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Posts posted by MClem06

  1. When a player of Troups size that has a spinal injury (fracture) even though he is young, what are the chances of full recovery? Any Medical physicians that are Bills fan on this board that can chime in? It seems to me that it would take more than just one off season to rehab to be even close to on the field readiness. Not to mention conditioning since he couldn't do cardio for the entire off season. Once you have a player have an injury like this it would be hard to not consider him a lame horse and take him out of the race. Chris Brown wrote the article (on TBD) with the hopes of redemption for Troup but should the Bills even risk his salary for another year if he is going to sit on IR or even risk further damage or even disability if he reinjures the same spot? I dont' even know if this is possible but any physicians have a take?

  2. I haven't pulled out the tape on the Miami / Jets games but i remember largely that we played from behind on like 80% of the games we played all last year. I think if we want to beat anyone we need to stop starting at 14 points back. Fitz needs to find a rhythm sooner or we need to run/screen the first two plays until he's warm. Starting out slow is a big part of the problem with the production on offense.

  3. It'd be hillarious to actually see grown men wearing giant baby outfits though holding up thank you signs. We should at least consider that one. Since i am in FLA, i'll wear it to Miami when we squish the fish for the second time in the season since they may or may not be in contention at that point.


    To hindsight: This was a lotto ticket post, getting people excited about playoff possibilities shouldn't be frowned upon. I did have a big IF in the opening line of the thread.

  4. I say we bring baby dolls to the stadium if we have a chance to make the playoffs with the win. We can litter the field with them as a thanks to Nix for showing us the baby. This is the year we break the drought and Gailey & Nix deserve a little recognition from the fans if we pull it off. It's a bit morbid to be throwing babies but hey I bet ESPN would make a big deal out of it.

  5. Stephon gets an A for effort in Rookie Mini camp & for quickly signing and an F for enthusiasm. Is it me or does this guy have the personality of a brick wall. Don't get me wrong, if he helps us take the team to a new level then I'm happier than a pig in dookie but as far as getting him to laugh at a joke or even crack a smile seems like a lost cause. I think his nickname should be "All Business" if he pans out.

  6. To say nothing of the 13 or so Nations chiming in!

    I lived in Council Bluffs, Iowa back in '06. Does that count?


    The last post i made gave a shout out to the 16 Countries (now 20) that are outside of the US that chimed in. Pretty dang cool. I went through and saw that people have lived in a lot of places that would've counted had they still lived there but i didn't count them since it's a where are you now thread. Let's get all 50 states first then do a national chime in thread.

  7. SO if anyone is interested to know, I did the tally...


    Bills Nation that replied to this thread covers 38 states , 16 countries outside the US, and 1 planet outside of Earth (Uranus... Hilarious and Original).


    States we don't have on this thread...













  8. You know this thread does perplex me... I've always dreaded the thought of the Bills elsewhere and I love Ralph for doing all that he has for keeping us here as long as he has. BUT... If he really wants to leave a legacy behind, if his family does not want anything to do with this team and owning it, it would show all fans how much he loves this city/team/fans by ensuring the team doesn't flee after his passing. It is amazing how much he's already done for the Bills but it would be even more memorable if he worked out this plan so in the end we are not in limbo waiting for Jimbo to swoop in with his "buying group" and save the day. Highest bidder is scary because Buffalo isn't known for it's extravagent millionaires.

  9. So I was just messing around on the Roster page for the Bills looking at the active roster and I saw this guy so I did some googling. Watch this video... kid runs a 4.48 40 and is built like a brick poop house. I'm not one to normally blow up a practice squad guy but jeez this kid is an athelete. Evidently his lack of experience (1 year of on field play) at Houston and special teams was his role. If they can coach this kid up he has the build & speed to play with the pros. This thread probably won't go anywhere but I love seeing the guys they've brought in so thought I'd share...

  10. OP is from OP born in West Seneca, moved to OP 6 miles from the stadium. Just remember those Monday Night games (when we used to get them) watching the blimp go by and listening to the roar of the crowd when Andre Reed would catch one from Kelly. We'd take the TV out onto the back deck and it felt like we were part of the game. Amazing response and it was for everyone to soundoff and not just the people outside of NY.

  11. Steer Clear , I wouldn't be upset if they took him in 7 Just because they usually get cut anyways or practice squad but this guy is ghetto. He will probably be the first player to pack a piece in the locker room and no where near the speed and instincts of Ray Lewis. That's a horrible comparison just to try to get his hype up since he has had issues like Ray doesn't make him play like Ray. Q & A was not that impressive. I watched tape and yeah he has had some hard hits but the fact that he slowed down and only had one productive year of college ball just further diminished his value in my mind.

  12. My link There have been a few people that have floyd rated above Blackmon (one for instance in the link to the left). From the film i have watched on the two players, floyd looks a little slower at route running (not by much) than Blackmon. If they are both there is there any question as to who the Bills like better (measurements, route running, styles of offense they played in college?) I know that Floyd is used to cutting back on underthrown deep balls and that he uses his body well to box the defender out (which may come in handy here in B-Lo).


    Going against the grain and almost all the draft experts, I actually agree that Floyd is going to be a more physical well rounded reciever and would be happier with him over Blackmon unless anyone here can plead a different more convincing case for Blackmon.

  13. Interesting that no one likes Tannenhill at 10. I can definitly see him dropping big time if he isn't taken by the time he reaches the Bills. Osweiler is a HUGE guy that's unproven and when i watched the video on Buffalobills.com about QB prospects he seemed a bit cocky in saying, no 6 foot 7 QB can do what i do with the ball... Maybe good maybe bad but he looked like a boy in an overgrown man's body. At least Big Ben out of college looked like grown a$$ man coming into the league.

  14. He was 60.6 % from 40-49 yds in his carreer. Compared to a kicker who actually makes fieldgoals in superbowls , Adam Vinatieri at 71.7% for the carreer from that far. I would say that he was not the best kicker for that range. I still feel like there should be no one booing this guy. He did help us get there that year that we lost.

  15. I'm sitting here reading the article about Brad on two bills drive that talks about his production with the Jets and how he was an all purpose kind of guy. I start thinking that besides the wildcat and the crucial first downs he's been able to get us where has he been? and are we using him enough? did we overpay for him? I watched the tape on some of his runs and also the few catches he's had and i have to say that it's not like he has shown the burst or shiftyness i've seen on some of the jets highlight tapes but most of those are from kick off returns where he is already at full speed when he makes his moves. Since that BS kickoff rule changed IMO he's not the value that he was in NY. I know I'm gonna catch flack from the supporters but I'm not a big time fan of the wildcat even though it works sometimes. Anyone else share the same sentiment? Not impressed with his passing capability and I don't believe the coaching staff is either bc they haven't passed out of that formation very much if at all.

  16. Other than a 1 minute 3 highlight clip on espn sportscenter of the game "highlights" there is no mention of the blow out on either site. No Articles about how a playoff team last year got beat by the supposed 2nd last in the power rankings. I'd like to see them remain under the radar but on the other hand I'm sick of the B.S. from ESPN massaging brady's ego every chance they get and covering the Jets every chance they get. They are so obsessed with ratings that everything they cover is large market teams. Stinks for guys like me in FLA. with no local coverage of our team. I have to relie on horrible AFC East updates like this one... My link which is located in the AFC East Blog and pretty much states that the cheifs should be ashamed of themselves for losing to such a pitiful team. Wow. No love at all.

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