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Shanahan's Horseshoe

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Posts posted by Shanahan's Horseshoe

  1. The whole Donte thing is so obvious. The Bills thought they were getting a more physical safety and that is not the case. He can't play in the box because he is constantly washed out of the LOS and as a blitzer, he is a "crumbler". The one thing that bothers me more than anything though is that he doesn't play half as fast as his 40. He was a 4.4 guy, )this should go to show you what that really means) but he has been beatin more than a few times in a foot race.

    This gets me back to my point, the Bills know that Donte is limited so they are going to get him away from the LOS and let him play center. My only problem with that is he has shown ZERO ball skills. Regardless of pass rush, instincts and anticipation in the 3 step passing game should get your hand on the ball but in DW's case, it hasn't.

    I think DW is a decent player who should own his own PR company when he is done. He is great with the fans and his teammates and that has bought him a lot of patience.

    However, responding to his detractors on his Facebook page is bad form. But if Donte stopped talking sh*t he would be the most obscure player on the field.

  2. I remember a guy named Warren Sapp that tested positive for pot before he fell out of the top 5 and got drafted 12th(?) by the bucs. He had a decent career...

    The comparisons betwen Sapp and Raji stop at the weed. Sapp was a great college player. He was AA/All Big East multiple times and won every college award a DL can get including Big East D player of the year. Raji put together a nice senior year but he wasn't even the best player on his defense. He is not Sapp, they are two completely different players.

  3. Who cares about Cutlers disposition. Did any of his teammates come out and bash during this process? How about former college teammates or coaches? No, so the fact that Mark Schlereth says that he is a baby means nothing at all to me (I'm sure that douche isn't biased at all, the fact that he is even allowed to comment just goes to show you how much of a joke ESPN actually is). It is well known that Troy Aikman was not liked by his teammates but he won the Super Bowl a couple of times.


    When comparing Trent to Cutler, you have to first ask, "What has Trent done?" The answer is not much. You can say that he flashed potential or that he throws an accurate and catchable ball. But you can also say that he is injury prone, has melted down and that he doesn't play well in the cold.


    Now ask, "What has Cutler done? 45 TD's, 32 int's, 8000+ yds. and 63% com. in his first two years of starting. You'd be hard-pressed to find to many QB's who have done that in the history of the NFL. He also has started 30+ straight games.


    I like Trent and I think he COULD turn out to be good. But this isn't even an argument. Cutler is WAY BETTER and even if Trent turns out alright, he won't even come close to Cutler's league.

  4. Bigger and stronger? Name 5 DT's in the NFL that will pound out the weight like raji did at the combine.

    Leif Larson anyone? When you get to the this level, strength is hardly a concern because evey player has been in a D1 lifting program for 5 years and if ya ain't strong by then, you won't be playing very much. Functional strength is what counts. The days of throwin 4 plates on each side of the bar are over and functional strength is whats most important. The Kicker from USC outbenched more than half of the lineman in this draft so what does that say? I like Raji, but he can't line up on the edge and that is what we need.

  5. The biggest hole on the Bills is the pass rush. Sure Raji will help colapse the pocket but that is only effective when you have some speed off of the edge. We MUST get a pass rush from the outside in order to make this defense work. You can't hang Mitchell and Poz in the 1 and 2 gaps to create pressure every play. I like Raji but he is no Warren Spap and DT's, are very slow to adapt to the NFL because the lineman are so much biger/stronger/faster. I can't think of the last rookie DT to make an impact. Rookie edge rushers routinely get 10 sacks and that is what we need from that 11th pick.

  6. You seem angry. And belittling of me, for putting up a post pointing out the B'gal's owner's proclivities.


    Henry's assault was bogus. The little lady who accused him eventually got charged with the murder of one of her johns.


    Same with Thurman's assault charge. He did everything asked of him according to the court, yet he got swept up in the pogrom Goodel put forth after the Vick affair put the stink on the NFL.


    IIRC, Nicholson's charge was breaking into a dorm room and stealing a stereo.


    Rucker's case was adjudicated, and he's on the team for better or worse - he doesn't show 3rd round talent.l


    I posted no defense of any - merely noted that Brown has his own idea of a draft bargain.



    There were several other B'gals picks that turned out to be lazy tubs of goo. Same with all clubs. Why you choose to make more of that, I'll never know.


    Horseshoe. Apt stage name...

    I thought putting Smith in the same category as those guys was completely unfair. These guys have all been charged serious crimes and covicted of crimes. They are lucky they have great lawyers.





  7. You seem to have left out "suspended for the Sugar Bowl". [Edit: suspended by Nick Saban, of all people. I wonder who you have to kill to get suspended from a Bowl game, by Saban.]


