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Posts posted by Williams+Williams+Williams

  1. I am not at all impressed with Turk's play calling. He is predictable.


    However, with the addition of TO teams will no longer be able to stack the box to stop the run and double Lee Evans. The idea is that if teams stack the box, we can burn them with the pass. If a team doubles Lee up top, TO will be open underneath. If they double TO over the middle, there isnt a corner in the league that can run with Lee up top one on one. If a team sits in a nickle, there is no reason Marshawn should not be able to run all over a pass coverage formation.


    If Trent plays well, we should have one of the most high powered offenses in the league. My major concern is Turk Schonerts vanilla, predictable offense. Last year, he couldn't make a call from a cell phone.


    Im excited about TO's impact. Even if teams know our tendencies, they still have to play the game. With 2 pro bowl caliber wr's, a pro bowl caliber running back, and pro bowl LT, there is no doubt we have the personell.

  2. its not the system we run, its the lack of quality players we have on defense. 0 pro bowlers on defense? how is our d supposed to flourish in any system?



    You're right, we need talent. We havent had someone that could pick talent since Polian. Thus far, I have not seen any indications that the Bills are changing their unsuccessful attempts to build a team.


    Russ Brandon doesn't know the difference between NFL talent and a kitchen sink. Im as frustrated with this offseason as I am with the 08 season....and its only been a few weeks.

  3. That makes a 3-way tie atop AFC east with these 3 teams at 4 & 3. Jets will hold tie breaker over Bills, Pats will hold it over Jets.


    I think Jets will beat Bills because --


    - Bills offense is faltering since Roscoe's thumb injury and it will only get worse with Reed out. The run game has never really gotten off this year. I fail to see how the offense now is really any different than the anemic offense we've seen the last few years. The only way out of the box is if Jim Hardy steps up and gives us a solild #2 WR, and red zone threat. But that's a big "IF" to put on a rookie. And on defense the injury-bug is also starting to take it's annual toll on Bills;


    - I think Jets are a better team this year than last due mostly to defense improvements. They're complaining in NYC because Favre makes dumb mistakes, but he always has. And at least with him you at least know you'll score points;

    - I think Pats will lose to Colts as the game is Indy. And the Colts are not the same team that won it all 2years ago, but they're still a much better team than the Pats that won it 4 years ago (yes it's really been that long for them in spite of all the hype.)


    Of course I hope I'm wrong about Bills - Jets tomorrow. But if this holds out then we'll have what will essentially amount to a due or die game against Pats in NE next week. Lose that and we may fall more behind Jets and Pats, be tied with Fins, and lose head to head against every division opponent.


    You gotta Billieve buddy.

  4. Hello to all you wonderful Bills fans. Hope you are all well and keeping warm in beautiful upstate NY.

    Us downstate NYJ fans are looking foward to Sundays game and I must say we have been very impressed with the 08 Bills thusfar.

    Seems your team has really turned the corner this year.

    I know its early but its awfully nice NOT seeing N.E. at the top of the AFCE

    So, what do you think? Does Farve hand it to you guys on a platter with 4 picks or does he have one of his good games this week?

    Do you think ML will have any running room? With the way Jenkins, Pace, Barton have been playing for us it is gonna be tough to run for him this week. We do not fear ML like we did with Willis. I think our most solid LB, Harris is out and that could hurt.

    Must say though Trent is a guy we fear. If he is on we are probably screwed. He and Evans could REALLY light us up.

    Your d-line injuries could really help us run sunday. T Jones has been solid this year and Leon Washington is quite a weapon whether it be returning kicks recieving or rushing. Keep an eye on him. He is fun to watch.

    Hey lets hope for an injury free well played game and may the team that plays better walk away with the "W".



    Well I gotta go now my mother is yelling down to me. (I still live in the basement) because I am tying up her phoneline. Dial-up service sux.

    So long till next NYJ / Bills game.

    Your downstate friend.

    LI Phil


    All right MAAAAAH ! Im logged offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Christ! What a PIA she is.



