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Posts posted by cowtippur

  1. No, not saying turn into piles of lard. I don't believe I even came close to insinuating that. I am kind of surprised they aren't working out with trainers, their former schools, and that the agents want them doing this before they have their cut of the big payday. It doesn't matter how careful the veterans are, accidents happen, muscles tear, achille's rupture, strains, whatever.

  2. I have mixed feelings about the rookies participating in these player workouts. I think it's great, as the vets will be able to give them an idea of what the coaching staff expects and I'm sure it will be a boost in teamwork and camaraderie. I have to wonder though, if these players get injured doing these workouts, what will the Bills stance be? The organization has already cut out pension payments, I have to believe they don't intend to foot the bill for injuries.

  3. Jake Delhomme...just heard today via NFL network that if he where to return to Cleveland he would have to be signed to the veterans minimum. He would provide a veteran backup that has had some success in the league but shouldnt create a QB controversy.

    Anybody creates a controversy. Even Brohm created controversy. If Fitz struggles, expect Levi Brown to start being a hot topic--"Let's put him in and see what he can do" type stuff.

  4. I'm not blaming one person for tonight's loss. I'm looking over the course of the season. Miller can go from lock down to a sieve. Actually seems comparable to Boucher. You guys keep saying the team on the ice tonight, the team on the ice tonight wasn't initially being debated. Yes, tonight's team seemed scared, apprehensive, and deflated. Maybe just plain tired. All season long this team has been offensively challenged. The original premise of this was Miller. Throughout the season, I don't believe Miller to be anything more than average. Look around the league and compare. Maybe on a team with a better defense, maybe a team with a better offense, maybe he would be the star that he is supposed to be. I don't know that. All I can go by is what I have witnessed and that is coming up short in big situations.

  5. Watch the games. Don't be a simpleton who does nothing but look at the goals against. The defense has hung him out to dry, as has the offense. I can't even count the number of times there has been multiple flyers standing unmolested in front of Miller.


    Getting rid of Miller would be the height of stupidity. Thankfully, Pegula doesn't seem to be the type to drink the moron kool-aid, so Miller will be back starting game 1 of the 2011-12 season. The entire league thinks Miller is one of the best goalies in the business. That doesn't mean he won't have bad games.


    Ideally next season, Enroth can play 20 games during the regular season so Miller is a bit more rested come playoff time. The only thing he's guilty of is being slightly overworked over the past few seasons.

    That's nice. Call me a simpleton for making an opinionated response. Guess it's to be expected here, it's why I post so rarely. Fact is, an elite goalie doesn't get pulled in game 7 in the playoffs. Defense or not, he needed to step like he did in his second shutout of the series. He has a tendency to come up small in big situations, just like the Olympics. Call me what you will, it is my belief that Miller is not among the top goalies like is so commonly stated. Enroth may not work either, don't know, but I know there are way too many Miller apologists.

  6. Is Enroth going to play defense as well as goaltender? Because this game tonight has been the Flyers versus Ryan Miller.

    No, but that's tonight. He has these bad games a lot. He is extremely hot and cold. Two shut outs in this series but has given up 17 goals in the other 4 games. I understand the defense needs to step up, as does the offense, but those are not elite numbers.

  7. What a bunch of give-up babies. Philadelphia is so vastly superior it is crazy. Literally manhandling the baby Sabres and Ryan Miller...is he supposed to be a good goalie? Do good goalies give up fistfuls of goals every other game?

    Exactly why I have been thinking he should be traded. Take your chances with a young Enroth. Miller had a good Olympics, but since has been no better than average.

  8. most people view qbs like spouses before they get married - they want perfection. everybody wants the next manning. everybody wants the next june cleaver


    so would i but thats irrational. theres only so many of each. and in the nfl its even worse cuz you gotta marry somebody


    give fitz a fourish year extenstion and make somebody take the job away from him


    I've never thought of it like this, but it's a very good comparison. I agree completely...some teams every 5-10 years get their "perfect soulmate", but it's not likely. Find a hard working qb with talent enough to win and surround him with other talent. I vote Fitz. Although, another quality qb on the roster is needed to keep pushing the incumbent. I don't think Brohm is really lighting a fire under anyone.

