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Everything posted by rackemrack

  1. no joke, its just not my kind of beer, i really prefer molson canadian, or molson golden.
  2. every try sam adams? horrible... much worse than anything bud makes
  3. I'd love molson to sponsor the NFL, but people south of NY don't have the pleasure of being able to purchase molson canadian at their local wilson farms...
  4. the bills will beat the jets at least once this year, our run D will be better. greene is still somewhat unproven and LT is past his prime, and byrd was picking off every other pass sanchez attempted. with a weapon like spiller on offense, we can beat the jets, no matter how unproven our O-line is.
  5. the offensive scheme last year was absolutely terrible, and didn't cater to the talents of any of the players, I remember hearing either shonert or AVP saying the "no huddle" offense wasn't suited to trent's skills, but forced by jauron. with a real offensive minded coach calling the plays there will be a noticeable improvement at every position, including TE, Nelson will have a break out year, and so will whatever QB wins the training camp battle.
  6. we were saying the same thing last year about owens, evans, and lynch/jackson out of the backfield... apparently its easy to cover if your QB is fitzpatrick/edwards and you have no o-line
  7. for a 30 year old running back? I'd take a first, second, or third in a heartbeat
  8. I'd rather see them trade jackson, he's older, but might have more value to other teams now. and Lynch is still a great young player. I'd be happy with him and Spiller sharing carries.
  9. good point, i should send a resume to espn...
  10. no way GB is taking a QB, goodbye campbell
  11. campbell and mccoy still there... and baltimore and philly aren't looking for QB's
  12. clausen just looks like a douche... i'm glad the bills didn't take him
  13. the raiders are actually having a decent draft... taking lamarr houston
  14. it was kinda confusing there, but the pats* got gronkowski
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