    So cheesey

  5. Have you read some of the posts he's talking about?



    Ive read some negative posts, but Im unsure as to whether or not you are referring to specific posts. I skip through alot of the posts. Some people talk nonsense so I skip over them. I typically read your posts, because you post content worth reading - as do others. And I like Steely Dan.


    Can you elaborate on your question?

  6. I used to really like this guy and was amazed at his talent level to go from undrafted to a starting left tackle... However, my opinion has drastically changed after his ridiculous holdout which accomplished absolutely nothing in his favor.



    Right on.


    To watch Lee Evans go about his business as a professional and be rewarded made me happy. Our upper management sent a good message to players by rewarding Lee the way they did. Hes all class.


    Jason Peters made a big mistake. Its a shame, really.

  7. I just find all of the negativity on this board for a 5-2 team very discouraging. I don’t think fans are used to a winning team. It’s not always pretty, and you should not expect them to be perfect. But this team has made significant strides this season and is young enough that they will only get better with more experience. We are at the beginning of a change in the AFC East Paradigm; so get out of your old habits of trashing this team and get behind them. They are a good team thats only going to get better.


    You make a good a good point, and I like your optimism.


    I would like to make a few points:


    Bills fans are the most loyal fans in any sport. We remain die hard, loyal fans no matter how many let downs weve had. 4 consecutive superbowl losses, the music city miracle, 15 starting qb's since jim kelly, and no playoffs for 10 years.


    With all of the let downs we have suffered as fans of the Bills, we would never drop the Bills for another team. Thats loyalty


    There is no fan that can compare to a Bills fan. Thats a fact....somehow.

  8. Keep you ignorant political dogma from the boards. Sorry, but the $700 million bailout your Republican friends voted for is as much socialism as any welfare system and goes against all the free market economics rhetoric the GOP seems to love while fialing to allow businesses to fail. How is it OK to let a kid who did not chose his parent to fail but it's OK to bailout millionaire bankers? Or how about this, we don't deal with the kids though some sort of system and we deal with them instead as criminals and pay for court fees and incarceration, is that better for you?


    The constant regurgitation of the GOP platform by the blindly loyal, ignorant gun-toting, anti-abortion (unless it's aborting a 19-year olds life fighting a war for oil and WMDs of course, the a life has different meaning) appalling. The next time you come up with a thought of your own and can back it up with anythinf resembling fact, data or reason will be the first.



    Isnt this a Bills forum? Save it, tree hugger.


    Travis Henry is definately an idiot. But in my mind, Maurice Clarett will always be the biggest waste of talent in probably any sport. Although, that point gaurd for Duke that was drafted by the Bulls made a huge mistake when he drove his crotch rocket into a tree.


    Ive never understood why pro athletes would risk riding a motorcycle. They get paid millions for their athletic ability and bike riding is an unecessary risk.

  9. In 1989 Thurman Thomas averaged 4.2 Y/A, Kenneth Davis averaged 5.1 Y/A (I can't believe they didn't replace TT with KD, as the main back.)

    In 1994, Thurman Thomas averaged 3.8 Y/A, Kenneth Davis averaged 4.2 Y/A

    In 1995 Thurman Thomas averaged 3.8 Y/A, Darrick Holmes averaged 4.1 Y/A


    For the record, in 2007, Lynch averaged


    3.8 Y/A in Sept

    3.4 Y/A in Oct

    4.5 Y/A in Nov

    4.3 Y/A in Dec


    The point? There are a few.


    Using avg yards per carry isn't always the best way to compare two backs on the same team. In some cases, the #2 gets more carries in situations that are conducive to more Y/A. In some cases it may simply be a case of fresher legs for the #2 back. In the Bills case, it probably has, at least something to do with Lynch getting the majority of short-yardage situation carries (the last game notwithstanding).


    Also, if we use last year (the only year we have for Lynch in the NFL) as an indicator, Lynch picked up his Y/A significantly in the 2nd half of the season.


    I love Freddie, but I don't believe he is an every down back, for the long haul. While Lynch may, or may not, see some holes as well as some other backs (I'm still not convinced that is a real issue), it does neither Freddie nor Marshawn to consistently pound them into the interior line, when the D is playing an 8-man front, and doesn't respect the long ball.