    What were the team rules, Andre violated?

    He was suspended for contact with an agent. It is no excuse but players get suspended all of the time for bowl games. 23 players were suspened from FSU for this years bowl game. I think that you would agree that talking to an agent hardly puts him in the category with the calendar of criminals from the Bengals.

  8. Watched him play in several games, living in Atlanta and a huge college football fan. And SEC football is the best in the country bar none.Bamas entire Oline was dominating. Caldwell the center is going to be a steal in round three. The problem i have with Smith isn't his talent but his work ethic. The kid got suspended from the bowl game. This hurt his team a lot in that game. Utah looked like the steel curtain out there.Saban has admitted Smith needs a lot of motivation. Then he pulls the Houdini act at the combine. This hurt his stock a lot. Do you want another big name tackle with questionable thought process? Dont we already have one of those???

    I agree. But, he had to be somewhat motivated to be 3 time AA/SEC and an Outland trophy winner before his 22nd birthday. He played in the SEC, where he faces guys like Dunlap, Jackson, Hardy, Sapp and Bowers(Clemson) and still dominated. He may not be an Adonis but what lineman are? Lets get Peters and Walkers shirts off and let them run a 40. I say, if he is there, you take a chance on a guy with a 3 year track record of dominance.

  9. Mikie Brown will draft him. <_<


    He can't resist what he thinks is a bargain...Akili Smith, Odell Thurmann, AJ Nicholson, Chris Henry, Frostee Rucker, Ahmad Brooks, ...


    Kudos to Akili Smith. A tough kid who played hard but couldn't play quarterback. He left with Brown having to fork over 4M to him. :unsure:

    You are seriously going to put Andre Smith in the same class with those losers? Lets see which one of these don't belong:

    Thurman- Drugs, alcohol, assault, multiple suspensions.

    Henry-Drugs, alcohol, assault, multiple suspensions.

    Nicholson-grand theft, dwi, drugs, weapons.

    Rucker-sexual assault, spousal abuse.

    Brooks-punching a woman is the face.

    Andre Smith- unprepared for the combine, boobies


    To compare Smith to these guys is absurd. The guys that you mentioned all got into serious trouble early on in college and none of them came close to putting together a college career even close to Smith's.

  10. I know, I know...watch the film, see him maul D-linemen yadda yadda yadda...what I see in the glimpses I've gotten of this kid are bad feet (to me he looks like he's got concrete cleats) and an unwillingness do what it takes to be a huge success in the NFL.


    Mike Williams the remake

    I'm glad that you formed such a strong opinion from "glimpses". Lets see, Bama was on TV about 8 times this year and you caught glimpses? The TBD "scout" posts are so tires at this point. You said, "I know, watch the film." So should the film be discounted because you caught a glimpse of his "bad feet"? The guy is the most accomplished lineman to come out in years and even after a couple of bad decisions (not drugs, assault or DWI) , he will be picked in the top 10. Somehow scouts will overlook this but Beerball from TBD says he has cement shoes.


    New Rule! You cannot start a post about a prospect unless you've actually watched him play a full game.

  11. Forms of barbarism have been past down through the generations and are still alive and well today.Whether or not you chose to accept that is up to you.


    Nobody knows whats inside of a mans heart and soul except the one person that really matters.

    Barbarism that has been passed down throughout generations is no excuse for what vick did. Otherwise, OJ would have pleaded barbarism.

  12. This country's use of the electric chair and the use of shock treatment including tazers is well documented.


    Dude, anybody that resorts to name calling for lack of a better argument is pretty childish in my book.


    What is your argument? Michael Vick shouldn't be given a second chance? because nobody I've seen is saying what Michael Vick did was right or justified by any means.


    So tell me Mr. smart guy, what is your argument :thumbsup:

    No one in the NFL is using the electric chair or Tazors in their spare time so what does this have to do with this argument. Try to stay on topic! This is about what MIKE VICK DID. Not what happened at Guantonamo. Or what the Romans did. Or what Leonard Little did. They are all obviosly horrible but they hold zero relevance here. By bringing them up you are simply justifying what that loser did by saying, "Look at what this person did." That is not a defense. Next time you go into court for a traffic ticket, tell the judge that you didn't speed as bad as the guy in front of you or say, "At least I wasn't drinking and driving!"


    There is no smart guy or a holier than thou attitude on my part. It is very clear that what he did was horrific.


    My stance on that loser is this, I don't believe in forgiveness for those who only seek forgiveness once they are caught.

    He doesn't deserve a second chance. He was not forced to commit these crimes out of poverty or desperation. He would not have stopped these crimes. He inflicted irreversible damage upon the dogs. He funded an operation that was created simply for the torture of animals. I would expect a suspension coming up by Goodell and hopefully by the time he serves that he will probably get himself into more trouble. His rapsheet is very long and I don't think he will ever learn.

