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Posts posted by Williams+Williams+Williams

  1. True. But in the heat of the moment, what obligation do they have to say 'I have a badge' as opposed to the typical nuckle dragger working security -- who without the tin is fair game, IMO, when push come to shove?.



    Plain clothes is fair game. If someone in plain clothes at a bar tried to put me in a half-nelson, I would yoke them up. What do you think an NFL caliber athelete is going to do? We aren't talking about pencil-necked nerds that an off duty cop can scold into submission.

  2. I am not embarassed and have no reason to be, but the organization should be without question.



    The organization should be embarassed for being losers not trouble makers. I don't care what these guys do off the field. Marv, Dick, Russ, and everyone else in the front office can't pick players that make a difference on or off the field. Let's be serious. You want to put a bunch of young guys with a lot of money under a microscope and it doesn't matter if they are in the NFL, NBA, or YMCA - they are going to get into trouble.


    Do you like fish sticks?

  3. I will take an average tackle that is a good team guy. Over an overrated devisive LT any day. Sorry but Peters has turned into his own worst enemy. Do you think he is worth 11.5 million a year??? And are you ready for the day when his contract will proclude you from being able to sign another one of your players??? Maybe McKelvin or Lynch in a few years??? Sorry but the deal Peters wants the Bills can't give. If you think that is being cheap, just remember that the next time your kids come to you for money, and you dont have it. Or when you go out car shopping and really want the BMW but it would cause you to not be able to have other things in your life. Like maybe insurance or pay for your mortgage. Sorry but Ralph isn't being cheap here.



    Was that an analogy? I don't see the correlation. We are comparing NFL franchises to personal finance, and business decisions to luxury cars here. Good players = good team = marketing advantage = more revenue.

  4. Why? I don't get how anyone on this board can rate the guys performance at all. The guy went to school and played two sports. Has been a part of a major sports franchise since 1997. Won accolades ever since he has been in the league. He has also had the chance to learn what seems to be a good majority of the operations - both personnel and team management - and seems to get good reviews from everyone who talks about him. He wants to learn and must be doing something right if he has been around this long. Who the hell is sitting in the room with him and the rest of the inner circle and 1. knows his opinions from those of the other people there and 2. can then judge his opinions as good or bad?


    Also, what has he done so far to make it seem like he is incompetent or a joke? He doesn't come off as an idiot. He hasn't done anything that was really terrible. It looks like he might even have made some good moves.


    What the hell?


    3. Russ Brandon wears a skirt. 4. Settle the Jason Peters issue - last year. 5. Letting go of Angelo Crowell when we have Jason Ellison as a backup is the worst move ever - last year. Knee surgery or not, Ellison is the worst starter in the NFL. Signing TO is desperation (I like the move) yet still desparation.


    Brandon, Schonert, Jauron = suck ass triple combo.


    We need a man like Bill Parcells or Bill Cowher to revamp our entire franchise. Until then, we will suck along with the rest of you unemployed bloggers.

  5. Would Brandon be the GM of any other team in the NFL?



    No! Russ Brandon is a marketing guy. Why do you think he got T.O.? Why are we playing games in Toronto?


    Russ Brandon is not a football guy, he's a marketing guy. Russ' background is marketing. Just because Russ Brandon played 2 sports in college does not mean he's a football guy. I'm guessing his two sports were swimming and tennis. Russ obviously doesn't understand football - Just like the rest of you experts on this blog who spend 10 hours a day writing your irrelevant opinions. For example, The Dean. What are you "The Dean" of? Nothing? Because apparently you have the time to sit here and write 10 page blogs and spell check everyone else's blogs - Loser.


    You 'All Pro' bojacks can have fun collecting unemployment, sucking at life, spending 12 hours a day on a Bills blog, and being Bills analysits.


    I'm done with this half-a-fan/fag sight. Spell check that, Dean!

  6. Sounds about right. But yeah, anyone who grew up and stayed in NY for more than a couple years knows that buffalo is not upstate.


