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Posts posted by Williams+Williams+Williams

  1. how about just admitting that maybe what I said is possible instead of making wise remarks...why can't we all just get along...I love the Bills and in fact I think JP is a good guy, he just isn't getting any attention...I thought someone would take a shot on his right arm, but no one is....I am surprised about what i found out recently and posted it....


    I stand behind my post...you say potato..I (just) say(in) JP never plays again...



    Probably because this site is full of douche nozzle 1-uppers that have nothing better to do than post 100 times a day, and blast the posters who don't keep up with their "expert" posts and opinions.


    Some of you guys need to get a life (for example: Dean, Sage, VABills). Try dating women, getting a job, or doing something constructive with your time other than controlling your small little TSW world.


    This sight should be about having fun. Not listening to nerds peel back everyone's posts ask for links, correct grammar, and talk about knowing a guy who knows a guy, like you are someone important. If you are dropping 100 posts a day, then you probably don't know anyone besides the people on this sight, and comic book heros.


    This isn't a high school debate. We are all Bills fans. Get a life.

  2. ESPN Editor: "Wojciechowski, your column's due tomorrow and I haven't seen anything yet."


    Wojciechowski: "I know boss, its a dull month for the NFL, now that the draft's over."


    ESPN Editor: "Tough. We've got space to fill and ad revenue commitments to keep. I want something now!"


    Wojciechowski: "OK, OK....I can always pound out 1,000 words about TO. Just spout the same old, same old and the lemmings will eat it up."


    ESPN Editor: "Right. It's worked before, it'll work again. Get on it ASAP...."


    Wojciechowski (to self): "Boy, this is easy...and I get paid for it to boot."



    Wojciechowski is gay

  3. Marshawn Lynch is argubly the best player on the team........I like Fred Jackson as much as the next guy but you are crazy to think he should be the starter over Lynch......and I don't care what the circumstances are.....I like how the Bills rotated the two last year and they should stick with it......Rhodes is strictly insurance.....I dont know how good his hands are his blitz pick up but if they are good maybe he can get some run as a 3rd down back



    I would love to see Marshawn emerge as the best player on the team. He has the athletic ability, and TO gives our offense that dynamic 3rd dimension.

  4. But, one of the gripes against Ellison is that at 6'0" and 229#, he is too small. So, we replace him with a guy that is 6'1" and 220# and it's "without a doubt better"? :thumbdown:



    Ellisons size doesn't matter as much as the fact that he is horrible, has been horrible, and will continue to be horrible.


    Thanks Angelo Crowell - break your knee in Tampa.

  5. And you're completely delusional if you think the Bills were a playoff team led by Losman or Edwards in his 1st 2 years. But Jauron is the devil and any other coach would have had this team in the Super Bowl.



    Turk Shconert was awful. Edwards is much better than JP but far from accomplished. Teams had no problem game planning against Turk Schonerts boring ass offense. Hes the worst Offensive coordinator in the NFL. Just like Ellison is the worst starter, and Fewell is the worst D-coordinator.


    It's that simple. We arent winning games and going to the playoffs because our organization sucks starting from the top down. Bad owner hires bad personell, hires bad coaches = no playoffs.

  6. McNally was the best, he took a FA tight end and turned him into the best left tackle in the NFL. What most people don't realize is one of the biggest factors in getting an O line to play well is simply continuity. Constantly changing positions every year results in lack of continuity and missed assignments. If McNally had a free hand in building that line he would have drafted instead of free agents.


    The entire point of my post was to point out the O lines poor last year was more then likely because of the rookie line coach.


    Jauron promoted from within rather then hire experienced offensive coaches, Schonert the OC and Kugler the line coach both rookies last year, and yet when he needs a defensive line coach he hires someone with experience.


    Good luck on Ralph Wilson hiring an expensive head coach like Gruden,Cowher or Shanahan,the Bills prefer to hire kmart coaches like Jauron :cry:


    Nothing you said points to Mcnally being the best. If you said he coached a mediocre line to having the best YPR in the NFL. That would be impressive. Transforming one player doesn't qualify him to be the best. Giants, Broncos, Panthers...teams that produce consistantly dominant running games - they have the best O-line coaches.


    Our O-line sucked for the same reason our entire team sucks. Jauron, Fewell, Schonert, even the midget trainer. They all suck. And to your last point, they suck because Ralph Wilson wont open his wallet to bring in a top notch coach. We are like non-profits competing in a corporate world.

