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Everything posted by WilliamCody

  1. The eviction can only be a good thing for OWS. Perhaps now they will be forced to create some institution or organization that will be better equipped to argue their point in a public forum. If they don't adopt the some of the strategies of the TEA Party, they will hand wiggle themselves into irrelevance fast. The eviction can only be a good thing for OWS. Perhaps now they will be forced to create some institution or organization that will be better equipped to argue their point in a public forum. If they don't adopt the some of the strategies of the TEA Party, they will hand wiggle themselves into irrelevance fast.
  2. The pipeline may create some jobs, but they will be temporary. These pipelines are meant to basically run by themselves. So we may create a few thousand temporary construction jobs, but TransCanada - who would own and operate the pipeline - have said numerous times that the pipeline would only create a few hundred permanent jobs in the United States. TransCanada itself has issued a report saying the highest potential number of temporary jobs the project would create is just under 5,000. Talk about a drop in the bucket. And as for reducing oil prices, the majority of the oil would be exported from Houston/Galveston/Port Arthur, Texas to markets in Central and South America and would thus have little impact on domestic gas prices. Additionally, these ports are designated Foreign Trade Zones, so we couldn't even tax the exports.
  3. Badge can I say how happy I am that you've brought your sig over to the new board?
  4. I'm really not sure why people don't see that the TEA Party and OWS protests come from the same place - a reaction to the corporate/government nexus that leaves politicians more beholden to business interests than to their constituents. TEA Partiers want to take control and protect against government bloat and increased taxes. The greatest single cause for government bloat is special interest lobbying. OWSers want to take control and protect against these special interests that leave common people on the outside. Each movement had/has their crazies, their questionable tactics, but the root cause for both was a democratic movement that seeks to relocate power in our republic to the people themselves, and remove it from the shady realm of a non-transparent, bureaucratic government. Both of these movements are populist, and I think we should be giving at least as much thought to their similarities and potential than in hoping for the downfall of one or the other.
  5. Yeah, we had a few. One of the reasons we were shut down...
  6. Sounds like this forum is exactly like the one over at Bills.com. I should say I look forward to getting into pointless arguments that only serve to entrench our original opinions.
  7. Hey all, the Mods over at Bills.com have closed the Politics forum, so there may be a lot of new posters here from over there. Let me/us know who you are! Looking forward to debating Politics with a new group of posters.
  8. He just has to get rid of slow starts. That's his major problem. The INT's don't worry me as much because he threw more than a few at the very end of games when we were pushing. If you're a better team, those will go down. But we saw it again last Sunday, Fitzy is a slow starter which I think is his main problem and the reason why his completion percentage is so low.
  9. Flutie for the simple reason that he is the only one to quarterback a team to the playoffs. Hopefully that will change soon.
  10. Best defensive play maker: Leodis (already) Best offensive play maker: Marshawn IMO the only elite players at their position the Bills have are Jason Peters and Brian Moorman
  11. "Some teams may be able to absorb a temporary fan revolt..the Bills cannot." This is precisely why, while I am disheartened by the direction this team is going, I will continue to support the Bills so my son grows up knowing what its like to be a Buffalo Bills fan and how to weather these low points.
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