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Posts posted by billsfreak

  1. 5-3??? I'm so done with this team!!



    I don't think they are saying they are done with this team, that is just you trying to start ill will as always. All most of these people are saying is we have been here before, and have been burned too many times. It is being cautiously optimistic, and not wanting to be overly disappointed once again. If you had a wife for 15 years, and for the last 10 years she was cheating on you and bringing exotic diseases home to you every other night, then all of a sudden she behaves for a couple weeks, are you going to just assume her long history is all of a sudden changed over night? I know I wouldn't, but you make up your own mind.

  2. It is hard to not see George Wilson on that list - but Reed and Polamalu get those honors every time.


    I love that Wood is all-pro like that!

    It is no different then the the actual All Pro list or Pro Bowl, it is about their name. Polamalululu has been non existent in coverage this year, one or two big plays, otherwise he is invisible just like he was in the Super Bowl last year. He shouldn't have been Defensive Player of the Year last year, it should have went to Clay Matthews.

  3. My point is if you've got to move some seats, do it at a better time when emotions are riding high"er". Like after a win.


    And then frame it that you want the stadium packed for the team's late season playoff run.

    I kinda agree, but maybe the team is wary that after a hot start, with the fans excited, and the team playing great the season has started a downward trend, and are afraid if they wait too much longer they won't be able to give them away. This team was the talk of the NFL after 3 weeks, but in the last 5 games they are 2-3, every since Week 3, Fitz has as many interceptions as touchdowns and as been abysmal in the last two losses, and they are coming off a loss in which, quite frankly just about any team in the NFL could have beaten them. It would be a boost in sales if they go into Dallas and smoke America's Team, but then again if they were confident that they were going to do that, they wouldn't have to discount the tickets. I hope things take a turn upward, and what a better place to start then in Dallas, but my gut feeling isn't quite as hopeful.



    I did not want to post in this %$#@%%#### GO buy some tickets $#@^$$##@#$$



    WE ARE 5 - 3 with only one bad loss and that was to the jets.:wallbash: :wallbash:



    That is it and I am not saying any thing else.:wallbash: :wallbash:

    You didn't see the Giants game that we wrapped and put a bow on it for them, delivered by Fitz personally?

  4. Two days ago, everyone here was trumpeting how eminently beatable the Cowboys were/are – do we all still feel this way? Undoubtedly, we will see the same that the Jet’s threw at us, press the WR’s, clog the slot routes with LB’s and throw blitzes from all angles at Fitz…what adjustment will the Bills make that will be enough to beat Dallas? Frankly, the Dallas DB’s are not anywhere near as good as the Jet’s DB’s, so I say this game shapes up into more of a shootout…. say a prayer Romo reverts to the guy who chokes late in games….

    I think the key on both sides of the ball is going to be the pressure we can get on Romo and the pressure we can keep off of Fitz. Kinda worries me with Demarcus Ware against our rotating LT spot. Just about any quarterback in the league that gets the time to throw that we have given just about everyone except Beck, will be able to find open receivers all day long.

  5. How about some quality stuff like you post: "Ralph is cheap." That better? :thumbsup:

    I am not the idiot that comes in every post and enters that? I don't waste my time in telling people something they already know. You are whining to the wrong person. Oops, you better go, it is feeding time. :censored:

  6. when the Bills let Thurman, Andre, and Bruce go...Thurman found out via the ESPN ticker...well, the Bills just waived Ed Wang from IR...and I'm the one who told him before the Bills said anything to him directly

    Ed's joking about the way he found out but that's pretty low....find out via Twitter

    Wang is a pretty intelligent person and might just be joking around. Alot of times players on the IR who feel they are ready or close to ready to playing again, will request a release so they can sign on with another team. Not sure who would sign Wang if that was the reason, but the government doesn't owe China billions?

  7. Sure pal. You're a well documented troll who thrives on the Bills losing. The mere fact in a 5-3 season people would B word about the Bills cutting a 5th round linemen speaks volumes to your true intentions. You love misery.

    Whatever, I am sure I have been a Bills fan longer than you have been off of breast feeding from mommy if are actually off it yet. I have never thrived on the Bills losing, and have never been a troll like you just looking for ways to criticize people's entries. Go get a life or contribute something that actually comes from an intelligent place if you know where one of those places are. This thread has nothing about the Bills being 5-3 either, can't you read or are you just 10 or 11 years old?

