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Posts posted by billsfan714

  1. Maybe Im wrong but wont we have some money to spend next year? If TO isnt resigned thats 7.5 mill, we had to save some money letting Dockery and Walker go, and yes I realize we have to eat part of their signing bonuses. Cut or trade Roscoe and Kelsay, etc? But then again Im sure we'll spend millions on some journeyman offensive lineman who will in no way actually help the team win.

  2. I was born in the suburbs in the early 60's so when I became aware of football, say 1970, the Bills more or less truly sucked. I was originally a chiefs fan as I fell in love with them in the double OT loss to the Dolphins. This was the Len Dawson, Ed Podalak, Otis Taylor, Willie Lanier, etc chiefs. I lived threw the 70s and all the loses to the fish. I remember getting Dennis Shaws and John Leopolds autographs at local malls. I rooted for the Bills but there wasnt much to root for. I was there, at Rich, when Dempsey missed the chip shot to end the streak. I think we had one wild card in the 70s.


    As I said I was a Chiefs fan, and wasnt a hardcore Bills fan, but when I moved to Ohio to go to college, people dissing the Bills started to piss me off and my pride in my hometown kicked in. I remember watching the Knox led Bills against San Diego in the very early 80s, ended in heartbreak and Bill Simpson made some sort of screwup. Since then I was hooked, we had up and downs in the 80s but then the team started to become a winner. It was beautiful. I cherish the superbowl teams, even though they ended in heartbreak, but that was part of being a Bills fan, all the way back to the vision of Dempsey missing the chip shot. It was fun to hang 50 on the Raiders in the AFC championship game. The comeback, when my coworker in PA, called me at halftime to say hows your !@#$ing Bills doing. God it was fun coming in the next day to rub it in his face.


    As for Buffalove, and I like that word, I want to say this. You hear on this board so and so move to Florida or so and so moved to California, high WNY taxes, the weather, blah blah blah. My memories of Buffalo were, and are, great, even though I havent lived there since 1981 though my family is still there. I visit regularly. Not everyone who leaves Buffalo moves to some 24/7 beachfront location, making high 6 figures. And those that did probably dont brag too much lately about how the housing bubble, which is the worst in Cali, FLA and Las Vegas. Finding a reasonable 3 bedroom middle class house isnt that difficult in WNY. I lived in Ohio and currently live in PA and like Buffalo 100 percent better. Sorry, but the hometown I thought I wanted to leave in 1980, still beckons, and I hope to retire up there someday. For all the **** about Buffalo weather, it sure as **** seemed the people in WNY sure knew how to enjoy summer-crystal beach, beaver island, niagara falls, weekends at the quary at Sherkston, beach bars (try finding one of those in central PA), all the beaches and vacations at cottages in southern Ontario on the lake, drinking beer with friends at a beach fire, waterskiing, running on sand dunes, lawnfetes. And when the snow falls its on to winter sports, I have plenty of great memories of tobogganing at chestnut ridge on a toboggan which my father made in shop class in the 50s, skiing at Holiday Valley and Kissing Bridge, partying and sledding at Como park in HS. Hmm believe or not Buffalonians dont just sit on their ass and watch TV from Nov-March. I miss a Teds dog and a beef on weck. Yup its true.....not everyday in Buffalo is overcast and gray. I enjoyed the sun and warmth when it was there and I enjoyed the snow when it fell. ONE thing Im sure of, Buffalo and WNY is pretty great place to grow up in or raise a family. Buffalonians have no reason to feel like our city/area is somehow inferior, cause its not. In fact it a pretty awesome place to be raised in and Ill forever be Buffalo proud and wear my Bills hat down here with these Steeler fans. Cause one of these days........the Bills are gonna win it all Im gonna be up there, getting drunk as a skunk with all you other SOBs. .

  3. When they talked about a self fulfilling prophecy, I was thinking about all the Bills fans that said yeah Leodis should of run it out, he was being agressive. Weve become conditioned to losing and couldnt imagine making a first down on the Patriots, with the lead. Somehow what was lost on most here is this isnt your old Patriots defense, they didnt have Mayo and Seymour. Bruschi, Vrabel and Harrison are gone. In case you didnt notice the drive before we went down and scored, now somehow bills fans couldnt EVEN IMAGINE a first down. So we go out do the ONE THING that shouldnt of been done, run out of our own endzone(4 yards deep) with no return setup. and our returner gets stood up, and the patriots strip him of the ball. Textbook 101 how to blow a game and a lot of fans cheer the decision.

