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Posts posted by MClem06

  1. He is trying to learn how to be a professional. I hope he soaks in as much leadership qualities from that conversation with Rodgers as possible. I've had a couple of jobs in my life but the one that i've succeeded at the most is the one that I have now. The reason for my success was asking questions and learn as much as i could so that i'm the resource for others to ask in the future. It's just a positive reinforcement to the fact that he is going to work hard. I hope he doesn't have to sit behind Kolb, that he learns fast and can keep up with the pace of the nfl game from the start of preseason.


    EJ needs a nickname, hopefully it won't be "EJ readthe Manuel" by the end of the season.

  2. I know, I know, wait till he gets on the field. But last i checked, neither trentative or losman in their rookie campaign went to try and seek advice from one of the best QB's in the game. He's embracing the leadership and taking the initiative on learning what it takes to be the best. I appreciate that.



    I wish he would recap what they talked about that would be an interesting fly on the wall conversation. I'm curious what questions he asked.

  3. Makes me realize how much we are hurting in the LB department. Hoping that Alonso plays like a 3rd year all pro. Bradham looks promising but doesn't have blazing speed. IMO , when we played smith from the wildcat he got first downs almost every down. I question what part he'll play this year since we have such young talent on the team. Was less than impressed with his return capability next to McKelvin.

  4. To Bandit : I've got a buddy here in FL that Recorded the FSU games (he's a FSU Fanatic) and I asked him If I could watch the Florida game specifically as well as the other SEC games from last year. I figured watching him in a game that he played sub par in was the best way to see the areas he needs work with. It's funny with all the TIVO type recording , I have no idea how to get that burned to a dvd (he doesn't have a burner) or an old school VCR. We've made it harder to get hard copies of things over the last decade since everything has gone digital. TO SJbillsfan: Exactly right, more of the second than the first. Ball security is one thing but sliding and protecting his body from hits is where I have most concern. He can run to get the first but he should put ego/hero mentality aside unless it's wide open.

  5. Watching tape, he's not afraid to tuck it in and run even though he states he's a passer first. My first notion when he was drafted is that we have a duel threat guy. Thinking about it now, we have a college coach and a college OC, I hope that we don't pull a RG3 with him and expect him to run to make his plays. Running should be a last resort IMO, Rolling out is a different story, i hope we see a pocket first, roll out second, run last approach. If he has to run make it on short situations when we have to gain 1-3 yards. The linebackers and DB's are too quick to close in the NFL and i hope Marrone can keep Hackett informed on that to not expose EJ to injury. He is a great runner don't get me wrong but his tall frame leaves a lot exposed mid section down.

  6. I don't know what the Jags have in the plans but they've been on record that they are not interested in Tebow. I completely disagree that their team couldn't be more of a perfect fit for him. Who would you rather have as your starter, Tebow a local college hero that people in FL have actual shrines set up in their closets over or Chad Henne or Blaine Gabbert or Matt Scott. I can say from experience that I've been in the Jax stadium and it's pathetic how many seats they have open at their home opener. (I went last year when they were destroyed by Houston). At least you bring the Florida Gator fanbase which is huge to their stadium and fill some seats up. Who cares if the guy goes .500 on wins you're not going to get to .500 with the current QB situation there anyways. You saw it here first. TEBOW TO THE JAGS and he starts 2013 by beating out the other qb's in camp.

  7. I don't know why you say our line is incompetent. the only loss we suffered was Levitre. Although a significant one, I hear that they are very high on Sanders replacing that spot and they're confident he can hold his own hence the reason why we didnt' target a Guard in the draft. With that aside our line was top ten last year in Sacks allowed. I have faith that they know what they're doing, they'll start kolb for 3-5 games to let EJ soak in the books and I think Kolb starts. We need to know what we have with him. His two teams had the worst lines in the NFL so they really don't know what he'll be able to do with protection. I am not one that agrees with starting EJ right away. Not good for QB confidence if he is thrown into the fire and bites the big one if he really wasn't ready to start right away. If he's that smart that he can have the playbook memorized by start of September then yeah go ahead but it seems like they are going to run a pretty complex playbook once they get him at the rains. Jackson is toast . I didn't like the signing when we did get him.

  8. Marrone immediately after the draft in the press conference stated that it would be an open QB competition. There are conflicting articles in the media that Bills intend to groom EJ behind Kolb. You just spent a 1st rounder on a QB that isn't going to see the field? If he goes into camp and loses the competition to Kolb what does that say about him to the fans / media? Doesn't do much for his confidence either. What's the right thing to do here? Do we throw him in sink or swim , ease him in and chalk this year up to mediocre play (Kelly Holcomb-Kolb) or make him compete to win the job in camp?


    I love the first round. Lets go get two big bastards at WR & TE for EJ to toss it to.

