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Posts posted by billsfreak

  1. Of course your offense helps your D by sustaining drives. But that's it. Your defense needs to stop the opposing offense and get off the field on their own. Regardless of how well your offense is playing. Our defense hasn't stopped anyone all season with the exception of KC and the 'Skins. Our defense is THE major issue with this team. As poorly as Fitz has played, and he's played terribly in spots, our defense has been that much worse.


    I'm looking forward to the day when I can say the worst thing about our team is ANYTHING but this defense.


    GO BILLS!!!

    No that is not it, they don't help them by having so many turnovers either. Quite obvious.


    Don't forget the 23-0 Redskins blowout where he was so bad......oh wait, the Bills won that game sorry to blow your theory.

    I watched that game a few days ago again, and Fitz wasn't very good in that game. We should have had so many more points, but Fitz interception to Fletcher in the endzone as well as his fumble that just fell out of his hands cost us a couple touchdowns.

  2. It definitely wasn't his fault that we lost. But he didn't exactly play great either...

    It wasn't totally his fault we lost, but he played a part in it. We only scored 7 points, and he gave them that many or more from his turnovers. He hasn't played real good, much less great in quite some time now.

  3. ...Perry Fewell for head coach instead of Chan Gailey. I was in favor of Fewell becoming permanent HC and I still stand by that.


    Forget the defensive argument, Fewell even had more instincts on offense than Gailey had. Fewell knew Edwards was garbage and he clearly liked Fitzpatrick as his starting QB. Chan literally screwed up his biggest decision with his new team and first head coaching job in over a decade.


    If I were Nix I'd get rid of Gailey at the end of the season and beg for Perry Fewell to come back. I loved Fewell's enthusiasm. His career mirrored that of his players. Anybody else wish Fewell was the choice now? Any chance we can get him back here as our head coach?

    I agree the hiring of Gailey was questionable, but not anymore questionable then the hiring of Nix himself. He is the GM, so he is the one that has us a roster of "no names" and draft busts, and has one good pick out of two full drafts so far.

  4. All the low IQ fans are always going to blame the QB for any loss, but its a team game and the team allowed those 44 points, not the QBFans just don't get that this FO has basically ignored the O line in the last 2 years of drafts, and tried in vain to build a decent defense.


    Hows that Spiller pick looking now? WTH, any freaking O linemen that the 49ers drafted that same year would be an improvement over a RB that can't catch, can't block,can't find a freaking hole





    NFN, but what did you think would happen when an offense only does one thing well in the passing game. Those short quick out passes are going to get disrupted by teams with good defenses, that crappy O line doesn't allow the QB more then 3 seconds to throw so the QB has no chance to throw 5-7 step drop back, deep passes. I shudder to think what any other QB would look like behind that line.

    And is it the low IQ fans that give the QB credit during a win too? The QB didn't give up 44 points, that is correct (although with horrendous turnovers, they should shoulder part of the blame), but it wasn't the defense that only scored 7 points either. Actually, it is only the low IQ fans that would make a statement like yours.

  5. Not sure how the numbers turn out but this has to be the worst Defense in the league. They were opportunistic early in the season and caught some breaks but they were never a good unit. Same old story, can't pressure the QB, can't stop the run, and most importantly can't get off the damn field on 3rd down.

    Since the season started, the only this positive this defense has done is the turnovers, because otherwise they have stunk since the get go. Look at the yards this defense has given up all year, totally pathetic. Those turnovers kept us in games, otherwise we wouldn't be close to the 5 wins we have now.

  6. The homers will just blame it on all the injuries... never mind the fact that Bell is always injured. The sad fact is that the line has never allowed Fitz the protection like Tom Brady has.


    I still think this team will go another draft without obtaining a top tackle as they still need a pass rusher, and that will likely cause the demise of this regime.

    In the long run, this regime will be no different then the Jauron, Williams or Mularkey regimes. They will be here 3-4 years, then it will be starting all over again with another coaching staff and front office. Starting to think they do that just so we can stay in our decade plus long run of rebuilding.

  7. Im not ignoring anything. Fitz hasnt played well. Neither have most of the other 52 players, and the coaches. Everyone has basically sucked the last 2 weeks. It doesnt mean they all suck all the time. It means they've had a rough couple of games.


    There are still improvements to be made. I dont think that is any surprise. If anyone thought we were "all set" the year after going 4-12 then Im not sure they should be watching football.


    I'm merely saying that you cant just look at specific weeks. You have to look at the season as a whole. We're 5-4. We started on a hot streak, now we're in a bit of a slump. Ups and downs, they happen.