  13. Gladiator thing funny? but yet in this day and age we still get into a ring and beat each other senseless and even kill each other from time to time for the sake of entertainment and personal gain.

    No, your argument was funny. :thumbsup: Comparing gladiators to dogfighting is silly.

    It is 2009, UFC is regulated, there are rules. Fighters are not left untreated after a fight. We dont raise babies to be human punching bags. Mercy rules apply. No one is electrocuted. There is no torture if you don't win. No rape stands.

    Dude! I seriously might be having a conversation with a slow adult or a child. I apologize for that.

  14. meaning the initial report - including the initial articles on ESPN and other networks - suggested that Vick, while funding the dogfighting, didn't have a hand in the actual putting down of the dogs. In layman's terms, that doesn't mean I read only the first part of the article but rather that the previous articles written on this suggested Vick only funded the operation. Capiche? Do you understand? Is there anything I can clarify for you on that front? Let me know, I'd be happy to help out.

    So next time you have something to say, know the facts. You spoke about something that you THOUGHT you knew about. Good point, I get it now. At least you admit your ignorance.


    Agree to disagree at this point, but if you get some spare time in the next couple of days, go watch a dog fighting documentary or a YouTube clip on this "sport". Go read, not just about vick, but what people who partake in this subhuman activity do to these dogs. Then tell me, does mike vick deserve to score another TD in the NFL? Does he deserve a second chance when he's had about a hundred already? He will never learn and that is why he failed a drug test in the midst of this situation.


    Heres to hoping he fails in spectacular fashion. :thumbsup:

  15. What is your argument about hunters who kill for sport, folks shooting animals to hang them on a wall, do you think when these animals get wounded and try to run they don't suffer? How many of you have shot a bird or other small animals with a BB gun? What Michael Vick did was a horrible thing because it was domesticated animals that were at the mercy of humans and had no chance for survival. Different forms of Fighting has gone on for centuries, humans even fought to the death once upon a time. Does it make things right, of course not and Michael Vick paid his dept to society, but this holier than thou attitude by some folks is getting a little carried away in my opinion.

    Here is the deal. The argument is not hunting versus dog fighting. Because most hunters, do it nobly. They respect the animals an if they are wounded they do the humane thing and end their life quickly and in a humane manor. Hunters use it for food as well. You may not think so but my Uncle and his friends live in the Southern Tier and Venison is a major part of their diets. I think sport hunters and hunters who do not follow the codes are losers too. Shooting animals from a helicoptor or trips over to Africa makes no sense and YES it is bad, but I doubt they are intentionally torturing animals. That being said, comparing hunting to dog fighting makes me think that you know nothing about either. Go watch a video on dog fighting and see the torture that these losers put the dogs through. How about raising a dog just so you have a practice dog for your "prize" fighters. They keep them alive until until they can't spar anymore and then, well I'm guessing Mike Vick dunks their head in a 5 gallon bucket until there is no struggle. These dogs are torn apart with open wounds and left untreated and riddled with infection until their next fight.

    So again, save the whole look what other people are doing because we are talking about vick. And the Gladiators thing is just funny because if you noticed we have lightbulbs and we are not driving around in chariots...in other words, things evolve.

    Please, go online and look at videos of what he did. Try to watch this torture for more than a minute because I bet you can't.

  16. Before you get all high and mighty on me, don't forget that the government performs and condones much, much worse on a daily basis.


    Besides, in your fit of misplaced rage, I think you missed my point altogether. "Vick initially told authorities 'while he assisted Phillips and Peace in the killing of the dogs, he did not actually kill the dogs,' but 'helped Phillips toss several dogs to the side,' according to the report" meaning the initial report - including the initial articles on ESPN and other networks - suggested that Vick, while funding the dogfighting, didn't have a hand in the actual putting down of the dogs. In other words Bill Shakespeare, if you just read the older articles you could easily surmise that he didn't physically kill the dogs. But if it makes you feel better to think I'm this Vick apologist who is falling all over myself to get Vick highlights back on the air, then knock yourself out. I just think the man has paid his debt to society and as some point, you have to let it go.

    I love excuses. The whole everyone else does it defense are the words of a dummy.


    Again, your arguments are flawed. The goverment does things to people who they suspect are trying to kill people.


    Comparing SUSPECTED terrorists to defenseless dogs again proves you are an idiot.


    You chose to read only a few short sentences in the article and then spoke as if you were fully informed. You are actually illinformed, which makes you ignorant.


    If you want to call being passionate about a subject like this "misplaced anger" then life has passed you by when you were on 7th hour of PS3.


