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Posts posted by Williams+Williams+Williams

  1. So which is it , is Lynch overrated or does the high priced Oline suck?

    Myself, I think I think it's a little of both.

    I certainly wouldn't consider him a "fabulous' runner.

    In fact, Travis Henry was better than what Lynch has been to this point.





    Lynch is definately not overated. He makes his own holes. If the O-line can open holes to get Lynch to the second level our run game would be unstoppable. He has great vision and rarely goes down on the first hit . Hes called "Beast Mode" for a reason. He runs hard nosed. The way he runs is fabulous. Your fanhood is suspect.

  2. Nothing brings me pleasure more than seeing the Cowpokes be trashed in the media. Absolutely nothing, well except seeing the Dolphags lose. so, this weekend both happened, and I nearly spontaneously combusted.



    I cant stand the Cowboys. The media focuses so much on the cowboys and most of what they focus on is not about playing football. Its jerry jones, TO overdose, TO crying, Romo dating jessica simpson, pac man being a criminal, etc. I wouldnt mind so much if they talked more about the play and less about the drama.

  3. Don't you mean 2 sacks that led to fumbles? Getting blown out of position on plays, and allowing pressure from his side constantly?


    Some mistakes? The guy looks average at best and Chambers looks better, not because of talent, but because of effort and stamina. You are giving Peters credit based on a pro-bowl appearance, and you haven't been studying his play. I have and he's a joke right now. He's actually below average right now.



    Lee did it the right way. Peters poor play is reflecting his poor decision. Hes laying like a bum. Our O-line is struggling. We have one of the best RB's in the league and one of the heaviest lines. If marshawn didnt have to make his own holes on the majority of his runs he'd be crushing it right now. If our O-line gets it together we will be unstoppable with Marshawn and Freddie.

  4. TBD needs to stop harassing JP/putting speculation out there that he is sulking. The kid has kept his mouth shut, been a team player, and you really can't ask anything more out of a guy that lost his job.


    My two cents...



    Agreed. JP came here and did his best. He talked about how much he liked buffalo, he bought a house here, and he came to win. It just didnt work out.

  5. We get no respect. Even if we win the next two we probably wont get any respect. A win is a win. A come from behind win is more impressive than a blowout because its hard to bounce back.


    Teams around the league are getting upset every week. Yet, we keep winning. This is the best season and team we've had in a while. We bills fans like to get excited early but the team is real deal. If our O-line gets it together and we stay healthy we have a legit shot at the superbowl. Jauron will keep our team thinking one game at a time. Bills fans think ahead. Thats what we do.


    Berman is on our side, forget the rest of those chumps.

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