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Posts posted by Williams+Williams+Williams

  1. Wow...really? When Nix came back to the Bills in '09 he was a National Scout and focused on the Southeast. To suggest he had anything to do with the scouting, recruiting, and selecting of Maybin is as ignorant as it is a stretch...just add that selection to a long list of "F" ups by the previous regime, hence the reason they were FIRED.


    As for your Pro-Bowl BS...as if that is anywhere near an accurate measuring stick of talent, Nix proved his theories in SD home slice. After a rebuilding process (well know that this usually takes 3 years)in which he was one of the main decision makers in college and pro scouting, as well as drafting, the chargers sent something like 28 players to the pro bowl from '04-'08, all of which Nix had a hand in drafting and/or recruiting.


    Yes, this team has been a mess for over a decade, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the progression as of late.


    Or we can just be like you two schleps and think everyone this team hires, drafts and signs are crap until they win something. Yeah, that's exactly what a being a fan is all about.


    You nailed it.

  2. A valid point, SWNY. Very valid.


    To me, it's "Do or Die" for Chan more than Fitz. Chan has some weapons on O besides Fitz and SJ - FredEx, Spiller, Brad Smith for the Wildcat. He's got the innovator of the Wildcat stashed here as QB coach.


    It's really on Chan to prove he deserves his rep as an offensive innovator who adapts his scheme to the players he's got. He really didn't show that to me last year. If he keeps up with calling game plans as though Fitz is Rodgers or Brees, and FJ/CJ are not top backs in the NFL, we will NOT succeed - I like Fitz, I think he's capable of winning, and I know he's no Rodgers or Brees.



    No excuses this year. The Bills have finally fielded an nfl caliber team. I love Marv, but he and Jauron put the Bills in a hole talent wise. Gailey has the tools now so I hope he can put it together. I have a different type of confidence in the team coming into 2012. They have the talent to compete with the best. Fitz is no Aaron Rogers, but he doesn't need to be with the backfield he has. The argument could be made that CJ and Freddie are one of the best if not the best combo in the league. Freddy alone was on MVP pace. The secondary is deep, the d line has the talent to be one of the best, a nd the o line is deep. Maybe one or two receivers step up besides Stevie, and one of the rookie lbs has a great year. This can be a competitive team with good coaching and team chemistry. Gailey and the Stache should be licking their chops. No excuses this year.

  3. That isn't covered even when he is. I mean that is what Nix said we were going to go after in the offseason right? Instead we draft a midget in the 3rd round with a 7th round grade. Didn't we have a guy like that in Parrish we let walk?

    The Bills current receivers are all posession wide outs. A big wide out would be a great add, but Gailey knows that he needs a guy that is an explosive deep threat. Since the big talent was gone, he must have felt this was the next best option. The guy might pan out, he might not. But at that point in the draft who was left? Sanu? He's a posession wr. Forcing a defense to account for a guy that can burn you deep for a td opens the field up more than a guy like Sanu would.


    Gailey and Nix know more about what they need than anyone else can claim to. I dont understand why there is so much negativity floating around.

  4. I know I'm going to take some flak for this, and that there will be no shortage of people willing to write comments like "we're 4-1, be happy," or "a win is a win. It doesn't matter how you do it."


    But a method of winning that will work over the long haul is fundamentally different from, and superior to, a method of winning that will soon fizzle out. The Bills' method of winning seems to be in the latter category.


    Against the I-95 teams the Bills have played thus far (Patriots and Eagles), the Bills had nine takeaways and no giveaways. And yet, despite that insane +9 turnover differential, the Bills won both games by the skin of their teeth. This means that the Bills were significantly outplayed in the non-turnover aspects of the game, and needed all of those nine turnovers to eke out wins.


    What happens when the Bills fail to achieve this kind of ridiculously one-sided turnover ratio?


