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Posts posted by cowtippur

  1. who's talking about persecuting him? Get your facts straight and quit making false accusations!

    The decent people don't wanna root for a sociopath...it's not like we're trying to get him thrown back in prison (although that's a good place for him)...we just don't wanna see him making millions of dollars playing a game for our team..BIG DIFFERENCE!! Psychopaths don't deserve to make millions for playing a game

    Really? So second chances don't happen in Buffalo? The whole "paid his debt to society" thing doesn't fly for the area? Listen to yourself, you can say what you want about false accusations and me getting my facts straight, but you have basically condemned the man for past transgressions.

    Tell me this, you have such a high opinion of Buffalo fans, which you should...are we better than Philly fans? They accepted him. What about Baltimore fans? They took Ray and Jamal Lewis back. St Louis fans certainly didn't mind Little playing there. So are Buffalo fans better or worse than these other cities?

    It sounds to me like you may be bringing the value down with over the top thinking.

  2. I never was a fan of Vick, never thought he a very food qb at the pro level. I have never cared for a run first qb. That being said, what is with the people here...is the time in prison not good enough for you? You feel the need to further persecute Vick for his actions? he messed up, as do a lot of people. I find it hard to believe that bringing Vick in would make so many of you turn your back to the team.

  3. Frankly I'm pretty torn. The last thing I want anyone to say is the Buffalo doesn't support the Bills. I don't want to give anyone an excuse to move our team. But rewarding Ralph Wilson for this JV NFL team isn't right either.



    I think this is how a lot of us feel. I live in NC, but have lots of family in upstate WNY and I'm from there. I would hate to see the Bills move. It's a catch 22, support a bad product or give RW a reason to move them.

  4. Walsh did not "love" Trent.


    He called Marv Levy after Buffalo drafted Edwards and said "you got yourself a good player", that's it. Nothing more to it.


    Coincidentally, the last place Walsh coached during his illustrious career was Stanford, where Edwards played. He never coached Trent, and wasn't involved in recruiting him. He was, however, still partially involved with the 49ers organization, and yet they didn't draft him.


    So he couldn't have "loved" him that much.

    killjoy :sick:

  5. His movies stick up for working people. Not that his detractors would notice.



    I'm not going to get into a big thing on politics or any debate of the kind really. This is all I will say on this topic...Moore is a hypocrite. His movies say one thing, but talk to people that have worked for him in those movies and the story is different. He is not patriotic, he is someone that takes the money of those working people by charging them to see his drivel.

  6. Don't think Ralph will hire Fisher, but accidentally tuned in to WGR while at the drive thru yesterday and heard Sullivan saying he thinks there's a chance Ralph would bring back Marv...as coach!!!


    Not a bad idea - give Marv a one-year stint to get this coaching bug out of his system once and for all, and bring in as Assistant HC/Offensive Coordinator a young guy by the name of...


    Mike Leach


    I'll say one thing for you, you are consistent with your choice. You haven't changed your opinion or entertained the idea of someone else yet, have you? I'm not saying it's bad, it's actually refreshing. I don't agree with your choice, but the steadfast approach is nice.

  7. Doesn't it stand to reason that the players would have input? They are on the field, they see things that coaches don't. Everything can't be seen on tape can on it? I like the idea of the players taking ownership. I would imagine this happens on other teams as well, it just may not be said, mainly because of the egos of coaches.

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