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Posts posted by MClem06

  1. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. TOP reasons for CJ not producing this game - 1)OC used shotgun draws everytime when the JETS D was stacked in the box. 2)not used in the pass/screen game 3) You don't run plays up the middle with CJ, you put the team in the i formation and run offtackle or outside and let him bounce out if he needs to. I do think that the playcallling was at fault here more than CJ. and if you need a 4th 4) the Jets run D Played really well.

  2. The problem I see is accountability. Whose holding Hackett accountable for crappy play calling? He's the damn OC for crying out loud... Is anyone in his face saying what the hell was that? Where is the dynamic play calling we were hoping to see? That was the most vanilla game plan I have ever seen by any Bills team. I'm okay with not making the playoffs this year but we have to know that there is more to his schemes than what we saw yesterday. GET RID OF THE FREAKIN SHOTGUN RB DRAWS UP THE MIDDLE FOR 1 yard. Bring in an I formation, run a sweep, offtackle or toss to CJ he's not an up the middle guy and it doesn't take a NFL caliber OC to know that.

  3. It seems to me that we don't really need Byrd back there. At least not as much as we need solid depth at CB. Williams and Searcy seem to be holding their own at the saftey positions and Duke Williams is not underwhelming when he's played. I say trade Byrd before the deadline with a CB rich team that can spare a good CB2. Use that guy until Gilmore comes back to replace rogers and keep rogers for nickel and dime packages. Makes more sense then putting Rogers out there to get burnt. OR another trade scenario would be for a Guard to replace Brown cause he obviously has consistently under performed & Cut Brown when Legursky gets healthy.


    Never liked graham. My past post of TJ GRAHAM MIA sums it up.


    Chandler is rusty, mid season he'll open it back up and be 100% , right now he's playing timid. It's understandable and he's still the best we have at TE. Gragg needs a year to surpass Smith since Smith is a better blocker and Gragg has to develop more as a route runner.

  4. Drafting a TE in the first round is something a team that is set in every other position can do. It doesn't make sense when we could definitely use some more line players RG Brown not cutting it. If the season ended right now that would be my first pick, then CB then TE. McKelvin is playing beyond expectations but Rogers has been torched on more than one occasion over 2 games. I'm excited to recover Gilmore and have MCkelvin keep up the same play level if possible that would be a great tandem but depth at that position is pretty key.

  5. Does anyone feel the need for the locker room to show more emotion towards the rivalry games? I know Stevie said he hates the Pats and that whole comment that went down right before the boston bombings that backfired a bit. BUT I loved that he said something. It shows that they really love being a Buffalo Bill. That's been missing big time. Even though Team Spirit is such a cliché term, it would be nice to show some emotion that everyone would see... Everyone goes back to when the Bills were repeat AFC Champs but it's time to develop their own independence and their own message to other teams. There hasn't been one since.

  6. I redisigne the buffalo to look faster. Black red and white stripes aside, what do you think of the buffalo in the versus old department. I know it's just for fun but what the heck. we may end up with something cool if enough people give their two cents. I'll come back and make adjustments if we all like an idea. If the Bills changed their logo, it would be without any of our positive/negative feedback involved so what do we have to lose?

  7. You have to be objective in reading the title and I explain what I meant in my post by it. I don't think that people are confused about the title but if Im wrong please feel free to tell me I'm an idiot like so many people enjoy doing on this site. :doh: I always felt that it should be mandatory in the NFL to use the same surface for every team. This way no one has an excuse or feels its a competitive advantage or disadvantage to play for one ball club or another.