    I'm not suggesting the Bills go all Daryl Lamonica on a regular basis, but they have to take a few more strikes downtown than they have recently. Also, spreading out the field, and allowing the RBs to have a little space to go through, wouldn't be the worst idea, IMO. Edwards looks very good in the 2-minute drill. I'd like to see them go that route a few times per game, and run out of it a number of times.


    You talk sense when you put words to paper. You write a fact based, objective opinion.


    I like to debate with you because of the afor mentioned. Although, I think we are on the same page with this thread.


    To all of the Marshawn haters (even though I love freddie), I will stand strong with my original thread and say if Marshawn gets 25+ he gets a 100+ yard game, and we get a win.

  10. Marshawn works for every yard he gets, does not complain, and never runs out of bounds. Hes a blue collar, hard a$$ Buffalo Bill.


    If Marshawn got the holes and push from the OL to get 2 yards past the line of scrimmage he would not average under 6 yards a carry. He is a sick back. Marshawn doesnt run pretty, he runs hard. He never gets tackled one on one, he runs hard, he breaks dudes, and if he had the holes the dude would be sick nasty.


    For all of you haters, this is the best back the bills have had since thurman thomas. Give Marshawn 25 carries and he will crush it even with an offensive line that cant block big on big. Our O-line is gross. Plain and simple, our O-line is overpaid, overweight, and overrated.


    Fred Jackson is an awesome change of pace. He is not a premier back. If he can get 10 yards on a carry, Marshawn can get 20. Give marshawn more carries.


    25+ carries for Marshawn = 100 yards plus and a win for the Bills.


    Bring it dont sing it. Marshawn is awesome. Prove me wrong if he gets those carries. Otherwise, quit this nonsense talk about Fred Jackson being a starter, Marshawn being overrated, and whatever other nonesense you want to blog about.

  11. Well that is a well known rinky dink little forum tactic when you proclaim that everyone except one person (in this case me) shares your opinion.

    Nice try.

    Actually it's weak and far from true.



    I don't know which forum you are reading, but there are plenty of people on this one calling for Jackson to get more carries.

    Lynch's YPC is pedestrian.



    So heres is what your comments amount to:


    Lych = pedestrian

    You = ingnorant


    Your game is weak. Lynch is a beast. Stick to playing the guitar jimmy page. Leave football talk for the adults.

  12. The way a team game plans for an opponent is by watching endless film of their tendencies. What plays do they run the most,what plays are they most successful with. They study film over and over trying to look for weakness in opposing defenses and on how best to attack an offense.


    One of the reasons Bill Belichick is so successful at his job is because he is noted for film study and breaking down an opponent and finding their weakness. Eric Mangini who is a Belichick disciple started out in the film room for the Browns under Belichick and is also very learned on how to beat an opponent with film study.


    If you ever had to chance to listen to some of the 1990 Bills defensive players talk about Dan Marino's tendencies you could better understand what I'm saying here. Dan was a hall of famer but the Bills could watch his pre-snap position behind center and they knew exactly when he was going to pass and when it was a run on every play.They could even tell you who his target was on most pass plays.So basically it was much easier to defend against him.( Clearly if he is in shotgun they know more then likely its a pass.)


    When the Bills play another team you can bet that the opposing team's game plan has one primary goal in mind, that is to stop Marshawn Lynch on first and second down and make the Bills throw to try and make the first down. The main game plan for any NFL team is to try and get an opponent into 3rd and long and make them throw. So far this year opposing teams have been successful on stopping the Bills running game and holding the primary RB to under 100 yards


    The opposing teams know and understand Marshawns tendencies,they also study every player on the O-line as well. They know who the weakest link is on the Bills o-line and that's where they attack them.You can't hide anywhere in the NFL,the more you play the more an opponent will study you and learn how best to beat you.


    My point! It appears to me that usually most teams don't study the back up as much as they do the starter,this is usually why a back up player sometimes looks more successful during games.