    Saying "Fitz sucks, he's a below average QB" is just as ridiculous as those that were saying "SUPER BOWL!" a few weeks ago. Just relax and let it play out.

    That took the lead for the "understatement of the season" so far.

  8. The Bills didn't beat the Pats in 2008. So no matter what happens this year, for me, it trumps that season.

    So as long as we beat the Pats once, if we suck ass the rest of the season that is good for you? Doesn't take much to please you does it? Making the playoffs for me would be 10 times more pleasing then beating the Pats in a regular season game, but I guess we aren't going to make the playoffs anytime soon, so we have to settle for a win against NE once every 8 years.

  9. Okay, I'll bite. Anyone else think David Nelson looked like a fool handing the TD ball to his girlfriend?


    I can see it if you're winning big or if you're at least playing like you belong on the same field with your opponent. But down 21-0 and getting absolutely strafed?


    Unprofessional. Sorry to be a wet blanket, but I cringed. I'm surprised the Cowboys didn't hand every scoring ball to her after that.

    I saw nothing wrong with it, and I am one who hates celebratory BS. Everyone knows it was his girlfriend, he didn't do it to show up anyone. If you didn't like that, then you must have been ready to hire a hitman last year when Stevie Johnson had that retarded stuff on his t-shirt. I bet there were alot more guys who were thinking "what a lucky SOB" then there were cringing like you were. Everything the Bills did yesterday was pathetic and you complain about this? Maybe it is a way for you to avoid thinking about the game itself.

  10. Any one of us here could have written the same thing. While our O isn't great, if we can't stop anyone it will not matter.

    Promo, why are you upset at this? It's all true.

    Because Promo hates all media types that don't say the Bills are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Almost like he tried a career in sports media and failed and doesn't like that other people succeed? Like you said, everything Casserly said was true and spot on, but that is what you get with a roster full of "no names."

  11. haha. this is probably the worst post of the day. Let's take a quick look at how Dallas jumped out to a ligting fast 14-0 lead and then see how much of that had to do with Fitz. Don't worry, this won't take but a minute. Dallas receives the ball and marches down the field like a well oiled machine and passes all over the hopeless Bills. Fitz watches the game from the sidelines. So that must have been all Fitz's fault right? Okay, Bills get the ball and decide not to block or even attempt to block one of the best pass rushers in the game and Ware sacks fit'z for a huge loss and the drive never has a chance. Fitz should have stoned walled Ware and thrown an 80 yard td pass to johnson. Again, Fitz's fault for sure. Bills give the ball back to Dallas and again they make Buffalo look silly and score easily. Fitz's fault again right?

    14-0 before the Bills even knew what hit them. Piss poor coaching and a Defense that looks like a bottom feeder. Pathetic!

    Why does everyone look for excuses for Fitz and blame other areas of the roster? Sure he doesn't play defense, but he is a big part of the reason why they are always on the field. Does it matter how many points the defense gives up, when the offense only scores 7 points, who in the hell are you going to beat with only 7 points. Lately Fitz gives as many points to the opponents with turnovers (ints and fumbles), then he leads the offense to himself. I like Fitz, and his story is a good one, but realistically he is nowhere an elite QB, not even a top level starter, and is more suited to be a really good backup. Bottom line is, this team is bad all around, but nobody wants to hear that. What was Fitz excuse against the Redskins with his fumble that just fell out of his hand, and the terrible throw on an interception-you can't blame the defense for that, they shut the Skins out and had 10 sacks. Was it the defenses fault against the Giants when we were in the Red Zone and about to take the lead when Fitz threw just a terribly short pass that got picked off and cost the Bills the game? I don't know why all the excuses, unless they are afraid all the "Fear the Beard" shirts will end up in the same box in the closet with the "Van Pelt Pelts", the Rob Johnson jerseys, Mike Williams pictures, Losman bobbleheads and Dick Jauron posters.

  12. Anybody watch or listen to the post-game press conferences the past two weeks?


    Chan's presser


    I'm hearing a lot of the same sentiment, and it seems to me that Chan has these guys convinced that it is simply a matter or execution, and/or playing harder.


    I don't think it's that simple. Yes, the guys played flat. Everyone would've liked to see the Bills get up for a big home game last week. Then after getting smacked in your own house, you'd think the Bills could've played with a little more passion down in Dallas.


    Here's the rub: Once again, the play calling has become predictable - on both sides of the ball.


    Screens don't work when DBs and LBs are sitting on short routes anyway. Defense needs to be able to make on field adjustments without coaches clearance.


