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Posts posted by JESSEFEFFER

  1. These national NFL 'insider" reporters have many cozy relationships with their sources.  Executives, players, coaches, agents, whomever.  They would not want to publish any content that burns their source.  It might be factually incorrect, go beyond the scope of the sources wishes or it may include some context that reveals the identity of the source, assuming they wish to remain unidentified.  Seems logical to me.  

  2. 2 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    The league cannot allow the roughing criteria to stand.  It is ridiculous at this point. If you cannot grab a QB around the ankles to bring him down as Oliver was doing, or if you cannot legitimately tackle a QB and bring him to the ground as Clark did to Josh, then you might as well say that the QB cannot be touched in any way.  The one on Clark, even given it helped us out, was insane.  Clark would have had to defy the laws of physics and gravity to avoid coming down on top of Josh, and Oliver would have had to twist himself into a pretzel to avoid Mahomes' legs.  


    Oliver's shoulder landed just above the knee.  That's a penalty.  Low hits like this are why Jim Kelly spent much of his career wearing a knee brace.  Clark lifted Josh's legs and landed his shoulder into Josh's ribs.  That's called a stuff and is a penalty.  (AJ's hit on Tua that broke his ribs should have been flagged but his body position when landing on him was atypical for the call.)  The Bills teach a gator roll where the tackler twists on the way down to avoid the potential penalty on the landing.


    Here's a recent one I saw involving Khalil Mack on Derek Carr which is a great example of the technique:


    Mack Sack of Carr

  3. On 10/6/2021 at 7:10 PM, machine gun kelly said:

    I don’t know why Brown wouldn’t have mentioned regularly our guy Tasker is up in the Great White North.  It could’ve been easy to have out there.  It just seemed so hush hush.  Not sure why.  Happy for his daughter getting hitched amd sounds like a great family trip.



    Harken back to days gone by when our local paper would announce hospital admissions.  Sort of a community announcement that a friend or neighbor was in need of support.  Then their homes started getting burglarized.  Now-a-days we should be careful about what you publish on social media about where you might be traveling and for how long.  Sort of a giant "No one will be home for days--just come see if any one is house sitting or even checking on it and rob the place at your leisure."

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. Both roughing calls were legit.  Many on the Chiefs side talk about the hit (legal( and not the landing.  Clark lifted Josh's legs and landed his shoulder to Josh's ribs and then gave the tell tale hands up sign as if to say it wasn't his hands in the cookie jar.  Collinsworth noted it but wanted to dismiss it's severity. The football jargon term for the move is a "stuff"  We debated it on AJ Epenensa's hit on Tua which broke his ribs (Gugny and I thought it should have been a flag) but it looked different because AJ's torso was perpendicular to Tua's. The broken ribs on his left side is evidence of how it was the landing and not the hit that did it.

  5. The Eagles are having a nice season at 5-1.  They have a QB and RB having great seasons and I can't help but wonder if their players might have an easier time getting recruited.  Also, I suspect their similar color scheme has allowed their uniforms to become more Bills-like.   Could be a market for a #17 Firebaugh game jersey too.



    Firebaugh Football.JPG

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  6. 29 minutes ago, Captain_Quint said:

    That was the first time seeing that throw to Diggs in all22. That really was an amazing play by Josh (and Diggs) from start to finish. 



    I wonder what those 2 defenders were thinking as they were closing on Josh with his back turned.  As he got his head around just in time, stopped on a dime, reversed his direction and made them both whiff.  I wonder what they thought then.  Lovie Smith probably saw a play where his D was going to win in a possibly major way, but that went from Yes! to Oh no! to What the &%$^! 


    I can't think of a QB as big as Josh that routinely made similar plays.  I did not watch much of prime Cam Newton but I don't think he made plays like that.  I do remember Cam complaining about the hits he was taking out of the pocket.  That's not part of Josh's game either.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. All have their strengths and weaknesses but her voice is a tough listen just as I know mine would be.  Mine sounds fine in my head but I hear a recording of it and I cringe.  Certainly not the basis of a professional career.  Someone mentioned Jenna Cottrell and Kim Jones and I have to agree.  Their voices are very professional and are an easy listen so it's not just a female voice issue with me.


    Steve is a clumsy ad libber and questions to a guest will be that by nature.  But, I think he is great at telling stories, many of which he has probably told many times prior.  Also, I think Chris Brown is a better match with Steve than Murphy was.  Chris will often gently correct Steve's misstatements or complete his points when he loses his way in the middle of a sentence and struggles to complete the thought.


    As a rule, the questions should never be longer than the answers.  It's tempting for an interviewer to try to demonstrate that they have some real knowledge of the topic but questions buried among parentheticals and asides make for a poor guest segment.  Most of WGRs younger talent have problems with this to some degree.  It's almost like they are trying too hard to justify their own presence on air and makes for a tough listen.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Perry Turtle said:

    Are fans allowed in the players' parking lot?  




    Fans line One Bills Drive at the end of the game and try to get autographs and player memorabilia.  There was a video of Josh giving a kid his hat or something on his drive out after the WFT.  The assumption I make is that Cole stopped along that stretch of road to sign and then got the harassing comments. 

    • Agree 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Brennan Huff said:

    Social media is downfall of society. I believe that 100%.