    Statistically, a good turnover ratio is highly correlated with wins, for obvious reasons. But teams' turnover ratios tend to change significantly from one season to the next. Two seasons ago that worked in the Bills' favor, as there were games Byrd won almost singlehandedly. His turnovers made the Bills' record better than its talent level would otherwise have dictated. Last season Byrd's turnovers dried up, and were no longer available to mask the team's overall lack of talent. That's why the Bills went 4-12. This season the turnovers are back again and (in combination with KC's implosion) are the main pillar of Buffalo's fast start. I do not believe that attaining turnovers at this ridiculous pace is sustainable, any more than the insane pace Byrd set during his rookie year was sustainable.


    This should not be taken to mean that all is gloom and doom, or an implication that the team will never amount to anything. What it does mean is that Nix's rebuilding process is not as far along as the Bills' current record would seem to indicate. This team needs to play better in the non-turnover-related aspects of the game if its current success is to be sustainable. Maybe some of that can come from younger players already on the roster learning to improve. Byrd himself is a good example of this: he's playing better this year than last year. I also suspect the Bills will need at least one or two good drafts before they can truly become one of the NFL's top teams.


    Honestly, you are a loser. Scoring points wins games in todays NFL. Defense wins championships is an old mantra.


    Why would you waste your time being such a negative nancy? Your entire post was negative speculation. The majority of the posters here are losers that want to correct gramatical errors, act like know it alls, and argue over semantics.


    This is ridiculous. The Bills are 4-1. Breaks have gone our way, but the team has shown chemistry that makes them winners. Who cares about the rest? Do you think you are the man because you can point out what they've done wrong? Last year, and this year are character building years. This might not be a superbowl year but ur a pu$$y.

  5. Just to let you and other people who do not live in the Albany area, there were two well written and thought out responses in last Sundays paper on page 3 in the sports section. So the paper did not just cherry pick the lame moronic responses listed in today's paper. As an fyi, the Sunday paper has the largest circulation.

    As a life long Bill's fan we have been catching heat. Not hard to understand when the Bills don't make the playoffs for 12 years. But trust me people who attack her with the vulgar words used or attacking her looks show a total lack of class and do not represent the majority of Bill's fans.


    Losing 4 Superbowls, being close to Canada, wide right, Gish' entire article...its way more than not making the playoffs. Why are you rationalizing with people who knock us?


    I didnt email a vulgar response to her, but I dont mind that other fans did. Some of it was actually pretty funny. And Im certainly not going to act righteous. She was busting our chops on a public platform. What did she expect? She couldnt take her medicine, and responded in an even more un-objective fashion.


    In the end, the Times Union looks like the hack liberal rag it is.

  6. Im glad some people decided to lay it on her. Some of the responses she quoted were funny. As life long Bills fans, we catch heat from everyone, all of the time.


    She read all of reasonable responses, and decided not to post any of them. What's new? Columnists are always pushing their agenda. Journalism died a long time ago.


    She looks like she got beat in the face with a hot bag of nickles.

  7. Yes, she has my permission, but for some reason, I don't think that is what you meant to say. I do get the distinct impression that she likes to be looked at.


    I understand what you're getting at and agree to a point, but the topic is about battery, not voyerism. My avatar is intended to highlight my beloved state. The eye candy serves to draw attention to the shirt she is wearing, and depicts the two places I prefer to rest my head at night.



    Dude, your a creep. No way that girl new you were taking her picture, and now you are using it as your avatar.

  8. You are crazy! Why would you want Fitzy or Brohm over one of the top qb's in this draft. And by the way if Jake Locker came out last year he would have probably been the first pick over Bradford. This is a quarterback driven league and if you can get a stud you will be set for years. You find your qb and build your team around him. You can use the Colts as an example, who have an average o-line, but have one of the best qb's in football. I just don't understand why you would want to stick with Fitzy or Brohm, who are average back-ups at best.


    Peyton manning is possibly the best qb ever. Ur example is not even close to reasonable. Is this you russ brandon?

  9. The problem is that Trent looked exactly as he has always looked. Makes a couple of ok throws, then checks down on 3rd and 13 with NO pressure on him and throws a 3 yard pass to Lynch who had no blockers...then he scrambles a few steps out of the pocket and throws a weak pass off his back foot to the sideline for an INT when he doesnt have the arm strength to make that already dangerous pass.