  9. We took JP Losman at 22 in the first in 2004 because they had a chubby for some reason over him. I don't really think that this Nassib kid is any more than Losman reincarnate. That being said I've been on record stating we should take 2 QB's this draft and subsequent drafts with equally poor depth at QB until we land the right guy. I hate QB "competitions" but when there are no Lucks or RG3s in the draft this year it's best to go into the mix with the most at the position to evaluate.

  10. Is it? Starting with 2000:














    Then in 2013 ... Superbowl! :)


    That's a heck of an overnight improvement due to not much more than a "culture change"

    But hey, dare to dream! :)


    Officially depressed now. Thanks a lot for reminding us all of the last decade of sh*tty bills play. I'll be on the skyway bridge if anyone is looking for me.


    And as the titanic had a small rudder for steering such a huge ship (sticking with the analogies), the Bills need better talent on this team to make the rudder bigger to steer us into the playoffs. BAM how bout that and i haven't even had a cup of coffee.


    A lot of the hype is done by Marketing and local media to sell seats. If you expect them to not try to pump everyone up and just be quite then you haven't paid attention to their marketing machine the last few years.

  11. I will say yes to that but at the time of his extension i did think it was very premature to offer him that kind of money. I was at the time in favor of an additional year of play before that kind of contract was given out. They could have strung him along until then but they didn't. This is why they are inept not the fact that he did play well for a stretch of games... We were way to quick to pull the trigger on that contract and therefore I reserve the right to call the front office inept on that point alone.

  12. In the NFL, I understand that there are bigger market teams but the coverage is so ridiculously uneven on the teams that are talked about it's like listening to today's radio and hearing the same crap day in and day out. Everytime the Jets or Pats have something happen it's front page. I feel alot of the angst that i have over this is that 1) i know it's not going to change anytime soon 2)Bills aren't good enough to talk about 3) the words Brady and Pats give both networks major wood. 3) Other teams are in the same boat of neglect.


    Let's ask this question: why do the Jets (who have sucked the last 3 years) have more coverage than the Giants (who have the same big market fanbase)?

  13. Ogletree 1st round , Mathius (aka honey badger, pothead ) second round, Nasib 3rd round, WR, WR CB LB or OL the remaining picks. I watched the Corners and Dee Milliner was sloppy. Dropped a ton of balls and other than his 40 time, didn't really show his quickness in drills like the honey badger. I know that he's been out a year due to suspensions but he looked like a top ten pick. Get him in the 2nd round and it will be the steal of the draft ( thats if he can keep his nose, head, rectum and anywhere else you can shove drugs into clean).

  14. Ha, yes Sorensen is 1 trick shot video short but I still think that if we take 2 QB's this draft he should be on the list. Not my first choice but for a later round pick look at the kid's size and measurables and he looks to be pretty comfortable in the pocket granted its against college players.


    For those of you who wonder what happenned to Alex Tanney after he left Buffalo, He signed with KC and they played him for 2 plays in the preseason. 1st play he was sacked. Second Play he completed a 35 yard pass which was called back for holding. A little VH1 where are they now moment for you.

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jORMM1DxVPs


    Now i know that every QB has a highlight reel. Heck we could make one for Fitzy that would make him look like a starter for any team. But I will let you be the judge on this kid's arm and accuracy. 68% completion pct. in 2011. When i watched this video the thing that struck me the most was how effortless the long ball looks to be for him. It's just a flick of the wrist and the ball travels 30-40 yds in the air . I wouldn't mind waiting to later rounds on this kid if they don't jump all over Nassib in the 1,2 pick. My preferred draft order would be CB, LB, QB, QB, LB, OG.


    Did you see two QB's in that draft order? Hell yes you did. I love that Washington picked two. I think it's a smart move. Especially with this weak crop coming out of college, at least you get two in and see what each has in them for potential. With two QB's you can see how fast each soaks up the playbook, gets along with the team and makes more moves to succeed at this level. Give them minimal rookie contracts so that there isn't a ton of money invested and you trade or cut the loser of the competition. Look at The Redskins, they have RG3 and a guy they have put in enough games that people are willing to give them back their 2nd round if they shop him.



    Anyways back to my original rant, what are your thoughts on Sorensen if he's available in the 3rd or 4th round?

  16. Are we sold on either Ron Brooks, Aaron Williams or Leodis McKelvin to solidify the spot opposite of Gilmore? We just hired the Jets D-Coordinator, I say lets recruit their secondary. What are your thoughts on signing Cromartie if we can get the right price for him? Anyone else in FA or through the draft you would rather have? Or are we going to settle with what we have in the secondary at this time?


    Also unrelated completely to this topic, does Marrone keep Fitz in the competition for next year's QB role? Announcement for his departure, anyone have any ideas when they would make that decision?

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