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Posts posted by billsfreak

  1. I fully expect Chan to use the "bunch" formation to pick and screen Stevie free from Revis on some slant routes. The Bills' offense is perfectly designed to free up a receiver against any one particular defender.

    I just read that quarterbacks have a Passer Rating of 2.9 when throwing towards Revis. Is he that good? More then that good, he is putting up Defensive Player of the Year numbers. Yes he is very, very good. Head Coaches and Offensive Coordinators for the most part know so much more then any of us fans do, and there is a reason they hardly ever throw towards him, and it isn't because the media has made him out to be good.

  2. 1. I hate his nickname. Red Rifle

    2. He throws a lot of ints. Overall record 9 tds and 7 ints. Almost 50/50

    3. They praise him AS IF he won the superbowl 7 times already. Even on Nfl network someone (vic carucci..i think), said it was the #1 rookie qb/wr combo EVER??????? Really?????????????????????????????????????????????


    If it was not for the great cinci defense, they would not have a winning record.


    Give me a break.

    Wow, are you bound up and can't take a crap or something? He is playing really well for a rookie on a team that's biggest weapon on offense is another rookie, and the team was expected by some to go 0-14. Dalton has a chance to be an elite QB, but it doesn't happen in a half a season. If that gets you that upset, you have issues.

  3. Man for all of us (including myself) that were thinking that letting go of Lynch may have been a big mistake SHAME ON US !!!!! :bag:


    Sure i will agree that we could have used the draft pick a bit better but it is one of the best things that have happened to this team !! By letting Lynch go it allowed the new coaching staff along with every one else to finally realize that Fred Jackson is all that & a bag of chips !! :thumbsup:


    I hope that they reward him with a contract fitting his out put & don't screw up !! :doh: And if Fred can show Spiller a thing or 2 while Fred is on a roll then all the better for the Bills !!! :worthy:


    Go Bills !!!!!


  4. Matt Cassell

    Jason Campbell

    Tom Brady

    Andy Dalton

    Mike Vick

    Eli Manning

    John Beck



    The John Beck led offense is exponentially inferior to any of the ones our defense had seen in the six games prior.


    The real question now is, where does the Mark Sanchez-led offense fit into this bunch??

    The Jets may not be living up to the hype (although they are just one game behind us), but they are obviously much better than the Redskins. I think the most we can hope for from the pass rush is to put pressure on Sanchez (I don't expect many sacks), and force him into another game with multiple interceptions, and bad decisions.

  5. From the Jets starting Guard Matt Slauson (when asked about the Jets position in the AFC East):


    "The Pats lost, the Bills are about to lose and then we've got the Pats."

    Wow, that is bad? They better watch out, now I am pissed!


    You sound like a jets fan. No one cares who you love or think is cool.

    No one cares that you think no one cares who someone loves or thinks is cool either?

  6. The two sacks Fitz took on Sunday were completely acceptable IMO. The Bills had a comfortable lead and he didn't try to force the ball; the look he wanted wasn't there so he ate the ball (and clock) rather than risk a momentum-changing turnover.


    It's a different story if the Bills are behind or in a close game; then, I want Fitz to be getting rid of it.

    As for the OP, there's no question Beck was overmatched, but from the start of the game it was obvious how much push the Bills were generating up the middle. That's a QB-killing scenario no matter who is behind C.

    Glad you corrected me, I was under the impression that taking a sack was a bad thing, regardless of the score? I thought that if there were no open receivers, a QB always is taught to get rid of the ball to avoid a sack, guess I was wrong. (hint:sarcasm intended)

  7. So all the media here in the Boston area are proclaiming that the Pats are now "tied atop the AFC East with Buffalo" - too bad they're not actually tied. We have the same record, but the Bills have a better AFC East record and, oh yeah, the BILLS BEAT THE PATS HEAD TO HEAD. Saying the Bills and Pats are tied is like saying I am tied with Bruce Smith for sacks this year....

    For all common sense purposes, they are in fact tied, as tie breakers only come into play at the end of the season. Now if there were a strike or cancellation of the rest of the season and they started the playoffs this week, then those tie breakers would mean something. We have only played one of our 6 division games, so it is a waste of time talking about tiebreakers.

  8. http://www.hogshaven.com/2011/10/31/2528355/a-look-at-all-9-sacks-by-the-bills-against-the-redskins


    They show an analysis of all 9 sacks and blame Beck for poor decisions on most of them.

