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Posts posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Protesters in Tel Aviv have called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign amid chaotic scenes in the city. Thousands of people have taken to the streets with clashes between demonstrators and police, according to media reports.

    It comes as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was branded a "narcissist" by a former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) general, who raged: "The sooner he goes, the better it will be for Israel."


    In a statement reported to have been issued by the organisers of the protest, and translated from Hebrew into English, they said the fate of Netanyahu and his government are "obstacles" to an election and the return of the remaining hostages.

    They said: "Don't talk to us about total victory. This is empty propaganda aimed at the continuation of the war. We don't believe in these concepts anymore. They hit us hard, we hit back even more. It's time for decisions."

    Einav Tsengaukar, who Walla reported as the mother of a hostage, told the publication: "I promised you Prime Minister. I stand by my word unlike you.

    "As long as you wait and the abductees rot in Gaza, I will continue to persecute you along with this nation."


    Figures show that six months into the war 33,137 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, of these 13,000 were children.




    The Israeli's should be thankful they don't have Biden.

    • Agree 3
  2. I'm listening to comments by SC women's NCAA BB coach Dawn Staley on whether transgengers identifying as women should be allowed.  She slowly and carefully responds "if you consider yourself a women you should be able to play".

    Riley Gaines called her a sellout.  My question is what happened to feminism and the women's rights movement?

    What happened to fighting the patriarchy?

    What could be more toxic to women then men stealing their identities and opportunities?  Sellouts?  Yes.  To their fellow women because they lack the guts to stand for each other.


    I might want to ask Ms. Staley and others with her view is if I consider myself to be a brain surgeon are you comfortable with me operating on you and replacing your real doctor?

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  3. 10 hours ago, Westside said:

    I think most sane rational people are sick of the ***** this administration has been doing. Sick of the rising cost of inflation. The turnstile our justice system has become under democratic rule, the freaks trying to pry children away from there parents. The only chance biden has a shot at winning is if they cheat once again. But this time everyone will be watching. 

    What's wild is a candidate like Haley crushed Biden (because he's highly unpopulsr and she isn't) in polls of the general election but she got stomped by Trump in the primaries who beats Biden by just a couple points.

    This election is about voters that hate one guy or the other or hate both.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


    Problem is that when the commies administer the test then only useful idiots can pass it.

    The epicenter was in Hunterdon county about 15 miles from me.  At about 10:25 AM the house.shook like a helicopter was landing on the roof but no damage.  An aftershock rolled through at 6 PM.  


    As the shock was centered in a mostly white upper middle class area we can rule out racism. 


    My theory is Trump has an earthquake device hidden at his Bedminster golf course.  When they raided his Florida estate they were looking for the remote control to it.


    Or if no other cause can be identied, the Rusians did it.


    The fact the continents move and drift over time along major and minor fault lines that occasionally release energy and pressure in the form of earth tremors can be dismissed by those that "trust the science".

    • Thank you (+1) 3
  5. 23 minutes ago, B-Man said:





    Job Creators Network Reacts to March Jobs Report. 


    “Looking under the hood of today’s jobs report shows it isn’t the home run that Democrats and the media claim.


    Approximately, half of all jobs created last month came in unproductive government or quasi-government healthcare sectors.


    Full-time jobs continue to decline, while part-time jobs are on the rise.


    And average wages are growing slower than inflation again, meaning Americans are suffering declining living standards.


    The Main Street labor market is far weaker than the topline numbers or the conditions on Wall Street or K Street suggest.”





    What raises my suspicions more than anything is the statistics of the numbers.  This year so far, three statistically significant "beats" of consensus by what statisticians characterize as 5, 3, and 4 sigma.  Two beats of such magnitude would be incredible but three in a row seems impossible.

    Has every professional job market expect that for decades nailed the jobs number every month lost their mojo? 

    That would seem to be one logical conclusion unless you beleive the numbers are fake.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Isn't that the same as saying "the top 5%"?


    I believe the economy is strong, and that it is important to measure the U.S. economy against all other developed economies. When you do that, it appears even stronger.


    But I'm not so blinkered that I don't see problems. I just agreed with you a few days ago that we have a real problem with bloated CEO pay compared to worker pay, and that we need some corporate reforms to address this. I also think the rise of part-time jobs vs. full-time (with full benefits) is troubling, and I'll admit that Obamacare rules drive some (a lot?) of that.


    My question: I don't see you willing to admit economic progress in ANY way. 

    I agree that CEO pay is way too high.  Because, more or less, they get to decide how much they pay themselves.  The corporate business structure is something the professional executive management class has been exploiting for a long time.   


    But I disagree the economy is strong.  I think its built on a house of cards.  This economy is like a patient on life support.  All their vital signs are in good shape but unplug them from the machines and well...  you know.  In the case of the economy that life support is trillions in debt being accumulated.  Take away all that debt funding lots of unproductive activities and off the cliff we go.

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    I see that the usual crowd has gotten their talking points ready 

    A lot of it is government jobs, 71K.  And health care jobs are most likely funded by Medicare and Medicaid.  Which is more government spending.  Even for private insurers like UnitedHealth or WellPoint government programs like Medicare Advantage and Medicaid comprise the majority of their insurance business. 


    Meanwhile, this administration is on track to run a 2024 fiscal deficit of around $4 trillion.  Unless the prevailing wisdom no longer applies, the general rule is government deficits shrink or turn into surpluses in good economic times because tax receipts boom and social assistance and other support programs become less necessary.  But all that's going in the other direction.  I can't explain why that's happening in what many say are "good times" for the peasants.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Justice said:

    I believe WW3 already started  

    I do too but most Americans take a cavalier attitude toward war because the two oceans have to this point isolated them from directly experiencing any harm short of shipping off on some overseas military adventure. 