  4. Bobby April hands down. Its his friggin job to make sure the players on his units know what to do. It didnt take a rocket scientist to know the Patriots would be looking to stand up the returner and try and strip the ball. To run it out 4 yards deep, with no return setup, with the lead and just over 2 mins remaining was moronic. There was plenty of time after the Patriots long TD drive and kickoff to make sure Leodis knew the situation and the strategy. Either Bobby April didnt do his job or Leodis totally ignored his instructions.

  5. What I want to know, could some buffalo sports reporter ask this, was LM coached in this situation? It doesnt take a genius to know a good team like the pats with Billechik, would instruct his players to stand Leodis up and strip the ball. Did April or DJ tell LM to get down and not fight for yards? Because it sure as hell doesnt seem like he was coached about the situation. Plus Im in the downing it in the EZ, he caught it 2 yards deep and his momemtum took him another 2 yards further back, so yeah, 4 yards deep and no return blocking, Im taking a knee. The offense and especially Jackson were having success, it wasnt exactly impossible to envision a first down unless you have no faith in your offense. To me, conservative is taking it out pondering how much time youll leave Brady when you punt. Thats the ultimate in gutless football.

  6. McKelvin needed to have it imparted to him, IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, that if he caught it in the end zone, he was to KNEEL. He was obviously not imparted this information. He was allowed to do whatever he wanted. So, if it is NOT Jauron who is lambasted by the owner, it should be Bobby April.


    You let some supertalented idiot savant, who probably graduated with a Family Studies !@#$ing degree, make that kind of decision on his own, you, as a coach, need to be ousted, if not now, then as soon as you find someone who will never do that.


    We are a laughing stock, it's official now. Someone needs to pay. It might as well be the corpse with the headset.

    Chimp I like your thinking. Its why the head coach has a headset. After NE scores but misses the two, DJ should of been talking with April, MAKE SURE Leodis knows those two things, and obviously LM didnt. Hell I would of gone over to McKelvin and told him myself. Its something a Billichek or Parcells would of done, its what a head coach is supposed to do.

  7. No, in fact just the opposite is true. The fact that they had him run it out meant that they wanted the two-minute warning to happen before the play ended, so that, when New England "inevitably" got the ball back (because, of COURSE, we would NEVER be able to sustain a drive and run the !@#$ing clock out :rolleyes: ), THAT was playing not to lose.

    Right. One first down and Brady does even get the ball back, instead were planing on it.

  8. This is EXACTLY what happens to a fan base after three years of Dick Jauron.

    Well from my previous posts, Im a Bills fan down here in Steeler country. The Steeler mentality would of been to come out first and 10 on the 20 thinking were gonna run smash mouth football make a first down and ice the game. We control this game, we have the lead and the ball. Buffalo thinking------is already contemplating how much time your going to give the other team when you punt.

  9. You would think Belichick would have figured out the Jackson screen pass.


    Buffalo's defense was on the field the whole game. They were down two players out of a total of 22 available. And the fumble putting them back out there was a killer. But they were going up against the most prolific offense in history (10 of 11 starters back), and they did what you could ask of them. They even scored a touchdown!


    Totally agree, the one unit that played well was the defense, gave us 7 of our 24 points themselves. NE does have one of the best offenses in football, the defense didnt give up the 40 plus points everyone was predicting, they were on the field a lot in the 2nd half. Didnt see Brady throwing deep bomb touchdowns to Moss or Galloway or Welker on our defense and I gaurantee you'll see the Pats throwing bombs and hanging 40 on plenty of teams this year. I was actually pretty proud of the defense overall.

  10. So because event (a) happened then the odds weren't that strong against event (a) happening? That's your argument? Sound logic.


    Is picking up an extra first down (not just one, but two now apparently) against a defensive mastermind statistically easier than not fumbling the kickoff? Again, I yield to you, sir. Keep in mind, this is a situation in which you have to drain the opponents three remaining timeouts, so your options are either to run the ball or make very safe passes.


    There's a big difference between Tom Brady having 1 timeout vs. no timeouts. If you don't get it you just don't get it.


    Your more scared of Brady having a timeout then just thinking lets just go make ONE FIRST DOWN and win this game.

  11. Yeah, I would, because one first down wins the game. One first down with Freddie playing well, TO now on your team, and AVP calling a decent game. Yeah I do. Or, even if they have one timeout left, yeah, I make them 60 or 70 yards with one timeout left. You betcha.


    And that's good, you shouldn't be surprised.....it's smart football in that situation, period. This way FAILED. Miserably.



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