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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Everything posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. I actually feel bad for the defense. 15 pts late in the game. Offense should have a 20 pt lead
  2. do you think the play design was force it into Triple coverage?
  3. Woah woah waoh bro… are you looking to get banned by the mod? Josh?
  4. The rag tag defense is the talent on this team. bills are steelers lite.
  5. Defense is holding this team up with a cast of practice squad guys.
  6. They need to take that sideline hole shot out of the playbook. He gets more picks than completions on that throw
  7. that’s the issue l. With his arm if he was they’d be winning. Brady had jag WRs but he was disciplined. We are stuck somewhere between Luck Bortles and Rivers
  8. What are you advocating for, less mistake prone hero ball?
  9. Sure… looked pretty effective to me and set up the TD shot. this is what people want
  10. He hasn’t done hack tonight other than miss reads and throw garbage passes .
  11. How about a 3 step drop, throw to the open guy instead of passing up the open guy and holding it looking for hero shots. When people talk dunk and dunk they are talking about the offenses that win 5 rings. Simple. Take what’s there and move chains.
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