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Posts posted by Pilsner



    We as a society are morally superior to his time. Less violent, less hateful and much more tolerant, IMO


    Society has become more lazy and more tolerant for government handouts. People are less hard working and are more sue happy. There are less block parties than 20 years ago. Neighbors don't talk to each other or even bother to know each other like in years past.


    Morally superior you say?


    Look at the shows on tv nowadays. So much garbage. Good newspapermen from years past would turn over in their graves if they could see what is transpiring now.

  2. Give Tuel at least first half reps. I am starting to rethink Leinart's value to the team but at this point I think Tuel has 2nd string potential and if you ask him then more. With what little Tuel showed in college why in the hell did the Bills and NE and who knows who else show interest in him? Tuel must have displayed something interesting. He'll have his ups and downs but by golly he has something most of us can root for. He's smart, takes command of the situation, doesn't get rattled easily and is confident in himself. We should rally around Tuel Time.


    I believe he's the type of guy who thinks he can win against the Pats if given the chance. This is the type of guy teammates can follow.



    I'm with you, man. I've got way too much else going on in my life to spend time pouring negative feelings and anger into football. If Jeff Tuel is our starter week one, no matter the weird circumstances that brought us to that point, then he has my full-throated support.


    It's Tuel Time!


    That's it jimmyo. If Tuel is our starter week one then this young man needs our support! I hope EJ will be ready but if he isn't then it will be Tuel Time and his Tuel box (we silly fans) will and should be cheering him on!


    Manuel Overdrive and Tuel Time... Not a bad combo.


    Fear the pessimism...





    BUMPS, bumps, you say; the Bills have honed the concept of football "bumps" to a fine point. Bumps, the past decade plus has been characterized by "bumps." Don't lecture us about bumps....


    Yes, bumps I say. From your ROTFLMAO, can I safely assume you have already hit the panic button more than once? Laugh and panic all you want. Hold a level head Keuk and don't mock so easily. You are not inspiring optimism.

  5. If fans showed up with Tuel/Tool belts with plastic hammers and plastic accoutrements that would !@#$in rock. If Tuel starts game one he MUST be supported!! This man knows he's climbing a steep hill. It will NOT help if he sees the Bills Fanatics being pessimistic a-holes and making excuses for his demise. He's a Bill. Support him you bipolar peoples.


    Too many fans on here can't handle some bumps. This is just a sport. What if the lights went out for a few months. Handle adversity people.

  6. Leinart is just an arm for a week or two. If he expects more he's delusional. He doesn't have Marrone mentality.


    On a side note in the past I submitted Chixey which to me represented Chan, Nix and Whaley. SJBF then offered great advice and solidified it to Chixley. But now is a new era. I now submit Wharroney. It is of course not set in stone and any good modifications are more than welcome. I just don't yet know how to incorporate Pettine. SJBF offer your input again. Any other input is welcome as well.


    Perhaps Perroney? Just a cheesy shot in the dark.

  7. Society just seems to be degrading. If someone wants to hurt others they will find a way whether it's with a gun, knife, car, home made explosives, a bat or whatever they can get their hands on.


    Banning items isn't the solution otherwise we will end up banning every sharp object imaginable. Whether some of us have kids or not we must try to express to them how important respect is. Self esteem is nice but what does it mean if kids don't learn to respect others? We as a society must try our best to turn this thing around even if some parents aren't willing to. Do we have a choice? I suppose we can sit back and watch things unfold and go to crap and complain. I'd rather we all do something about it. The alternative is ****.


    For the most part we've let society slide too far and we've been ok with it. It's up to us to make sure we have good neighborhoods. Befriend your neighbors and cultivate some sort of neighborly bond if you haven't already done so. If we rely on each other more so than on the government then we'd be in better shape. Be self reliant as much as you can. Rely on yourselves and the ones you trust.

  8. Solitude with God? That's a tough question to answer. What's the definition of God? There seems to be many religions out there with varying views on what God is. Most of my friends in the new area where I've moved to are Christians. I'm open to their viewpoints and willing to listen to a certain degree. I've been an agnostic for a while. I believe in some sort of higher power but I won't follow blindly. I don't need a God for me to be confident in myself or to know I am doing the right thing. I care about people and help them and I don't need a God to aid me in that endeavor. I don't like it when people say they are God fearing. I'd rather them be more at ease and hear them say they are God loving. If God is really fair then there is no need to fear him/it if you are a good person in your own right.


    I think honestly if you just always try to do the right thing then you'll have a good prosperous life. If you have problems figuring out what the right thing is then well... you just have problems.


    The Bible has a great deal of good advice about life. I guess some people need that advice more than others, and that's ok.



  9. Webster, I like your post but I have to respectfully disagree with the percentages. History is full of talented teams/armies/groups who have battled but were defeated by superior tactics by coaches/generals/admirals/leaders.


    I know in this regard you are talking about just football. It's a game of strategy and tactics still. As in a chess board where both sides are fairly equal in talent, the difference is the coaching and decision making at particular, well every point in the game. Great coaching and proper leadership makes quite a bit of difference.


    It's not solely player talent or coaching. The team must draft well and be coached well to succeed. It's a combination that is complementary. But do not so easily disregard coaching. Appreciating good coaching, decision making, putting players in the right place to succeed cannot be overstated. It's a mix of proper coaching, placement of talent and timing.


    I would say 5% is a bit underrated.


    I'm just giving you a hard time though :)


  10. I was one of the fans who foolishly thought Wanny was going to revitalize this D but I was wrong. If he's now outdated I'm wondering what a current defensive philosophy would do in the early 90's. How far can defensive schemes progress? Is it dependent on following and trying to stifle the progression of new offensive philosophies? Will this turn into a circular pattern? What is the limit of an offense's progression through out the coming decades and then the defense's? I suppose yearly rule changes come into play here.

  11. One less idiot to worry about. I'm wondering if he's now sharing the depths with previous fools. Perhaps new idiots will be forthcoming. Sad state of affair when an individual bumps into three vehicles and then takes an unexpected swan dive into the devil's urinal. I laughed, I felt bad, then I laughed again. Bowery, do you think he was on something?

  12. Some people get so down on our Tuel. He's human just like any 1st rounder and he will have his ups and downs as a rookie. Sure being undrafted will most likely mean he won't turn out to be a great one but that doesn't guarantee it won't happen or that he might not turn into a capable backup. Let Tuel sharpen his tools without stating categorically that he's trash. Would the naysayers have tossed Warner to the trash heap without first giving him a better look? He's a Bill and he shows potential, so support him.


    Tuel Time!!!

  13. This team is just better coached than in the past decade plus of futility. Add in young talent with lots of potential and it's a nice recipe for optimism.


    EJ shows a lot of poise. All he needs is more time with the starters playing against starters. He doesn't seem to get rattled easily. I can't believe how fast he gets the plays going compared to Kolb. I think all he needed was the right teacher and now he has it. Let's see if he can continue this. So far so good.



    Byrd is getting on my nerves at this point. Put that contract bull---t aside and join your team already. He's going to get paid what a tagged player gets paid anyway. How can you sit back and watch your team play as good as they are right now and not want to join them?


    I could be wrong but isn't his agent Eugene Parker? I wonder if some teams, just some teams avoid drafting certain players if they are represented by agents such as Parker who can be a pain in the ass to deal with. I'm most likely wrong but just wondering.


    Overall I think drafting a player who the team thinks will pan out overrides any risk of dealing with an agent who will severely gum up the works of his client signing a new contract.


    Eugene seems to be doing his job well for his clients but he is such a pain to deal with for teams.


    Also, yes the Byrd situation is getting on my nerves as well.

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