    But when China lands 200k troops in Mexico or the power station that supplies you in your comfort and safety gets taken out by some Russian or Chinese missile or a terror cell attack and you don't have any electricity for 6 months and your life is sent into total chaos you might at that point start thinking Ukraine joining NATO or unconditional military assistance to Isreal wern't such great ideas.

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Irv said:


    OK Pinocchio.  Keep lying.  

    Don't worry.  Everybody had a job in the former Soviet Union too.  How'd that turn out?

    The key is what are they doing? Pretty much low skill, low productivity jobs which generates around $1 of GDP for every $3 of public and private additional debt.

    What business is sound that spends $3 to make $1?  Only the magical thinking libs believe that's possible.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Sure, bloody Putin would never murder people wholesale. God bless those Republicans saving Putin the grief of having Ukraine able to defend itself. Let freedom rain down on all of those Trump likes, and no one else 

    If you accept the premise of all these reports you can only conclude the Russian military is incapable of hitting any targets except apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, shopping districts, and other civilian assets while completely missing all military targets of any value.  Which begs the question why the war isn't over?

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  11. On 4/1/2024 at 9:05 AM, BillStime said:

    Full on panicked, eh?



    Panicked? Hardly.  What are you going to do?  Shout incorrect pronouns at me.  I'm trembling with fear. 


    Go back to your cult of inclusion where you and your fellow cult members take turns talking about how bad people hurt your feelings and made you cry.

    7 hours ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Idiot never saw a secured facility? This actually surprised him?

    Oh, wait a minute, now I understand. He previously tweeted that Sidney Powell should indeed "release the Kraken." And also this: "I love Trump."



    Hey, look at me! I found QAnon!! (Again)

    Once again this proves fences and walls work.    

  12. 20 minutes ago, Pine Barrens Mafia said:

    IDK about that


    I think Stroud will likely be more successful than Allen long term.



    It's going to be interesting for CJ.  He missed a couple games so his durability needs to be watched.  And everyone's assuming no sophomore jinx and 1 year of film for defensive coordinators to work with won't lead to figuring out his tendencies and possible weakneses.  But the set up for success looks to be in place


  13. 24 minutes ago, Mikie2times said:

    I don't think he could handle Josh being such a mega star. It's fine for Steph when he's the center of attention. If he's not he starts to behave in ways to get the attention back on him. 

    Everything seems to point to a major distraction being removed.  Addition by subtraction.

    You can't have a ball hog ragging on your QB during a game. I can see Allen forcing the ball Diggs way just to shut him up while the other receivers go through the motions on plays because they know the cry baby is going to get passified.

    Playing hockey we had a puck hog that never passed the puck and the coaches ignored the problem.  Other players open for a shot or in better position to make a play began to understand the situation and just stopped skating.  Why waste your energy.  When he got moved down the bench our team became competitive.

    We'll see what happens with the Bills but I'm seeing this as a positive and I bet Josh has a sound full night of sleep tonight knowing the stress and strain of dealing with a diva of over.

    • Like (+1) 6
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Nextmanup said:

    You sound like the sort of Sabres fan who actually thought trading Eichel and Reinhart was a good idea, or that they were somehow part of any problem with the team.


     A pox on your family for a thousand generations!


    Off topic but sadly, there are lots of former Sabres that plain sucked here, got traded, released, or signed with another team that are playing good hockey elsewhere.  Guys actually playing hard instead of floating and coasting like they did here


  15. 39 minutes ago, FLFan said:

    I think the combination of Samuel and Shakir and Kincaid can handle that spot.  That’s what happened during the Bills winning streak to finish the year.  The need remains size and speed on the other side.  

    Agree.  The Bills went 6-1 to finish the regular season without getting much production from Diggs. 

    So when I'm watching and listening to the experts issue dire warnings that after the trade the Bills have no clear #1 WR I"ll argue they didn't have one the last 1/2 of the regular season either.

    Either with or without Diggs they need a legit WR1.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Agree 2
  16. On ESPN NFL Live they're addressing the question why if Diggs developed a reputation for sideline disagreements in Buffalo would the Texans take a flyer on Diggs?  And the answer was because strong leadership from HC Ryan's and QB CJ Stroud can keep Diggs in line.


    My take is why should anyone, coaches, management, other players have to devote valuable time and energy to keeping somebody in line?  They'll professionals. Not children.  But sadly some can't always maintain that level of behavior.

    Is the potential to upgrade their offense at the cost of creating potential distractions on and off the field? The results will say.

    • Agree 3
    • Haha (+1) 1
  17. 18 minutes ago, CirclnWagons said:

    I know money talks but how does the organization justify using one of Allen’s remaining prime years on a rebuild? Imagine going to work everyday knowing that you will not succeed for at least the next year. He’s counting the bucks but that would be hard for someone that competitive 

    I'm less worried about the Bills offense replacing/upgrading the WR position post-Diggs than I am about what the defense looks like in 2024 and what moves remain to be made on that side of the ball the rest of this off season.

  18. 2 hours ago, BillStime said:


    HA - why isn't Trump's cabinet endorsing him now?


    Don't you love when you step right in it?





    Who cares? Former cabinet endorsements?  Nobody can even name 2 or 3 of these people without looking it up.  They're political nobody's.


    Maybe Trump's former elementary school teachers haven't endorsed him either.  Oh my, big worry!

    7 minutes ago, Doc said:


    But hey, they haven't resigned!

    Because the only private sector jobs any member of Biden's administration is qualified for is out house pumper or Horse enciminator.

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