    If you missed last night's 60 Minutes story on a Facebook whistle blower, it's internal research on their negative impacts and how their algorithms create information loops that boost user time on their platform, seek it out.  100% is right on.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. As soon as he makes a catch, Beeeeeez is what I hear sitting in section 228.  Fans do not wait for the PA to announce his name, they know it as it happens.  Now maybe there is some crap directed his way during the game as he is on the sidelines and within earshot, but it's on him if he either can't or doesn't realize he needs to distinguish the difference between the two.  Many of those willing to overlook his mixed politics/vaccine stance (the majority, imo) are not likely to appreciate being wrongly accused.  I bet his tweet will get some national run.

    • Like (+1) 4
  11. Often times, mobile QBs who have an affinity to extend plays end up making an OL look bad.  Big Ben did that in his prime.  I remember Mike Vick with the Eagles complaining about the nature of the hits he was taking.  My thought was that small, indecisive and unaware was no way to play QB in the NFL.  Sort of the Dean Woermer take about going through like fat, drunk and stupid.


    Josh is big, aware and decisive and it masks many of the mistakes the line has been making.  It's rare to see him take a blindside hit. TJ Watt got him in game 1, I can't think of another.  One unblocked defender is rarely enough to get him down.  Sometimes 3 can't.  Makes me think that the problems they had with the Chiefs last year were more about what was happening downfield than about Josh being under duress.  Our receivers were injured and could not get open when physically challenged.

  12. 2 hours ago, ProcessAccepted said:

    I can't remember any games from last year where he dished out pain like he's doing this year. I saw him do it in college but not so much last year. If you can point out any like his 2 TD runs against the Dolphins I'd love to go bac and take a look.

    Moss started his rookie year with turf toe.   I really appreciate the things Moss does well and what it means to an offense in key situations.   Fred Jackson-like  but with better ball security.  I think Zack has only 2 fumbles as a Bill.

  13. 52 minutes ago, Real McNasty said:

    Ammusing I guess as it sums up a large majority of Patriot bandwagon fans. 


    I highly doubt if McD, Beane and Allen brought us 6 SB championships between 2002-2019 we would be A$$hats to McD/Beane post Allen. 



    But, if we believed that Sean had a hand in Josh's premature departure and then he went and won another Super Bowl elsewhere......


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    • Thank you (+1) 1
  14. 10 hours ago, HappyDays said:


    I feel like the Bills should start game planning to intentionally allow one pass rusher into the pocket. Allen makes his best throws in those situations.

    It does seem that one pass rush win is not enough to wreck a play.  Josh beats that all the time. When multiple rushers win maybe they ruin the play but not always.  I think of Josh fighting off 3 Rams or making 3 Broncos whiff.  He handles free rushers so well that we almost think nothing of it.

  15. Of the 15% of season and single game tickets once held by Canadians who still can't cross the border and the thousands likely held by never vaxxers who will likely lose money to hold onto their seats, the resale market prices have dropped and it has become and will remain a buyer's market.  That's my read of what's been going on over the last month and how it will affect the numbers for resale and their prices going forward.  There is now a big portion of those normally wanting to attend who are now out of the ticket buying market.

  16. 4 hours ago, BigAl2526 said:

    Honestly, the OP looks like a troll job.  Epenesa was hitting Tagovailoa as the ball was leaving, not a late hit.  It was not too high, not too low.  When they landed Epenesa was perpendicular across his chest, but he was on his hands and knees in a crawl position and did not look as if he was putting weight on Tua.  It could not have been much cleaner unless Tua still had a hold of the ball going down. 

    His hand and knees were off the ground when he landed on top of him but were soon in contact thereafter.  This is the best I can find but, once again, it's tough to put in sequence although I doubt AJ is getting up at this point.

    AJ and Tua.jpg

  17. 2 hours ago, Gugny said:


    As much as he tried to avoid it, I thought he landed with all of his weight on Tua.

    OK.  I do not normally see things the same way but this time Gugny has a point.  When AJ lands on Tua his arms and knees are off the ground, effectively full body weight chest to chest.  What is different is that AJ is "Tee-d off" as his lower body swung to the side which isn't the normal position that draws the flag.  His arms were wrapped behind but he pulls them out before impact with the ground.  Knees are off the ground too but it was not the classic "body surfing" position that usually draws the flag.   I know the Bills coaches were teaching a "gator roll" after the initial hit so the defender's body would land beside the QB's.  AJ did not do that move.  I hate to say it, but Gugny has a point.


    A rushing defender is prohibited from committing such intimidating and punishing acts as “stuffing” a passer into the ground or unnecessarily wrestling or driving him down after the passer has thrown the ball, even if the rusher makes his initial contact with the passer within the one-step limitation provided for in (a) above. When tackling a passer who is in a defenseless posture (e.g., during or just after throwing a pass), a defensive player must not unnecessarily or violently throw him down or land on top of him with all or most of the defender’s weight. Instead, the defensive player must strive to wrap up the passer with the defensive player’s arms and not land on the passer with all or most of his body weight.

  18. 1 hour ago, BoccesOnTransit said:

    Not that it really matters, but I was surprised to see Trubisky carry out the (usually) trivial final kneel downs at the end of the game.


    In considering pros and cons of having the (cold) backup QB handle this duty, I couldn't think of any pros (give Josh a rest?), but I can think of a con: A fumbled snap.


    Wouldn't it be better for the already-warmed up starter, who has been taking handoffs from Morse all game, to handle the final duties?


    I suspect that would enter their thinking if they were not up by 5 possessions.  A lead that big alters almost all normal game concerns.

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