJ getting fired while he was standing at a urinal.

  7. Whatever. He never saw pork he didn't approve. I once attended a dinner for him where he bragged about how much pork he would bring to PA as the senior member of the appropriations committee. Eff You Arlen- that's not what I'm looking for.


    I hope he loses, and to be honest, even though he's a Democrat, I like Hoeffel.



    Plus when Specter was a lawyer he got Ira Eichorn out on bail. Eichorn murdered his girlfriend and stuffed her in a trunk in his closet. He was found out when the neighbors complained about the stench. Eichornstated it was a CIA plot. When Specter got him out, Eichorn ook off for Canada and then Europe for about 25 years. He was tried in absentia and sentenced to death. Finally got him when America's Most Wanted tracked him down. Had to void his first conviction and tell France (F'n French) that we wouldn't execute him before they would send him back. He is now roytting in jail and hopefully someone will kill him in prison. All because Specter got him out.


    When I found that out, Specter became dog stevestojan to me. Was really hoping he would have lost in the primary.

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