    We pick players that fit into the non-profit football scheme. Im sick of these high character guys and lame ass coaches. You get what you pay for. Top talent draws top money.


    Give me some blunt smoking, gun toting gang bangers with speed. I dont care what the players do as long as they win games.

  7. What gets me is the eternal optimism around TBD about the up coming year. Which bright mind decided to scrap the entire O line and rebuild it?


    I can understand the changes considering on how poorly the O line played against Kris Jenkins in that first Jets game, both guards and the center tripled him and he still went right by all of them. The O line warranted changes for certain but trusting that two rookies and a free agent can step in and do a better job in that interior is simply foolish. What happens when Vince Wolfork blows right by all three and kills Edwards,what then ?


    Under Dick Jauron the Bills went out in free agency 3 years ago and tried to build a dominant O line,they had the best line coach in pro football in Jim McNally to guide them and help coach the new arrivals. The did manage to bring in some very good talent and the Bills had the biggest line in the NFL.

    Last season McNally retired and a rookie line coach was brought in,anybody stop to think that might have been the reason for the poor play?

    So now the Bills have 2 rookie guards, a backup going to be the starting center,Walker moved to left tackle where he will certainly get beaten by the Dwight Freeny types, then another back up at right tackle. A second year line coach is supposed mold these players into a successful line?


    The Bills did have the makings of a great offensive line until Jim McNally retired. Too darn bad Jauron didn't start drafting top O linemen 3 years ago rather then free agents, the Bills might actually have a real chance to compete in the division this year.


    So yea, I don't see the Bills winning many games this season, the defense will be decent, but that O line will be a disaster IMHO.


    Our O-line has sucked for years. The team has sucked for years. Phillips, Williams, Mularkey, Jauron - all the same.


    McNally is nowhere near the best O-line coach in the league. If he was, we would have had the best line.


    Its a losing attitude in the Buffalo franchise that can only be revamped by a hall of fame coach like Cowher. If Ralph cared about winning he'd fire these "high motor, high character" guys and hire a real coach.


    Shanahan, Cowher, Gruden...all available. Spagnuolo would have been the value pick.

  8. Lerts stick to "untricky Dick" that is the topic I think.


    Sorry my attitude towards America is not appreciated but it is not relevant; I am certain many people on this board have vastly differing opinions on many subjects. Football-wise, we all have to suffer the same indignaties.


    Fire Dick.


    simply said.



    One thing we can agree upon

  9. By the way, with all your beuatiful ladies there, keep also the guns on every street corner. Only in America!


    Hope you cousins and friends don't get shot. But I won't count on it.


    Im not really sure what those sentences mean, but I think I've pieced them together.


    I'm not sure what type of women you were going after dude. Attitude, guns, fatness?

  10. Why is it the best country? I like to lay fine nice bitches, not fat chicks with attitude.


    My priorities, are straight and defined.


    haha - So you left this country because the good looking women wanted nothing to do with you. You might want to look in the mirror to find out the reason why. I guess it's cheaper to pay for the top notch talent in 3rd world countries.


    What a loser!


    There are tons of beautiful American women - every race and every color. Problem is, they aren't attacted to geeks like you. Lower your standards and you might find happiness.

  11. I am not patriotic I don't live in states anymore W. was too much.


    I am however a staunch Bills fan for life.



    What a bed wetter. You left the best country in the world because of one president?


    Do you think anybody will respect you more because you run from your country but dont run from your team? Thats something you might want to keep to yourself you loser. Don't come back.

  12. From Donte Whitner's Facebook:

    Donte Whitner thinks Eric Moulds is a lame for the comments he made about our coaching staff and T.O in the Buffalo News!!!!!



    What is your point? Dante Whitner talks all types of sh^t. His best play as a Bill was a late hit in the end zone on a guy that was celebrating too much.


    When Dante Whitner wins us a game or becomes a playmaker, let me know. For the amount of sh^t he talks, hes all bark and no bite. You quoting facebook further proves my point.

  13. I am still waiting for Lynch to hit the hole that is being blocked.


    The guy has consistently shown that he is unable or too lazy to learn the playbook.



    What holes? Have you watched the games? If our O-line blocked Marshawn Lynch to the second level on even 30% of the run plays Marshawn would crush defenses. The dude has moves, speed enough to break plays, and will not be brought down by any one linebacker let alone a d-back.


    That dude can play. Get him to the second level and he is one of the best in the league.


