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Kettle Creek Football

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Posts posted by Kettle Creek Football

  1. As long as the methodology stays the same for everyone it does not really matter. I agree there are many factors that go into giving up sacks. But that was always supposed to be his strength as run blocking he was always labelled as average. Why did we seem so hopeless on 4th and a foot all the time running to the Left side of the line? But Peters gave up 2 sacks in '06, 6.5 in '07 and the 11.5 in '08. That looks like the wrong direction to me.

    On Sirius NFL Radio Sunday night... after Peters' presser, they were talking about how many sacks he gave up. Howard Balzer, I think it was, who lives in St. Louis, said there were more than a couple of years where Orlando Pace gave up ZERO sacks.


    Bottom line is, a lot less than Peters - no matter how you slice it. Don't forget, most of Pace's years, St. Louis was a passing team with two immobile QBs.

  2. Whoohoo support...


    I mean why even bother even having the roster/transactions/depthchart... Just have Chris Brown open his own blog at blogspot.com and change the website to simply have one button "buy tickets - here - now".

    O.K. I admit you are right. It is frustrating. I know when T.O. was signed, I looked at the roster a couple of times because I couldn't believe it was true. It didn't take too long for his name to go up, but we all know it took some time for his # to go up.


    BTW, I emailed Chris Brown back when Owens signed, asking him when will T.O.'s # go up? He finally replied to me - just last Friday... he said there was a "negotiation" that had to take place... Hmmmmm... Not the way it's been reported.

  3. Ok... it might be me... but i find the way the roster is handled on http://www.buffalobills.com/team/roster.html a complete shame. Also the transactionlist is annoying http://www.buffalobills.com/team/transactions.html.


    The glaring mistakes I've found so far:

    Gibran Hamdan - missing

    Dominic Rhodes - missing

    Pat Thomas - missing

    PK Sam - missing

    Marvin Philip - missing

    Dustin Fox - missing

    Mike Jefferson - missing


    Yet Peters was removed asap and T.O. was added asap... It annoys the hell out of me; sure with the old website it was hard to update blah blah blah. Now with the new website it seems to be no issue to add T.O. and remove Peters. IMHO the roster and transactionlist is the most important thing on the website since it is supposed to be factual information. Yet the facts arent complete.


    Simply put if you include a roster and transactionslist on your website then make sure it's uptodate on a daily basis. ESPECIALLY during off season where a lot of changes happen. The transactionlist doesnt even have T.O. or Peters. I mean it just undercuts the credibility of the entire website.


    P.s. If you found more missing or even wrongfully on the roster then please add to the list.

    Wow, you must be losing sleep over the fact that some of those guys aren't on the roster. My guess is, most of them won't make the final 53, so why put them on it?

  4. The Pats always get the best of us some way or another. Here's how I see it playing out:



    Bills FO: Hey, wanna swap first rounders if we give you a 4th rounder too? We really wanna grab that guy Pettigrew before Atlanta takes him.


    Pats FO: Sure, let's do it.


    Bills FO: (hmmm...that was way to easy. They must know something about Pettigrew we don't.) Nevermind, deal's off. (ha ha, they almost had us that time.)


    Pats FO: Ok, whatever. Morons.


    Then... Atlanta takes Pettigew who promptly scores 14 TD's and gets rookie of the year.


    Bills FO: :rolleyes:


    Pats FO: :rolleyes:

    That was funny! But... I wonder what Mike Mularkey, former TE and "Genius" (yes, "former" too) would do with Pettigrew??? NOTHING!

  5. Typical "friend of a friend heard from so-and-so" thing, so take it with a full sized helping of salt:


    Friend of a friend was speaking to the father of someone involved with the Bills. The person stated that T.O.'s contract contains a provision wherein he will receive a million dollar bonus if he gets less than 90 catches. I challenged this saying "you or this guy probably misunderstood and it's a bonus for 90 or more catches, not less" and he replied that he was certain this is what he was told.


    Have any of you ever seen a contract that paid a bonus if the team didn't get you enough carries, catches, snaps, etc? Sounds like total BS to me, or at least a complete misunderstanding, as I would almost expect there is a bonus for him to have 90 or more.

    A "friend of a friend" said VH-1 is actually paying his salary!


  6. The funny thing is Mike schoop was the once said trade ryan miller for two firstround picks.... he even states openly that he is not a bills fan... now why would wgr hire a guy who trash talks the bills.... he really pisses me off

    The thing I hate about Schoop is, as you stated, he is not a football nor Bills fan. He is a "Tennis Fan." No, there's nothing wrong with being a tennis fan, but... I agree with you. You'd think WGR's drive-home host would be a:

    1. Football fan, and

    2. Hockey fan.


    Although WGR callers are often on the crazy, or misinformed side, Schoop does not hesitate to insult his callers.