  8. Although you never want to see your starters go down, Injury for a young team like the Bills helps build depth. It's exactly what we're finding out right now with the CB situation. We have young unproven corners in Robey and Burton as well as Rogers who impressed last week but hadn't impressed prior. Having these guys on the field is just going to make the team more experienced for when we are ready for that playoff run in 2 -3 years some say even next year. Same could be said for the offensive line and WR core. As long as the injurys are minor (2 -4 games), it's going to make our team better in the long run and I think it is essential to build depth on this team we can rely on WHEN we get to the big games and players go down. It was great to see EJ in the first game come back from the knee surgery but he came out recently and said it was sore this week. We still lost, we could have played Tuel to be safe. I don't think it was the wrong move to start EJ but we as fans would not have questioned the coaching staff if they held him out of that game and gave the ball to Tuel to see what he could do. Again, not that Tuel would be the future of the franchise if we beat NE with him but at least real game experience would have benefited him if we ever do go into the homefield stretch and needed him to step in and score points. The Bills should look at the RG3 situation that happened in Washington last year and be careful on analyzing how EJ's knee is doing. I know , Totally different injuries Major to Minor, but reinjuring anything that you had surgery on can take you twice as long to come back from. Can you think of some players we found were diamonds in the rough by stepping up when others were injured in previous years?

  9. Found this on ESPN and found it interesting how Pettine chose the roles of each player against the Pats in his game plan. S Aaron Williams -- 91 of 91

    LB Kiko Alonso -- 91 of 91

    CB Leodis McKelvin -- 90 of 91

    CB Justin Rogers -- 87 of 91

    DE Mario Williams -- 73 of 91

    DT Marcell Dareus -- 72 of 91

    CB Nickell Robey -- 67 of 91

    DT Kyle Williams -- 65 of 91

    OLB Jerry Hughes -- 62 of 91

    S Da'Norris Searcy -- 60 of 91

    S Jim Leonhard -- 57 of 91

    DT Alex Carrington -- 57 of 91

    OLB Manny Lawson -- 37 of 91

    DT Alan Branch -- 33 of 91

    LB Arthur Moats -- 24 of 91

    LB Nigel Bradham -- 19 of 91 ??

    CB Ron Brooks -- 10 of 91

    S Duke Williams -- 4 of 91

    OLB Jamaal Westerman -- 3 of 91

    CB Brandon Burton -- 0 of 91

    OLB Marcus Dowtin -- 0 of 91

    S Jonathan Meeks -- 0 of 91 YES, Brady got 91 plays in on our defense. I put an underline on those that stood out as well as some ? as to why they were limited in the scheme. Also wanted to open up to discussion some of the underlined guys and your feelings on if they deserve the recognition for their play on Sunday. I felt that one jersey that we need to send in on more plays was Manny Lawson. Hughes showed his burst and the offsides penalty would be his only negative. He's turning out to be a very good acquisition. Nickell Robey as well was surprisingly great in coverage for his size. Thought Dareus was the MVP on the line. Consistent pressures and collapsing the middle. Alex Carrington LMVP. Branch was great on most plays. Leodis was the backfield MVP. Had a lockdown day on Thompkins. Kiko was not underlined because outside of the fumble recovery he really didn't stand out to me. Saw him get man handled by some blockers on a few run plays that he couldn't release from. Brooks was great until he got hurt...again. Searcy is still up in the air for me, yeah he had a great game but it will take a lot to prove he should be on the field more than he is. Rogers had his share of flashes but had trouble with Amendola. WHATS WITH NIGEL ON THE SIDELINES? 19 PLAYS? Is this going to be something that is normal? Was it just the gameplan, was he injured? being punished for anything particular (Smokin that Hashish)?

  10. I would want Goodwin as my burner over TJ is all i'm sayin. TJ's been here and maybe he has not been given the perfect QB for his role but he also hasn't shown me anything spectacular in his tenure as a Bill so far.


    Big Cat, outside of a stretch play that was not completed what has TJ brought to the table? What has he showed you to convince you he needs more reps than Goodwin or Easley? I started this thread because I want to be proven wrong here. I want to like every Bill on the team but for some reason he hasn't proven his worth yet. Next 3 games let's revisit this post and look at how he stacks up and if they go for him on the long ball how many times he's blanketed or open.

  11. It may be a retread but this last game just highlights the fact that the Bills think too much of this kid. His presence on the field was in no way a threat. He got an end around took it for 5 yds and took a return for 19 yards. I'd be interested to know how many plays he was on the field for since he disappeared outside of these two plays. I for one have never cared for him as a receiver. He is not physical at the line and gets jammed easily. I would much rather see Easley or Goodwin get more reps as starters than TJ.

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