  9. I am seriously starting to wonder if there even IS a first-round worthy QB coming out in the draft this year. Wasn't 2011 supposed to be some big year for QB's???


    I haven't seen one Saturday QB that really impressed me this year.


    I'm an FSU guy too, and even Ponder makes me nervous. Looks like a good 2nd round kind of pick to me.

    Just wait until you see Russell Wilson on October 28 when the Noles come to Raleigh. He's theoretically too short to play QB in the NFL at 5'10", but he's still awfully good in college. So far this year he is playing great.

  10. Dear Chan Get a load of this guy that was just moved to San Francisco's PS.



    I think this was the play you called 4 times in the last two series against Maimi.

    I remember watching him. He is an awesome athlete. I don't know how well he would make it under center full time, but our other options don't offer much hope. This kid looks the part, what little of him I've seen.

  11. People it was a joke get over it. I really dont wish for Trent Edwards to get Aids. What sane person would. The only thing I want is for trent Edwards to not start for the team anymore. And I am sorry for ruining this thread. You can bash me if you want. I deserve it.

    :thumbsup: At least you say this. It's better than telling someone go to another Bills site if you don't like it.

  12. But you didn't critique the comment, you assumed moral superiority over the whole board.




    Because it's the Internet. It takes less than a second to go somewhere else, and there are a TON of places to go.

    Moral superiority? Why, because I think it's fairly classless to wish a deadly sickness on someone? Ok then, I'm superior.

    Since there are so many other places to go, why not you and whoever else wants the trash talk go there? The fact is, everyone stopped here because they liked the conversation, the dialogue. Now it's changed. Why send the civil people packing?

  13. Here's where I have to simply say, WTF? I don't question your take on Sanchez. While I don't agree necessarily, he may very well turn out to be good.


    But what the hell does the Bills QB situation have to do with someone giving a negative evaluation of Sanchez? We criticize the Bills QBs quite a bit on this board. But because the Bills QBs aren't among the leagues best, the Bills fans should refrain from evaluating QBs on other teams? Are you serious with this BS? Should fans from other teams with questionable Offensive Lines refrain from criticizing the Bills LT situation? This is a position that simply sounds stupid, to me.

    We probably shouldn't have talked about another teams coach or gm for the last few years either. I think the only positions we can comment on are running back and defensive back.

    Either way, as the OP stated, Sanchez is so bad. That doesn't say is always going to be bad, but at this moment in time, with what we have to judge on, he is bad.

  14. Thanks guy. I believe time will prove me to be correct here. Lets compare notes at the end of the season and see who ends up eating crow. LOL.

    Eat crow? For what? For saying to go back and look at his stats? He was not impressive, far from the stellar qb he is made out to be. For his sake, he better make strides to improve or he will end up just like our qb roster.

    I'm not saying he won't get better. How the hell would I know that? Nobody does. I am saying that his season that is in the books was quite lackluster.

    Like Pilsner said, he was dropped into a very good situation. The team was on the rise. They weren't on the rise because of Sanchez. Hell, their own coach said their season was over at one point last year. Is that because of stellar qb play?

  15. Lets just agree to disagree guy. Sanchez was only a rookie last year and yet the Jets were one win away from playing the Super Bowl. He made improvements along the way, and my guess is he will continue to do so. He was a winner in college and he has now won in the NFL. Id take him in a NY minute over our three half talents. My point is I find it odd than any of us Bill fans would feel we are in any position to criticize any other team's QB situation. LOL.

    Ok, guy. You're right. He won for one season in college. No championship or anything, but he won. He progressed throughout the year. Actually, they had him throw less throughout the year more than anything.

    I agree to disagree with you, guy.

  16. Only one stat matters - the Jets made it to the AFC Championship game with a rookie coach and rookie QB. The kid certainly didn't carry the Jets, but he certainly has much more upside than our lackluster trio of QBs who probably wouldn't earn the starting position with any other team.

    I don't agree, Merle. Other stats matter when the premise of the post was how bad Sanchez is, not the team that made it to championship game in spite of him.

    In an article a couple days ago it said all of the AFC East teams had legitimate, proven quarterbacks. How? What has Sanchez proven? He has proven that he can throw to the opposite team quite well.

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