    Seriously, how was Trent any different than before tonight to give anyone hope he will get better? He hasnt gotten better since he left High School...what difference will 3 more preseason games make? Honestly, I just want to know what to pin the hopes of his improvement on.


    The only possible hope is that he played for an awful head coach, with a pretty bad offensive line for the last few years. And that maybe, Gailey is turning the ship around. That said, as much as I would like to see Trent be the guy, I've never witnessed any flashes of brilliance from him that would give me any hope for his individual talent level. So yes, it's probably time to cut bait. What's worriesome is if the coaches think Trent gives us the best chance, what does that say about the talent level of the other 3 qbs?


    Some positives:


    Gailey's play calling

    Defense got beat, but it's the first year/game/live action in a 34. Kyle Williams looked great, and the NT is the keystone in a 34.

    Fast Freddie, Marshawn, and CJ Spiller is a great trio in the NFL.


    No doubt, this year will be a long haul. The season will be positive if Gailey can at least get the franchize going in the right direction.

  10. Our 2 biggest needs going into the draft: LT and QB


    We addressed neither until rd. 5!


    How can ANYBODY say the rebuild is off to a great start with major questions at those two positions?


    Look at what the Rams did for cryin out loud....they have a defensive minded coach who must have had to contain himself not to take one of the two blue chip DT's.......he still did the right thing and went QB/LT.


    We were in position to get both 1+2 and still get a damn good NT in 3...quality and depth beyond that.


    I cannot believe how many satisfied kool aid drinkers there are the day after the draft ended and were heralding a 5th rounder and a 7th rounder as answers to our top 2 needs.


    QB? Although I dont think we have a franchize quarterback in our current lineup, LT, NT, and OLB's were the biggest need this year. We needed to address the change to the 3-4, and we needed to address the O line.


    I was surprised that Spiller was the first pick, but my guess is that any of the LT's that were graded out for a 9th overall pick were already drafted, and they had to make the move on Spiller. Best talent available. Wang was player of the year in Va, then started 3 years at VaTech. Both of his parents were Olympic athletes. Personally, I like that pick.


    A QB will not develop in Buffalo unless we build a solid running game and defense. How many QB's have we gone through since Kelly? How may QB's careers has Buffalo failed to develop? I am not saying any of the QB's on the roster are our franchize guy, but this is a building year for Buffalo. Yes, I would have liked to see a blue chip tackle come off the board early.

  11. :thumbsup::wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash::w00t:


    Oh, Im sorry. Mr n, n-1. What are you a math teacher? Because you obviously don't know football. Peyton had a great franchize with Polian as GM. Brady walked into a great coaching staff, solid players, and leadership. Drew Brees spent a few years on a stacked team with LT in San Diego. Steve Young stepped into the franchize that Montana built. Marino had a solid running game and a good defense. Rothlesberger had an awesome running game, an awesome defense, and set up play action. Flacco had the best D in the league, solid Oline, and good RBs. Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl, and he didnt have the skill of JP or Trent.


    Teams arent built on QB's. All NFL QB's have a lot of talent. Some more than others. But QBs become winners after the draft when they walk into the right environment to help them develop.

  12. try and make that point to the jets, ravens, falcons and see how it goes over



    im not opposed to campbell, but drafting clausen is not an automatic death sentence to mediocrity



    All teams with good offensive lines and a good defense, and a solid backfield before they drafted a QB. What is your point? You are contributing to my point. Drafting Clausen at this point, will not position the Bills to have a team that can develop a good QB. The Bills biggest need is on the offensive line.


    JP and Trent did not live up to their metrics. But they both had good attitudes, lots of talent, no offensive line, and a team that wasn't unified through leadership.


    I'm not saying Clausen doesn't have the ability. Im saying that the teams with rookie QB's you mentioned, built a team, then found a rookie QB. A top 5 defense and a top 10 running game can relieve alot of pressure from a rookie QB and provide the right environment to develop.


    Are you saying that it only takes a QB to turn around a franchize? I'm saying that it takes a good franchize to develop a QB. How many top 5 draft pick, ultra talented QB's have failed?

