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Posts posted by BuffaloPride

  1. It's funny. The team goes 6-10 for a decade, but when you suggest one of the incumbents might not be doing his job consistently, it's like blaspheme or something.


    Kyle Williams is O.K. He makes a play here and there. I can't defend the guy, or anyone on that D, when they give up 400-500 yards a game and keep losing. Also, held up against the Jets DTs, ours pale in comparison.


    But defend away people. He's awesome.


    Isn't consistency everything in being a professional football player? If you painted houses and half of them looked good, does that work?

    Consistency is everything in being a great professional football player. Never said Dareus is great. Just not ready to label him a mistake.
  2. The Dareus pick is looking like a mistake at this point. He played around tremendous talent at Alabama, and has done nothing to really distinguish himself on the NFL level despite playing with KY and Mario. He may actually be the problem. Kyle faces constant double teams because Dareus can be handled one on one. Not hating on the guy, I have a Dareus jersey, his play just seems to vary from very good to invisible from week to week. Not what you want out of a top 10 pick. Good player, but we need someone dominant or rotating next to Kyle in my opinion.

    Dareus play has gotten better since Branch took over for Carrington. While his play has been marginal at times, he still leads all DT's in tackles and his 4 sacks are second only to Jason Hatchers 5. I think its too early to label him a mistake. Just needs to be more consistent.
  3. Run defense is a function of everybody on defense. KW struggles against the double team, but 99% of players struggle in that situation. Love him or hate him, who on this roster plays DT better than Kyle Williams?

    Williams has made a name for himself for being one of those players that plays with alot of heart to make up for his lack of size. Much like Flutie, he will dazzle you at times but is inconsistent. Not hating on Kyle Williams. I happen to think he has tremendous athletic ability that could be used more effectively if he was able rotate in on the line.
  4. The Bills rank 28th in the league against the rush this year. (So far)

    That's hard to believe as they have been in every game.

    The scheme will take some time to implement, I look for this stat to improve over time..

    We will be drafting a BEAST next year to plug some of these holes..

    Just think what the Bills will become once they shore that up..

    GO BUFFALO !!!>>>>>>

    And if that happens I think it will benefit Williams to become a situational type player.
  5. Williams was drafted in 2006 and started 11 games for us that year. He became a full time starter in 2007. From 2006 to 2012 our run defense has given up an average of 2,280 yards per season for a 142 yds/pg average. Thru 6 games this season we have given up 745 yds for a 124 yds/pg average. Williams is one of those players that gets a pass because of his reputation for being a hard worker and his popularity amongst the fans, but the stats don't lie. Now I know some of you will say we have surrounded him with mediocre talent in the past, but I was at the game Sunday and watched him get blown off the ball on several occasions. At this point I wonder if he would be more effective as a situational type player much like Mike Lodish was in the 90's.

  6. Recently, a former player of our team (played within the past 5 years) asked me "why are you still a Bills fan?". He wasn't joking - he was being serious. I was blown away by that comment. I will allow him to remain anonymous. I don't want to get in trouble by sharing his name.


    On a positive note, a good friend of Mark Anderson, our DE, told me that Mark is real down because he said our team is much better than our record showed.


    Two very different perspectives,. Of course, one is done with our team and the other is still on the roster

    Give us a hint. What position did he play?
  7. What is hilarious is how people are rallying around this hire. Just like they rallied around Jauron and Gailey. How much more info do you need than Marrone finised .500 in the Big East?!?! I really feel sorry for so many of you. Low expectations and low intellect is a terrible combination!

    What else are we supposed to do as Bills fans? I wasn't expecting this either but I'll atleast give the Bills credit for taking a different approach. The trend seems to be that college type offenses are being used in the NFL so in that respect I'll keep an open mind and give this guy a chance.
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