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Shanahan's Horseshoe

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Posts posted by Shanahan's Horseshoe

  1. This is the type of post that kills me. I just don't get it. Why are you here? Why do you post? Why do you care? Go away. I travel 1800 miles to go to Bills games as a long distance season ticket holder and will renew. After reading your post I just don't understand your interest in this team. If you chose not to support it, cool, fine, GO AWAY. If these are your feelings, great. I'll just assume that this is your last post on this board because I don't need, nor care to read your thoughts.

    6 of the 8 in my group have decided to finally give up our tix. That being said, I think you should be able to do whatever you want with your tix. But I dont understand the sense of entitlement that you have as some "SUPERFAN". Why are you and others on this board better than any other Bills fan? What you call "loyalty", I call "Lemming". Who cares if you fly 1800 miles to come and watch a football game! Quit with "You're not a fan" BS because who the Eff are you...The Fan Police? Why don't you just stay in Hell Paso and pay someone to kick you in the nuts every Sunday, it will be a lot cheaper.


  2. Indeedy. So I reckon that's the move for those of us feeling like malcontents. Load up the message boards, vote on ESPN polls that put Jauron's approval rating at 12%, call sports radio shows, send e-mails to Bill Simmons, whatever. Put a paper bag over your head and boo during the game, hold up signs on national TV during games calling for Jauron to go. A full stadium full of angry, booing fans says more than an empty one.


    The power of the purse is limited in this case, since the purse can be filled shortly thereafter with Canadian Dollars. Ralph has us by the short curlies.


    Like the Stork so eloquently said in Animal House... "What the hell we s'pose to do, ya moron?"

    Well to quote Dean Wormer from that great movie, Ralph will be getting "ZERO POINT ZERO" of my money.

  3. The whole we deserve better bullsh*t is just another form of liberal propoganda getting the best of you. You don't deserve better pal, you have two teams that compete in the elite leagues in their respective sports. I mentioned earlier that people who complain about blaming people come off as bitches. You can blame anyone you want, and really the person in life who seeks accountability will always be a step behind the person who doesn't.

    God you sound like a gross middle manager at Wal Mart! I've been in sales for almost 15 years and have done all right for myself. But the second I come in under quota or underperform my boss wants to know why. That patience lasts one quarter and if I go two in a row, I might as well start lookin! Now imagine if I underperformed (and thats being nice) 9 YEARS IN A ROW? That is what the Bills have done and I have finally decided to hold them accountable for being subpar, underperforming losers who put forth NO EFFORT OR WILL TO WIN! Holding people accountable is the basis for any society, thats why are Country is in such a mess!


    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

    -Albert Einstein

  4. I'm actually far from the tool and enron employee you think I am. I understand where you're coming from, but I'm not a sheep coming to Ralph Wilson Stadium following the built up hype each season. I come because I'm from Buffalo, I love Buffalo, I love sports and I want to see our sport team exceed at the national level. It's more than being a tool. It really is. I see where you're coming from, but this isn't politics. I'm not following some leader into a questionable future with no questions asked. This isn't some teenager voting for Obama because he enjoys the word change.


    I'm trying to make the point that I can imagine the Jauron debacle be enough to sway you away from the cherished fandom that comes with representing the city of Buffalo. While to me it is mind boggling that you're abandoning your team here, it's more mind boggling that you're criticizing the loyal fans.

    You see, this is the problem with one way communication! We are not folding up our tents as fans, we are simply not putting our money in the pocket of Ralph anymore. The Bills deciding to keep Jauron is not the reason we are done, it is ONE of the MANY reasons that we are done. The guys who I go to the games with are a great snapshot of WNY, White and Blue collar guys who love the Bills and Buffalo and we all feel the same way. Nowhere in my original post did I ever criticize the Bills fans who are not going to do anything other than voice their displeasure. You were the one who attacked me for posting my own dumb form of protest. But you're right this isn't politics, this is capitalism at it's finest because the bottom line is what counts, not the fans.