    And based on your comments about Labatts, Duff's and Zubas those of us who grew up in the Rochester/Buffalo/Niagara Falls have one question for you. Do you sit down when you pee?



    Rack 'em!

  7. If we pass on Crabtree, trade down, then pass on Everett Brown to take a TE.


    I'm killing someone.



    Who picks before us that needs Crabtree? Are their any clubs that would trade up for Crabtree? I think we have more important needs than a WR right now, but he would be hard to pass up.


    Personally, I think we should sign Sheffler and then focus our draft on DE/OL/LB's.


    Schobel had a tough year, Im hoping he bounces back. Jason Ellison is the worst starting LB in the NFL. Chris Kelsay struggled which he will probably continue to do.

  8. Well considering Buffalo is not in upstate New York, you may enjoy different things. Upstate is to those of us from WNY, anyplace east of syracuse and north of there. You know the ones closest to the french conadians, which crayonz will agree is the worst group of all.



    Upstate NY refers to anything west of NY city if you want to be exact about it. Im from Rochester NY and Niagara Falls NY. I would call Niagara Falls 'The Falls' like the rest of us from the Rochester/Buffalo/Niagara Falls area do, but since you are the expert you might think I'm talking about Glenns Falls.


    Im still confused as to what the south towns area is, whether or not your g^yness is genetics or personal choice, and how you can manage to trash Labatts, Duffs, and Zubas yet still claim to be a Bills fan?

  9. No I am from western NY, south towns area. And the french eat those vinegary duff wings, drink wimpy pale ales like labatts and the redneck version do zuba swaps with their partners. Real WNYers eat real wings cooked by the mob connections, drink dark /hearty beer and know how to dress in the blizzards that come off the lake.



    Where is south towns? Raqueteering is not a pre-requisite for good wings, and "drink a dark beer to cover up the queer" only worked in highschool. Do you want to start counting the beers you drank too? Bills Zubas are still awesome redneck or not. I live in Boston now and I miss upstate NY "rednecks". I've got nothing against parkas but I do have something against a person that tries to act connected, uppity, and too good for a labatts.

  10. Hey we might not have any options left to keep the bills here except own a little bit of the team ourselves.. My question is what are the rules of public trading? can people from other states contribute? if we were to publicly trade would you throw down money? lets disscuss



    The annual shareholder meetings would be awesome. Duff's wings, Labatts Blue, and Zubas everywhere.

  11. I'm not quite ready yet for this level of confidence. I'm still worried about a couple things (Peters and o-line depth, adding a quality DE, third RB, upgrade at LB, possibly a pass catching TE). But somewhere around July I'll be back on the superbowl bandwagon. I believe it goes something like this...


    Shock (November-December)

    Denial (December)

    Anger And Guilt (December-January)

    Despair And Depression (January-May)

    Acceptance (June)

    Spontaneous Inexplicable Renewal of Blind Optimism For New Season (July-October)


    [rinse and repeat]



    You put science behind the emotional cycle of a Bills fan. I feel like this has happened to me every year since the Music City Miracle (which I still think is the cheapest play in NFL history).


    You should write a book.

  12. I would estimate Dante's weight to be around 220 lb, for a 220 lb man to be over the limit

    at .09, he would need to consume 5 drinks in rapid fire fashion(1/2 hour to 45 min.), to be

    at .12, it would take 7 drinks. You subtract .01 for each forty minutes of drinking. If he stopped

    at Midnight, there were (10.5) 40 minute periods between Midnight and 7:00 a.m., so that would

    mean that his BAC at 7:00 should have been .015, well under the limit, if he wasn't really pounding them.

    Conversly, his BAC at Midnight would have had to been .225, for it to be at .12 at 7:00 a.m., dam good thing

    he didn't try to drive at Midnight. To be at .225, he would have had to either drank about 13 drinks in rapid fire

    fashion between 11:15 and Midnight, or he drank about 30-40 over three or four hours. Whew, I'll say he

    was celebrating.