  8. One loss and the miserable d bags come out to play. Like clockwork. :thumbsup:

    Not sure what you are talking about, this thread has nothing to do with a loss. Seems like you are the d bag troll who opens threads just to criticize other people's input. Why don't you contribute something useful once in a blue moon? Or at least read the title of the thread before you open your below the nose anus. :nana:

  9. Fair enough, however, I have to say that I have never heard a single fan of any team in the NFL ever propose the over the top conspiracy theories that I hear from Bills fans week in and week out.

    If you don't already, and really want to hear some whining about conspiracy theories and bad officiating calls on every play that doesn't result in a touchdown for the Bills visit the shout box while a game is going on. Every third entry is "another bad call against the Bills", "The NFL doesn't want the Bills to win", "We get all the bad calls", etc.

  10. Another brilliant pick by the Bills braintrust! :thumbdown:

    How did this new genius front office miss on that one? Aren't they masterminds according to alot of people on here? Another example of how they wasted their first draft in Buffalo. Hopefully Carrington and Batten keep developing, although I think in the long run Batten may be a little too small and be another Keith Ellison. I thought Moats was going to be involved more then he has, but doesn't seem like he has grown from his promising end to his rookie year. Troup has been a bust for a second round pick. Easley will probably never suit up in a game for the Bills (or anyone). Wang, Brown and Calloway are history. And Spiller, well is Spiller, turning out to be one of the worst first round picks in team history, considering how high he was taken and the fact that the team had two 1,000 yard rushers on the roster already.

  11. I know this may sound dumb so rip away, but was Chan really out coached or setting up the next game? Chan always says the season is long. So think about it. Yes I am sure he would have loved to win but watching the game it was called different then any other game this year. We tried things that I haven't seen all year long. Very few screens to FJ which is our bread and butter. Maybe Chan thought because we are at home and the crowd and all that was going for us would have been enough to pull off a win. I am really interested to see what kind of game he calls in 3 weeks. I think the Bills will have a chance to win also if they can weather the storm in NJ, the Jets will come out over confident and will want to put up a lot of points and close the game out early. I still believe in the Bills and Chan.

    You are joking correct? That is the ultimate excuse for being out coached, out played and just plain getting a butt whooping.

  12. Well Fitz and Williams were playing well until they got the money and then crapped the bed. I'm detecting a trend and we shouldn't sign Jackson and Johnson unless we want them to be terrible too.

    Not totally true, did you see the Giants game? Fitz didn't get his contract yet and he blew that game.

  13. Give McKelvin and Florence the Giants d line and they are borderline pro bowlers.

    Now you are talking nonsense? We have a Pro Bowler on our line (when he can play) and a rookie that most here think is the next All World player and McFumble and Florence still resemble a piece of toast.


    This has absolutely nothing to do with Ralph being cheap. He went from d-coordinator to head coach. It would be stupid for him to stay. He put this spot under his belt and it is way better he moved on and took another team under hi relm and got respect from them as well. To stay in Buffalo would be an insult and Chan said he wanted a 3-4 defense. Plus now with Dave W. here I would take Dave over Perry anyways. Give it a few and the Bills will be better. What happened yesterday is the Bills were manhandled all the way on both sides of the ball. That is either coaching or it's the play. For that to happen on both sides of the ball tells me thet jets were the better tea hands down. Even Wood was knocked back into the backfield and Freddie had no running lanes at all. Just hope they bounce back from this is all. Maybe the Bills needed a good ass kicking to show them that they are not all that and a bag of chips. Who knows......

    Just about anything that has ever happened in the NFL can fall under one of those two things.

  14. Stevie hasn't done anything like that since then. He was wrong then and he deserves kudos for knocking it off.


    Players chest bumping is fine. It's when the head coach chest bumps that it crosses the "in your face you losers" line.


    I don't remember Fitzpatrick running up to a Patriot DB and mocking him like that.


    You may not have a problem with the Jets doing what they did, but my hope is that the Bills players simmer on this game until it boils over starting with them unloading on Rex's brother Rob's team this week.

    Maybe Chan should have picked a fight with Rex like the Lions coach did with Harbaugh-second thought, that would have been ugly. I am glad that Stevie hasn't done that crap since then also (I was worried we were going to have our own Ocho Stinko here), I didn't like it when he did it and said so on here, although I took a verbal beating for it because I didn't think it was the neatest thing since sliced bread. I don't have a problem with emotion, and I didn't see anything that I would consider mocking either. I don't think the team is worried about any mocking either, and they shouldn't be. What they should be worried about is the butt kicking they received, and the embarrassing display of football they put on, and want to come back and redeem themselves, the other stuff is childish to worry about it.