    I could go on - but my point here is that even if the Bills were playing tough and "executing," there is still a lot of room for improvement in game planning and play calling.


    Here's to hoping that Chan is looking in the mirror and realizing that he (and the rest of the coaching staff) need to put the players in a better position to succeed.


    Anyone agree? or is it true that it's just a matter of the players needing to make plays?

    You get what you pay for. There is most likely a reason why Chan's name hasn't come up in a NFL head coaching job's discussion for a decade now, until the Bills last year.

  13. Im as dissapointed as any Bills fan of the teams effort the past couple weeks. However, we've seen how good these guys can play. We have a lot of pieces in place: A good QB, a Very good RB, good wr's, a good o-line, good safeties, decent linebackers, decent d-line.....


    It just seemed everything went against us these last couple games, but we're still 5-4, as opposed to 1-8 a season ago! We have a winnable game next week against the fins, and i expect our boys to come out firing, and play their best football.


    The past couple weeks wasn't nearly as good as this team can be. We've seen it already. When these guys play to their potential, we can beat ANYBODY. I will continue to billieve, and I billieve that this team will make the playoffs.


    Just keep the faith....Go BILLS!

    I love your optimism, and mathematically we still have a shot, but realistically, not a chance in that hot place down below us where the Devil lives. Injuries are a part of it, but all teams have injuries, we are just not a good football team right now. Fitz hasn't been a good QB for about a month now (maybe more), our WR depth is very thin right now and we have absolutely no deep threat of any sort, our OL plays good against poor defenses, but against any defense worth it's salt it hasn't been too good (injuries have taken a toll here, but it wasn't great to begin with), the run defense has been every bit as bad as last year, and the pass defense has been much worse then last year. After two complete drafts by this new "mastermind" front office, they have one legit NFL quality starter (Dareus), and have missed on most of their picks, especially the pick of Spiller who was a luxury pick on a bad team that didn't have the luxury of picking him. This team is 2-4 in it's last 6 games, and looking worse each week. Since Week 3, Fitz has more interceptions then touchdowns, and has made some really dumb throws. Right now we might have the worst Cornerbacks in the NFL, and you wouldn't have thought that coming in-McFumble is an obvious bust, McGee best days are far behind him, Florence has one really good game for every 5 or 6 terrible games. Quite honestly, the coaching has degressed also, especially the last two weeks, the game plan was horrendous (Jets game most of all). The Bills are going to regret the contract they gave Fitz, although presently there probably are no better options, he never will be an elite QB, and is a very good back up. I do think this team is still on an upward swing, but not quite at the upward angle we were hoping for after a good start.

  14. Speaking of cheerleaders, Why are the Jills so ugly? I'm sure there are beautiful women in Buffalo... They're hard to look at with mini skirts on, I dont even wanna look at them when the weather gets cold and they have to wear layers of clothing in the Ralph...

    I am not sure if I would go full on "ugly", but compared to just about every other squad I have had the opportunity to check out, they don't compare too favorably.

  15. Far from it


    But I must have forgot, Ralph is Cheap and is the reason why fans stay away!

    Roger Goodell and the NFL would never let the Bills move out of Buffalo, they are passionate and may not sell out the stadium, but they will flood message boards to complain that its because the Owner is cheap and won't put a good product on the field, or its a holiday, or its too cold, or they are already in the playoffs, or out of the playoffs, or the economy is bad, or its a bad team they are playing against, or they moved a game to Toronto, or they are ruining the tailgating experience by not letting them park where they want or take up multiple spots, or the Uniforms suck, or They got a flat tire on the way to the stadium...........

    Tell us how you really feel? Were you skipped over the day they passed out the humor cards?

  16. Yet they all would cry and complain if Buffalo built a dome for the Bills to play in because "It takes away the Home field advantage for teams having to come up and play in Buffalos conditions.


    PTR is correct in this, fans have hundreds of excuses they like to throw out for not attending games, all while saying just how great and supportive fans they are of this team.


    the post he made about how many tickets you buy is not him trying to be hollier then though, he was making a point that he can make it in for a few games a year traveling a long distance, and some posters here living in the area complaining that have a chance to support this team more are doing less


    Like the NFL slogan said, "You want the NFL, Go to the NFL". A pro Football team in your area is a privelege, not a right. If you don't buy tickets and go to games, the team will go somewhere that will buy tickets and go to games. or you can keep living in the fantasy world that some white knight will come riding into Buffalo and keep the team in Orchard Park forever bring year after year of championship teams to Buffalo

    Is your last name Wilson?

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