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Posts posted by billsfreak

  1. wannstedt moves to def coordinator


    Eric Mangini as new assistant head coach. has experience and a chip on his shoulder re the jets, patriots



    or vice versa, mangini new def coach, wannstedt still assistant head coach

    Mangini was offered a position with the Eagles right after the Bills beat them, and he said no. I would like to see Jeff Fisher, but no good head coach is going to come here with Wilson as the owner, he is a joke.



    9.) Given the NFL’s much ballyhooed system of parity, it leads me to speculate that the Buffalo Bills might just be the most pathetic professional sports franchise in North America.



    It's pretty tough to argue with this point... we made four super bowls in spite of ralphy boy, not because of him. those teams were bill polian's teams, not ralphs. when polian wanted to spend more to keep the team competitive, ralph stepped in and everybody knows how that story ended. and the only reason polian was hired in the first place was because ralphy stumbled upon him, and he originally came cheap.


    my question is and always will be...how did this clown make it into the hall of fame?!?!?



    It was no coincidence that he was elected when the NFL was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the AFL, and Al Davis and Lamar Hunt were long since members of the Hall. They had to celebrate it somehow, and he was the most obvious choice.

  3. I am 40 years old and never had a chance to be anything but a Bills fan as my father chose to be a Bills fan before I was borne. I have never rooted for another team. I hate the AFC East and can't stand the NFC. My life has been about the Bills. I study them. I pay for them. I support them. The Bills are not a "team" I root for..... they are my LIFE! They are my hobby. They are my entertainment. They are my WORLD!


    And for that.... I HATE YOU! You have given me "NOTHING" in the last 10 years of my life to celebrate. You have given me "NOTHING" to cheer for. You have given my "NOTHING" in return for my dedication! You have taken my LOVE for you and profited from it! Stole from me. Deceived me. Used me. Confused me. Lifted me up..... just to let me down.


    Well, I say...... STOP IT!


    I am TIRED of being a Bills fan. I am TIRED of loosing. I am TIRED of my friends laughing at me because I root for the Bills. I am TIRED of wearing my Bills T-shirts/sweat-shirts, jersey, socks, hats, drinking from my Bills mug, displaying my Bills memorabilia, rooting, cheering, cherishing, loving you and you will not respond. I am TIRED of being treated like YOU DON'T CARE!


    PLEASE...... I BEG YOU...... give me something. Anything. Show me that my dedication, love and honor for you are not lost in nonsense. Give me ANYTHING to justify a life of being a Bills fan. Give me something for a life of compassion, hardship and desire that will soon spring eternal.


    Just STOP! Understand that this is not a "business" for me. This is not an avenue of profit. This is not simply a game. You are WHO I am. I am a Buffalo Bills FAN! A FAN! Sick-to-my-stomach or peeing-down-my-leg-happy Bills fan!


    I love you Buffalo Bills. No matter what..... I love you. Please stop deceiving me and justify my love for you!


    P.S. For those "Flamers" who want to say..... "well, just hop off the band-wagon JackA$$!" I say.... FO! Prove to me that you are a bigger fan or sacrificed more than me. Real Bills fans know what I mean.

    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I consider myself a "real" Bills fan and know exactly what you mean. There are some on here that swear up and down that the Bills can do no wrong, Ralph is the greatest owner in sports and you can never talk negative about them. Us fans that are real, sensible fans, can see the truth. I love the Bills to and like yourself almost hate myself for loving them, but it isn't something at my age one can change.

  4. Correct - The Bills look more like a 5 and 11 team right now!!!

    I think the last 3 weeks, they look worse then they ever did last year in the 4-12 season.


    Still wondering why Geoff Hangartner was cut when this team clearly had a problem with o-line depth. BTW - Hangman has started 9 straight games in Carolina. So he is NOT an option to help the o-line anymore...



    I didn't think there was a question as to why he was cut, the almight dollar, like a good portion of the moves with this organization. I wasn't a Hangman fan, didn't care for the signing when they brought him in, but to think he was better then half of the offensive lineman that were on this team when they cut him is a freaking joke. Money rules in this organization, that is why they cut him and traded Evans and it isn't new to this team this year. A few years ago they cut their left tackle just days before the season opener.


    One of the most retarded moves the FO made this past pre-season. The o-line is as thin as a sheet of toilet paper - I'm sure they cut Hangartner to save a few bucks. Boy could they use him right now. Ralph may as well wipe his a$$ with the money he saved on this move.

    He cant he gave it to Fitz, so now that I think of it, almost the same thing.

  5. 1.) Is Ralph Wilson Satan because the first game he actually attended was the home blow out to the NY Jets and we all know the rest?


    2.) In all sincerity, the only thing that will allow this team to improve is Mr. Wilson ending up on the permanent injured reserve list; harsh, but reality!