    If you think he has paid his debt to society then that is your opinion, good luck with your logic.

  17. and maybe we should do that with everyone that breaks the law. Every time you do something good, lets post the worse things you did in your life up where everyone can see it, you know, just to remind everyone just how bad you can also be.


    Hell, Lets forget forgiveness all together :thumbsup:

    I don't believe in forgiveness for those who only seek forgiveness once they are caught.


    Remember when this whole thing was going down he was being interviewed while he was walking and he said that "My fans are always going to love Mike Vick."? That was before he was caught and it hardly souned contrite to me. Trivializing what he did to over 60 dogs is on you. He didn't even have the compassion to put the dogs down in a humane manor. You don't value life when you put heads in 5 gallon buckets or hang something with nylon chords in order to kill it. Dogfighting is subhuman to begin with but he decided that he wanted to kick it up a notch!

  18. Obviously you were very selective on keeping yourself up on the vick tortures. Why don't you try reading the very next paragraph,


    "However, the report says Vick took back that statement when he failed a polygraph test. "Vick failed the examination as it related to the killing of the dogs in April 2007. Ultimately, Vick recanted his previous statement wherein he said he was not actually involved in the killing of six to eight dogs. ... Vick admitted taking part in the actual hanging of the dogs."


    Hmmm...so he hung 6-8 dogs with nylon chord but he only assisted in the drowning and electrocution. Did he hold down the females when they were on the "rapestands"? Did he help raise the puppies that were used as "beater" dogs so his prize fighters could repeatedly rip them apart? Dude, you can come on this board with opinions and I can't tell you that you're wrong. But facts are facts and you got yours all screwed up. Why don't you try watching what these sub-humans do to these dogs and ask yourself, DO I WANT TO WATCH THIS GUY SCORE A TD EVER AGAIN? I'm not a PETA fan nor am I an animal rights activists, but I can't believe anyone would be able to root for this loser ever again!


    If he gets another chance and scores a TD, they should play the highlights of him drowning a dog in a 5 gallon bucket or hanging dogs with FRIGGEN NYLON CHORD!

    Still waiting Leonidis.Mcelvin....

  19. There are some really ignorant posters here. I love how people on this MB continue to act like Jason Peters is not an elite, game-breaking left tackle. You do understand that football is a dynamic game right? For example, if you have one legit receiving threat who draws double coverage on every play without a single other weapon who can create a mismatch to exploit, your quarterback is going to be sacked more or throw more interceptions. Since TE only threw 10 interceptions, its safe to say he was taking sacks that never should have been necessary and won't be with TO on the field. And yet you continue to blame Jason Peters for it. Also, JP is a beast and a dominating presence in the running game, regardless of how many sacks he gives up. To suggest trading this guy is to say you don't mind another failed season with no playoffs. Maybe a lot of you guys are used to losing, but myself, I'd hate to see the Bills take a 350lb step backwards.

    I don't know if he is elite. Elite to me is Brady, Peppers, Manning, Peterson, Fitzgerald and Peters doesn't belong in that category. He is very good but he wants to be paid like an elite player.


    This discussion is completely moot at this point anyway because:




  20. Yeah, and if you noticed it said: "Vick initially told authorities 'while he assisted Phillips and Peace in the killing of the dogs, he did not actually kill the dogs,' but 'helped Phillips toss several dogs to the side,' according to the report." "Funded the entire operation" is what I thought he did. That was then retracted. You'll have to forgive me if I haven't kept myself up to date on Vick's transgressions. But thanks for the attitude.



    Obviously you were very selective on keeping yourself up on the vick tortures. Why don't you try reading the very next paragraph,


    "However, the report says Vick took back that statement when he failed a polygraph test. "Vick failed the examination as it related to the killing of the dogs in April 2007. Ultimately, Vick recanted his previous statement wherein he said he was not actually involved in the killing of six to eight dogs. ... Vick admitted taking part in the actual hanging of the dogs."


    Hmmm...so he hung 6-8 dogs with nylon chord but he only assisted in the drowning and electrocution. Did he hold down the females when they were on the "rapestands"? Did he help raise the puppies that were used as "beater" dogs so his prize fighters could repeatedly rip them apart? Dude, you can come on this board with opinions and I can't tell you that you're wrong. But facts are facts and you got yours all screwed up. Why don't you try watching what these sub-humans do to these dogs and ask yourself, DO I WANT TO WATCH THIS GUY SCORE A TD EVER AGAIN? I'm not a PETA fan nor am I an animal rights activists, but I can't believe anyone would be able to root for this loser ever again!


    If he gets another chance and scores a TD, they should play the highlights of him drowning a dog in a 5 gallon bucket or hanging dogs with FRIGGEN NYLON CHORD!

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