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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. The sinking feeling in my stomach says so yes. He's a better RB than anyone on this roster not named McCoy. Boobie proved he can't handle the load and Please remember this post, hoping Karlos Willimas will let a lot of fans down. He was an average tweener at FSU who lost his job to a true freshman. He's not a RB, he's a athlete without a true position and also has had fumbling problems. He will bomb mark my words. There is no replacement on this team for Freddy, not in a backup role or a leadership role. Terrible move.


    I get the Fred Love. I share it. What I don't get is why fans feel the need to trash and ill-wish other Bills players in their hurt and sorrow over cutting Fred.

  2. Exactly. Roman, Ryan, and both Pegulas would be pissed if they thought that had anything to do with it. I would bet anything this was something they all spoke about, load out the reasons and possible scenarios and decided this together.


    Yes, I'm quite confident this was a decision made looking forward to the 53-man cutdown and considering the best interests of the team, with everyone at the table.

  3. I'm offended that the Bills are running Freddy highlights in their stories about the cut.


    No. You don't get to do that.


    Why not? Whaley made a nice statement praising and honoring Fred and thanking him, why shouldn't the Bills show highlights? It's a way of showing that honor is sincere, isn't it?


    "Today we had to make the difficult decision to release Fred Jackson," Bills general manager Doug Whaley said in a statement. "He had an incredible career for this organization for the past 10 years. We thank Fred for his hard work, dedication and leadership during his tenure with the Buffalo Bills. Fred has inspired the city of Buffalo in a number of ways. Fred and his family have been dedicated to this community and we can't thank them enough for their contributions through his career."


    They cut him early to give him the best chance to go elsewhere if that's what he wants, they thanked him, and they're highlighting him. If they had to make the decision to cut him, which is making my heart bleed but I do understand it's a tough business and calls for tough decisions, what would you prefer they do? Just post his name as a cut and shut up about it?

  4. Not surprised at all. Have to make some tough decisions


    que the complete emotional over reactions


    Morons spelled backwards, this is a "lose" and a "fail" of a comment.


    We're Fans. Part of being a fan is to be emotional. Fred is a much loved player, he deserves emotional reaction from fans.


    I do get that it's a tough business where tough choices have to be made for the team, but that doesn't mean fans have to like them or agree.

  5. This move has Whaley's stank written all over it. Obviously, Freddy was cut to protect Whaley's ego on the Bryce Brown fiasco.


    Where's DC Tom when you need him?


    Go look at all the injuries and figure out how to keep some of those players, while fielding a good team for the first weeks while they come back.

    Post your 53-man roster.

    Then come back and prate about Whaley's Ego and Bryce Brown

  6. Why!?!?!?!




    At a guess....the Bills are in a hard place with cuts right now due to all the injuries. They need bodies for the final preseason game and they need to carry some injured players they expect back, onto the 53-man Saturday.


    It surprises me, but if you want to keep Karlos Williams (and I think you do - he looks like the future) and etc, you got to cut someone.


    It is possible they hope to cut someone else when players return from injury and pick Fred back up.

  7. Marrone opting out was the best thing he ever did in and for Buffalo.

    Thank you for such a great gift

    Man, can you imagine the mood around here if we still had DM and Hackett right now?



    This thread really ought to be locked and go away. If you read the linked article carefully, Doug Marrone refuses to talk about Buffalo in his interview and the reporter is just rehashing old news, not adding any new information or stronger credibility. Nothing to see here, Move Along.


    Edit: as for the mood around here if Marrone hadn't moved on? It would not be as....Hopeful

  8. That's actually proper news. Those neighbors of your connections are not as tight mouthed as they might think they are.


    This. In view of both Rex and Whaley being quoted as saying they can keep 3 QB on the roster several times, it's actually big news.

    There seems to be a lot of talk about Cassel and the ground and pound approach. Ground and pound has more to do with who is carrying the Rock and who is blocking then who is handing it off.


    Yep, This. Well, kind of. The ability to correctly read the D and make adjustments quickly is needed, and the question is which of the 3 QB will bring this ability.


    No nothing is absolute, but 4 years is a clear trend. I could understand if it was a year or maybe two where he played poorly and/or got injured, but four?


    Weeeeellllll...I could be wrong, but I view Cassel as the ultimate system QB.

    2008: looked great in Josh McDaniels redesign which made it run-first

    2009: looked like Doggie-doo when Haley fired Chan Gailey and took over right before the season

    2010: looked great in a Ground-n-Pound run-first Charlie Weiss offense

    2011, 2012: looked horrid in Bill Muir/Brian DaBoll offense, which is kind of analogous to looking horrid with Hackett/Marrone

    2013: up and down year in relief of Christian Ponder. Looked good at times in a run-centric O - won 3 lost 2 once he took over at the end of the season, which projects out to a 10 win season.

    2014: looked good in the first game with AP, looked absolutely atrocious in the 2nd game against NE*** with AP out and no one else in the RB cupboard, injured 3rd game.


    So...I think it's a bit harsh to say he "looked bad the last 4 years". I think he's looked how he's always looked - pretty good in a run-first O with a D strong enough to shut down the opponent, pretty bad if he's expected to run the show in a pass-to-set-up-the-run kind of scheme. And even in the run-first O, he is inconsistent and has bad weeks, when the D lets them slip behind or the opponent is really stuffing the run and they have to pass.