    3.) I certainly have to take my hat off to Mr. Mortensen and Mr. Clayton both from ESPN, even I thought the Bills were better than a preseason 27th Power Ranking; Clayton’s line about getting ready for the Luck sweepstakes was prophetic!


    4.) For a cheap guy, Mr. Wilson spends his money like a drunken sailor in a whore house: Merriman, Fitzpatrick, Mayben, Jauron, Brad Smith, Dockery, Langston Walker, Spiller, and the list goes on with high draft pick busts, free agent busts, and coaching busts.


    5.) Word of advice always wait for a full body of work before handing out pay raises and bonuses; corporate American calls it the “annual review.” Freddie Jackson, if Fitzpatrick was an honest man he would give you half of his pay increase because he certainly cost you yours.


    6.) Chris Kelsey actually looks like he is worth 24 million next to guys like Batten and Moats; good guy, average player, wasted career, but certainly not his fault.


    7.) How do we like the “pop” pistol offense now? Spread offense with a quarterback that has a dish rag for an arm and a bunch of low or free agent wide receiver draft picks with no size, strength, and probably averaging 4.7 speed as a unit, give me a break. Hypothetically, how much better would this team be with a power running game featuring Lynch and Jackson, signed one or two free agent tight-ends like Kevin Boss and/or Greg Olson, Chicago gave him away for next to nothing, drafted Bryan Bulaga instead of CJ Spiller, kept Lee Evans and maybe signed TO for a possession guy to move the chains? I might add an offense much more suited for the abilities of Fitzpatrick (see Tim Tebow). Granted the defense still sucks, but a grind it out offense would help manage the clock and keep the league’s worst unit off of the field for the benefit of good paying customers.


    8.) Does anybody else feel Indianapolis would be favored if playing Buffalo next week?


    9.) Given the NFL’s much ballyhooed system of parity, it leads me to speculate that the Buffalo Bills might just be the most pathetic professional sports franchise in North America.


    10.) Is it me or do players regress when coming to Buffalo? It seems like the learning curve is negatively sloped for the Bills; Dareus appears to have hit a wall, Brad Smith looked way more potent with the Jets last year, and Gruden thought Spiller was once a lock for NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year? Also, it looks like Maybin learned a thing or two since leaving.


    11.) Lastly, I sympathize for the hard working journalist from the Buffalo News and Rochester D&C that actually have to cover this joke of an organization for a living. Being home town papers they are certainly emotionally invested in this bunch and having to sit through this non-sense game in and game out has to be brutal, because, unlike me, they can’t turn the TV off and simply walk away!

    I agree with everything you said except #4-I am a retired Sailor who spent more than my fair share of time in whore houses overseas, and I was never as dumb with my money as Ralphy Boy is. The "free agents" I spent my money on were for the most part, well worth it!


    So that's what we're left with, waiting for the owner to die? As painful as it is to watch the Bills implode, I'm not ready to start rooting for someone to die so we can win more games.

    I would never hope someone would die, but to wake up tomorrow and find out that Ralphy sold the Bills to someone who gives a rat's ass about winning would be the best Christmas gift ever.

  6. By all accounts, Posluszny is having a spectacular year for the Jags, whose defense is ranked fourth overall in yards allowed and 6th overall in points allowed. Last year, they were 28th in yards given up and 27th in points allowed. Obviously, that's a huge improvement. Through 9 games, Poz has 72 tackles, 6 passes defensed, 1 INT, and 3 stuffs. I'm certainly not regretting spending money on Nick Barnett, but given how much cap room the Bills had, I'm starting to think that they should have ponied up to keep Posluszny as well. Despite what the naysayers think, he's a good starting NFL LB, and lord knows, it's not as if they didn't have the money to keep him. After Barnett (71 tackles, 1 sack, 3 passes defensed, and 4 stuffs), productivity among Bills LBs is truly pathetic, and the safeties are racking up most of the tackles. Sometimes you've gotta spend money to improve ...

    Like I have said from the beginning, "Bills Loss". Not the smartest front office we have here by any means. Poz wanted to stay in Buffalo, just like Pat Williams and a few others have.


    I find it funny that 3 guys that we thought sucked have gone on to play with other teams with good defenses and are productive. You mention Poz who is starting on the #4 defense in the NFL. Whitner is starting (I think) for the 7-1 49ers and Maybin is making sacks and forcing fumbles for the Jets D.


    Maybe it's our defensive coaches that can't put these guys into positions to maximize their strengths?

    Everyone thought Maybin sucked, but if you thought Poz sucked, then you weren't watching many Bills games.

