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Kettle Creek Football

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Posts posted by Kettle Creek Football

  1. Yeah like when he ran and fumbled the ball with no one hitting him or his pick 6. Between that and Edwards kicking their ass. I can understand why people who barely watched Thigpen outside of a few throws he made think he's a good option :)

    That's true, I only saw him play a couple of games. I guess I just don't like what I'm seeing from Edwards lately. Thanks for the statistical analysis!

  2. I've read a few places that this is possible. I thought he showed a lot of promise last year (and was not afraid to throw it downfield). He also had a nice TD reception.


    But this year, not only has Croyle supposedly looked good, but Pioli also signed former New England back-up, Guittariez (SP?).


    What do you think about Thigpen as a Bill?



  3. Not implying that the injury isn't serious, or that he is faking it, but TO missed plenty of training camp time while he was in Dallas. The Bills are being smart to take every precaution with him.


    Again, as I said before on another post, I think this is more of a "Bruce Smith" type of training camp injury. I wouldn't worry about it. Also, I'm sure he won't play in the last preseason game, regarding the excuse. He's saving his energy and health for the showdown vs. Moss.

  4. Probably when he was kneeling on the sidelines watching the rest of the game

    It sounds like a "Bruce Smith Training Camp Injury" to me...

    Maybe DJ (or TO) got the idea from all the HOF chatter about Bruce's knack for skipping training camp.

  5. Jesus H, give the kid a break. First live action of his career and you got him going to the bench already. Let's see how he rebounds. That's the true measure here. He's got a lot of camp and pre-season left so there's lot's of time for improvement. This game just may have served him very well.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Maybe it's a good thing they have 5 preseason games this year?

  6. The NFL will sell record amounts of tickets and have top rated viewing of of its telecasts. Nobody cares about this stuff. The hometown crowd will thunderously cheer Mick Vick's first step onto the field.


    Nobody who looks forward to football (or any sport) really cares--especially if the perp is on his or her team. Look at the rapture that attended Manny's return to LA---and that's a bunch of baseball fans.

    Good point. It's more about a strong bias for the home team than anything else. Look at how Kobe (after the Colorado scandal) is booed around the league, but not in L.A.


    To paraphrase Seinfeld, fans aren't cheering for "people" they're cheering for "clothes." (ie., the uniforms of your home team and whomever happens to be wearing them)

  7. Well, the commish is kind of busy right now -- he summitted Mount Rainier today, along with Seahawks coach Jim Mora, Jr. -- so it might be a few days yet.


    Also FWIW, for those of you who don't read the blog (for shame!), Tim's on vacation. No chats or mailbags on ESPN for the next three weeks, while the Grahams officially pack up and flee the sweltering South (weather.com sez it's 87 lovely degrees in Miami right now) to return to a place with actual football weather.


    So ... depending on how things go with that, he may or may not have much free time to hang out here. And once they get to Ohio, I'm not sure whether his 21st-century intarweb technology even works in Amishland ...

    Thanks, Lori! I do read his blog but didn't notice he was off for 3 weeks. It seems someone there is updating his content. As for the Goodell question, I was just wondering, in general, when the Commish announces a decision on appeals. Good thing he makes $10,000,000/year and can climb mountains! I wish I had that job!

  8. Tim: What is the latest with Marshawn Lynch's appeal of his three game suspension? It seems that "All is Quiet on the Western (NY) Front."

    Is the Commish waiting for preseason to begin? In the past, such as last season with Brandon Marshall, does he wait until the preseason is over but the regular season has yet to start? I can't recall exactly when Marshall's suspension was reduced to one game but I thought it was right around that time period.

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