    I'm not sure what to make of this. Did we get all those sacks because our defense is coming around or because Beck is bad?

    I think that it is a little of each and for reference would like to see an analysis of typical games where there are 2-3 sacks against better QB's.


    Anyway, being able to feast on the other team's poor play means we win games that we used to not be able to win.

    Not to take anything away from the defense, but Beck has hardly played in the NFL, and it was quite obvious. Would we have gotten 9 sacks against a veteran QB, probably not, but as bad as the QB pressure has been all year, playing against an inexperienced QB and bad OL might jump start the defense. Actually, the last few games, Fitz has taken a couple sacks that he shouldn't have either, but he usually does it trying to make a play, when he should be just getting rid of the ball.

  9. Classic billsfreak, LOL.


    When he's level-headed he can have some good takes but man, sometimes he gets so bent up.

    Are you stalking me, or just fascinated by my knowledge? I remember you saying "Fitz will be the quarterback of the future and sign a $59 million dollar contract." NOT! Sometimes maybe I get carried away but I am not getting any younger and don't want to spend my last 75 years on this earth with an addiction to a bad team.

  10. let's face it... Miami's season is done.


    I for one, do not want to face Andrew Luck twice a year for the next 10 years given his potential.


    So again I ask, should we be rooting for the Dolphins to get some wins from here on out?

    I will cheer for the Dolphins if it benefits the Bills, i.e., against the Pats or Jets, or at the end of a season if we need someone to lose to them for us to get in the Playoffs. There is alot of talk about Luck pulling a Eli Manning on draft day and refusing to play for an organization like the Dolphins, and he is only a junior so who knows what will happen. I will wait until this season is over before I concern myself with the 2012 draft.


    I've been rooting for Miami all season either because I wanted their opponent to lose or I don't want them to get Luck. It's important. Luck > Marino

    And if he equals Marino, the Bills had a pretty good record against the Marino led Dolphins.

  11. Flecher had 20 tackles, 0.5 sacks, and an Interception...plus a few brutal hits, including one on Fitz.


    Played with a chip on his shoulder today....always liked him as a Bill, and for a guy who was supposedly washed up 5 years ago when the previous regime decided not to re-sign him...I guess he had a lot left in the tank after all.


    Just thought the former Bill deserved a shout-out as he was the only Redskin who showed up to play today.

    That is nothing ordinary for Fletcher, he always comes to play and is a tackling machine. It is a shame it took him so long to get Pro Bowl notice, even when he was campaigning for it here in Buffalo, he didn't get it.

  12. It was kinda like a preseason game. A few real Bills fans (probably more than usual for this series), at least that many who were there just cause it was an NFL game, and a few fans of the other team. Cannons went off and they played the Shout song when the Bills scored, but the excitment level wasn't there in general. Oh yeah, and I blame the missed field goal on the misguided wave that was going around the stadium when they kicked it. :doh:


    Other than Bills & Skins, saw the following team jerseys:
















    Traffic wasn't bad getting there - my usual trick to go one exit past where they tell you to get off for the stadium again worked well. Not many NY license plates to be seen. Since there was no tailgating, the Loose Moose wasn't bad as sports bars go, and of course there was Keiths. :beer:

    I think the Toronto series really sucks for the Bills and I hope it ends after next year, but if I was forced to bet money on it, it will continue, and with a good chance of more then one game a year. The atmostphere is bad for a home game, when Chandler scored his first TD and tried to jump in the stands, the couple fans there pushed him away like he had a virus. This series is a money grab, the city of Toronto actually took notice this time to the negative comments from media and the players themselves prior to the game, referring it with quotes like this "It’s hard not to feel like we’re the rich kid the Bills are hanging out with just for his money."

  13. What happens if some of those media types are also Bills fans?

    If a media type is a true professional, they have to separate their personal favorites, from their professional job and try to report unbiased. Me personally, that would be quite tough, but more kudos to them if they can do it.


    Dude, lighten up. Second relaxing win of the year and you're wound way too tight. Every time the Bills win is not an indictment of Jerry Sullivan and other pundits who have expressed caution or even skepticism. Utilize the 24 hour rule and enjoy the win!

