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Posts posted by cowtippur

  1. Isn't it fairly common these days to have a staff reasonably assembled when hired? I know other coaches mentioned for the vacancies this year had staffs already put together. I don't mind the wait, as long as they get it right with enough time to properly evaluate before free agency and the draft, it just seems strange to me that there is nobody besides Chan in place.

  2. I think that we were all pumped up for the possibility of the team landing a big name coach that anything less than a Cowher/Billick/Shotty is viewed as some sort of failure.

    I actually think its the best move we made in a long time.


    I agree completely. I like the combo of gm and coach that are in place. I also would have liked Billick...not so much with Cowher. I think no matter what the case, even if it were Billick that was hired, the masses would still grumble. When his name was mentioned a couple weeks ago there were quite a few here that hated that idea. For some it was Cowher or Shanahan or nothing.

  3. Atleast the Bills aren't alone in this, Denver did the same thing this year


    Cowtippur - It all depends on what better suits your agenda. If Ralph is cheap, then those were rumors and never offered. If you are on the side that believes no one wants to step foot in Buffalo cause Ralph meddles too mucch and is hindering the team, then they were offered and the guys took less money just so they wouldn't have to come here

    I would probably go with a more down the middle approach. I think even if he pays top dollar for a coach, at some point the generosity will run out and he won't pay for the talent, possibly. I also though feel like an up and coming coordinator would be better than Shanny Sr. or Cowher, so maybe my feelings are swayed a bit.

  4. Ralph pays for performance. After DJ was 5-1, the Bills paid him in the top 10 of coaches in the league. That just proves Ralph is Cheap and won't open his wallet!

    So the reports of offering Shanahan and Cowher money were just falsified? Nothing more than rumors? Has there not been an effort to entice the huge name you guys want that in no way guarantees any form of success?

  5. As soon as Minnesota loses, Frazier will be the next coach, he will come cheap, Brandon will get a raise, and Ralphie will save his cheap ass alot of money, The Bills are a f!@#$%G JOKE!!!!!!!!

    As opposed to the offers that Ralph has put out to the "big name" coaches but they have not been interested? Should Ralph overpay a lesser known just to say he's not cheap? What do you want him to do? He has tried, there is no interest. The NFL is full of good coaches that were once little known coordinators. It's not necessarily a bad way to go.

  6. okay, I'll start "namEing" them

    Colt McCoy

    Jake Locker

    Sam Bradford

    Jevan Snead

    Dan Lefevour

    HELL, I'd take Tebow before Vick, and he's not expected to play QB, and hasn't even taken an NFL snap yet.


    look at the good teams. they have what most would call "traditional" QBs who stand in the pocket and chuck it. they think pass first, not run. (brady, manning, manning, brees, palmer, rivers, roethlisberger, mcnabb, favre, schaub, flacco, ryan)

    I'll take Locker please.

  7. We get it, you think a sub par QB who clearly has mental issues should be the next starter for the Bills.

    Ok, I wanted to be done with this, I really did. However, please go through my posts and show me where I have said he should be our qb. Go look, I'll wait...


    No? Didn't find it? I said I would not want him here. I said I would not want him here because he is not a good qb though. You guys want to stick to whatever agenda you have and not listen to reasoning. Never once did I say he should be in Buffalo. Never did I defend what he did, as stated earlier. I DID however, say that what he did is in the past. The two do not coincide. One thought is about skill and one about his history. I also will not be calling him any of the names listed in this thread. Yes, he did bad things. Terrible things. Awful things. I can't speak to his state of mind at the moment though.

  8. as he should've...the cold, calculated sociopathic monster that he is doesn't deserve to get that back, IMO. The league reinstated him unfortunately and if any team wants to help him get what he doesn't deserve, I hope and pray it's never my team


    This is why I have such a hard time with your side of this. You seem so extreme. You apparently don't believe in forgiving even though you say you only would have a problem if he put on the Bills uniform. Your opinion seems extremely biased, completely negative, not allowing him any room for showing remorse or making retribution for his actions.


    This is also why I'm done with this topic. Your cynical opinion won't change. My outlook won't either. Sorry if I angered you with my opinion, I'm just trying to make another side to the story.

  9. No....again, you're not reading what I said...you're accusing me of condemning the guy when all I've been saying all along is that I don't want that sociopath making millions of dollars playing a game for my team....how is it that hard to understand?

    What's hard to understand is how you can keep saying you aren't condemning him, you aren't trying to persecute him, yet you keep calling him a sociopath, psychopath, sadistic criminal. You talk about Buffalo being the city of good neighbors, yet you say you want him thrown over the falls.


    "someone like Vick won't be embraced by anyone but punks with no regard for common decency"---this is your line. This is what makes your comments hard to understand.

  10. read what I said or don't respond to me...I don't want that sociopath making millions of dollars in my team's colors...nothing more

    Philly fans...they had a jail on the premises at the Vet and we already knew they hated kids...they booed Santa Claus...LOL

    Baltimore and St Louis I can't say much about except to say that those cities stole teams from other cities after having it done to them so I'm not a big fan of those cities and teams for that reason already

    Really? You're laying down the law with me? You're off limits unless I come around to your closed minded way of thinking?

    Look, I started off by saying Vick is not a good qb. That and that alone is the only thing that should keep him from Buffalo. It is not up to you, me, or anyone else to decide if he has done something so heinous that a legion of fans should turn away from him or the team that brings him in. You go over the top with your statements against him. Yes, he did despicable things. He served time for them and lost everything. He is now a gimmick qb.

    I would think if he did show up in a Buffalo uniform though, we would give him the benefit of the doubt and judge him for what does for the TEAM. His whole work ethic has apparently changed. I think that needs to be said for many on this team.

    I think he did awful things too. I just think he should now be judged for what he is doing presently.

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