    The paradox of Cassel is that the argument is, he's the veteran superior at reading and interpreting D and making the right choices. Yet in his career, he's been exposed when he's been asked to run a sophisticated, pass-first offense where he's out there every play reading the D and deciding what to do. Why is that? Is it that he can't read and react fast enough when the fur is flying, even though he's a smart hardworking guy in the film room by all accounts? Is it that his physical tools let him down when he needs to depend on them too much? (I don't think it's an accident that Fitz had his best year ever in a Texans "give it to Arian Foster" offense).


    The bottom line is I think Cassel can look like the safer choice on paper (or in the film room), but he isn't the safer choice on grass or turf on Sunday.


    Edit: this is my own view but I think it's fair to acknowledge that this is exactly what QB pundit Greg Cosell has said about him


    EJ deserves a bunch of credit, and who I think should be the starting QB... My 7 observations from tonight's game: http://www.wkbw.com/sports/bills/joe-b-7-observations-bills-43-steelers-19

    I had to rub my eyes a couple of times. I also restarted my computer to make sure this wasn't a glitch.



    This is Exhibit A of why, if you're a player or a coach, you're a fool if you take the media too seriously praise or blame. They follow the latest wind to craft a storyline, and that makes them fickle.

  10. I've watched just about every preseason game, there have been some bad offenses. Seattle hasn't scored a TD with their first team offense. Denver has looked bad too. On the flip side the Eagles have looked very strong. The Jest looked pretty good and moved the ball well against the Giants. The Dolphins looked good the first 2 weeks and then against Atlanta they had some problems.


    Green Bay? N'Orleans? Chargers? Thanks!

  11. I always hated the draft trade, but not the player. That's because who was to say he wouldn't be good? The problem with the draft trade is: the ONLY way it makes sense is if he is the GOAT by a lot. It only took 1 pick to draft Kelly, Marino, Elway, Manning, Brady, Montana, etc. (....)

    2. Albert Haynesworth(same thing on player vs scheme, but this guy had a terrible attitude, and they never even bothered to ask their own pro scouts)


    Interesting take on the situation from Haynesworth himself. It was linked on this board before:





    People are going to be all over you for your contract, and you’re going to feel really frustrated. You’re going to do some dumb things. But what people aren’t going to see is Mike Shanahan calling you into his office and saying, “Albert, we just want you to eat up space. All we want you to do is grab the center and let the linebackers run free.”

    You’re going to look at this famous NFL head coach in total disbelief and say, “You want to pay me $100 million to grab the center?”

    And he’s going to say, with a straight face, “Albert, if you have more than one sack this season, I’m going to be pissed.”

    The last thing you’ll say before walking out of the office is, “Can’t you just pay someone $300,000 a year to do that?”


  12. I still don't get the "he played the least so he will be ther starter". They only case where that is ever true is with elite QBs. A lot of the elite QBs haven't played a ton this preseason. Rodgers, Manning and Rivers have all played very little. Cassel is clearly not in this category and could use all the prep he can get.


    Haha what was it McCoy said about Sammy "got to keep the Ferrari in the garage until Sunday"?

    Peyton Manning, Rodgers, Rivers: "got to keep the Ferrari in the garage until Sunday"


    Cassel: I know Ferraris, and Matt Cassel? He's no Ferrari


    I think you guys are taking me a bit out of context. If Fred Jackson scampers off to a long running touchdown I am sure as hell not going to ask that he walk it 20 yards back. But do you think that we are going to win in a high speed slug out with some of the more offensively minded teams? As better I feel about our quarterback situation than I did at the beginning of the offseason I still think that our best option is a control game. We have the home run playmakers who can take small short plays and turn them into big gains. That doesn't necessarily making deep throws down the field. I'll take an efficient offense moving off and that grinds the opponents down so that their dog tired later in the game.


    Again let's go over what Rex said when he was first hired. We are going to ground and pound. Ground and pound. Ground and pound. We will run it 50 times a game if we can. Every minute we have the offense in possession is our opponents nor scoring. A long drive for points early that's awesome well in the fourth quarter. That is my biggest objection to Cassel. cassel can sustain drives but so far he hasn't scored any points.


    What I can't figure out is why you seem to feel deep-strike or big-play potential from a QB takes away the ability to run a ground and pound control game?

  14. Was watching Oak - Zona last night. Both QB looked pretty durn bad. Palmer wasn't helped by his OL, but he looked pretty hapless when he had time. Carr didn't look so good either. Bradford and the Iggles have looked good - but Bradford has a history of looking good in preseason.


    So wondering, for those of you that can't wait and watch a lot of preseason football - how have other offenses looked?

  15. because they believe in Jerry S. Whose story aligns with theirs.


    I'll repost the link


    As I’ve(JS) said before, Taylor’s rise was largely due to his modest competition, Cassel and EJ Manuel. That doesn’t mean he can’t succeed, that he wouldn’t seize the moment and turn into a solid NFL starter.


    Ryan pushed to get Taylor. Maybe others are trying to persuade him. I’m told that offensive coordinator Greg Roman believed that Cassel was best-suited to run his offense.


    Dude, could you be so kind as to note when it's a Sully link? (the parenthetical (JS) was too subtle for a dumb grunt like me)

  16. It was only preseason, the Steelers pass defense was full of holes, but Marcus Easley caught everything throw his way, maybe by different QB, and made

    nice catches including one absolute gem on the right side.


    Forget the debate about Hogan and Goodwin (hurt) , get Marcus Easley some playing time. Dude can catch the ball from what I was seeing!



    Go Bills.


    Easley sees playing time - a lot of playing time - on ST where he is our gunner. Think Steve Tasker - the man could run routes, the man could catch, the man could block, and the man was more valuable to the Bills playing punts and kickoffs.


    Bottom line Goodwin and Hogan can't play ST. Easley can, so even though he's a good WR......

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