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Over 29 years of fanhood

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Posts posted by Over 29 years of fanhood

  1. On 12/7/2023 at 10:24 AM, Roundybout said:



    A very long read, and the other parts are only for paid subscribers, but his sources paint a picture of McD as a narcissistic control freak who won’t take accountability for anything. 


    Do with this what you will. 

    my grain of salt is Bill B comes across as a narcissistic control freak too as did Parcels. Polian was widely reported to be a complete ahole. I think to be an nfl coach some of these personality defects are a feature not a bug. 

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  2. 48 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    it was an opinion piece, not an article.  


    I think it was your obligation to point to a specific policy or policies of the Biden administration that has or have raised fuel prices.  Apparently there are no such policies. 

    If you want be be honest, it was your obligation to explain how inflated gas prices were entirely a free market economic phenomenon. 

  3. 3 hours ago, SectionC3 said:

    So the gist of it is rhetoric, the usual tripe about boogeyman “regulations,” and whining about the cancellation of certain permits for drilling offshore and on federal land.  Meanwhile, in reality, American oil fields are producing at record highs and actually generate more barrels per day than Saudi Arabia.  




    https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/01/business/energy-environment/us-oil-production-record-climate.html#:~:text=The United States Is Producing Historic Levels of Crude Oil&text=Chart showing millions of barrels,13 million barrels per day.

    the article I posted remains entirely accurate as was the case when it was written and when prices were at its highest.


    point being if you believe gasoline prices are driven by free market economics, you are extremely naive.  And then the are foreign policy gaffes and other such factors too. 

    and the current administration is proudly on the side of issues that constrain supply and investment into the fossil fuel industry.  Look no further than the Whitehouse website itself.  Or are you calling them liars? Or inept? 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 2 hours ago, SectionC3 said:

    You seem to be the one saying that the government has limited gasoline production and availability.  So show your cards and point to the policy that has limited the market’s supply of that fuel. 

    There is a lot more, but start here. 





  5. 9 hours ago, damj said:

    I don't know if it's just me ... but after the last 13 weeks, I'm burned out with this team. I'm a season ticket holder,  and I'll be out there the next 2 weeks regardless and sporting the red, white and blue ... but I really don't care anymore.


    But then again, maybe it is just me ... I don't care about much of anything any more. 


    I looked to the Bills to be a distraction from everything else in my life,  but they're just as F'd as everything else

    this week is an inflection point imo.


    Win convincingly and they might have gotten the bye and changed up the offense just in time to save the season. 

    lose and we can call it a season and shrug indifferently at the condescending ‘in the hunt’ moniker until actually mathematically eliminated 

  6. 48 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    CNN is out with its opinion of who won. pretty much a panel of talking heads posting about anything but the context




    my take fwiw;

    -Vivek is smart, anti establishment and insulting.  He won if it was a burn contest 

    - Nikki came across as so plain-Jane, it seemed like she was on defense all night, I’m not corrupt, I didn’t do the law, I never said that… 

    - Ron had some of the best “look at my resume I did it” stuff. But he is by far the least comfortable on camera- that won’t play well for him nationally. Someone tell the guy what to do with his arms. 

    - Christie acted more like a moderator than a serious candidate… very likable defending Haley against insults, trying to be the adult in the room. 

    All in all- this will be and interesting primary. The feild really needs to consolidate to one to have a shot at orange man. Desantis Haley ticket maybe? 

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  7. 17 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    Last I checked supply and demand largely dictated gas prices.  Unless you're blaming the government for choking supply (which would seem bizarre, given withdrawals from the strategic oil reserve and increased domestic production), then perhaps you're secretly a proponent of a command economic model with respect to fuel production and distribution. 

    So you are arguing there was no regulation, policy or position from the current administration that manipulated supply? 

    please argue that. It will demonstrate my point. 

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  8. 52 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    And yet he got himself elected President of the United States while you looked at cartoons all day.  

    I'm not sure where this comes from.  We have a Trumper supporting whining about communism, while at the same time many Trumpers whine about free-market pricing raising the cost of gas.  So which one is it?  Command economy or the whims of the market with respect to fuel prices?  

    it comes from fundamental economics.


    Do you not grasp why complaints about exploding commodity prices particularly gas prices was directly connected to a lack of free market, not because of it?? 



  9. Just now, zow2 said:


    As much as I like the Houston story, and CJ Stroud...they still don't scare anybody, at least not in my opinion.  I don't think any teams fear playing the Texans even though they are ahead of schedule. 

    I’m not into fear mongering but they do have 1 more win than buffalo and a softer schedule and this firmly in contention for one of the wild card spots. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, zow2 said:

    Zach just needs to hand off, scramble when there's an opening and if throwing...must take a quick dropback and throw the ball in 2-3 seconds to his first read even if it's 2 yards in front of him.

    Jets defense ‘could’ give CJS problems… but he has been incredible… I’m not even sure who #2 is in the RoY conversation. 

  11. On 12/1/2023 at 10:34 AM, SectionC3 said:

    I’ll think of that next time you whine about the price of gas. 

    regulatory price fixing solves commodity inflation?  

    That’s an even funnier take than slightly lower inflation should lead to price reduction… 


    financial literacy is a tragic societal problem…. 

    it seems to be getting worse as we approach idiocracy 

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