    Watch that Miami game again,for some reason the Bills threw way more then then ran the ball. That kind of makes me ask why considering the last game against the Dolphins the Bills had two 100+ runners Both Fred and Marshawn each went over 100 yds


    The weakest part of the Buffalo Bills offense is not Trent Edwards,its not the running backs. Go back and watch some of the games and ask some questions.


    1. Is there an opening anywhere on the line of scrimmage once the back gets to the line?

    2. how many defenders are at the opening once the back hits it ,if any?

    3. are the lineman holding blocks long enough?

    4. does the O-line at the of scrimmage move forward at all on a running play or are they stopped?

    5 are the bills making a concerted effort to even establish a running game ?


    I agree with you on the game film aspect and preparing for the game, game tendencies, formations, motion, etc.


    Under schonert, we less predictable than we were under mularkey or fairchild. We are still pedictable. Any time the bills run Z-in motion, its a run, for example. And I can tell you that without studying film. Our O-line basically cant get either of our RB's to the second level on consistent basis. Ill be honest, in the SD game our Oline pass blocked like a prowl bowl line. Probably cause trent got killed the previous game.


    That said, our O-line is the most overerpaid, overweight, and the tallest line in the NFL. Yet, our rushing id mediocre OL and DL wins games. We have the largest line in the NFL but we cant run the ball. Run blocking is an O linemans bread and butter. big on big baby..and they cant even dominate with their size.

    Peters is just another number. He's not going to make the pro bowl, and he should make the sh^t bowl. Selfish product of the NFL.


    Your point is well taken

  13. '“The best thing you can do is get in a receiver’s face and knock down a ball or just get in their face and disrupt the route,” McGee said. ”That’s the only way you’re going to stop it. If you’re playing off you’re basically just saying throw it and I’m going to tackle you.”'




    So when the Bills played the Dolphins last weekend, they played "off" of the receivers usually and played right into the hands of noodle armed Chad. Shows that our coaches don't have the stones to adjust their tactics to take away what the other team wants to do. That's just bad coaching IMO. Chicken shyt defense.




  14. Oh , and you know so much, this is the best you can do as far as argument, get outta here, geeesh :blink:


    Fred Jackson leads in almost all categories running and catching the ball, we haven't had a 100 yard rusher all year, if it doesn't make a little sense to try something different then you guys must be stuck in the stone age , good grief people.



    haha - ok sorry. After all the posts youve written Ive realized that maybe World of Warcraft is your thing and you should just give up on being a sports analyst in general.


    Anybody that has played, been around, or knows football will tell you that a good runningback needs carries to develope a rhythym as the game goes on. In particular, a punnishing back like marshawn is the type of back that needs carries, gets stronger, and starts bringing it home in the 3rd and 4th quarters.


    I like Fred Jackson. I think he is talented. But it would be a whole different ball game if Marshawn Lynch would get 25 carries a game.


    Do me a favor, and save this knowledge I just dropped on you. If Marshawn Lynch gets 25+ carries in a game this season, he gets over 100 yards, and we win the game. If Im wrong, you can save this post, re-post it, and tell me how wrong I am. Until then, stop this nonsense talk.

  15. I'm not drawing any conclusions based on preseason, its more on how Marshawn Lynch and Fred Jackson compare behind the same O-line in the regular season this year. I'm seeing spin moves and shifty running from Jackson and I watch him locate the open spaces and make yardage. He's fast, hard to catch and he may not have the power Lynch does, but he does have power. With Marshawn Lynch I see a straight ahead, down hill runner with lots of power but very little imagination or change up in his running style. Lynch is easy to gameplan against and easier to prevent a big play from happening then Jackson.


    When I say I would like Fred Jackson to have a chance at starting, its as much out of respect for Freddie Jackson and his good play, then the lack of production from Marshawn Lynch. By no means do I want to give up on Lynch, I want Lynch to take a breather and watch from the sidelines. Maybe Lynch can learn a thing or two watching Jackson run. Do I know Jackson will do better starting then Lynch has? Of course not, but he might and he deserves a shot at it because if he succeeds, he only makes us better. I don't care if Marshawn Lynch was picked in the 1st round , I think its time we give Fred jackson a chance.



