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Hapless Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Hapless Bills Fan

  1. It's official....he's out until Oct. 3rd. Rough sledding for those games, with Jets, Cards and Pats. Yikes...


    This is probably a Good Thing. If the assessment was, he was very very likely to lose his appeal, makes so much more sense to let the suspension happen now.

    It's essentially like giving the Bills an extra short-term IR-with-a-chance-to-return slot - except that now Henderson is in "one more strike and you're out" territory.

  2. Only 1 out of 40 experts polled by newyorkupstate.com predict the Bills will make the playoffs.


    98% of NFL writers/experts from NFL.com, PFF, ProFootballTalk, USA Today, CBS, ESPN, etc. who do this for a living do not think the Bills are a Top 6 team in the AFC.






    I guess I thought it was amazing that 1 of the 40 writers predicted "Superbowl!" for the Bills

  3. So this Denver team, what do we think? They look like a team that'll be competitive in every game but ultimately I don't think Siemien is going to get them more than nine wins. He was poised but all I saw were simple throws and reads which defenses will take advantage of in the coming weeks.


    I think that normally when a QB throws 2 picks (and could easily have had a 3rd), their team does not win.

    If it's our QB who throws 2 picks (and could easily have had a 3rd), we clamor for his head on a pike and start talking about how he's the worst ever.




    WR -- Watkins/Woods = starting weak

    TE -- Clay = starting weak


    Fans never cease to amaze me...


    I think you may have misread him. His first sentence was "voids and lack of depth". Then he said "startling" not "starting".


    I think everyone acknowledges Watkins & Woods as a good 1-2 punch and Clay as a high-quality TE starter, the question is what's behind them?


    My biggest concern is lack of game time and whether everyone is in "football shape" and ready for the speed of the NFL game. Rex avoided some amount of the injury bug by resting starters more than many teams do. But will that cost us?

  5. For fear of reading something so stupid that it would cause me to die, I skipped all comments before writing this.


    My sister has been battling this disease for about 25 years. She's 47. Two days ago, she underwent a surgery to remove a significant portion of her digestive tract. She's been in pain, daily, for at least the last decade - mostly her butt - and now she will have a colostomy bag, since she now has no anus. She is an education professional and has been unable to engage in any social activity with her colleagues for her entire career. She's looking forward to living pain free and the risk of cancer has also been significantly reduced due to her surgery.


    This disease is no joke.


    I'm sorry your sister is going through this, and I hope her recovery from surgery is smooth!

  6. And if you know the Henderson story, he hadn't been bothered by the Crohn's symptoms until last year.


    I think we both know what's been in the media

    It is possible for someone to go from first symptoms ever to requiring emergency surgery in a couple of months, but what is more common is someone is actually suffering symptoms for years, they just aren't recognized until they turn severe.

  7. The team is now open to being fined for having multiple players getting suspended. It was on espn's twitter feed.

    So even the league things the FO should be accountable


    Does Karlos count, since they cut him before the start of the league year?


    yup - i dont recall the new procedure, but i believe we are talking a 6 figure fine at this point.


    It's a percentage, I think 25%, of the money the suspended players lose by being suspended, but only up to a maximum of $250,000. Since Dareus is losing $1.9M in his 4 game vacation, they'll hit the max

  8. Yes, it is possible. It is also highly unlikely and a fairly moronic statement on your part.


    It's not uncommon for Crohn's to go undiagnosed for years. Long enough that there are studies comparing people who are diagnosed >24 mos after symptoms to those diagnosed earlier.


    I don't know what the medical plan is like at the U, but typically when a college student complains of pain in his gut the answer is stress management and quit with the beer bong, not GI workup. Much less when a football player complains of pain in his gut, well duh you're a football player, what do you expect, do more core exercises.


    On the other hand, maybe he just likes to toke.

  9. I have two thoughts when I see this:


    1) It just shows you how desperate the Bills are for OL talent that they keep this guy on. He missed a lot of last season. It's still a serious question mark as to whether he can come back and be reliable to play on a regular basis, and now he will be suspended for four games to boot. I'm afraid that the Bills will be lucky to get much use out of him this season.


    2) Saying that he used marijuana for pain control sounds very disingenuous. Everyone knows that it's a banned substance so there's no way that his doctor would have prescribed or recommended it. He should know better too. Plus, I'm sure that there are other options available that are not on the banned list.


    Actually many pain relief medications are contraindicated in Crohns. The NSAIDS (ibuprofen, aleve, toradol, etc) all can cause GI irritation and bleeding - not a good choice. Sucks to be Seantrel especially as I understand it OLmen live on that stuff.


    Tylenol is OK, but if something more potent is needed, it's pretty much narcotics - which many MDs are reluctant to prescribe except for a brief period post-surgically due to addiction fears, and which can also have undesirable GI side effects.


    I have no idea what went on. Maybe the guy discussed pain management choices with his doctor and decided "forgiveness is easier to obtain than permission" or thought he wouldn't play again so why not, or thought he wouldn't need to test while on IR and miscalculated when to cease using. Or maybe he's just a pothead who couldn't leave the weed alone to save a multi-million dollar career. Just saying in this particular and very painful disease, pain control options are indeed rather limited.