    Exactly, for a change, I don't have hands full of hair from pulling mine out and blood on the tips of my fingers from chewing my nails during the closing minutes of a game because I wasn't sure if they were going to hold on and win or blow the game like they did against the G-Men. Enjoy! Go Bills!

  14. Local guys, national guys, scouts, analysts, pundits, talking heads etc. There's horde of them that have proven that they don't have a clue.


    And it all starts with our village idiot, Jerry Sullivan! :)

    Dude, take a chill pill. Why get your panties all in a wad over what media people say? Why do some people let that affect them? Enjoy the win, a shutout win at that. What actually makes someone an expert anyway? Is there a certification test? Are you an expert? Find me a so called media expert who has predicted everything correct in this strange season and I will show you C.J. Spiller rushing for 1500 yards this season. This is a season where the Bills, Bengals and Lions are all 5-2 and tied for first place. The Colts, a team who averages 11-12 wins a season for over a decade is in last place at 0-7. The Bills quadruple their sack total from the first 6 games in one game. Chris Johnson is one of the worst running backs in the NFL this season. The Bills beat the Patriots to end a 15 game losing streak then turn around and lose to the Bengals and end a 10 game winning streak against them. Mike Shanahan has never been shut out in 286 career games, then gets shut out by a defense that has been playing simply pathetic. I could go on and on about the strangeness of this season, but I think you get the drift. Bottom line, life is more enjoyable if you don't get obsessed with what other people do or say. Enjoy the wins, you never know when the bottom might fall out of this surprising and enjoyable season.

  15. Chris Kelsay. Before his injury, Kelsay was playing as well as he ever has. I believe a significant part of the Bills' dropoff in pass rush coincides with Kelsay's injury.


    He will play a major role in Toronto on Sunday.

    I agree and have said several times that prior to his injury, he was probably playing better then anyone on the defense, and was about the only one putting any pressure on the QB. It would be great if he doesn't miss a beat and comes back at full throttle, might help to make up for the loss of Williams.

  16. Agreed. If he's completely healthy, he's a force the opposing team has to game plan against. BUT the Bills can't put all their eggs in one basket. Buddy Needs to sign Impacting Young FAs on Defense Next Season for us to be good, Maybe firing Edwards will help as well. Give Wannstedt the Job.

    He hasn't been a force in this league since Drew Bledsoe was quarterbacking the Bills and George Bush was in his first term as a president.

  17. Dude proved in camp and the preseason that if his tendon stays healthy, he still has it. Why not give him a shot at this point?

    Hell, bring Maybin back too, at least he can get on the field even if the doesn't contribute much, just like Merriman didn't contribute much. They shouldn't even consider him, bring in someone younger and healthier, or they will be in the same situation next October just like now.

  18. and here's the full story that just moved.


    Full story




    and to be fair to George, he wasn't "ripping" Toronto or its residents, simply the general lack of support the Bills get in a "home" game at the Rogers Centre as compared to playing at Ralph Wilson Stadium.

    I agree, he wasn't ripping Toronto at all, but the fact that the Bills have one less home game then every other team in the NFL (except the unlucky team that gets a home game in London-and that is a different team each year), year in and year out. Our frugal owner's money grab puts this team at a disadvantage every year.

  19. Certainly plausible. Merriman also got hurt after he signed the extension. So did Kelsay.

    The big difference between those two is before he got hurt Kelsay might have been playing the best of any player on the defense this year, Merriman got hurt high fiving or something before the opening kick off and the only time you heard his name was when he committed a penalty.

  20. Fine, if any other team in the NFL did it, he'd talk them up. He'd be talking about how they aren't afraid to take risks and are at least trying to make their team better, while the Bills sit on their hands and count their money. It's not even a double standard, it's stupidity. I'm sure you've heard now how he went on WGR and claims that we'll be swept by the Jets and lost at least 1 to Miami now. He's just a d!ck.


    I don't know how he can sit there and ignore that Barnett talked very openly about what a big factor Merriman was in his signing with Buffalo this summer. Same for Morrison. Regardless of the impact he's having now is a solid depth guy. Which is something that we don't have enough of.


    Now he's going to start banging the drum about how the Bills are stupid for letting Maybin go. You know the Maybin that last year Sully called the worst player in the NFL. Because now he has 3 garbage sacks. He's already laid the groundwork in this article.

    I am not criticizing Barnett, because he has been one of the Bills' best players so far, but training camp was well into session and nobody else signed him, so was he going to say no?

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