    His style is different than LT and he's no Adrian Peterson. Get Marshawn Lynch to the second level, and he will punish defenses. If he does miss holes, its probably due to the fact the he almost never gets holes.

  14. Skoob,


    I'm caught between inspired and depressed. Inspired because of how amazing that comeback was. Always inspired with the domination of the early 90s bills. Depressed that we couldnt win Superbowls.


    I dont think there is any fan base that wants a championship more than we do. Id be so happy that Id probably flip out.

  15. Harsh but true



    Based on T.O.'s history, that's a legit statement from Eric Moulds. Our coaching staff is not even close to the best.


    My personal opinion is that I think TO is a great addition. He's going to bring some attitude to the locker room. Vets with attitude likes Darryl Talley and Ray Lewis bring a lot to a locker room. Donte Whitner has been all bark and no bite.


    TO has never proven to be a team leader in the past. However, I hold hope that TO finally shows his love for the game, and wants to help build something in the waining days of his career.

  16. I am special aren't I? Most seem to understand my point - (I guess those are the one's who saw the suicidal responses at seasons end) - How does a team change so little in the offseason for the better, and yet, somehow generate the excitement this team does? Fens in Ontario? Signing TO? Brandon is amazing. As your whitty retorte and my unabashed sarchasm, all in good fun. Again - Fans were on the verge of a complete walkout of the last game and swearing off this team...we go from that to crawling up to record sales again in a scant 3 months??? All in the face of a suspended star RB, losing your best O-Linemen, keeping a milk-toast head coach, brining in a locker room cancer and talking about adding games in Toronto? Unqualified success for the marketing team at One Bills Drive. (And if I have to go over the economy...never mind).



    You're giving way too much credit to Russ Brandon. We are the most loyal fans in the NFL. I would argue that Bills fans are most loyal fans in sports. No fan base has ever had to put up with so much disappoint caused by let down after let down. 4 consecutive Super Bowl losses, the Music City Miracle, 10 years no playoffs, and so forth Yet, we always get excited about the Bills and come back for more.


    Don't give Russ Brandon credit for loyal fan base that was here before he took over an will be there after he's gone.

  17. I have noticed a trend over the past few season's concerning our team and it's productivity. Our defense always seems to come out and play stellar except a few occasions and they force a punt or a turnover and then our offense will go out. A lot of the times they will be out for like a minute or 2 and go 3 and out. I honestly feel our defense is great and i know you can say pass rushing and stuff like that. But honestly i always felt that if it wasn;t for the way our defense played the games would have been a lot more like those prime time games against the patriots where we are losing so bad brady gets to sit out the entire second half. I think that if ou offense can come out and do the job this year our defense is gonna be one of the best.




    Really? Can you send me some of the drugs you were on? Our defense was awful, and it was mostly because of Fewells horrible play calling.


    Granted, we lacked talent. But would you rather take a slow beating or take a shot at being agressive and making plays. The 90 yard 8 minute drive Miami posted against us was pitiful. Take a shot Perry.


    Keith Ellison is awful. We run a 4-3 based on the premise we have the talent to execute the 4-3 scheme. The Will or weakside LB and the Mike LB in a 4-3 are supposed to be the guys that make all of the tackles in our run scheme. A 4-3 is designed for the DT and 3 Techinque to plug gaps, and stop lineman from getting to our linebackers. Meanwhile, our D-ends played awful last year on both passing and running situations.


    Also there isnt a huge difference between a 4-3 and a nickel scheme. Both defenses rely on pressure from the front 4 which we did not get last year. Opposing Qb's might as well have played no pressure, 7 vs 7 preseason pass drills. Our defense was awful. Perry Fewell is awful. And defense wins championships.

  18. #1) Idk why this stuff gets posted on here because who cares


    2) IMO he's the best QB ever so i don't get the hate unless everyone is jelious that he did something the almighty kelly could not..win a SB :P


    Can't wait to see the replies


    Brett Favre is an old goat ruining his legacy. He's not even close to the best QB ever. He has a rocket arm, and everyone loves the way he played, and his attitude. His retirement has tarnished his legacy. I loved Brett Favre until the non-stop ESPN Favre retirement drama. Favre is now a drama queen. He's losing his dignity with this drama.



    You're not a true Bills fan for saying what you said about Jim Kelly. Real Bills fans keep those type of thoughts to themselves. And, your avatar needs work. What is that? Is that BB king signing a baseball bat? What the sh^t is that? That guy looks like a pregnant man with that gut. Is that you?

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