    The human body metabolizes .02 BAC per hour. If he consumed 30 drinks over three hours his BAC would be at .54. If he stopped at 12 am he would still be at .40 BAC at 7 am. Either way, debating how much he drank and when stopped drinking is arbitrary.


    It's sad for the family of the victim and sad for Stallworth. You can't take any chances when it comes to drinking and driving. The same thing may have happened even if he was sober. But the fact is, he was 2 drinks over the legal limit. This is a tragic accident - and an all to common result of drinking and driving. This will make me think twice the next time I think im ok to drive because Ive only had a few drinks.

  13. 12 Games of Scheffler > 16 Games of Robert Royal




    Does anyone have Royal's stats from last season? I don't know what they are, but Im sure they suck. He was not a threat. If we actually do pick up Scheffler or another talented tight end I will be excited to see what Trent can do this year with all of these weapons.


    Im already excited to see what the addition of TO will do for our offense. Adding a skilled tight end will bring yet another demension.

  14. Haha that has to hurt!



    I liked Crowell in a Bills jersey and thought he played well for Buffalo. Ellison is the worst starting linebacker in NFL history. We would be better off putting Mark Kelso's bubble helmet on the field. At least the bubble helmet might trip someone up for a tackle.

  15. That comment suggests you think Jake Cutler is a franchise QB? Based on what? How many rings does he have? How many playoff wins? How about winning one game out of 4 last season to cinch a playoff berth? The qualifications to become a franchise QB seem pretty flimsy.




    Jake Cutler? Are you talking about Jay Cutler?


    If so, Jay Cutler is a franchise QB and has already made a Pro Bowl. Trent Edwards on the other hand threw 6 interceptions on Monday night last year and at times has looked like a complete mutt.


    He was impressive early on last year against some bummy teams. Until he proves he's our franchise QB - he's not. Im definately rooting for Edwards. I like him, and I think he has flashes of brilliance. Sentiment aside, I would make a move on Cutler.

  16. Sorry I have to side with Cutler here...the Broncos have made him feel about as unwelcome as you could make a player feel, and then their new coach lied to his face about not trying to trade for Cassel, then admitted he did try and trade for Cassel 2 weeks later. In my mind the guy can't be trusted, and Cutler has every right to be PO'd about it. If they are willing to treat the player their franchise is supposedly built around, imagine what they will do to other players...bet they will go into camp having no trust in this guy and the way he will treat them...


    I mean really think about it. How would you feel if your boss had meetings with potential new hires to replace you, never said anything to you about any issues he had with you or things he wanted you to improve on, smiled to your face and told you how they want you here and are glad to have you, and then 2 weeks later admits that he was trying to replace you, and that they still could replace you even though the person they wanted chose another job. You would feel really good wouldn't you? Bet you would go to work and still have the same relationship as before with your boss right? Give me a break...that relationship is dead for all intents and purposes...if you think everything would be just fine like nothing happened either you are clueless about inter-personal relationships or you enjoy letting people lie to your face...


    Yeah, that's a back office sham. Cutler has every right to be angry. I wouldn't want to play for those scumbags either if I was Cutler. Cassel none the less? Cassel sucks. He won't do anything in KC this year. He played for a winning franchise that has consistantly been able to insert back up players and win.


    Cutler has the best arm in the NFL today. I would trade Tent for Cutler in a heartbeat. I love Trent, but he has yet to develop into the franchise QB.

  17. Not a chance - Peters would have signed for $9M/yr., then pissed and moaned two years into the new deal and held out again for more $$$$.


    Like I said in December, we've seen Peters play his last game in a Bills uniform. Best thing we could do now is trade him for some players & a bunch of draft picks, and laugh as we watch Peters' game slide downhill with a different team.



    Peters and Edwards for, Cutler 1 first and 2 second round picks.

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