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Posts posted by billsfreak

  1. Ok, first Scott norwood is showing up, then the Kent hull pregame tribute video, now the whiteout with white towels?


    This is just setting us up for a fall.


    When was the last time any team in football had a whiteout?

    The Redskins last week. The Bills chased them whiteout of the stadium.


    Or wear a white tshirt over something with long sleeves, this isn't rocket science.

    Or just buy one from the dozens of stands that I am sure they will have selling them, which is probably at least part of the reason why they are doing a whiteout. They do it at the local high school every year, a white out, red out and a blue out-the student buy shirts for each one.

  2. Since Maybin left, the Bills have a better record than last year. The girls-in-green, not so much. Who's the winner here?...Does he really make them a better team? I don't think so.

    Do you really think Maybin leaving has anything to do with the Bills record improving? He was on the field before he left and he isn't now (for the Bills) so what affect did he have?

  3. I would venture to guess that he could get himself into becoming at least a contributing upgrade at the OLB/DE position within a matter of weeks. In regards to his sparkling personality, I could give a rats ass about that and I doubt the players would either. The bottom line is the guy was a tireless worker who produced.


  4. I'm not bashing you at all or intend this as an attack on your opinion, but how do you even get to a Merriman comparison in this thread? So since you mentioned it, the only way you could compare the 2 players were if Schoebel played with a partially torn Achilles tendon. If you watch the limited action Merriman saw before being placed on IR you would see how much attention the guy drew from the offensive line, so I disagree he played poorly at all. And how many solid defensive players did Aaron attract to the team while he was here? The number you're looking for is zero. If Merriman's surgery is successful and we give him a real shot to return, Aaron Schoebel on his best day couldn't carry his jock, so I respectfully disagree.


    And to some of the people here who flat out hate the guy(Schoebel) I don't see how you get to that point either, he played his ass off while he was here for some of the shittiest(worst in history) head coaches and to endure the absolutely miserable QB situation in team history had to be a never ending hell, so yeah, I'd retire too. If he wanted to return and get a couple of seasons to play for a quality head coach how can you blame the guy? Gregg williams, Mularky, and Jauron could easily force even peyton manning to early retirement.


    Since when is it a player's responsiblity to recruit players? Isn't that what a front office is for? It is even more evident, when the only positive thing people can say about Merriman being here was he recruited someone to play here, when if he produced on the field nobody would mention it. The people that try to defend the Merriman signing make me laugh, it is comparable to the drafting of Maybin, Williams and Flowers, just a total miss. I am not one who hated Schobel, in fact when he retired he was our best defensive player, hands down. Schobel was one of the very few bright spots on this team for the past decade, and he didn't leave with a crappy attitude or bail when things got bad like some people claim on here, because it was bad the whole time he was here. I don't think I have ever "hated" anyone who played for the Bills, but there were people who I disliked as a player, and some who they missed on-like Merriman.


    Ralph is too cheap to make this deal...besides all he ever got were garbage time sacks in games that didn't mean anything. He's just too small to play end and lacks coverage skills as a LB. He doesn't bond with his teammates and isn't fun to talk to in the media. He may have put on some weight since retiring so now he's too small and too fat. Ah its been a while since I've read you guys complain about Schobel, why else is he a horrible, overrated player and terrible person?

    Didn't he have a pick six against the Patriots in his last year on monday night in the opener, in big game that we should have won if not for McFumble's Bumble's?

  5. Does he miss the locker room or what? He seems to stop by one bills drive alot. Do we still pay him

    I think he left because he was tired of losing, so now is probably scratching his head. With our pass rush, we probably could still use him.


    I'm just not cool with him loosing his mojo when times were tough, and now starts showing up again when we're winning. This is a team w/ character and that act showed he had none. 1.If your girl dumped you when you were down on your luck, are you gonna take her back if you hit the lottery? 2. Since Poz said he wanted to play for a contender should we let him back too now since we are and Jags are struggling

    1. Yes if she still looks good in tight jeans.

    2. Yes he is better on his worst day then Merriman has ever been for the Bills.


    Times were tough for his entire time here, so he put up with it for quite some time. I think the switch in defenses had quite a bit to do with it.

  6. Personally, I don't like that Cincinnati gets such press about being an improved team when Buffalo is chopped liver to the talking heads. While it may be irrational, I also dislike Dalton by default.

    I think that is mainly because there were alot of so called experts that said the Bills would be improved, not to the level they have much none the less improve, as they showed signs of it the second half last season. Most people already had the Bengals with the #1 overall pick next year, their starting quarterback was holding out and they traded their #1 receiver. Actually, if the season were to end today, Marvin Lewis would be Chan's main competition for Coach of the Year and he probably would get it. Don't let it bother you what people say, it doesn't affect anything.

  7. Not for me to judge, but if you actually want my opinion, the bleach thing, although pretty self-deprecating, wasn't my best. See:




    On the other hand, I personally find it hilarious that people who consider themselves serious football fans obsess over what COLOR uniforms their favorite team will be wearing. I have seen that topic discussed with great frequency here, however, so I have to admit that I appear to be in the distinct minority on this issue.