    Listen to Sirius NFL Radio - in particular, the 3pm show, and see how they treat callers. 180 degrees the opposite.

  7. After the huge let down after the good start last year.. I am finally getting excited again. I am so happy we got rid of Peters.. and for great draft picks too!! The addition of Rhodes and T.O. adds huge scoring potential as well.


    I am just shocked Buffalo seems to finally be making a serious effort to try to win for a change.


    Way to go team!! Can't wait for the draft!!

    Are you Russ Brandon????

  8. Interesting.


    Who are the real winners here:


    Peters is $21.5 million richer.


    Andy Reid says that he now has the best left tackle in the game (and still held on to his 21st pick).


    The Bills are so proud of the trade they are practically speechless about the trade (except for Chris Brown's citation to Fox and ESPN). The question now is whether the Bills can convert a late first round pick, a fourth round pick, and a late round conditional pick to anything approximating what Andy Reid says is the best left tackle in the game. Yeah, yeah, I know Peters haters on this board know more than Andy Reid.

    I know I'm not the first guy to say this, but, I think the Bills had no choice but to move him. They didn't want to cave in to his demands - they reward guys that come to camp, OTAs, etc, and work their butt off. Peters wanted to be #1 (or #2) in the league... pure and simple. It's pretty amazing they got a 1st rounder plus. Honestly, when Peters wasn't in the line-up last year, did the Bills play better, worse, or the same? That's the big question. I tend to think the same, if not better.


    Both sides should be happy.

  9. Thanks for saying that. I enjoy being a part of TSW.

    Great! Now, please don't pull a Schefter and go M.I.A.!


    So, Tim, what's your latest feeling about the Bills draft strategy? OL first round, or TE, or front seven player?

  10. This stuff cracks me up. You all love Tim Graham unless he writes something that isn't 100% pro Bills. Then, the love for Lynch is laughable.


    If someone was driving down the road and hit your daughter with their moving automobile, hard enough to break off the side mirror, and left the scene, as a father you'd be beyond pissed off. That's basically what Lynch did....hit someone's daughter in the world and left the scene of the crime, most likely because he was drunk.


    If any of you are out there, and you wouldn't defend your daughter after some !@#$ hit your daughter, and you didn't get mad or defend her......you are a flat out PUH-C.


    Lynch's actions are inexcusable. I'm not a hater myself, so I hope he bounces back from this and produces. But for some of you who try to downplay what he did, I can only hope that you all have daughters and they get hit by a someone driving a car hard enough to break the side mirror, and then run from the scene.


    Most of you would be livid. The one's who wouldn't be livid are total deadbeats.

    Please don't lump me in with "you" or "you all." One of the things I like about Tim Graham is that he gives his opinions. The only thing I like about Marshawn, is his ability to play. Lynch definitely needs a wake-up call, let's hope this suspension is all he needs and he finally grows up.

  11. Eh, whatever.


    I like to link stories from ESPN.com to make sure Bills fans see them. This is the first negative story I've linked. If you think that represents me or who I am, god speed.

    Tim Graham Rocks!

    Tim: We're fortunate you participate in this forum so much. I also love your ESPN AFC East page. Don't change a thing!!!

  12. Yeah, I don't know that I would want to part with a first, even a later first for Ocho Cinco...a second sounds about right to me. I doubt he goes for anything less than a 2nd though, maybe even a 2nd and 4th/5th...

    Wasn't Randy Moss traded to the Pats for a 4th rounder? I would think the Eagles will try to get him for less than that.

  13. I have heard that too, but it was a while back, and the insinuation was that they watned to buy an NFL team (Bills, Jags and Vikings were mentioned as most likely IIRC) and move them to Los Angeles. You know, if the Bills do move, I would almost rather it be to L.A. than to Toronto...


    All in all, I think Golisano, for better or worse, is our best hope. He is very much invested in the WNY area, and the loss of the Bills would hurt his other business interests as well. That was his stated reason for buying the Sabres...losing the Bills would be really devastating in many ways, to WNY.


    I'm sorry, but I don't understand why anyone in their right mind - and in the Buffalo region - would rather the team move to L.A. than Toronto!?! That's insane! Hey, it's easy to drive to Toronto, or take a train, or a bus trip, or boat, etc. But, L.A.???


    Give me a break!


    I'd rather them move to Toronto than: L.A., San Antonio, Oklahoma, etc.

  14. This is funny. It reminds me of when I tried to order personalized plates for my parents' car. I live in Ontario (they were living in Australia for a year), and the people at the ministry of transportation office can decline you on the spot, at the counter!

    My parents bought a new car, and they asked me to order them:

    "4 Play" or

    "For Play" or

    "R Play."

    Guess which one was approved? That's right, the stupid one, "R Play"

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