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jax bill backer

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Everything posted by jax bill backer

  1. would rather have peters.. peters is way younger
  2. last time i checked the bills usually play at 1PM... man im sure theres no one who tailgates drinks before 1PM
  3. lee evans value goes up immedietly.... T.O depending on how big your group is a 2nd or 3rd rounder
  4. well its kind of hard to be excited about the upcoming season when you know your team is moving.. sorry if anyone else dosent feel like I do
  5. my bad i know u didn't really mean it.. but they could never move detriot.. with teams in every sport nfl,mlb,nhl,nba
  6. see you just thinking of detroit in a move claims you know nothing of the situation......you think they move teams just becasuse there bad... ya like the NFL would move a team when they have a population of around 6 million people
  7. actually they did sell out.. even though they have seats covered.... moving a team who's population will grow to 5million people in the near future will not happen... Miami,Tampa, Orlando, are suffering from over population.. that means more people moving to jax...
  8. Dean you should know as well as me that the jags are not moving......c'mon
  9. jacksonville cant move... i live here... NFL is not going to move a growing market.. jacksonville will 100 percent not move...
  10. im just curious to see who thinks the bills r here to stay
  11. being godell is from jamestown... it would be shere embarrasment if the team moved in his tenure
  12. u dont think the NFL would pay off the CFL.. im sure they would any day
  13. ralph is not a bad owner... this team dosent make money(it makes revenue) but total money no...
  14. Rogers dosent ring a bell...yes he is dead... but just because he is dead everyone seems to think that its over
  15. all u guys are scared... this is a wake up call.. we have to publicly trade this team to keep it here, golisano 50% city of buffalo 40% wegmans10%
  16. Listen quit talkin about niagara falls... u guys should be worried about the buyers of this team.... lot of buyers in toronto none in buffalo
  17. I know im gonna get a lot of sh-- for this but im not what you call poverty stricken... i have a very secure job and would be willing to throw down $15,000 a year..
  18. i think it would be so cool to own part of an NFL franchise
  19. dont you think it would be cool to hold the team accountable though. like bench edwards when he sucks.
  20. Hey we might not have any options left to keep the bills here except own a little bit of the team ourselves.. My question is what are the rules of public trading? can people from other states contribute? if we were to publicly trade would you throw down money? lets disscuss
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