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Posts posted by Wacka

  1. Sorry if I'm just not very observant, but how long has Bledsoe been wearing this thing on his wrist? Has he had it all season? Longer?


    Without going into a lot of commentary, it reminds me of the "dummy" notes that Vinnie used to wear when he and Parcells were with the Jets.


    The days of quarterbacks calling their own plays are long, long gone. Perhaps the days when they even remember the plays will soon be gone, too.



    Vinnie has it again. They showed it last night on MNF.

  2. Get a grip on reality people. We lost to a team who has lost only ONE game in their last TWENTY FOUR and has won two out of the last three Super Bowls.

    The sky is not falling. What happened to the optimism after we won 3 out of 4 games?. So, it's 3 out of our last 5. We don't see anyone near as good as NE until the Pittsburgh game.


    So we aren't going to win the Super Bowl or probably go to the playoffs. Things will change. There are things more important than the Bills, just look at some of the other threads on this board.

    It was a LOT worse in the mid 80s before we signed Kelly. How do you think we got Bruce Smith?

    We were the WORST team in the WHOLE LEAGUE, that's how.

  3. These scum sucking terrorists (NOT "INSURGENTS) have also used a white flag to attack Americans. They waive the flag and act like they are surrendering. When the soldiers got close, they whipped out concealed weapons and attacked.


    Terrorists have faked being dead and then attacked us. Thety can lie there and when the soldier checks if he is dead, they can pull athe pin on a grenade on their body. They have also booby-trapped dead bodies- one was found in a torture chamber last week.

  4. She's a republican highly intelligent black woman. dems know that women and blacks HAVE to be dems or they are stupid Uncle Toms (what is the female equivalent?). Same reason they hate Clarence Thomas- he doesn't fit their preconcieved notions.


    She graduated from college early, got her PhD early (24?), is a concert pianist, was a Provost of Stanford (the youngest one ever), is an expert on the USSR, and would like to be the Comissioner of the NFL or MLB.

  5. Please listen to Nick all those "DB is the cause of all our problems " people. He PLAYS the position and knows what is involved.


    If our piss poor O-line could make ANY semblance of blocking, we would have a MUCH MUCH better record. McGahee getting tackled in the backfield is not due to him not seing holes, it is due to the ABSENCE of those holes. It's hard to get anything when 5 guys are right in front of you with no one on them. If we could run block, we attempt less passes. The D played two games because we couldn't do anything on offense. The Pats had about a 2-1 advantage in TOP.


    We need to get the best FA O-lineman available and spend several draft picks on the O-line.

  6. One minor correction:

    That game was om 9/30/90. I know because I went to that game. My father was in the oncology ward in Mercy Hospital. The next day (10/1/90) I went after work to visit him. I was telling him about the game and all the excitement. About a half an hour later he died.


    The Raiders game the next week was on MNF. We didn't go (obvious reason) and I watched it on TV.

  7. The thing is that if they let the SA set up, they legally have to let any group set up. By me, there is a group that says they are for getting kids off drugs, but it looks like drifters sitting there soliciting. Another group looks like nurses or men in white suits-that is a religion.

    If the SA gets in , the Hare-Krisha (are they still around?) can set up too.


    This means no girl scouts, little league, etc.

  8. RNA interference (RNAi) is a natural process that is being investigated for switching bad genes off.

    Genes make messenger RNA (mRNA) which codes for proteins. Until the late 70s , the gene was thought to be one piece with a control sequence or promoter upstream of it. The rest of the genome was thought to be junk or had some structural function.

    In 1977 it was found that the part of the mRNA that codes for the protein is not all together. The mRNA is spliced to produce the fianl mRNA that codes for the protein product. With the dystrophin gene (if bad causes a a form of MD) the parts cut out are much, much larger than the protein coding parts. The parts of the mRNA that are cut out are called introns.

    Recently, it has been found that small parts of these introns and small RNA coded for in the "junk" DNA in between genes can bind to the control regions (promoters) of some genes, adding another layer of control to the "normal mechanisms of control proteins binding there.

    What I think they may have referenced on NPR is that people are studying a nematode worm of about 1000 cells called C. elegans. It has been found that knocking out a single gene in it can make them live twice as long. They may be trying RNAi to turn it off. I think this may be the reporter taking the research to an extreme as the press usually does. When genes for several maladies were found in the 80s, the press always said that this will lead to a cure. Well, it mauy in 50-100 years, but probably not in our lifetime.


    There are two articles on RNAi in the October Scientific American (you only get the first two paragraphs online).

  9. There's some truth in that, though I would dispute the assertion that the Palestinians were offered 97% of what they were asking for. Maybe in terms of pure land area it was 97% but there was to be limitations placed on Palestinian statehood and how do you quantify Jerusalem? In addition, some West Bank settlements were to be retained by Israel though they proposed giving up other land by way of exchange (going on memory, the land offered contained a number of toxic waste dumps).



    Toxic waste dumps- at last a source of revenue! Thre's nothing else there. Moses picked the only spot in the ME with no oil!

  10. There is a least a billion dollars that the PLO has no idea where it went. Most likely secret Arafat accounts in Switzerland. There has bee hundreds of millions of $ transferred from Arafat's accounts to Carribean offshore banks recently.


    Wen will the Palestenians realize that he is a terrorist, despot and one of the largest thiefs in history?

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