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Shanahan's Horseshoe

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Posts posted by Shanahan's Horseshoe

  1. Is it apropriate for Erin Andrews to dress like she does on the sidelines? When Suzy Kolber, Pam Oliver or Rachael Nichols are on TV are they wearing skin tight outfits leaving nothing to the imagination? No, they are classy and dont let their looks get in the way of their reporting. But Andrews sets herself up to be treated like nothing more than a sex symbol. Her audience, who is 95% men, could care less what stupid question she has for the coach. They want to look at her and she LOVES the attention! What Rey did was funny and Andrews and her PR agent loves it even more! Take a look for yourself and please enjoy.


  2. Don't forget the same was said about Alex Brown (Chicago), it all depends on how you coach and play'em. And that's a mighty big IF w/ this staff. When will the def line coach Kollar take some heat ? who has he developed since he's been here? He was a well respected DL coach in the past, i just don't see it here. This smaller quicker garbage doesn't work.

    Alex Brown is a Gator, but I get what your sayin. I still would rather have a guy like Bert Berry who is a proven pass rusher.

  3. Here is one talent evaluators opinion of who I think we should take with our first round pick. He could either be the dominant DE/OLB the Bills are looking for. Couple him with Bertrand Berry in FA and we could have one of the fearful pass rushes in the league next season. http://www.thefootballexpert.com/everetteb...oridastate.html

    Andre Wadworth, Reinard Wilson, Jamal Reynolds and Kamron Wimbley all were All World Florida State D Ends and all of them flopped. The only FSU End that did anything was Peter Boulware and the Ravens made him a OLB. FSU DEs are like Penn State RB's, Florida and Oklahoma WRs and usually do nothing in the NFL. :sick:

  4. If the front office is set on keeping our current group of DE's and a TE or center isnt rated high enough to draft in the 11 spot, I find Taylor Mays the 6-3 230lb safety from USC whos supposed to run a sub 4.4 40 a very tempting choice. They say you have to be strong in the middle and this guy certainly brings the wood every time he hits. As a Bills fan down here in Steeler country I certainly know what Polamalu brings. Thoughts?

    During the Rose Bowl they said that Mays is the fastest player at USC! HE RAN A FREEKIN 4.28! That is ridiculous for a man his size, that is Bo Jackson-esque! That being said, he is not even the 4th best guy on the defense. I would take any of their LB's, Mathews, Mauluga, Cushing and Miavia(I know i have that spelled wrong!). I know he plays on a defense with a bunch of 5 star recruits so it is tough to stand out but he is not enough of a playmaker for me. Also, he never played LB, not even in high school. We already have one safety who was drafted to high and cant make a play to save his life, so lets concentrate on another position.

  5. It became very obvious watching the games yesterday that the Bills need Ends that can consistantly get pressure on the QB. Bert Berry was unreal yesterday and easily the MVP of that game. Then watching the Colts and seeing what Freeney and Mathis do to the QB on every single play. Now, if you have any of the Bills games on DVR watch Kelsey and Denney, its very sad. Small D Ends rule the NFL and we have two big dopes who cant get out their stance let alone off of a block!

    I'd like to see the Bills get a TE with some upside. I know that the Bills like Fine but he is limited by his size and athleticism. Grescham looks to be the real deal to me. But there are some really talented guys comin out this year like Pettigrew and Coffman who I'd take as well. Don't forget about Travis Beckam out of Wisconsin. He is not very big but he is a matchup nightmare like Clark and as athletic as Winslow.

    Our center situation is bad but we have shown the ability to run the ball this year and both RBs averaged over 4 YPC. Plus, journeymen centers are like 2nd basemen in baseball, there is always one out there.

  6. Ok, I've been a "lurker" on this forum for years. I never really thought I had anything I needed to get off my chest or discuss until now. I've been a Bills fan as long as I can remember. Since the days of the O.J. and the Electric Co. I can remember several "altercations" with fans of other teams growing up. As a young adult I moved far away from the buffalo area and had quite a bit of trouble keeping up with the Bills until the internet came along. In all that time I never quit being a Bills fan. But I can't take any more of RW snubbingthe fans the way he has recently. So here's what I'm going to do. I've decided to continue to keep up with the Bills in the off season. I don't care who they sign in FA or the Draft. I just want to have the feeling this time next year that the organization has given everything to have a winning season.



    I will not buy another thing that is related to the Buffalo Bills. I will not spend one cent. Unless the Bills make the playoffs next year. This time next year if the Bills have not made the playoffs I will box up every bit of Bills memorabilia my family has and send it to RW. I don't care what it costs, I intend to purge my life of the Bills if this s--t continues. Where I live it'll be very easy to start cheering for another team and not have to order everything from the web site.