  10. what if he didnt have that prescription?


    Then to me I guess it matters when he tested positive? If he was on IR and undergoing surgery, thinking he might have to hang up his cleats, I think that should get a pass.

    If he's reported to the Bills facility to start training, then to me it falls into the category of any other guy who tests positive - I may disagree with the rule, but it's a condition of employment.


    Isn't that outside the bounds of his suspension?


    Depends upon what they mean by "working out". I believe he can't practice with the team or play, but he can attend meetings and use the workout facilities/trainers. "Short of attending practice or games, players suspended for substance abuse can do everything that eligible players can. That includes lifting weights, watching film, receiving treatment, sitting in on team meetings -- and chilling in the locker room."

  12. @bytimgraham

    Marcell Dareus has not checked into a rehab facility. He's receiving treatment locally while working out w/Bills and attending meetings.


    I don't know what to think about this. On the one hand, apparently he has an established therapeutic relationship with a psychiatrist and psychologist locally, so it doesn't necessarily make sense to go elsewhere if there's an already established relationship of mutual trust. On the other hand, sometimes a new surrounding brings new perspective.

  13. Bills practice squad now at max of 10


    The Bills finally have their practice squad completely filled, but it did not come without some shuffling.


    Buffalo signed TE Gerald Christian and DT Deandre Coleman to the team’s practice squad Wednesday, but had to move CB Damian Parms off to make room for one of them.


    So the practice squad looks like this as of today.


    TE Gerald Christian

    DT DeAndre Coleman

    LB Carlos Fields

    K Jordan Gay

    CB Doran Grant

    WR Matt Hazel

    G Gabe Ikard

    WR Dezmin Lewis

    CB Marcus Roberson

    DE Max Valles



    So how did Gabe Ikard look during preseason, anyone? A couple weeks after the Bills cut him loose last December, the Lions picked him up and kept him through the final cutdown.

    While we're at it: Matt Hazel, from the Dolphins. Anyone got anything?


    It may be on Henderson because he knew the rules, but it also means that we don't have to blame him for being an idiot and have a little compassion for what he went through. Also Goodell should take that into consideration for his suspension if changing a phone number merits consideration. "Bell knew the rules"


    This. If changing your phone number gets you a reduction in suspension, having a prescription for medical marijuana for pain relief in a condition that makes conventional pain killers like toradol inadvisable, should be considered.

    Survival with Crohn's (a chronic disease) is not related to smoking weed...


    Many aspects of "best practice" in treating chronic disease are not related to survival.

  15. The knock on Taylor running before he gives guys a chance to get open isn't accurate. Taylor made a point last year of waiting and waiting for guys to get open before taking off, often times to the detriment of how many yards he could gain by running. I don't want him to run more but to criticize the guy for taking off too early seems like he's bunching all "running QBs" together without having watched Taylor that much.


    Sort of. You're correct that last year, Taylor would extend plays and use his legs to buy time for guys to get open rather than taking off to get yards with his legs.


    The problem was, he would extend plays by rolling out of the pocket rather than stepping up into the pocket. By doing so, he would limit the available receivers he could target and sometimes not be able to see (or have a throwing lane to) open receivers. If I recall correctly, stepping up into the pocket more and finding his lanes, were on Whaley's post-season list of developments he wanted to see from Tyrod along with "learn to slide".


    In general, I thought that was a pretty good piece - more balanced and Bills-knowledgeable than many in the national media. The one thing I don't get (and this isn't the first, and won't be the last) is why 5-11, 205 lb Wilson is considered "stocky" while 6'1", 215 lb Taylor is considered "slender" and more prone to breakage. 5 lbs/inch is the standard slope of male height-weight charts in their height range.


    Silver is tight with Jackson. A friend of mine (a news journalist who will remain nameless but works in San Fran) is good friends with Silver. That is how I know that Jackson thought he was was getting the Bills job in 2015. He had held initial discussions with Schwartz about staying on as DC and had begun placing calls to other guys he wanted for his staff. He was flabbergasted when the news broke on the Saturday that they were hiring Rex.


    I shared his flabbergast-ment

  17. Continuity only works when you have quality people in the first place. Then you keep them together as long as possible and build a strong team.

    But if you are starting out with the wrong people, keeping them together forever is not going to help all on its own.

    The question is whether or not Rex and his staff are worth keeping.


    Agree. And it doesn't necessarily hang on winning or losing, which has an element beyond the team's control to it - injuries, lucky bounces, bad calls by refs.


    What I want to see is a well-disciplined, well-prepared team that goes hard, whistle to whistle - every game.

    I want to see a well-designed game plan, with adjustments at half time - every game.

    I would like to see a scheme that is suited to the talents of the players, putting players in a position to succeed - especially true after a coach has a couple seasons to bring in talent.


    If we see significant improvement on those fronts, it doesn't make sense to change.

    But if we don't, then this comes into play:



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