  13. Trade for another Captain Checkdown? That makes absolutely no sense!!


    Do you agree that drafting a QB in the first or second round will set the Bills back a few years? If we draft OT, DT, the Bills will be in better shape. We will have a young, talented O line that will be good for years to come. The 3-4 leaves us with a lot more options personell wise.


    A first round QB draft pick is not a smart move. Edwards or Campbell are better options than spending a first on Clausen or Bradford. New coaching staff, new tempo, new attitude. This will be a different team. Trent Edwards still has the potential to be better than a rookie QB. Building a franchize doesnt start with a QB.


    I see your point, but Jason Campbell was on a bad team, and he performed well. It will be a fresh start for him.

  14. when the game is yours, dont fumble to lose a game. oh sorry. jp did that last year.


    u guys are forgetting how jp lost games ALL BY HIMSELF. he may be a good guy. who cares. he's bad luck in the nfl. i dont even believe in destiny. but thats his destiny. to suck in the nfl.


    jp is like this:


    u just get get a brand new carpet. work the whole weekend. finish by 10pm. dog takes a sh** at 1001pm.



    u r retarded

  15. If you watched all these games, you wouldn't have brought up "wind and rain". I've already showed you how the "harshness" you keep harping on just doesn't exist for the vast majority of the Bills home games. These "afraid to leave your hotel room during a snowstorm" episodes you conjure up are pure fantasy.


    So, since Jim Kelly himself never "had to face these conditions in college", the Bills would have been "wise to stay away from" him? Come on!!!!


    You could bring up Marinovich, who played in Oakland and Maguire (Seattle) but I am not sure how this helps your argument-----oh, wait, "it rains a lot in Seattle" I guess is your point. In fact, you can probably come up with a long list of crappy NFL QBs from Cali (or Florida, Texas etc.)---problem is they sucked in cold weather cities, domes and warm cities.


    Each point you bring up negates your argument. Also amusing (and predictable) is your explaining away TEs 4 TD performance in cold, wet, windy ("harsh, no?) conditions as....luck.


    Actually, there's a long history success regarding Cali QBs (or other "soft weather" states). 8 of the last 12 SBs were won by QBs from California or Lousiana. 3 of those QBs played for cold weather teams. Before them there was Favre, perhaps the best cold weather QB ever (and who likely never saw snow until his first season in GB) and Aikman--who had to play teams like GB, Giants, Philly on the road in the winter. Did just fine._In fact how many QBs who are from "harsh weather states" have succeeded at the highest level in the NFL in the last dozen years? Warner, Big Ben........


    Look, you can continue to believe what makes you comfortable, such as "California QBs cannot succeed in Buffalo because California QBs can't handle its every Suday "harsh wind and rain"". But history has clearly proven this false. You cannot simply imagine away actual weather conditions!


    I will state the obvious again: great QBs from anywhere can play anywhere. Drawing your conclusions from Buffalo's awful QB selections (who were coincidentally from California) is a selection bias.


    Also, you somehow don't realize that the majority of QB prospects for the NFL are citizens of California, Texas, Florida---mainly because they are prepping year round. There simply is no cold weather or northeastern QB factory that you and Jimbo imagine is creating our next QB.


    Therefore to continue to simply exclude all QBs from an entire state, be it california or any other, is just senseless.


    Every single QB you named that was succesful in the cold was not from California.

  16. I think that Kelly is completely wrong about CA QBs, but throwing Fouts back at him is a ridiculous example. He had an infamous flameout (or should I say freeze out?) against Cincy in 1981 in a brutally cold AFC championship game. The Chargers had one of the greatest offenses in league history that year, but they were pathetic in the cold, losing 27-7.


    Name a CA QB that was succesful in the northeast? Also, learn how to post competent sentences - wtf is a flameout?

  17. Nothing dumb about it. Edwards doesn't have it. He doesn't throw over the middle or downfield. His numbers are his numbers at this point.


    Feel free to blame everything on management, but he just isn't starting material at this point.