  5. No, I'm just not getting rid of my season tickets because Dick Jauron got extended. Worse things have happened. Protesting is the very nature of Americans but, after a while it gets disgusting. Like, seriously, what good do you think protesting about your sports team is going to do except make you look like a whinny little B word? That's all there is to it bud. You can't take it. And therefore it's better you leave. I can stomach sports better than you. I am more tolerable to having the enjoyment of rooting for my team.

    There is no whinning going on here, just stating the facts. But you are right, I can't take it! Niether can the 5 others that are done! We aren't a bunch of 20 year olds who go and get shitfaced and play who's the least drunk to drive home. We care and it is obvious that Ralph does not. So why should we spend a lot of money every Sunday to be frustrated? You are nothing more than an ENRON employee and a robot....and a tool.

  6. Wow. Do you B word like this over every little thing that doesn't go your way in life?

    You would have been a great Enron employee. Thats the spirit, just fall in line! My friends and I spend thousands a year supporting this team and the FANS have let OBD know that keeping Jauron is unacceptable. Jauron is 2 and 21 against teams with winning records and 7 of his 8 seasons as a head coach have been losing seasons and he is retained? I am not bitching, I'm just done throwing my money away. You obviously like dick.



    I know this is just some dummy making pics in his boxershorts but that pick still bothers me!


    Percy Harvin at #27? He is easily the best playmaker in this draft and is ten times better than Desean Jackson!


    Tebow at #17 is hilarious! Even though I could see Shannahan taking a shot because he is clueless.

  8. Chris Gocong :angry:

    They have 4 legit all pros playing behind all of those blitzes. Samuel, Brown and Shepard are great man defenders. Not to mention Dawkins who somehow gets it done every year. They have a small fast front 4 who can get pressure with or without blitzing. Cole and J Thomas are those small quick ends that the Bills can never seem to draft and Darren Howard has always consistantly registered sacks. The only thing that the Bills have that would fit is their CB's. Now that Greer will be gone after this year do you want Reggie Corner chasing Wes Welker underneath?


    I love Jim Johnson but you gotta wonder why he hasnt been tapped to coach. Does he want to be a head coach at his age for the first time and put in all of the hours? I could be wrong but there is a reason coodinators stay coodinators. Johnson and M. Kiffen probably look at what happened to Lebeau and say I am making a ton of money and I have job security, who needs that?

  9. You're all wrong. But if you really enjoy the satisfaction of pointing fingers at the man who inspired and helped lead one of the greatest teams ever amassed to not win a championship, then thats fine. See I thought that people were going to insult strictly his GM decisions. That's fine. They were debateable. Not as bad as any of you say (blaming him for JP when that was Donahoe's guy, and blaming him for not taking Cutler...are you serious...?), but fine. He paid Robert Royal money he didn't deserve, and that guy has done nothing but fail when he was needed the most.


    I understand that. You didn't think he was a great GM. Blame him all you want. That's fine.


    ...But to the guy who was trying to blame him for the superbowls...to the idiots who are telling the real fans they are living in the past, I have this to say:


    It truly is a disgrace and shows how you're terrible fans to knock the greatest figure possibly in your franchise's history.


    Really though, he IS our Shula, or what have you. He's our guy. Some franchises don't have a guy at all. And they would laugh at all of you in your shameful disregard for one of the alltime greats. Some people can't take losing. I get that. It does suck. But, come on people...ripping Marv Levy apart for the superbowl days? What a disgrace.

    This post was about Marv's tenure as a GM which was a total debacle. Royal wasn't the only POS signing. Fowler, P.Price, Reyes, Bowen, Dockery....you get my point.


    As far as you living in the past, YOU ARE! You are giving Marv a free pass because he was a a good coach. The fact that you would call him the greatest figure in the Bills history makes me wonder what you know about Bills History. He is not even the greatest coach in Bills history!