    Jackson deserves it and so does the team because you want the best players playing. The O-line is drawing allot of heat when the problem could be at the RB position.


    ha - maybe you should stick to being a soccer or baseball fan. Cause its apparent you know nothing about football.

  16. That changes things again, IMO. It may be that Singletary didn't kick him to the locker room for making a stupid play, but for not caring about it, or showing any remorse/disgust/etc, on the sidelines. The last think a guy like Singletary is going to put up with is a "whatever" attitude from a player.


    This can be a difficult tightrope to walk, Different guys show their emotions differently. I hope Singletary knows how VD reacts enough to know that he really wasn't torn up inside. Not everyone acts fiery on the sidelines. As long as they PLAY with desire, that really should suffice. But, at the very least, I'm guessing VD will learn you don't blow off your HC when he is telling you something on the sidelines.



    Whats difficult about that? Football is not a sport where players are coddled.

  17. All that, and as the season progressed, the opposition as usual watched the films of the early games and figured things out.


    Happens every season...every team wises up.



    I like 94. But whether he is in the game or out of the game we need to pressure the QB. Arizona tore us apart because we were too afraid to give up the big play. Instead, we watched Kurt Warner and most recently, Chad Pennington, pass all over us like its 7 on 7 at training camp. The slow bleed is toturus to watch.


    Ive never liked the bend but dont break defense. I like a defense that attacks. An attacking defense develops an attitude. If you give up a big play every now and then, so what. Lets get after it. Philly, Pit, Baltimore, the giants....they all go after the QB. There is a reason why they are the top defenses in the league. They bring heat often.


    Id like to see our D get more aggresive. I havent seen a snot bubble hit all season out the defensive side of the ball.

  18. I've been reading a lot of posts and after being burned by the Bills losing 4 straight, I consider myself a pessimistic fan - yet I'm as emotionally involved as any Buffalo fan.


    Putting things in perspective for myself... I saw them as an 8-8 young team going into this season and they are certainly exceeding expectations. They had 4 turnovers today and only lost by 9 on the road. The Dolphins were expected to be one of the worst teams in football but have not won against San Diego, New England & Buffalo. I don't know about anyone else out there but if you offered me 5-2 at the beginning of the season, I would have jumped at it and felt like I got away with something.



    Lets see how we bounce back after this loss. After AZ we came home and took it to San Diego. We will do the same against the Jets. We are going to drop games. However, its frusterating to watch your team play as sloppy as the bills did in Miami. Thats not a game we should have dropped. But it happens.


    Everyone is going to have a bad game now and then...even trent. Lets see how they respond to this coming Sunday. I think thats a more accurate measure of what type of team this is. And Im confident the bills will bounce back.

  19. Aw come on, you're aware that we're still 5-2 right?


    And I'm tired of people going on about our injuries. It's the NFL, every single team has similar problems. Now, last year with 17 players on the IR was a statistical anamoly and worth complaining about. This year, a few guys injured (none badly) toward the middle of the season is normal.



    Agreed. We are going to drop some games we shouldnt. Every NFL team has injuries and every team drops games they shouldnt. Lets see how the team responds to some adversity. Personally, I think we lost that game on all fronts. Bad game plan and poor execution. Starting an unhealthy terrence mcgee, not putting marshawn in on a goal line situation on the opening drive, not getting any pressure on pennington, Trent losing the ball in a short yardage scrum...etc.


    Im confident we will bounce back. That was pretty bad, im sure the team knows it, the coaches know it, and they will be ready to go at the ralph next week.


    I hate losing. It probably shouldnt, but losing a game like this affects my whole week! <_<

  20. I think that's the key. Pennington makes Miami's offense exponentially better than their other options. The first time he lines up wide, Donte Whitner needs to line up in press coverage on him and decleat him as soon as the ball is snapped. A DB can hit a WR as hard as he wants within 5 yds of the LOS as long as the ball isn't in the air. Donte needs to leave Chaaaad laying on the turf, seeing stars and convinced he is the quarterback of the NJ Jests.



    I would like to see our defense start to punish some opposing players.

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