    If Trent Edwards played for the Pats, Giants, Steelers, Dolphins, Falcons, Ravens, Titans, or any other team with a good coach, GM, and owner he would be a successful quarterback. For example, Matt Cassel looked like a pro bowler in NE last year. How is Matt Cassel doing playing for a ****ty organization like the Chiefs this year, genius?


    The Bills organization has made bad personell choices for the last 10 years. Players, coaches, and front office. So yes, it's completely obvious to blame the Buffalo Bills organization starting with Ralph Wilson down. The coaches and the players are for the most part, sub par NFL talent. Are you going to blame that on Trent Edwards? The Bills problems are 100% an organizational problem from the top down.

  18. I'm really tired of hearing this. Losman stunk. Edwards stinks too. However, Losman was so bad that he wasn't even offered a contract. He was by far the worst QB of all time in Buffalo. He didn't even look like an NFL player.


    If he is laughing, I couldn't imagine why.



    Dumb statement. Have you ever asked yourself why this organization hasnt had a successful qb since Kelly? Because the organization is not NFL caliber. Edwards is just another young talent that this organization ruined.

  19. And then you end up with Jerry Jones, with that attitude, who wants to spoon-feed you his excreta on a daily basis because you failed to speak up and say "Hey, 'Mr.-Winning-Is-Everything, I rather don't like to eat your excreta".


    But by that time, you inbred little moron, it's too late, isn't it?



    haha - So I guess your an angry band geek? What are you doing in a sports forum? Oh that's right, you can be as tough as you want on the internet.


    Back to football, it makes complete sense to win for any owner who want's to make money, to make winning their top priority. The teams that bring in the most revenue are organizations that have won more than they lost. The problem with Ralph Wilson is he won't spend the money on the organization to make it a winner. He's obviously more interested in a near sighted, make money now strategy than rather than investing. It seems he doesnt want to wait for the return on his investment.

  20. I'd only be upset that he was allowed to make so much money duping so many poor farmers and country bumpkins into thinking they should vote Republican. But I'm betting that he'd pour real money into making whatever team he buys a WINNER, so, no, I'd be happy.



    Farmers work for a living, and provide for a need world wide. They also provide for themselves. Another elitist chimp.


    Id be happy with any owner who had the their priorities in order. Winning should be the number 1 priority for any owner of any sports franchise. The more you win, the more money you make.

  21. Those three that you mentioned along with more then half of the other posters in this thread have contributed more to this site then you, ronnie or most people on this board. TBD & TSW have become in some ways part of being a Buffalo Bills fan, just ask any of the former players, coaches or columnists that post here. It's because of people like the ones you berate that we have the following here that we do.


    I do agree that this site is meant for fun but on the other hand it has become a club of sorts, a club of people who have gotten to know each other through the years but also a club that is easy to get into unless you continually make a fool of yourself i.e. Soprano. Hell even Skooby has a place here.


    I guess what I'm saying is that if you can't take the heat then maybe another board is more appropriate. I went through a similar thing a while ago when I posted about a few players I've ran into and I'm still here through the 8 or so page attack I had to deal with and I've been coming here for 9 years. Those posters who you called out will eat you or anyone that comes across as phony for breakfast as would the majority of old timers here(I know you aren't really an old timer Sage) if they so desired.


    Wow - that might be the gayest thing I have ever read. Cant take the heat? What heat? This is a blog. They will eat me for breakfast? Uh oh. I dont want to be eaten for breakfast by a bunch fat old men that have nothing goin on in their lives besides a blog. Phony? What does that mean? I'm not a die hard blogger like the rest of you chumps? Phony is a bunch of nerds that never played football talking about football like they know the game. Watching ESPN, the NFL Network, and "contributing more to this site than I ever will" does not make you an expert. However, staring at your computer all day, looking up stats, and not talking to girls does make you gay.


    I guess those of us that have lives, have jobs, and don't have to pay for girls to be nice to us just arent cut out for this. Sorry dude, but I have a lot better things going on in my life than comic books, blogging, and living in my mothers basement.


    I'd rather paint my closet than listen to you ballwashers.

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