    The comment above in bold is one of the dumbest coments that I have ever heard...sorry but WOW! :sick:

  10. You are an idiot Man! Ask Kelly, Thurman and co. what their opinion is of Marv Levy? Every NFL broadcaster, analyst, coach or player in the last 20 years who knew Levy would disagree with your opinion! :sick:

    You are livin in the past brotha.

  11. Marv really didn't keep the games close in the old days. Each one of the 4 consecutive Super Bowls he led those talented teams into (an accomplishment never equaled by any SB winning or losing teams in the history of SB's, by the way), the scores became more lopsided against him. And in MOST of the games leading up to those 4 consecutive SB's during that amazing 4 year run, Marv still had trouble keeping the scores close.....because the Bills were blowing out their competition so much.


    Yeah, I would just hate to see those kinds of old days back again, with all of these exciting 7-9-0 seasons to compare them to!

    Anytime someone mentions Marv and Ralph I think of Statler and Waldorf from The Muppet Show!

  12. Lofton's name came up in connection with the Raiders job, he's well-regarded, he has ties to our glory days, he's a minority, and as a first-time head coach he'd be affordable.

    All Bills fans have to stop with the "glory day" BS! Jim Kelly is not gonna be the owner and the Bills shouldnt run the "No Huddle" offense! The Bills already brought Marv back and look how that turned out! :sick:

  13. Well, I suspect we're both speculating, but since Donahoe left, I think every meaningful decision is explicitly run by Ralph - draft picks, free agents, everything down to the point last season when Trent replaced JP - all require Ralph's OK.


    It's not just coincidence that we don't have a "name" GM, a "name" coach, or any top-flight free agents, nor do I think it's coincidence that anyone in the organization that has challenged Ralph in any significant way is still around.


    Do we really think that Russ Brandon, Tom Modrak, et al. are the ones keeping Jauron from being fired (and paid out on his contract) after the Jets, Lions, and Browns all acted immediately today? :sick:

    There is no way he has anything to do with the draft or free agency. He might give that person(s) a dollar figure but he has no clue who Donte Whitner, Derrick Dockery or Langston Walker were before they became Bills.

  14. Close ... very close. Marv was the figurehead alright, but in the post-Donahoe era Uncle Ralphie makes any and all significant decisions.

    Ralph doesnt know the difference between Marshawn Lynch or Meryll Lynch. I doubt he had anything to do with the draft or free agency.

  15. No.


    And what sort of sick satisfaction do you get with assessing blame?

    No satisfaction at all but isn't that what everybody on this board is doing? Isn't that what every Bills fan everywhere is doing today? I just thought it was interesting that Jauron, Ralph, Trent and so many others are taking it on the chin when it was Marv who put all of these guys in place. I never understood why he is so untouchable.

  16. I hear blame going everywhere, Ralph, Jauron and the rest of the coaches, the players. My question is, where is Marv Levy? Didn't he "rebuild" this franchise? Has he been on WGR? I find it hard to believe that Jerry Sullivan isn't knocking his door down for a quote.


    As far as I am concerned, he is the one to blame. Bad drafts, terrible free agent signings and a horrible coaching choice.


    So I guess my question is, how do you feel about Marv's role in this mess?

  17. It was one of the few things Dierforf was right about yesterday. Donte's positioning was terrible; he just didn't have his legs in a position to drive. That's the only thing Whitner did wrong on that play.


    I defy ANYONE in the league, let alone the wimps on this BB, to dislocate a shoulder, re-injure it by coming back too soon, continue to abuse it by coming back and playing, and THEN get popped by an RB that outweighs you SMACK DAB at the center of injury. He was obviously severely re-injured on the play. But no, he lay there because he was embarrassed.


    Unfu*kin' believable.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Does anyone remember Emmitt Smith? He touched the ball 42 TIMES in a playoff game with a brutal shoulder injury. So please quit making excuses for DW, he'll be back next year to show all of us what mediocre looks like!


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