    I've come to this decision after reading posts about this subject for several days. I have been very impressed with the research a lot of you have put into your posts, and I have come to the conclusion that RW simply wants to maintain the status quo until he's out of the picture one way or another. I wish no ill-will on him at all but sports demand 100% effort 100% of the time, and he's not giving it. If he were a player he'd be on the waiver wire.

    What you are doing is a little extreme but there is nothig wrong with it. My only problem is if all Bills fans start to do this then Palph might open a Buffalo Bills "Vintage" store!

  7. It's a quick and easy identifier to stand out. If "John from Hemet" was just "John" would we recognize him? If "bills_fan_in_raleigh" were "bills_fan_16734" would we know him from "bills_fan_16735"?


    What I'm still trying to understand is why the hell you care. It's a screen name. If we wanted to brag we'd mention that our cars cost more than the average house in Buffalo. But who would be that arrogant?

    I like reading where other people are from. I've lived in the 'burbs of Buffalo long enough to realize one thing. We as Buffalonians have a major complex about our national identity. The only time we are in the news we are getting 24 inches of snow in October or a field goal is being missed. When I go to sales meetings it never fails, "You're from Buffalo? It is so cold!" or "Wide right, hehe." I went through the stages of getting upset and wanting to punch that person in the face but you have to eventually get past that. The truth is, Buffalo is a great place to live, but it deserves its reputation as well. Weather does suck and our sports teams flame out in miraculous fashion. So relax brotha, while people are paying 500K to live in a 1200sqft. house you live in a mansion for half of that. Also no traffic, you can get to the bank the mall and the airport in 10 minutes and lastly the people are great for the most part. I think its cool that people put where they are from, they left here(which many people HAVE to do) but Buffalo still remains a very important place to them.

  8. I sit in row 4 of section 329. I have 2 seats and am looking to upgrade my seats. Is there anyone definitely getting rid of their seats and willing to transfer there tickets to a different name let me know. I'd be interested in upgrading and willing to pay a small fee.



    There will be 6 open in Section 132. But don't worry, there will be plenty of seats open for anyone that wants go! :thumbsup:

  9. A) I don't expect any more posts from you on this board. Hypocrisy rules if you do.



    B) I'll take your tickets in a heartbeat. I live in NC, and I'd buy season tickets just to have them, even if I can't even go to a game.



    C) Most importantly: In 1 year, 5 years, 8 years, or 15 years, whenever the Bills are really good again, you better not come back.



    By your logic, you are not a fan because you don't have season tickets. How do you support the Bills? By watching? According to you that is not good enough! And you are not buying season tickets, give me a break with your holier than thou attitude. Its very simple really. I am not going to FINANCIALLY support a team that could care less about it's fans. I will probably watch on Sundays and I will still wear my Bills hat around town but they will not get another dime.

  10. Never once said anyone wasn't a fan. Maybe questioned their sanity for posting on this board.


    Tough times indeed.


    Since they'll only be MY Bills next year and not yours, I'll go back to my original question, just directed at a different poster: Why are you here? Certainly not to share your rapier wit.

    I had to Wikipedia that! And I consider myself "Worldly" :thumbsup:

  11. this may be horrible to say but i honestly look forward to the day this a**hole dies. he isn't doing anything but holding this team back. i know he is "keeping our team here" but at this point if he dies and the team moves at least i can move my loyalty to a team that actually cares about winning. i hate to say it but it is how i feel. i am 20 year bills fan so sick of mediocrity. i would be better off investing my $400 each spring into my boat rather than bills season tickets.


  12. Or I'm not a faggot who let sports run my life? I'm a huge Bills fan. They are my team. They made a questionable move. Whatever. I didn't cry about it. I kept my season tickets because they are my football team. And because I'm an adult and not a child, I will be able to get myself (quite easily actually) to watch the games, and continue to root for the team I love. Dedication defines a person. I'm not religious about the team, I'm just not a quitter. That's my personality. Yours seems to get satisfaction from blaming people and threatening to quit on the team of which you are a "big fan". That's fine.

    Dude, you average 11 posts a day on a Bills message board and you said what about sports running your life?

  13. Never claimed to be super fan and pobably should have left that part of the post out. I only included 'cause the original topic was concerning season tickets.


    That being said. who the hell are you to question how I spend my money?


    My entire point was if the poster I quoted feels that strongly about the direction of the team and feels it necessary to trash season ticket holders who want to renew, then why bother being on this board at all?


    Say your peace about the team and how it's run, cool. Don't spew garbage about those of us who choose to support the franchise with our dollars.

    Let me get this straight, You attack someone for not being a fan but you cannot be attacked for being a Lemming?


    Spend the green how you want to, I was just offering a more reasonable alternative in these tough economic times.


    Enjoy YOUR '09 Buffalo Bills!

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