  7. . He's a number 1 because he caught 2 passes vs revis? He's a number 1 because we don't have anyone better. He's a pretty good WR. He might be worth 10 mill a year to this team or possibly another team that doesn't have any better WR options, but I don't think he's a good number 1. He's a good #2. Not worth 10 mill in my book. Hopefully he'll take 7-9 per to stay in buffalo. I like the guy a lot, but he's not a true difference maker.

    I totally agree. He had a good year (and caught the league by surprise) as a #2 last season, that doesn't automatically mean he is going to be a good #1.

  8. And I have a hard time believing anyone would give a **** who a football player gives a ball to. :wallbash:

    Exactly, if any of the people complaining about this were in the front row at the Ralph and the Bills were getting their butts kicked and Nelson came up and gave them the ball, they would think he was God.

  9. Brady is a top 5 qb of all time. Should possibly be inducted into the hof while he is still playing. Comparing fitzgerald to him is Plain stupid. Brady does things and makes reads that ally of dc's can't see and he does it in about 3 seconds.


    We are seeing a few things here. We have some pieces in place but not even half but we are getting there. Our lack of depth at even serviceable positions is pathetic. I think the fact that we went 8 weeks with our current weaknesses is actually a testament to our coaching staff. Intact taking this team to 8-8 is a huge improvement a winning record would be icing


    I have also thought most of this year that Steve Johnson is not worth nearly the money he is asking. You lock Fred up for the remainder of his career and you offer sj13 an average no 1 reciever contract and get his twitter authenticated because that is what he deserves. Wr is still a position of need. If an an green slips to around 15 you jump. Of a first round prospect falls to the second you get it. Other than that you got to find some help at pb it needs help and depth. I actually think we only need 1 more corner. Regardless of draft choice I think we would be significantly better here with 2 more lbs

    There is no doubt Brady is an all time great, and Fitz will never be good enough to carry his underwear, but that statement is stupid.

  10. When he scored, the Bills were down 21 - 6. We were losing. Looking at her, when David Nelson gave her the ball - he was the ONLY guy on the Bills who wasn't losing! What a beautiful woman!! Wow!! :worthy:

    That is true, very true. He showed no disrespect towards the Cowboys in any way, and was showing his feeling towards his smoking hot girlfriend. If he had dropped to a knee and proposed it would have been all over CNN, and people on here would have thought it was great.

  11. +1.


    The Bills' problems stem almost exclusively from their relatively low talent base. The head coach is not the problem.

    For the most part the Bills are a middle of the road to below average franchise at all levels-players, coaches, front office and ownership. With all that against you, it is hard to be successful. Sure the Bills always have two or three good players, all franchises will it is just the odds, but for the most part we never have playoff caliber talent, and we never have coaching that can make average talent play above their potential for any extended length of time. Someone said in an earlier post that we are in just year 2 of tearing apart Jauron's team and rebuilding. Well in his second year we were in year two of tearing apart Mularkey's team, and he was tearing apart Williams' team, it is a never ending cycle for us.

  12. The most embarrassing thing about this board is your post.



    yes wouldn't allow it...can't have it. NO WAY this aint fantasy football tells me how "serious" you are. And I love him as a player but that move was very amatuer.

    The word is amateur, and that is what your spelling and thought process is. It isn't his girlfriends fault, or Nelson's fault for that matter that the Bill are back to being, well-The Bills, so get your polka dotted panties out of your butt and get over it. All the problems this franchise has had for a decade and a half and still has, and this is what people wanna B word about here? Must be one of those that sees no negatives with this team and makes excuses for every crappy player on this team.

  13. Jerry Jones is as media conscious as anyone and I seriously doubt he'd risk the backlash for something so harmless.

    I think you are correct, Jerry Jones is a power hungry, money monger with a messed up plastic surgery face, but stupid he is not. I am not sure how anyone could conceive anything negative from this, and there would be a backlash if she was to get fired.

  14. When billsfreak is the voice of reason, you just know the OP is completely out to lunch.

    I will take that as a compliment. Thinking about the game yesterday, is there any other positive things you can say about the Bills other then, David Nelson has a hot ass girlfriend? I can't think of too many others.

  15. Yeesh, the news just keeps getting worse. Here's to a complete recovery Eric.

    Again! Sounds like another player with potential to be a really good one, but can't get away from the injury bug.


    Was that the same leg that was broken against Jax 2 years ago? Not good in the long term. Who else is left from the Jason Peters trade?


  16. When we get a legit coach, or legit FA signing that makes people want to watch. Right now, if you are not a Bills fan, why would you want to watch a bunch of no-name players drop the ball (Donald Jones! and Johnson!),a no name quarterback who is vastly overpaid now over throw wide open receivers and throw numerous interceptions on bad throws, and watch a defense that couldn't stop Oklahoma State at this point.


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