    Humor can be a very individualized thing, so as I said, it's not really for me to judge.


    Here's something else I find hilarious - - am I again outside the mainstream, or would you agree it's funny? (note -- skip the initial chatter and go right to the song introduction at 1:28 into the 4:36 video clip):



    Who the heck is obsessing? Big difference between obsessing and discussing.

    My link

  8. Joe, you're just off on this one. You are giving WAY too much credit to Dungy, and not enough to Gruden. As a matter of fact you make points contradicting your own stance. Gruden not only "built" a strong team in the Raiders, good enough to make it to the super bowl, but then went on to beat that team the next year. You could say he had two teams in the same SB... Yes the Bucs had a strong D when he got there, built by Kiffen NOT Dungy. Gruden added the tough coaching and offense, and won the super bowl with that team when Dungy couldn't. Again, not touting Gruden as a coaching genius, but he deserved full credit for his superbowl. I would say more than Dungy with Manning. That team with Manning looked exactly the same before during and after Dungy's tenure for one reason...Manning. After Gruden left the Bucs, that team tanked.


    In reality, no one talks about McKay. The GM who REALLY built that team (not Dungy). He deserves credit as well.

    Thank you for your common sense.

  9. Why the frig do any of you care what uniform they wear?


    What about how the Jets like to wear white as often as possible - so anything to throw them off their stride is a good thing?


    How about - it's just something different to get excited about as fans and having loads of mental fans making noise on Sunday only helps the team?


    Just be excited folks. Stop looking for reasons to mope about or beat up an organization that's doing a good job right now. We're winning for the first time in ages and too many people want to beat up on the team like it's 2009.

    What board are you reading? I don't see anyone "moping around" because they are wearing whites, but instead are discussing it just like boards like this one are intended for? If the fans shouldn't care, do you think the Bills would have changed uniforms to begin with?

  10. Here's the official combinations which shows either blue or white pants. But hey what's with the all red? On xmas will a bill show up in every buffalo mall with a fitz beard. Fitz will look like a fool on the sideline in that get up


    Not sure how that can be official, when the official statement from the team said there were NO blue pants.

  11. Sure there's such a thing. A lot of people myself included thought the officiating cheapened steelers victory Seattle. Gruden couldnt take the team he built to the super bowl so he took someone else's .... That's a fact. And btw if you're looking for dumb comments how about the guy saying dungy can't coach? Kidding me? Turned Tampa from nothing into a force. And won a super bowl with colts. And before you say "manning" consider manning lost his only super bowl without him. Dude even came up a revolutionary new defense named after his team. Guy can't coach? Kidding me!?!???

    There is a BIG difference between outcoaching a team because they were unable to change personnel or gameplan after they forced you out and having a Superbowl stolen from you like the Seahawks did because of one-sided officiating. Please don't make things up for your argument, I never said at all that Dungy couldn't coach, actually I like him alot, but giving Gruden absolutely no credit for winning a Super Bowl because the team was "Dungy's Team", yet Dungy himself couldn't win a Championship with it is ridiculous. Gruden made some changes to Tampa's offense when he arrived, but the defense was pretty much intact. Gruden may have taken the team he built in Oakland to the Superbowl, but Al Davis chased him out of town before he could do that because he wanted a wide open offense which Gruden didn't run, as evidenced by his "Pound The Rock" slogan in Tampa on the way to their Championship. That is kind alike giving Chan Gailey no credit because Fitz was here when Jauron was here.

  12. That also cheapens the victory since he knew the opponent so well. Even the raiders were complaining how they were doomed because bucs knew all their plays and audibles.

    There is no such thing as cheapening a Super Bowl Championship. Wow, some people really make some dumb statements on this board based on their personal feelings towards someone. If the Raiders were complaining, then they got out coached, and were whining. If Al Davis didn't like it he shouldn't have forced Gruden out and accepted 4 high draft picks and about $8 million dollars for him.

  13. Keyshawn Johnson actually echoed similar sentiments about Gruden. Said that he was a liar. He also said he couldn't wait to get out of there and head for Dallas.


    I also thought it was dirty how he did the Raiders.

    OK it was a good argument until someone brought up "Keyshawn Johnson said." He obviously has an axe to grind with Gruden who punished him for being an idiot and anything but a team player. As far as the Raiders, Al Davis wanted him out of there because Gruden didn't throw the ball enough. If I remember correctly, the Raiders got 2 first round picks, 2 second round picks and millions of dollars for Gruden, so don't say "It was dirty how he did the Raiders", not to mention a 40-28 w/l record while he was in Oakland. Gruden is a good coach, better than alot of them that are head coaches today for sure. People say he won a championship with Dungy's team, a team that Dungy couldn't win one with by the way. I don't think he is terrible on TV, but he is much better on the sidelines than in the booth, you gotta love a coach that has fire in his eyes on the sidelines.

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