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Kettle Creek Football

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Posts posted by Kettle Creek Football

  1. Yes, I posted it ( couldn't find it earlier) God forbid I would post something like that though, wanting proof, geeesh, what was I thinking. Ummm, maybe that nobody can explain why Lynch can't seem to get short yardage first downs when we need them, or get a 100 yard game when we need it. Or why Fred Jacksons situational stat Avgs are almost all higher than Lynchs or if you project Jacksons increase in carries to match Marshawns, Jacksons production would be higher. Especially yards from scrimmage. (see, I'm learning)


    Big bad boone gave a good description of Lynch and Jackson's capabilities and I couldn't have said it any better,


    Lynch's game is limited, and he's not the only one that feels that way, lots of folks do.

    Enough of this - I think we'd all agree that the Bills would be better served if Lynch were availble for the MNF opener at New England!

  2. If you don't like the thread, ask a question.

    Tim: I like the thread, and I'll ask a question:

    Although you don't work for "SI" - what's with Peter King having Trent Green fill-in? It is my understanding that this is the first time someone has guest-written the "MMQB" column. Strange choice, I thought.

    On that note, have you ever read the "MMQB" parody on "Kissing Suzy Kolber?"

  3. I don't watch Lost, but I have a personal rule about jumping in late on serials. I wish I'd watched it from the start. I'll probably pick it up on DVD at some point. Same with the first couple seasons of 24.


    Top five shows:


    1. Simpsons

    2. Deadwood

    3. Sopranos (you know you write about football when your urge is to type "Sparanos")

    4. The Office

    5. Police Squad


    Tim: I like your taste in shows... what do you think of Mad Men and Dexter? True Blood is ok but a little hokey (SP?)

  4. i just saw this on NFL network and at number 6 for the greatest innovation to the NFL was the BENGALS no-huddle offense with boomer esiason. they said the bengals invented it in the late 80's and marv levy (after informing the comissioner that it was illegal) then "stole" it. they had boomer on there saying that he resented marv for steeling it and going to the next four superbowls. they then showed some highlights about the bills for 2 seconds, mentioned chicken wings and then went on to say that peyton manning revolutionized the no-huddle. all in all they basically denied that the bills invented it, called marv levy a cheater, and then gave peyton manning credit for revolutionizing the offense (thats not to say he doesn't run it very well) but they could have at least given us this little tid-bit in NFL history, now all we have is OJ Simpson and not for his 2,000 yard season...WTF?

    Seriously, who cares what the NFL Network "Top 10" show says, anyway?

  5. I was breaking it down and looked at it pretty objectively and thought AZ was a close second to us but they do not have the depth at RB like us past Hightower. AZ also has a aged QB in Warner and Trent reminds me of a much younger version of him (Quick thinking / better release time). AZ Wr's are equal to T.O. & Evans in many ways Stat wise as well.


    If the line plays hard in the trenches this year / we get a true no huddle dialed in tight, we've got ourselves a multitude of points. I really think that we have our best chance to score ever, that includes the K-gun offenses as well.


    Get your popcorn ready.


    If the league played 7-on-7, then... maybe...

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