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Posts posted by Pilsner

  1. The Philly press are very critical of Demetress Bell, who started for the Eagles yesterday. They say he was the main reason Vick was getting so much pressure. They also see Jason Peters as the best LT in pro football.


    Jason Peters the best LT? Ok, sure, they can keep thinking that of it makes Philly feel better. I'm sure Glenn won't even notice, and just keep plowing the road.



    Every minute of those 60 minutes is equally important. I don't understand why we should have special rules for the last two minutes. Why is a fumble or incomplete catch in the 5th minute of the game any different from the one at the 59th minute.


    I agree fully that every minute, every second even is equally important. But if I pressed my point for every second, then a game could last 10 hours possibly. But it's more football, so maybe that's not a bad thing.

  3. I'm one who hates extra rules and regulations in any phase of life but perhaps in the last 2 minutes of a game, extra scrutiny can be placed to get calls right. Even calling penalties that normally couldn't be called when reviewed. If this idea is taking it too far then say so cause I hate extra rules. I'm normally a let em play kinda guy.

  4. Some of you who have seen Shawn of the Dead probably got an inkling of a silly attempt at a play on words before opening this post. This is just a temporary change of pace (most likely a blip) with our infatuation with the Bills.


    Do you guys and gals recall the point in the film when the main characters bump into another group who dress and look like them? Sometimes we hear that maybe we have long lost twins out there or someone who looks like us. Is it possible we Bills fans, we happy few posters might have long lost twins or dopplegangers or whatever out there who happen to be just as infatuated with...let's say the Phins? It could be any team we consider a rival. Is there a misguided Senator, SJBF, John from Hemet, eBall, PTR, Shoretalk, Bowery, or even a HowardPearlman in fish jerseys posting just as emphatically about their team? It would be odd as hell to run into our dopplegangers at a game.


    This post has absolutely no factual basis but is meant as a temporary change of pace to the near meltdown to the TJ acquisition.


    If you even have the slightest suspicion that you have a long lost twin out there rooting for the wrong team then post your concerns.

  5. Well I suppose that's one way to look at it. So the Bills would be more secure with VY and Thigpen as backups? You have more optimism in those two than I do.


    It's good to know you are looking forward to Buddy and Chan being ousted. I guess they should stop trying to improve the team pronto and give up before yet another informed fan criticizes them.




    In the likely event that Fitz falls flat on his face trying to run our quirky offense, can we bench him and put in T. Jackson? How many wins can we expect in that scenario?


    This deal is the most retarded thing I've seen us do in a while. It equals more IN-security at a vital position, and more security for a QB who DOES NOT deserve it.


    The only good that comes from this will be the ouster of Buddy, Chan, and their smarty-pants QB. -That's all I'm really looking forward to.

  6. John, your theory makes sense. I haven't been able to watch any preseason games but from what I've read on here it would be a debacle if Fitz missed some games. Although Tarvaris won't set the world on fire, he's someone who I think Gailey can work with and hold the rains for a bit. I'd be more comfortable with him in than VY or Thigpen for sure. Honestly at this early stage, without even knowing what Gailey can do with him, I'd feel better about upgrading the back up qb situation next off season. But for now this is an upgrade and for cheap imo. I'm fine with this. Some may want Fitz to be upgraded but that is a totally different discussion. I'm curious to see if Gailey will try to mold the offense to Tarvaris' strengths if he happens to be called upon.




    My own personal opinion.....


    - The bills knew Thigpen wasnt the answer last year

    - They took a chance that VY might have something.......but he was slow to grasp the playbook....then in a short amount of time in the preseason game before last he looked decent......but then he fell like a ton of bricks when he got extended time against Pittsburgs backups......his body language and play looked VERY bad.....almost like it was affecting the other players I cant even describe it.......


    It was after that game if I wonder Nix and Gailey started talking about what happens if Fitz goes down for any period of time this year......NEITHER of our backups have shown any reason that they might be able to manage the team.....they saw an opportunity get get a QB who was young......was a recent starter.......wasnt a locker room cancer.......who has PLAYOFF experience. And they took a chance with a draft pick so late that they might not even make the team anyway


    Personally....I dont understand the complaint......for a 5-6th round pick you are getting a young veteran QB....for your backup......if he was a great QB then he would be starting somewhere.......even the seattle hawk fans think he is the perfect backup QB......so why wouldnt he be the perfect backup QB fo us?


    Kudos to Nix for trying to fix a glaring problem on this team the best way he can

  7. To the folks who say this is bad trading for a qb so late; well that's one way to look at it but you can also just as easily say that Chixley gave VY and Thigpen every opportunity to prove themselves but they couldn't hack it and it was time to cut the cord. Some regimes will hold onto bad performers hoping to prove that they are worth keeping in the end. It's not an easy decision to admit you're wrong but I'm glad the FO is willing to do what is necessary even if it's not popular with some here.

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