  15. He is a kicker, and the injury seems to be to his hand.


    last time I checked, a place kicker didn't really need to use his hands much. Put a nice cast on the hand and send him out on the field!

    Actually it does affect his kicking, and his follow through motion. Did you see him almost miss the PAT with his bum wing? Watch any kickers arms, and they are normally out to the side for balance on the kick, it didn't look like he could lift his one arm. I believe the injury was to the shoulder after he landed on it making that touchdown saving tackle on the kickoff. Give Spiller a shot at kicking, there has to be something that someone drafted that high can do in the NFL.

  16. Ralph is cheap

    Fewell is a good coordinator, but he deserved a shot at the head coaching job here, so he split. Besides, the coordinator can only do so much. Give him McFumble and Florence at CB, and they will want him fired in NY also.


    This is getting really old and I'm starting to get tired saying this. But do you honestly believe Wanny has no input on this defense right now?

    Totally agree, just like do you really believe there is on reason why he was available and didn't have a job?

  17. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d823d1676/article/lt-jets-not-worried-about-bills-pretty-ball



    Revis clearly wasn't concerned about who would hear the mockery since there was a CBS camera filming him and he was screaming at the top of his lungs. Sad truth was that he was right. Question is now, what do the Bills do about this next time they face them?


    Sanchez runs up to McKelvin in the endzone after a TD pass and mocks him with the overly dramatic "excuse me ***hole" hands up brush by move.


    Rex Ryan chest bumping Holmes.


    The laughing and guffawing on the sidelines.



    The Bills were openly mocked at home to a divisional team that clearly has zero fear of them since they did this knowing they still face each other in three short weeks. Sorry, but I can't ever recall seeing this kind of brashness before. As a fan of the Bills, it was truly embarrassing. What will the Bills do about it? Are they afraid of the Jets? If I were Chan I'd show the mocking on a loop in the locker room during Jet week.

    What is the difference between any of that stuff and Stevie Johnson writing crap on his t-shirt in Cincinnati last season? Answer:Nothing, same thing. It was a big game for the Jets, they went from having a down year, to maybe putting themselves in control of the division. The Bills were jumping and chest pumping all over the place when we beat the Patriots, is that mockery?

  18. For all the athleticism this guy has, he doesn't even belong on the field.

    I would put him in for kick off returns ONLY. He just doesn't have the intelligence for the position. Apparently he feels running fast along side a guy is good enough. Who is coaching this dude? Is there nobody on the roster better than McKelvin?

    McFumble has been terrible every since he lost the opener in New England with his boneheaded play two years ago. Someone else who has also been very bad lately, is Drayton Florence. Seems like when he has a really good game, he follows it up with about a half a dozen pathetic ones.

  19. I was at the game in the 8th row and I saw the play at near eye level and it clearly looked like a pick to all of us who saw it. I was on the phone with my brother who was watching the game at home and he said it was a good pick by Wilson, that he had his hand underneath the ball. My question is why they never showed the replay at The Ralph??? They showed every other replay during the game, but this play was never shown, although it was on national TV. Was this because the NFL told the Bills not to show the replay so there wasn't any negative fan reaction? I have to wonder why they would not show such a marginal call on the Jumbotron. I am almost sure the NFL has an agenda. The Bills played like crap, but the refs were even worse.

    Have the Bills ever lost that the refs weren't terrible? Every time we lose, you have a few people that blame it on the refs. The Bills would have lost yesterday if the refs had white jerseys on and a charging Buffalo on their hats. I too thought that it was too inconclusive to overturn, but the officiating in the league this is has been terrible all around, not just towards the Bills. It is the human element, and the Bills just have to learn to adjust if they want to be a successful team. Just as many questional calls go in the Bills favor as do the other team.

  20. Actually the Jets maintain one "wild card" captain each week, usually for players facing former teams, so I guess Rex does this often. That still doesn't change the fact that he's trying to play games with us.



    Playing games is part of Rex Ryan's personality, it runs in the family. Who really cares if Maybin goes out for the coin toss, that is about as far as his "Captain" tenure is going to take him. The only thing that matters is what goes on in between the lines in between the whistles.

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